Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1) Page 5

by Vi Carter

  “You want to be an engineer?” Now I turned and looked at Maggie. ‘What?’ She mouthed. I wanted to say ‘no he wants to be a hairdresser’.

  “Yes.” His one-word, uninterested answer had finally discouraged Maggie. It must have been his intent, but now I was in Maggie’s firing line.

  “Grace goes to Clarke's College too.” She announced. No one said anything. “She studies business,” she added. Oh, this was awkward.

  “Okay,” Derek said, he was watching the firemen in front of us. “I’ll see what’s happening.” He left the jeep running.

  The moment he closed the door I swung around to Maggie. “Could you please leave me out of this?” She was seriously embarrassing me.

  “I am just being friendly.” Maggie tightened the belt of her nightgown. “But, if you two want to sit in silence, that’s fine. You’re both unsociable creatures. I was just trying to help.”

  I frowned. I wasn’t an unsociable creature. Just because I didn't tell them everything about myself didn’t make me unsociable.

  “Well don’t.” I said while swinging around. Derek was coming back. My plant had lost three more leaves. Only two remained, one still half-green. I cursed this night.

  “Fine." Maggie added as Derek got back in. He glanced at Maggie who was staring out the window with a stone face. He looked at me and then closed the door.

  “Ten minutes and we can go back in,” he said. He didn’t ask what had happened when he had left. The next ten minutes were painful. No one spoke; Maggie cleared her throat so many times that I found myself clearing mine. Then, to my relief, the fireman appeared at Derek’s window and I relaxed slightly. This just might be over soon.

  “All clear, you can go back into the building,” he glanced at us all and smiled. Thankfully, Maggie exited the jeep with her friend in tow. “What happened?” I asked.

  “A cigarette. You’re all lucky to be alive.” My stomach tightened. One person could have caused all our deaths. I cursed the little old man and his stupidity.

  “Will he be okay?” I had to ask.

  “Yeah, he was lucky. Like I said, you all were.” The fireman left and packed up his stuff. Derek rolled up the window and knocked off the ignition.

  “Stay here,” he said and got out and opened the boot. I watched him in the side mirror, but glanced away as he opened my door. The pair of sneakers in his hand caused a lump to form in my throat. What was wrong with me? Ashamed, I took them and thanked him without looking up. I was feeling way too emotional over nothing. He didn’t say anything. Once I was out, he locked the jeep. We walked to the building in silence. He looked at my plant and then at me a few times as we climbed the stairs. Knowing he was probably wanting an explanation, I pretended I didn’t notice. He reached his door and opened it; he stopped before going in. “Goodnight, Grace.”

  I nearly dropped the plant when I heard him say my name. I smiled like a fool. “Goodnight, Derek.” He didn’t return my smile, but nodded. I was still smiling after he closed his apartment door. My hands went to my pocket for my keys. “Oh, no, no.” My keys were inside. I stood like a fool for two minutes. I had no phone to ring anyone.



  DEREK ANSWERED ON THE first knock. I tried not to stammer in embarrassment as I rushed out my words. “So, funny story; I left my keys in my apartment.” Derek didn’t look like any part of my story was funny. He looked annoyed. He hadn’t opened his door fully; I shuffled in his runners, which were three times too big for me.

  “Could I use your phone?” I asked, not sure what to do.

  “It’s four in the morning! Who are you going to call?” I glared at him as my sarcasm threatened to pour ot. The Ghostbusters I wanted to say, but then he nodded, and he moved back. “Come in.”

  God, he didn’t sound happy. I entered his living area, it was the same size as mine, only his was much more sterile-looking. Just a couch and TV. Instead of personal belongings, boxes sat everywhere. He still hadn’t fully unpacked. Derek looked unsure. “I’ll get you a blanket. You can sleep on the couch and make your call in the morning.” He didn’t wait for me to answer, but grabbed some papers off the top of a box and disappeared. I looked at his black leather couch. It didn’t look inviting at all. When Derek came back with a pillow and blanket, he laid them on the couch.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  He stood for a moment, nodded. “Okay. The kitchen is that way, if you need a drink. The bathroom’s over there.”

  It was pretty much the same layout as my apartment, but I didn’t say anything. “Thanks,” I said again. He left me alone and closed his bedroom door. I let out a breath and placed my plant on the ground beside the couch before kicking off his runners. I laid on the couch and tossed and turned for a few hours before I finally fell asleep.


  I woke to someone saying my name. The husky voice had me smiling. “Grace.”

  “Hmmm.” I opened my eyes and died. Derek was standing over me. Amusement flashed in his eyes.

  “It’s eleven in the morning.”

  I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my brain trying to process everything. Then, the events of last night caught up to me. The fire, his jeep. Not being able to get back into my apartment. I tried to run my fingers through my bed hair, but they got caught on the first go. A black, slick phone came into view.

  “You needed to ring someone,” Derek said pointedly.

  Wow, I was awake for all of five seconds and he wanted me out. I took the phone, not thanking him, and rang Amber. She answered the second time.


  “Hi, it’s me,” I said as Derek left and moved into the kitchen.

  "Who? Black, three sugars."

  “Amber. It’s Grace. Are you at the coffee house?” I could hear the noise in the background.

  “Yeah. Did you change your number?”

  "No, I’m using Derek’s phone."

  “Oh, do tell.” I had Amber’s full attention now. Glancing at the kitchen, the door was open, and I could hear him moving around. I hadn’t told Amber that Derek lived in the same building as me. I was just hoping it never came up.

  "There was a fire last night. I got locked out of my apartment. So, can you come over with the spare key?"

  “Are you okay? Where are you?”

  Derek entered the room. “I’m fine and I’ll explain when you get here. Just ring this number when you’re at my apartment.”

  “Mysterious much,” Amber said.

  “Hurry,” I said quietly into the phone before hanging up. I handed him his phone. “Thanks, she shouldn’t be long.”

  He took it and slipped it into his pocket. He had tied his hair up, allowing me to see his face perfectly. “What’s with the plant?” he asked randomly, the curiosity finally getting the better of him.

  “My plant?” I replied, sounding braindead. “Of course, my plant.” I answered my own question. “It’s just a plant. There is nothing special about it. It isn’t dead, if that’s what you are implying, it’s asleep.” I was rambling. For the second time, amusement flashed in his eyes. Embarrassment lit up my cheeks for the zillionth time around this guy.

  "Thanks for letting me sleep here. And the shoes, and using your phone." Shut up, I pleaded with myself. Shut up.

  He stared at me for a few moments before he turned and returned to the kitchen. I couldn’t blame him, I was acting crazy. I stood near the apartment door listening to the sounds of someone approaching, the footsteps that I could hear, I prayed were Ambers. When Derek’s ringtone sounded from the kitchen, I thanked all the Gods who were watching over my sorry ass. He came out and handed me the phone.

  “I’m coming now,” I told Amber, hung up the phone and gave it back to Derek.

  "Thanks, once again," I said.

  “No problem.” I gave a small wave and left quickly. Amber, as nosy as hell, tried to see inside the apartment but I closed the door quickly.

  “Derek?” she qu
estioned as she looked me up and down. I looked like I just had a t-shirt on.

  “Yeah, my neighbor.” She pulled the key out of her pocket. I wanted to kiss her. “Thank you.” I took it and held it close to my chest.

  “Never heard you mention him before."

  “He’s like sixty, saggy eyes, smokes, has an oxygen tank, you know.” I had just put the key in the door when Derek’s door opened.

  “Grace.” I closed my eyes briefly before turning around and prayed that Amber stayed quiet. In Derek’s hand sat my plant, and it looked pitiful. “Your plant.” He looked like he struggled with the word as if calling it a plant wasn't correct.

  I crossed the few paces and took the plant, “Thanks.”

  “Hi, I’m Amber. Grace forgot her manners.” Amber stuck out her hand and smiled widely at Derek. Derek shook her hand, and he didn’t look as hostile as he did with me. “Derek,” he said. Amber looked around him. “No oxygen tank?” I wanted to kick her.

  “Excuse me?” Derek looked amused and confused.

  "Nothing. Great to meet you, Derek. And thank you for rescuing our Grace. You living across the hall from Grace will make me sleep better at night." Amber smiled and Derek’s expression became bemused. He nodded at her.

  I wouldn’t sleep better at night, and right now I wanted Amber to stop.

  “A young single girl living alone...” Amber trailed off.

  “Okay thanks, Derek.” I pulled Amber away but glanced at Derek, to gauge how crazy he thought we were, but he still just looked amused.

  “See you around,” Amber said as I dragged her into my apartment. When I closed the door, I turned on her.

  “Are you serious?” I asked incredulously.

  "Number one, what is with the plant? And two, you lied to me." Amber put down her bag and sat on the couch. I placed the plant back in its rightful place and sat down with Amber.

  "Number one, leave the plant alone. I really don’t know what everyone is obsessing about. And number two ... well yeah, I lied, but with good reason. You humiliated me."

  “Don’t be daft, you did that all by yourself.”

  I frowned, she was right, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

  She grinned at me, "So he is the guy from the library, the one who saved you, and now he lives across from you. Grace, I mean really, it’s meant to be."

  I smiled at her animated face. "Please, he thinks I’m bat shit crazy."

  “And with good reason, seriously the plant?” Amber shook her head like she really couldn’t fathom it. A part of me didn’t want to really think too deeply about the plant, as it caused a heaviness in my chest.

  "Hun, I’m messing with you. And he does not think you’re bat shit crazy." I half smiled; I wanted the heaviness to go.

  "So, what are you wearing tonight?" Amber asked, and I groaned. "No. I forgot."

  "Good job I didn’t." Amber got up and smiled. "See you later."

  “What are you up to?” I asked apprehensively, she looked way too happy.

  "Tonight, I am giving you a makeover. So, I will be back around six to get you ready."

  I held my hands in the air. "No, no way, not happening."

  Amber just laughed as she closed the door.



  AFTER GRACE LEFT I felt like a real piece of shit. There was something real and vulnerable about her that made me question what I was doing. I smiled when I pictured her standing outside last night with her plant. This situation didn't add up for me. Compared to Emmett, she sat at the other end of the spectrum. It was hard to believe that they were related. My phone bleeped, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  She will be at Club 41 tonight. Keep an eye on her.

  I read the message from Emmett. My fingers sat over the keys. I typed quickly: Do it yourself. But then I deleted the words. My family came first.

  Ok, I typed back.


  I had to admit, Amber had a gift. The dark eyeshadow around my brown eyes made them stand out, and gave me that sexy, smoky look. It really beat the normal innocent appearance I often was told I had going on. I thought I looked haunted, and not in a good way.


  Craig had saved a booth for us all; he smiled when Amber and I arrived. I walked towards it carefully. The tightness of the leather pants made walking a task. I should have told Amber no when she handed them to me. If they tore, it wasn't my fault. The red halter showed a lot of my modest cleavage. “You look shit hot, Grace. Own it.” The words of encouragement from Amber were accompanied by a slap on the arse that nearly sent me flying, and didn’t make me walk any easier. I cut her a sideways glare, eyes narrowed, and she laughed as she slid into the booth. She looked amazing tonight herself, dressed as she was in a skin-tight royal blue dress. Her confidence added to her beauty.

  Craig gave me a hug. “Wow, you look amazing. I’m going to struggle tonight.”

  I pushed Craig playfully. “Shut up.”

  “You do look good,” Luke said raising his bottle.

  “Thank you.” I smiled genuinely over at him. That meant a lot from Luke; he never passed comment on me. Yet again, I had never put much effort into my appearance.

  “So, what do you want?” Craig asked as I slid carefully into the booth beside Luke.

  “Water,” I said, and Amber rolled her eyes.

  “God, Grace, you got to live sometimes.” My stomach dropped. I got such a hard time from people for not drinking, but never from Amber. But my brief confusion soon went away, “She’ll have a coke. Get me a vodka.” I smiled at her with relief.

  But Craig wasn’t smiling. “I didn’t ask you?”

  Amber gave him the middle finger. Luke cleared his throat, and Craig left for the bar. “Sometimes I wonder why we are his friends,” Amber said.

  “Give him a break.” Luke came to his defense, surprising me. “Did something happen?” I asked, concerned.

  “No.” Luke took a drink avoiding any more conversation about Craig.

  “Luke?” Amber warned.

  Luke didn't budge; he glanced at Amber not saying a word. I admired him for that. “If he wanted you to know he would have told you.”

  “Yeah, you guys are here!” Claire's voice hit me before she arrived at the table.

  “Great, psycho Susie is here,” Amber said loud enough for Luke and me to hear. Luke ignored Amber's comment while I shook my head at her; a warning not to start.

  “Ah, you look amazing. Oh My God. Look at you.” She squealed. I wished she would sit down. People close to us were staring, and not in a good way. I felt uncomfortable under their stares.

  “Thanks, hun. Sit down.” She did, right beside me. Craig arrived back, and he looked at Claire, his face rigid. He didn’t say anything, but gave me and Amber our drinks. He knocked back his own in one mouthful. From the color and his normal choice, it told me that whiskey was his poison tonight, which meant he wasn’t in a good place. He must have noticed me looking at him.

  “I’m fine,” he reassured me. But he wasn’t, and now wasn’t the time or place. “I thought you had somewhere else to be?” his hostile tone towards Claire didn't go unnoticed.

  "Oh, I’m sorry, Craig. Am I sore on the eye now? Not good enough anymore." She snapped as she glared at him.

  I cringed back in my seat.

  “Don’t make a scene?” he told her while playing with the empty glass.

  “How dare you ...” Claire’s voice trailed off as my attention drifted to someone at the bar. He hadn’t noticed me, but with the screams of Claire, he soon would and he would seriously question my sanity. “I am never good enough, am I? Just something to fill your time with?” Tears brimmed in Claire's eyes.

  Craig squeezed the glass in his hand. “Jesus you're pathetic,” he told her, and she lost it. She grabbed my coke and threw it in his face. Some of it got Amber, who screamed while jumping up. The glass in Craig’s hand shattered, sending pieces sprawling across the table.

; “Get out of my way.” It took me a moment to realize that Claire had spoken to me. I jumped out of her way before she ended up knocking me off the seat. Once she was free she raced from the bar. I wanted to shout at Craig, but a hard gaze from him told me to leave it alone.

  “Don’t, Grace.” Craig's words followed me as I left, chasing Claire. Five minutes in the door and we already had drama. Sleeping with your friends wasn't the best idea. Prime example right here.

  The temperature had dropped to freezing outside and my breath formed little puffs of air. The top I had on had no back and I could feel the cold prickling my skin. I rubbed my arms as I looked up and down the street for Claire. I noticed two guys huddled together smoking a few spaces down, so I asked them if they had seen a girl. They told me she had got in a taxi. “Shit.”

  “I can take you home if you’re alone.” One of the guys said while leering down my top; the other blew smoke towards me. Assholes.

  “She’s not alone.”

  I nearly screamed. Derek stood behind me.

  “I don’t want any trouble,” the guy who had leered down my top said. They put out their cigarettes and went back in. Derek didn’t say anything.

  “No lecture about how I’m dressed?” I found myself asking. Now Derek looked me up and down slowly. Every inch of skin his eyes touched burned. My cheeks flamed. Thank God he couldn’t see it with all the make-up.

  “You should have put on a different top.” He finally said.

  “The next time I’m getting ready to go out, I’ll knock on your door, so you can give me your approval on what I am wearing.” I shot back at him. He had ticked me off again. But I really had asked for it.

  “Grace.” Amber came out and did a double take; she started to walk backwards. “It’s fine ... I just,” she smiled at me, then Derek. “Hi Derek.” She left us, not making the moment at all awkward.


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