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Out of The Box Awakening

Page 41

by Theriot, Jennifer

  I immediately call Ash and he answers on the first ring. “What’s up with the group text? Goddammit! I wanted to hear from you! Not Tommy! You promised you’d call when it was over.”

  “Ash, I’m so sorry. Tommy and Todd were at the courthouse to pick me up after the divorce. They brought a bottle of champagne and they took me on a picnic. We’re in Evanston on the university grounds. Time just got away from me.”

  “Geez honey! I’ve been sick worrying about you! I needed to hear your voice. And a picnic? It’s winter for God’s sake! Are you guys totally nuts? Have you lost your minds?”

  “Well, I’m sorry you’re angry. I’m fine and I’m in very good hands. No, we’re not nuts. It’s sunny and we’ve got blankets, coats, and mittens. We’re all bundled up.” I sense his anger has died down a bit.

  “Arghhhhhh! Dammit, Olivia! Okay, honey, look, I’m sorry I overreacted ……so everything went okay?”

  I fill him in on all the details and let him know that everything went smoothly. He’s totally calmed down now and speaks to me in that damn sexy voice. “So, bottom line is that you’re finally divorced and you have this incredibly handsome sexy man who loves you to death and thinks you hung the moon. Call me when you can and just know that I love you.”

  Feeling better now that he’s calmed down, I kid around with him. “Hmmmmm, pretty conceited, aren’t we Mr. Harper? You stole my incredibly sexy line. And yes, I’ll call you later after they drop me at home. I love you back!” I walk back over to the guys and our blanket.

  “Everything patched up with dad?” Tommy asks. I smile and give them the thumbs up.

  Todd gets a text from Kyra. He tells her that we’re on the campus grounds and she asks if we want to meet her for coffee, since she’s just finished with class for the day. His eyes light up. “Wanna go meet Kyra for a coffee?” he asks. I jump up immediately and am the first to answer. “Yeeeesss! Actually, I’m pretty much freezing my behind off and a good hot cup of coffee sounds to die for right about now!”

  We all meet up at the coffee shop where Todd and Kyra met. We walk in where the smell of fresh brewed coffee is divine and we find Kyra at a table waiting for us.

  “Hey, babe! Whassss up?” Todd says. She stands up and he wraps his arms around her. I have to say that seeing Todd interact with Kyra in this way as opposed to the other girls who manifest themselves on him is quite refreshing. I always knew that Todd was a caring affectionate guy and he more than proved it to me when we had our talk about Kyra’s virginity.

  “Awww, how cute!” Tommy jokingly says and Kyra sarcastically rolls her eyes at him. We all sit down. Kyra starts the conversation.

  “So, Mrs. Petersen, did you have fun with these wild and crazy guys today?”

  “Please, Kyra, call me Olivia. And yes, I’ve had the best day! These guys are the best and they took really good care of me, although I do think they set out to get me plastered; but I didn’t fall for that!” We all get a coffee and it feels so good to finally get warm. Tommy gets a text from Emily. His smile gives that away.

  “So, what’s Em doin today?” Todd asks.

  “Same as Kyra. Goin to class and studying.” Todd laughs and says “Glad someone is an academic, cause we sure ain’t!”

  We all laugh. We stay for about an hour and Kyra tells us she has a big test to study for and needs to get to the library.

  “There you go, see; I’m gettin blown off for the books. Fuckin-A!” Todd laughs and says.

  Kyra punches him in the arm. “God! I love it when you abuse me, babe!”

  Tommy and I laugh and walk to the car leaving Todd and Kyra behind. From the car, I see them talking. He’s brushing her cheek and tenderly kisses her. They are wrapped in each other’s arms and it makes me feel so good to know he’s done the right thing and worked it out with her.

  Sensing that I’m wondering what the guys think about her, Tommy says, “She’s pretty cool.”

  I smile. “Really, so y’all like her?”

  “Yeah, we do. She gets along really good with Emily, too, which is pretty cool, because once we go out on tour; they can hang out and travel to see us together. Funny how things work out, huh?”

  “Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing Tommy. I like Kyra. I really do.”

  Todd gets in the car. “Ready to head back to the casa? You’ve had a big day, little lady!”

  I yawn and tell them “Yeah, I should probably get home. You’re right; I’ve had a pretty big day.”

  “We can stay and help you cook if you want. Not that we know how to cook or anything, but we could try.” Todd says and Tommy nods yes.

  “No guys, I’m sure you’re both tired of hanging with an old divorced lady today. I’m fine, really. Besides, I need to call my kids and Ash.”

  Once we get back to the house, they walk me in and make sure all the lights are turned on. We look in the refrigerator.

  “Dang. Olivia! Reba’s sure got a lot of things in here for you. Looks like all you have to do is warm something up.” Todd says.

  Tommy walks over to the table “Hey…did you see your flowers? I’ll bet a hundred bucks they’re from dad.”

  I walk over to the table and there is a beautiful huge sunflower arrangement with a card.

  “So, open the card and read it to us!” Todd says. I read the card, hold it to my chest and smile.

  “Well?” They ask in unison.

  “Well, what? I can’t read this to you!” I say.

  “Why, does it have mature content?” Todd asks.

  “No silly! But I’m not sharing it with either of you! None of your business!” They both give me a hug.

  Tommy tells me. “Well, if you’re okay, I think we’ll head out. We’re rehearsing tonight.”

  “I’m absolutely wonderful guys! Thank you both again for the best post-divorce day I could ever have asked for. Seriously, I couldn’t have made it through the day without you both and I want you to know it means the world to me! Thanks for the impressive ride, thanks for the songs, the champagne, the balloon and well for everything! You guys are the best! I don’t care what they say.”

  “Awww, we’re glad we could help out. We had fun today too! Love ya girl!” Todd lifts my chin up and looks me in the eye. “You, Olivia are gonna do just fine. No regrets, promise?”

  “Yes. No regrets. I Promise!” Tommy puts his arm around me and pulls me to his side. “Olivia, call me if you need anything and I mean it! Doesn’t matter what time, you need anything and I’m here!” He kisses me on the cheek. And with that, they’re out the door and off to rehearsal.

  As soon as they drive off, I’m by myself and its quiet. Then, suddenly, the reality of what happened today hits me. Divorced. Status: single. I’m no longer a married woman. Thirty years of my life has just gone down in the record book as having been declared over. I sit on the bottom stair, put my face in my hands and cry. I cry because, well, I really don’t know why I’m crying to be honest. I realize through all of this that my heart doesn’t ache for Alan.

  Am I sad that we’re not still married? No. I’m honestly not. Never, until I met Ash did I realize how wonderful a relationship could be and how my marriage was lacking is so many ways that hold two people together. I just never took the time to think it could have been so much better. With Alan, we just kept drifting farther and farther apart and neither of us knew how to stop it. It’s actually sad. Sad because he found someone to connect with, to make him feel alive. I wonder what our life would be like at this very moment if he hadn’t been transferred and we were still in Houston. Would he still have divorced me? I’ll never know the answer to that, and I can’t dwell on what I have no control over, but I can thank God for Ash. I think to myself that Alan really did kind of push us together. I mean, after all it was his absence that did in fact bring Ash and I together. So in the big scheme of things, did I really come out so bad after all? I stand up, smile and tell myself that it’s time to stop thinking, leave my pity party, but on my big girl p
anties and call my kids, starting with Lainey.

  “Mom, how did it go? You okay?”

  “I’m fine sweetie. It’s over and I’m relieved. Spent a wonderful day with Tommy and Todd. They came to pick me up in Todd’s mustang and we went for a picnic!”

  “How totally cool! Isn’t it too cold there for a picnic?”

  “Yeah, pretty much but they had blankets, coats, gloves and several bottles of Cristal!”

  “Well, that certainly works!” I call Bradley and Dalton and fill them in as well. My next call is to Ash, the love of my life.

  “Awww honey! Damn! I wish I were with you right now! It just kills me that I can’t be!”

  “Well, your amazing son and Todd made sure I had a good day. Ash, your son is definitely his father’s son.”

  “Yeah, he is. You and I know that is totally true! Gotta love him!”

  “Yeah, I do!” I say. “Well, honey, get some sleep and I’ll see you soon. Oh, by the way, I won’t be in until late Sunday night.”

  Disappointment is evident in my voice. “Sunday night? I thought you were coming home on Friday…”

  He tries to reassure me. “Honey, I just can’t, but I promise you, my calendar is totally blocked off for weeks to come. I’m getting everything wrapped up so I’ll be completely yours until after your birthday.”

  Wondering how he remembers that, I ask, “You remember when my birthday is?”

  “Of course I do! Just bear with me and I promise you the best birthday ever!”

  I settle into bed as a changed woman. Divorced, independent, and getting stronger by the day. I’m coming into feelings I have never felt. Experiencing things I never have and stepping out of my comfort box on a daily basis. I’m on a journey that is like a fairytale. Blessed, loved, confident and wiser.

  Ash gets home on Sunday night late. I have dinner ready for him when he gets home. He comes through the front door and my heart is beating out of my chest!

  “Oh, my God! I’m so glad you’re home!” He lifts me up and takes me in his arms. “Honey! I missed you so damn much! Are you mine?”

  “Yes! My God Yes! I’m totally yours!” Needless to say, we skip dinner and head straight to matters at hand. He takes me into our, yes our bedroom. “Olivia, are you ready to go to the next level?”

  “Oh. yes, Ash! I’m very ready. Help me get there?”

  He smiles and takes me into his arms. “Well, you’ll have to get out of those clothes first…” He gets a bath ready for us complete with candles, music, and soft lighting. “Come here, honey. Let me love you. Tonight, we’re gonna kick it up a notch. You’re free. Free to be mine. You’re mine tonight…with no strings!”

  He begins by kissing me softly. “God Liv! I’ve been waiting for this night forever! Let me show you just how much I love you, how much you mean to me. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met…I swear, ever!”

  My whole body is about to explode. I feel no inhibitions and I’m ready for this amazingly beautiful sexy man to take me to the next level of our intimacy. After our bath, he takes me into his bed, our bed. He has the music playing and candles lit all over the room.

  “Lie down and relax honey. I’m going to take you all the way to heaven. You’re safe with me. I’ll never ever hurt you. I’ll give you pleasure, I’ll love you, I’ll adore you, you’re my everything! God I love you so damn much!” He explores every inch of my body and ignites nerves and sensations I swear I’ve never knew I had. I thought I’d experienced it before with him, but tonight, he takes me higher, so much higher. We do things I’ve never done before, never even thought of doing. I’m confident, I’m secure and I totally trust him.

  “God Olivia! I can’t wait for you to go on this journey with me. This is a journey we’re going on together. I’ll make love to you in ways you haven’t tried before but I want you to trust me. You do trust me, don’t you? There are so many things we can do. We’ll take it slow, I promise. I won’t ever ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable doing, I swear it. Oh my God! If you could only know how damn much you make me want you. It’s incredible!”

  “Ash, I totally trust you. I trust you with my heart and soul and I’m ready to start that journey”

  We make love like I swear I never have in my whole life. I take him in ways that I would never have before with Alan, but I feel loved, totally loved and I give myself to him completely, in every way. He is my lover, my friend, and my everything. I’ve totally surrendered myself and I have no regrets. Not a one.

  My birthday’s approaching. My goal of being divorced before my birthday has been achieved, thanks to Abby and who she knows in the courts system. “Liv, the guys are playing at the club this weekend. I thought we’d go watch them play for your birthday…only if you want to.”

  “I’d love it Ash!”

  “Well, I thought we’d go to dinner first and then go to the club.”

  “Sounds wonderful!”

  Chapter 33

  On the day of my birthday, Ash has a beautiful flower arrangement on the counter when I go to get coffee. It’s his usual sunflower arrangement only this one is huge! “Happy Birthday love of my life!”

  “Ash, thanks so much! I love you!”

  “So, we’re going to dinner and then to the club tonight. You okay with that?”

  “Of course! That sounds wonderful!”

  When we arrive at the club, Tommy and the guys immediately come over to me with hugs and kisses.

  “Happy Birthday Olivia!” They all say.

  “Thanks guys!” We sit at the table talking and I see Emily and Kyra walk in making their way to the table. They give me hugs and they’ve each brought me flowers.

  “Ready to party?” Todd asks. “Yes! Totally!” I say.

  “Well, just get ready, cause we’re gonna rock your world tonight babe!” Just before they go on to start playing, I look toward the door for some reason and see Lainey, Kellan, Bradley and Dalton walk in. I put my hand over my mouth.

  “Oh.My.God! Are you kidding me? What? How in the world? Ash! How did you arrange this?” He winks and smiles at me. “Happy Birthday, hon. Surprised?”

  “Oh, my God, yes! You’ve just won me over forever, Ash!” The kids all run up and give me a hug. “Happy Birthday Mom, are you surprised?”

  “More than you know! God! This is amazing!” The guys all come and give me hugs. “Gotcha, didn’t they Olivia? Happy Birthday! We’re gonna make sure this is your best birthday ever!” They excuse themselves and hop on stage to play. They start out by playing Free Bird. “This song goes out to a Free Bird we happen to know—and she knows exactly what we mean!” Tommy points at me and starts it off. Lainey and I are singing with them.

  “Awww, Mom! Makes me think of when I was a kid…remember when we used to sing it together?”

  I hug her tight. “Oh, Lainey I certainly do remember!” Oh my God. This is amazing! The best night ever! They sing several of their original songs, including Fairy Tale Man, which I love! Ash excuses himself and says he’ll be right back. After a few minutes, he’s not back and I start to get worried. The stage goes dark and then the lights come back on. Tommy comes up to the microphone. “Folks, this is the first time we’ve done this song, and it’s a special song for a very special lady, someone we all love and who’s family! It’s called “Something like Olivia.”

  Tommy sings lead. I look to his left and oh, my God! Ash is on stage and is playing his guitar. That must be where he went. I realize they’re singing a song about me. Olivia. And she’s taken. I’ve never heard this song, but it’s great!

  “Mom! That’s so cool!” Lainey says.

  Tommy is singing to me. Todd and the guys all point at Ash as they sing the words and shake their heads yes, that only this one guy gets to sleep with Olivia by his side. Tommy introduces Ash.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my dad, Ash Harper!” Everyone claps and Ash plays a short solo guitar part. He’s so damn good!”

  He’s got his
Cubs baseball cap on, turned around backwards. I look at the guys and they all have on the same caps, turned around backwards, rally style.

  “Mom, did you know about this?” Bradley asks.

  I shake my head “Had no idea son!”

  Ellen and David come in late and hurry over to our table. “Happy Birthday Olivia! So sorry we’re late! Damn, David is worse than a woman when it comes to getting ready on time…arghhhhh!” She looks up on stage surprised “Oh, my! So big brother’s performing tonight?”

  “Yes! Isn’t he amazing Ellen? And I can’t believe my kids and everyone is here for my birthday. This is all your brother’s doing I hope you know!”

  “Yep, he’s a pretty amazing guy Olivia!”

  After their song, Ash comes back to the table. I stand up and throw myself into his arms. “Hey rock star of a boyfriend, you’re pretty darn sneaky!”

  He winks that damned, sexy-as-hell wink at me. “Did you like it?” He asks.

  “My God, yes! Did you have to rehearse a lot?”

  He looks at me and makes a silly face. “Well, yeah! Of course I did! That’s where I’ve been for the past few weeks! Remember I told you I was at their practices giving them advice?”

  “Yeah.” I answer. “Well, we were learning this, honey!”

  During the break, the guys all come to the table and give me hugs. “So, Olivia, what did ya think of the Ashster?” Todd asks. “I loved it guys! My guy Ash sure rocks, doesn’t he!”

  “Hell yeah he does! We’re trying to get him to go out on tour with us!” I shake my head and point my finger at Todd. “Oh hell no! That ain’t happening and you can believe that!” I say. Ash just shrugs his shoulders and does that sexy wink again at me.

  They are into their last set and Ash excuses himself again. “Be right back hon. I just saw Ross and I need to talk to him for a minute. Just a minute and I’ll be right back. Promise.”

  “Uh, sure, okay.” I respond. Emily, Kyra, Ellen and Lainey all come up and give me hugs. “Having a good birthday Olivia?” Kyra asks “Oh, man without a doubt, this is the best!”


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