Book Read Free

Out of The Box Awakening

Page 40

by Theriot, Jennifer

  Chapter 32

  My phone rings. The Maroon Five ringtone. It’s Todd.



  “Big day, huh?”

  “Yeah, something like that!”

  “Well, I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinkin of you. Be strong! Love ya, girl!”

  “Thanks so much! I appreciate it! I’ll let you know how it goes. Ash will be out of town, so I may need company. Maybe you and Kyra can come over tonight, that is if you aren’t curled up in a puddle of love!”

  “Well, she’s got a major test, so the only lovin she’s gonna be doing is with a text book and her lips will be licking a Starbucks coffee cup and not me, unfortunately. I’m down to visit if you’re up for it. Call me when it’s over. Promise?”

  “I promise! Thanks for calling, means so much!”

  Tommy sends a text. “Olivia, kick ASS today! Thinking of you. Celebration time is just around the corner! Love!”

  “See, you’ve got so many people in your corner. It’s gonna be okay, Liv. Strength in numbers!”

  The house phone rings. Ash answers. “Hello? Oh hey Ellen. Yeah, we’re just having coffee. Yeah, I’m headed out to North Carolina. Yeah, she goes to court today. It will be final. Yeah, she’s a bundle of nerves. Yeah, here she is.” He gives me the phone.


  “Hi, Ellen.”

  “Look, I know you’re trying to get ready and all. Just wanted to give you my support. I’ll be thinking of you today. If you want to talk, or grab a drink tonight, I’m here for you. I know big brother is out of town. Love you dear!”

  “Thanks so much Ellen. I really appreciate you calling. I’ll be in touch!”

  Ash and I go into get dressed. He’s in a suit, sexy as hell. “God! You look amazing!” I tell him.

  “And you? What about you pretty lady? How am I gonna get through this week without you? You look pretty amazing too, soon to be mine!” I walk him out to his car. I could cry now if I really thought about it. I’m scared to death and I don’t want Ash to leave, but I know he’s got to.

  He senses my apprehension. “Liv, honey it’s only for a week. I promise, when I get back, I’ll put everything on the back burner and I’ll devote every waking minute to you.”

  “Ash, I understand, really. I’ll miss the hell out of you and I’ll text you when it’s over.”

  “No, Liv, no texts. Call me. I want to hear your voice. I want you to tell me it’s over, that the divorce is final and I want to hear you tell me that you’re finally mine!”

  “Ash, I’ve been yours, you know that!”

  “But I want you to tell me that you are free, legally free to be mine! Promise?”

  “I promise, Ash! You’ll be the first call I make.”

  “I’d better be!”

  After he leaves, I’m a bundle of nerves waiting for Abby to pick me up. I walk around the house and find that if I think about it enough, I could just hyperventilate. I keep breathing. Breathe, Olivia, breathe. I put tissues in my purse, just in case. I’m sure I will be a bawling mess after this is over. I don’t know why, but I know myself enough to know that I’ll probably have a minor meltdown. God! I wish Lainey were here with me. My rock, my best friend in the whole wide world.

  Reba comes in. “So, Miss Olivia, big day today, and don’t you just look beautiful! I want you to know that I’ll be thinking good thoughts!”

  “Thank you so much Reba! That means so much!”

  She takes me into her hefty arms and gives me a reassuring hug. “Honey, you’re gonna do just fine. The apple cart is tipped your way today. I’ll be thinking of you!” She gives me a kiss and goes about her work.

  Abby finally arrives. I’m ready. I can do this! She pulls up in the driveway and knocks on the door. Reluctantly I go to it and open. “You ready?”

  “Yeah, about as ready I’ll ever be.”

  “Well, let’s go get this over with!” I get in the car. My hands are clammy. My nerves are about to explode. “It’s going to be all right kiddo! We’re 99 percent there.”

  We speed off in her BMW. I’m just glad that I don’t have to drive myself. We arrive at the courthouse. She parks the car and we walk into the courthouse. As we go through security they check my purse and wave a wand over me. It’s such a formality, but necessary, I guess. After all, someone could have a gun I guess. After we get through security, we go up the elevator to the courtroom.

  Abby ushers me in. “Olivia, remember this is just a formality. The judge knows that both parties have agreed to all the terms. It’s just a matter of him giving his final blessing. There will be nothing unexpected. Just formalities, understand?”

  I look her in the eye. “Yes I understand.” We go into the courtroom. Alan and Kelly, along with Alan’s attorney are already there. Alan looks over at me.

  Abby, my little bulldog nudges me slightly. “Don’t look at him Olivia. Just look at the judge. Keep your eyes over here kiddo. You got it?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  My heart is beating really fast. This is it. My thirty-year marriage is about to be declared over. I take a deep breath. I think about my kids. I think about Ash. They’re all on my side. I think about Todd and his F-bombs, which makes me smile. To calm my nerves, I imagine that Todd is sitting here beside me saying, “This is about to be fucking over! Fucking Ass fucking over!” That’s exactly what he’d say!

  The judge reviews the pleadings, ask questions of the attorneys, and it’s all a blur. The only thing I hear is his gavel banging down, declaring “divorce granted”! Abby helps me to get up out of my chair. I see Alan and Kelly get up. He makes his way over to me.

  Abby stops him cold. “Olivia, let’s go!”

  We walk to the elevator. Alan and Kelly come out to where we’re waiting. Crap! Just who I didn’t want to see. I am on the verge of a breakdown and I surely don’t want them to see me cry. When the elevator doors open, Abby motions them in. “Thanks, but we’ll wait for the next one.”

  Alan looks at me and mouths the words ‘I’m sorry’.

  When the next elevator comes, Abby and I get in. “You okay, Olivia?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I just need to get the hell out of here.”

  “Well, you did just great! It’s all over now. Move forward and have a great life!”

  When we get into the lobby of the courthouse, I have a text. It’s from Tommy. “Walk out to the front.” Abby and I walk out front, and there, in the no parking zone at the front of the courthouse is Todd’s shiny Mustang. He and Tommy are standing outside the car, leaning up against the no parking sign with their arms crossed and they’re both wearing blues brothers’ type sunglasses. They have on faded jeans, leather jackets and biker boots. Tommy’s holding a Mylar balloon in the shape of a butterfly. They’re both smiling so big.

  “Wow! Looks like you’ve got a fun ride home!” Abby says.

  I smile and tell her, “Yeah, they’re the best! That’s Ash’s son and one of his band mates. Gonna ride with them, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Call me later?”

  “Will do. Thanks so much Abby, for all you’ve done. Listen, I couldn’t have done this without you!”

  She kisses me on the cheek and heads to her car. “Stay in touch kiddo.” And with that, she’s gone.

  I walk over to Tommy and Todd and they both put their arms around me in a group hug.

  “You okay, babe?” Todd asks.

  I take a deep breath. “I’m fine thanks. Single, free, and fine!”

  “And fine you are!” Todd says. People walking by are staring, but I don’t give a flip! They’re probably wondering what I’m doing with these two young guys. Todd opens the passenger door for me. “Madam, your chariot waits!” He helps me in. “Sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I just want get out of here, though please!”

  “Your wish is our command, fair lady!”

  I get in the car, and they have a box of
Kleenex on the dash and give me a pair of sunglasses like theirs. “Here, you have to put these on and look…we’ve got a surprise for you. No sad tears though. If you cry, cry happy tears!” They pop the cork and pour me a glass of champagne. “Cristal, baby! It’s Independence Day! To Olivia!”

  “Awww! Y’all are so sweet! Oh, my God! This is perfect. Did Ash ask y’all to do this?”

  “Hey, ya’ll give us a little credit here—it was all our idea!” Tommy says.

  “So, where are we going?” I ask.

  Tommy smiles. “Well, we thought you could spend the day with us. We’re taking you on a picnic!”

  “Really? A real picnic?” This sounds wonderful!

  “Yep! Reba’s got us all fixed up. We’ve got blankets, coats and gloves in the trunk and we’re gonna find a park. You don’t have to be at work or anything, do you Olivia?”

  “No, I’m actually off today and tomorrow.”

  Tommy is sitting in the back seat. He’s sitting crossways and has one leg propped up on the seat and the other on the floorboard. He has his guitar with him and he starts to play. “We’re gonna serenade you Olivia.” He‘s tapping his foot to the beat and plays a song about belonging in wildflowers and about being somewhere you’ll feel free. It’s a drive off in the sunset happy song and it makes me smile.

  “Great song, Tommy. I love it!”

  “Damn straight! It’s Tom Petty, baby!” Todd says. “Just sit back and relax! Need more champagne? Cause we’ve got more where that came from.”

  We ride along Lake Shore Drive, making our way out of town. “I thought we’d head to Evanston and hang out up on the university grounds. It’s really pretty and peaceful. Will that work?”

  “Anything is fine with me!” I say. It’s a beautiful sunny day. Sunny and very cold, but I’ll take sunny over dreary for my Independence Day! I turn around to face the back seat. Tommy is singing to me with Todd singing harmony. This is amazing! I couldn’t have asked for a better send off from my divorce. God! These guys are incredible! When Tommy and Todd finish singing, I immediately forget that I was supposed to call Ash and my kids. Damn! “Crap! I need to call Ash and my kids and let them know I’m divorced!”

  “I’ll send them a group text…no worries…you just sit back and relax Olivia!” Tommy says. I throw my head back, savor my champagne and realize that I am finally divorced! I’m FREE!

  We get to Evanston and find the perfect spot. Tommy gets the blankets out of the trunk and spreads them out. He brings us coats and gloves, since it’s really too cold for this. “Look, I know this isn’t the best day for this Olivia, just pretend its springtime.”

  Todd gets out the basket Reba made. Inside are sandwiches, fruit and cheese, wine and a red and white checkered table cloth. I get out of the car. Tommy walks over to me, puts a jacket around me, hands me my balloon and says. “Olivia, here, you need to set this off. It’s a testament to your freedom! Come on! We’ll get a picture. Set it off girl! Independence Day!”

  “Yeah, Independence Day baby!” Todd says. I stand there very still. I close my eyes and think for a brief moment. Think about my life as it was. I think about my life as it’s about to be. I’m ready to free myself from the hurt and pain. I open my eyes, let the balloon go and it is quickly moved into the sky by the wind. Tommy is jumping up and down. “Whoooo Hooooo! Balls to the wall! Look how fast she’s going. She’s totally outta here! Bye bye butterfly” It sails off into the sky. They both hug me again. This is a hugging kind of day. I’m so blessed to have such amazing people in my life!

  We’re all on the blanket. I’m lying down, looking up at the sky smiling. It’s a beautiful day! Todd and Tommy are lying by me looking up at the sky with me. I feel like I did when I used to take my kids to the park. I smile and say “I remember when I used to take the kids to the park. We’d lie on a blanket just like this, look up at the sky and make wishes. Hmmm, I sure miss those days.”

  “Well, then let’s all make a wish!” Tommy says. “Come on! You first Olivia!”

  I close my eyes take a minute and make my wish.

  “You good? All done?” He asks. I nod yes.

  “Okay, Todd, you’re next!” Tommy says.

  Todd thinks for a while then shakes his head. “Okay. I’m good. Great, actually! Tommy, okay, do yours.”

  Tommy rubs his chin and smiles. “Fuck man! I know what you’re wishing, you dirt bag! Quit thinking of Emily, man! This is a family affair!”

  We all laugh. We’re all lying on our backs looking up at the sky when Tommy gets serious. “Olivia?”


  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Of course Tommy!”

  “Well, I was just thinking how freakin’ awesome it would be if you and dad were to get married. I mean, just think, you’d be my stepmom! How cool would that be?”

  “Awww, Tommy! That’s so sweet! I just got divorced, you know and I’m really not looking to get married again so soon, but thanks.”

  “I know, but that would be so uber cool!”

  “Uber cool? What the fuck is that?” Todd says.

  Tommy replies and spells it out. “Uber. U.b.e r. It’s a word, dumbass. Look it up! It means the best. Over the top. Super!”

  Todd cocks his head and laughs “Yeah, I guess that would pretty much be Olivia. Uber …hmmmm, I think I kinda like that word! So, anyone wanna take bets on when the Ashster will pop the question?”

  I roll my eyes at him and immediately he sits up and says “Oh my God! Check this out Tommy. I just thought of something…… Dude, do you know that if Olivia married your dad, her initials would be OH? As in oh! So they’d be OH and AH! Ha-ha Ha-ha! Now that, dude is what I call uber cool!” He looks at me. “Olivia, I’m gonna start calling you guys oh! and ah!”

  The guys laugh hard and then they can’t stop laughing.

  I wave my hand at them. “Todd, Tommy, Ha-ha very funny! Y’all are getting way ahead of yourselves though, Geez! Besides, the twins would probably freak out!”

  Tommy laughs again and says “Ha-ha! Wanna know what Todd calls them?”

  I giggle and say “Dickheads? At least that’s how I think he referred to them”

  He shakes his head. “That and Dicks on a Stick. Ha-ha! If the shoe fits, huh?”

  We all laugh.

  “Seriously, though, I think they’d be on board,” Tommy says “You broke through them Olivia. Don’t you see? No one’s done that man. I mean, they’re my brothers and all. But geez! They are so straight laced. Breaking though… that’s gotta mean something!”

  Todd interrupts. “Enough about the sticks. So, back to the Ashster, you gotta love him, huh Olivia?”

  I smile. “Yeah, something like that!”

  He laughs. “See, I told you Tommy. She says that all the fucking time. She freakin does it without even freakin knowing it. Kind of like her yall’s!”

  I come back with my own assessment. “Yeah, kinda like you and your f-bombs Todd! You do that all the time without even knowing it too. Matter of fact, you use the word as a noun, an adjective and a verb.”

  Immediately after I say that, I realize I’ve just set myself up for a classic Todd comeback when he smiles and says “Yeah, but I much prefer it as a verb though. A very active verb if you get my drift!”

  He knocks into me and we all laugh.

  “So, do you miss Texas, Olivia?” Tommy asks.

  “Well, yeah guess I do. Texas is where I was born and raised, so yeah. But I do like my life here. I’d really love for us all to take a trip to Texas someday soon.”

  “So if we did, where would you take us? Dallas? Austin? The Alamo?”

  “Well, right off the top of my head, I’d take you to the Hill Country. It’s breathtakingly beautiful! And there’s a little town between San Antonio and Austin called Groene. We used to go there when Dalton was in Austin at college. Lots and lots of good memories. Matter of fact, Texas’ oldest dance hall is in Groene. It’s called, appropriately, Groene Ha
ll. Y’all would love it!”

  “Sounds like fun!” Tommy says.

  “Oh, you’d have so much fun there! We used to go there and listen to Texas Country musicians. It’s pretty amazing.” I tell them.

  Todd comments “Well, tell ya what when we get back from our tour, we should all go and you can teach us all how to country western dance!”

  “Oh, you can count on that!” I say. I’m totally starting to feel lightheaded from the champagne. “I probably shouldn’t be drinking so much champagne. It’s so darn good though.”

  “Come on Olivia, you deserve it. We’re gonna get you trashed today. Your Independence Day drunk. Besides, you have designated drivers. We’ll take care of you, you know that. Hey..sit tight. BRB!” Todd goes to the car and gets their guitars. “Oh! I get to hear some more music?”

  “Sure do Olivia! What do you want to hear?”

  “Well, all day, I’ve been thinking about the song Free Bird for some reason.”

  “We actually know it! We’ll have to wing it with these though. Sounds much better with the electric guitars, but we’ll give it a try! We’ll have to show you how this sounds balls to the wall with the whole band. Gonna help us sing?”

  “Ummm...I don’t think you want that!” As they play, Tommy motions for me to sing along. I’m sitting cross-legged and singing my heart out. I’m probably butchering the song, but I don’t care. I’m having the best day and I just wish Lainey were here with me. She and I used to sing Free Bird all the time. She grew up singing it. Tommy tells me “Okay, Olivia, one more song…name your poison.”

  “Do you know ‘Forever Young’?”

  “Yeah, sure I think we can pull it off. We know everything good, girl! You gottta help us though.”

  As we sing, people who are passing by are watching us. Several people stop by and sing along.

  “Damn! Didn’t know we were gonna be doin a concert!” Todd laughs.

  “Hey, practice for the tour.” I say.

  Tommy gets a text and it’s from Ash. “TELL OLIVIA TO CALL ME! I deserve more than a group text! We all do!”

  He looks like he’s worried. “Uh Oh! Shouty capital letters. I think Dad’s pissed about the group text! You’d better call him. Sorry Olivia! I think I got you in trouble.”


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