Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1) Page 6

by Vi Carter

  "I better go back in," I said.

  "Yeah, me too."

  I stopped mid-stride. “Why did you come out here?” I wasn’t normally this forward, but curiosity had gotten the better of me. He shifted slightly, I caught him off guard; he scratched the stubble on his jawline. “Fresh air,” he finally said.

  Back inside, Luke and Amber sat at our table. I slid in beside Luke again. All the drinks and mess had been cleared away and a fresh Coke sat in front of me now. “Where is he?” I asked Luke.

  “Bathroom. His hand got cut. Jesus, I know she’s your friend, Grace, but she’s mental.” Luke didn't normally pass such judgment on anyone. I knew that Claire came across as seriously strong and over-the-top most times, but I often saw such a vulnerable, lonely side to her that she didn’t show to the rest of our group. It was the same with Craig. I often got to see a really sweet side to him, too. "I better text her make sure she’s okay." I rutted out my phone.

  “She is off her head. She destroyed my dress, Grace.” A huge stain darkened the front of Amber’s dress.

  “You’ll live,” I said while texting Claire just as Craig slid back into the booth, his hand covered in a large plaster. He focused on his glass in front of him, picked it up and knocked it back. “Nice work Romeo,” Amber said, and I wanted to kick her. “You owe me a dress,” she added.

  “Shut up, Amber.” Luke came to Craig’s defense for the second time that night. Something must have happened. My phone beeped, with a message from Claire. She said she got home safely but didn't want to talk. “She’s home.” I said to no one in particular. No one answered. “How’s your hand?”

  Craig picked at the edge of the plaster. “Fine.” He didn’t even glance at me. God, I hoped Lisa’s band started soon. Tonight was a car crash already, and I just wanted to go home. My heart skipped a beat as Stanley came to our table with Derek in tow. We all greeted Stanley and to my surprise, Luke actually knew Derek.

  “Derek. Great to see you, man.” Luke sounded really happy to see him.

  “You too. It’s been a while.” My confusion was mirrored on Amber’s face. Stanley sat in beside Craig, leaving Derek beside me. He hesitated, but I moved over. Our booth was now officially full.

  “Grace,” Derek said. I gave a small smile, my heart galloped at being this close to him, our thighs touching. I looked up at Amber whose face looked about ready to split from how wide she was smiling. Sensing Craig watching me, I glanced at him. His eyes were like stone.

  “You know him?” Craig asked me in a rude tone, not caring that Derek sat right beside me.

  “Yeah, he lives in my building.” I widened my eyes, trying to secretly ask him to chill. He played with the empty glass in his hands.

  “You never said.”

  “Did you not get the email of all the building’s occupants? I sent it to you.” Amber said, her voice full of sarcasm. Stanley laughed, but stopped when Craig glared at him.

  “Knock it off, Amber.” Luke’s third warning had no impact.

  “No, you knock it off. What are you? His mother?” The word ‘mother’ had Craig stiffening. His body held too much tension, like it might snap at any moment.

  “Anyone want a drink?” Derek asked, cutting through the tension.

  “A double whiskey,” Craig said, his voice full of hostility.

  Derek looked at him, his face blank, “Maybe you’ve had enough.”

  “Piss off,” Craig said before getting up. Derek didn’t seem fazed at all. He asked the rest of us did we want a drink. Amber ordered one. The rest of us declined. I still had a full Coke, which sat untouched in front of me. Luke just looked pale. Once Derek left for the bar my body sagged. Our table held far too much tension. “Amber, seriously, stop with the snide comments. That guy is like a ticking bomb and now, with Derek here...” Luke trailed off, he actually looked really stressed.

  “Where did you guys meet Derek?” I asked curiously, while kicking Amber under the table. I could tell she wanted to say something smart back. As much as I loved her sarcasm, Luke didn't seem fit for much more drama.

  “He’s in some of mine and Stanley's classes; we just hit it off right away. Craig and Derek, on the other hand, always butt heads. When two alphas meet, you can expect it.” Both of them came across strong, but in different ways.

  “I think the women caused most of the problems.” Stanley added. Both me and Amber turned and glared, looking at him to continue. “You know…” he said awkwardly, shrugging his shoulders.

  “No, Stanley, we don’t. Please elaborate,” Amber said.

  “The girls normally always throw themselves at Craig, but when Derek’s around, they throw themselves at Derek.” He snidely commented.

  Amber literally rubbed her hands together in glee. “So, he pissed on Craig’s premises?” I knew that Amber had filed the information away to use on Craig at another stage. I was with Luke on this.

  “Amber, for me, please don’t,” I said with a warning tone in my voice, and she sat back folding her arms.

  “It’s not fair. Why do I always have to watch what I say?”

  I laughed, and Luke snorted. “Your mouth never knows when to shut up,” Luke said, causing a kicking battle under the table to begin between them. For siblings, they got on really well. Craig arrived back first, with his whiskey and a bottle of beer. He sat in beside me this time. I would have said something, but let it go, as I didn’t want to anger him any more than he was already. Just for tonight, anyway. I kicked Amber under the table, my subtle way of letting her know to do the same.

  “What the hell?” she said out loud.

  “An accident,” I said sweetly. I needed her to keep her mouth shut, and from the way she glared at Craig since the moment he sat in beside me, I could tell she was dying to say something. Derek arrived back with Amber’s drink and sat in beside Stanley. Being across from Derek seemed harder; my stomach erupted in butterflies. He glanced at me, then Craig. Derek really didn’t like him; his eyes hardened as he stared at him.

  “We still jogging in the morning?” Stanley asked Derek, taking Derek’s attention away from me. I was so surprised that they all knew Derek, and that he had never said a thing. But then I realized I hadn’t seen Stanley or Luke since Claire’s birthday.

  “Yeah. How does six sound?”

  Stanley rubbed his bald head. “I’m not sure, man, that’s pretty early.”

  Derek smiled. “I’m messing with you. Nine?”

  Stanley grinned.

  Derek’s smile had my stomach erupting again. My body felt like it was on fire. The heat that radiated through me had me wanting to fan myself. God, he was beautiful. Craig shifted beside me, and I looked away from Derek. I had been staring. Glancing sideways at Craig; he sat stiffly, his back poker-straight as he stared ahead. A ticking time bomb ready to explode.



  DEREK AND STANLEY TALKED about jogging routes and tactics, while I became fascinated with Derek's mouth as he spoke. I tried to keep the staring under stalker status. Luke had peeled the paper off his bottle of beer, and Amber watched Craig and Derek, her eyes darting back and forth between them. I, on the other hand, had never felt more uncomfortable. “Craig, you okay?” I said it as low as possible. I don’t know why, but I didn’t want to startle him. Something serious had happened to him, but he looked like he’d loosened a bit as he turned to me, his arm resting on the back of the booth behind me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t be worrying.” His green eyes looked so tired tonight. They were normally so full of life. He tried to give me a reassuring smile, which came across half-hearted.

  “Boys and Girls, give a warm welcome for ‘Black Roses.’” The intro for Lisa’s band had everyone clapping, the noise level ceasing all conversation.

  “If you need to talk, I’m here,” I said, when there was a lull in the noise, but before he could answer, the drums kicked in. Craig pulled gently on my hair and smiled, his way of saying thank you. I tur
ned and caught Derek’s eyes; his had darkened. The mere power of his stare had the butterflies in my stomach scattering as bats arrived. I had to glance away; his gaze too much for me. I focused on the band as they started. But I didn’t take in one word, my mind replaying the image of Derek staring at me. As the band continued to play, the bar became more crowded. Craig disappeared.

  “He must be hunting. God help his next victim.” Amber screamed across the table. I rolled my eyes, she really couldn’t help herself. Luke had left our booth along with Stanley and Derek. Some more guys from their house had shown up. “Let’s dance,” Amber said while getting up. I held up my hands.

  “No way. It’s rock music,” I said. She didn't care, the drink had taken over. Dragging me onto the dance floor, she left me no choice. We jumped up and down. When more people joined in, I started to enjoy myself. Everyone was drunk, so no one cared or noticed that I had no alcohol in my system. Amber decided she wanted to do the robot. I couldn’t stop laughing as the drunks stared at Amber like she was mental. She had kicked off her shoes earlier and now we had attracted the attention of the bar’s security.

  “You need to put your shoes back on.” Amber continued to do the robot around him. The guy smiled. “I’ll have to throw you out if you don’t.”

  Amber pouted. “Fine." Some wouldn’t ask twice, we got lucky with the nice bouncer. The band finished up at one thirty in the morning. We sat and had a drink with the band.

  "I am so proud of you," I told Lisa. For someone so shy, she did amazing when on stage. “I wish I could play an instrument. The only thing I ever played was the recorder.” Lame, I know. Lisa laughed at my lameness. I didn’t blame her.

  “Did you learn to play it through school?” she asked innocently. I had brought it up, and normally I was so careful to chat about other stuff, but just not about me. My stomach sank.


  Amber picked up on my change straight away. “Anyone want a lift home? I’m shattered, so I’m going to make tracks.” I grabbed my stuff, not looking at anyone, just trying to collect myself.

  “That would be great,” Lisa said. Derek, Luke, Stanley and some other guys still chatted. Watching Derek talk and laugh had me smiling as I approached them. Derek spotted me first and stopped talking, his smile still on his lips.

  “Does anyone else want a lift home? I’m going now,” I said to everyone. They all declined except Derek. It made sense; we lived in the same building. I warned myself not to look too deep into it. My mind gave me a friendly reminder that he was coming home with me and not some random girl.

  “Okay, see you outside.”

  Amber and Lisa waited, ready to go. We got outside when Craig arrived drunk. “You leaving me, you bitches,” he said playfully. Amber put her hand on her hip ready to start world war three. I was too tired. “Leave it, Amber,” I said, and she closed her mouth just as Derek arrived.

  Craig sneered, “This fool isn’t coming with us.”

  "Don’t start Craig; I will leave you here."

  “I’m not a fool, so watch your mouth.” Derek took a step towards Craig. Derek towered over Craig, and Derek held his drink a lot better. I didn’t think Craig would fare too well. “What are you going to do? Whip me with your hair?” I closed my eyes briefly. Dear God. Craig grinned like he was winning. I stood in between them.

  “He’s drunk, Derek.” Derek looked at me for an intense moment. “I’ll find my own way. I don’t need this shit.” My heart deflated when he went back to the bar.

  “Can I say something now?” Amber whined. She wanted to tear into Craig. So did I, but it would be pointless.

  “No,” I said angrily. We piled into my car. Craig sang the whole way while playing an invisible guitar. We couldn’t reach Amber’s quick enough. When Lisa and Amber got out, Craig got into the front seat.

  Amber looked down at me, “Text me when you’re home.” I promised Amber I would. Craig continued to sing out of tune as I drove him to his place, he only lived a few moments from Amber’s. When I pulled into the drive, he was still humming. “Craig, you’re home,” I said, snapping him out of his moment.

  “You’re the best, Grace. You’re like the shit.” He couldn’t even keep both eyes open at once. I wondered how I was going to get him inside and was contemplating my options when, to my relief, the front door of the house opened and a guy I hadn’t met before came out. He came straight around to the passenger side while opening the door.

  “Brian, my main man,” Craig slurred as Brian tried to help him out of the car.

  “Hi, Grace. Derek texted me, told me you would be coming with Craig.” I don’t know who was more shocked, me or Craig. Brian's words had snapped him out of his drunken happiness.

  “That prick? Who does he think he is?” Brian obviously wasn’t aware of their relationship, or lack of one.

  “All right man. Take it easy,” Brian said.

  Craig pushed him away and got back into the car. “Take me to him.”

  I laughed, like this wasn’t getting stupid or anything. “Craig, get out of my car.”

  Brian stood at the door. “Come on, man. Let’s head in, have a few drinks.” The proposition had Craig forgetting about Derek. He got out of the car again. I didn’t wait around for further drama and pulled off the moment the door was closed.


  Sunday morning came, and I put on my music, switched my phone to silent, and climbed back into bed. Pulling the blanket over my head, I closed my eyes. My heart gave a heavy thump when I pictured him. This time, we were fishing. His red wellies stuck in my head; they always looked so shiny. Dad stood behind him helping him cast the rod. “Now we wait,” Dad said.

  James looked behind him and up at Dad. “For what?”

  Dad ruffled his hair. “The fish.” James laughed and then focused on his fishing, his tiny tongue sticking out between his lips in concentration. Dad looked over at me and winked before helping Mam with the picnic. It was a perfect and happy family day.

  The tears started to flow, now. So many memories, so much happiness, and it was all gone.

  I woke for the second time that day. My head hurt from crying. I checked my phone; it was three o'clock in the afternoon. I had missed calls from Amber and Craig. Rolling back over while staring at the wall, someone knocked on my door. I ignored it. My phone lit up. Jesus, I had no privacy. Amber’s name flashed across my screen.

  “Why are you not answering your door?” She said the moment I answered the phone. I climbed out of bed and opened the front door, my stomach tightened, Derek was there, not Amber.

  “One minute,” I told Amber into the phone and then held it to my chest. “Hi.” I tried to hide behind the door, I looked a mess, not having taken off the makeup from last night.

  “Are you okay?” Derek asked.

  “Yeah, why?” I tried to sound chilled.

  “Okay. Your friend Amber was ringing. She was concerned.”

  Oh God, I was going to kill her. I waved the phone at him. “Yeah, I’ve got her on the line.” I went to close the door, but Derek spoke. “Are you sure you’re okay?” A lump formed in my throat at how concerned he was. This guy could read me so well.

  “Yeah. Thanks, Derek.” He hesitated for a moment but finally, he left. I closed the door. “Really, ringing Derek, Amber? What is wrong with you?” I was pissed.

  "Answer your phone! I rang like a million times. And, one day, when you're holding Derek’s baby, you will thank me." I passed a mirror and did a double take.

  "Oh my God."

  “See? You know I’m right,” Amber said. The tracks of my tears were marked out by the mascara and caked on my face. No wonder Derek had asked me if I was okay. I looked scary. No, I looked deranged.

  “I need to wash my face,” I said and hung up on Amber. I think I needed to restart the day. I started to clean my face, but some of the makeup was caked on my neck also, so a shower it was. The spray of the warm water enticed me to stay for a while, and when I got out,
someone was banging on my door.

  “Grace!” Amber’s voice penetrated the door. I opened it, in my towel. It wasn’t just Amber, Craig was there also, and he looked like shit. His pierced eyebrow arched as he scanned me from my toes to my head.

  “I have no privacy,” I told both of them. I left them to entertain themselves as I got dressed. I could hear them fighting from my bedroom.

  “God, you’re such a dick."

  “One you’d like to suck.” Then I heard a smack.

  “I would quicker do a dog,” Amber replied, and I found myself smiling.

  “I knew you were into animals.” Craig replied, and then I heard another smack.

  "You make me sick."

  “What, because I’m a dick?” Craig said, he was enjoying himself, I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Go suck a dick,” Amber shouted; she was getting mad.

  Craig laughed. “God, you really want me and my dick,” he said, and I entered the room before they killed each other. Amber was flushed with temper. I lost the smile.

  “Knock it off you two,” I said as I flicked on the kettle. My stomach growled. I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

  “So, what is going on with you?” Amber asked me, turning her back on Craig. She was still flustered, but trying to keep it together.

  “What?” I asked, shuffling a spoonful of cornflakes in my mouth.

  "You like… hung up on me."

  "Oh that. Yeah. I had mascara down my whole face."

  “Right?” Amber looked confused.

  I glared at her. “That’s how I looked when I answered the door to Derek. He was asking me was I okay, I had no idea I looked like that, until I passed the mirror." Amber hid her smile behind her hand.

  “Were you okay?” The serious tone of Craig’s voice had Amber’s smile fading. I shuffled another spoon full into my mouth and nodded my head.

  “Grace?” Amber questioned, she said it like I was keeping secrets. “You… out.” She told Craig.


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