The Butcher's Tale
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anti-Semitism in, 39, 40 41
Austro-Hungarians, 38
Bad Polzin, 66
Baldenburg, 33, 35, 166, 169
Bamberg, 99
Bärenwalde, 168
Bauer, Ferdinand, 131
Bavaria Sancta (Rader), 109
Bedburdyk, 114
Behrend, Josef, 122 23
Benedict XIV. Pope, 107, 111
Berent, 53, 151, 247n
Berg, Anna, 140
Berg, Auguste Ross, 70, 75
Berg, Johann, 211, 213
Berlin Movement, 38
Bern, 97
Bernard of Clairvaux, 92, 93
Biesenkamp, Mathilde, 128
Bismarck, Otto von, 19, 37, 38
Bleske, Dr., 28
Bloch, Joseph, 117, 118
Bloch, Marc, 17
Bloch, Maurice, 178
Block, Commissioner, 73, 183, 226n
Bloos (merchant), 121, 122
Boeckh, Erich, 144
Boer War, 57
Boethius, 96
Bohemia, 124
Borowka, Bruno, 187
Borrmann (farmer), 212
Bote für Stadt und Land, 129
Boxer Rebellion, 57
Brandenburg, 103
Braun, Johann, 200, 226n
arrival of, 42
background of, 45
Hoffmann interrogated by, 45 47, 61
Masloff arrested by, 50
1904 theory and, 211, 214
Braunschweig, 100
Bresser, Chaplain, 129
Brixus, Judge, 130, 157
Bromberg, 110
Brooks, Peter, 87
Brüggemann, Paul, 151
Bruhn, Wilhelm, 47, 59 60, 72, 226n
arrival of, in Konitz, 57 59
background of, 56
in composition of Hoffmann’s story, 66, 154,157 58
Hoffmann’s meeting with, 60
Hoffmann’s story published by, 60 61
Masloff’s meeting with, 66 67
Speisinger’s meeting with, 145
Brünn, Moritz, 153
Bruss, 35, 168
bubonic plague, 101
Bucharest, 125
Bulgaria, 123
Bülow, Bernhard von, 57
Büren, 175
Bürgerverein, 170
Buschhoff, Adolph, 127 29, 130, 131, 133, 151
Butler, Judith, 179
Bütow, 35, 247n
Bydgoszcz, 110
Camminer, Alexander, 81, 160
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 89
Caspari, Gustav, 153
Caspari, Meta, 145, 228n
Catholic Center, 19
Catholic Reformation, 109
Catholics, see Roman Catholic Church
Center Party, 243n, 248n
Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (Central Verein; CV), 32, 33
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 89, 91
China, 57
Choinackinz (teacher), 81
Chojnice, 214 17
see also Konitz
civil code, 20
Clement XIII, Pope, 111
Cohen, Hermann, 31
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 68
Cologne, 103, 115
Conklin, Beth, 96
Conrad, Joseph, 88
Conrad of Marburg, 95
Copenhagen, 113
Criminal Case about an Innocent Child, A (Zuchowski), 110
crusades, 93
CV (Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith), 32, 33
Czechry, 110
Czersk, 35, 168, 247n
Czybulla, Onofrius, 132, 198 99
Damascus, 115
Daniel, E. Valentine, 172
Danzig, 113
Danziger Zeitung, 34, 52
Darnton, Robert, 67
Deditius, Georg, 80, 183, 184
anti-Semitism condemned by, 29, 181
in election of 1903, 182, 243n
Ernst Winter’s handkerchief and, 196 97
threats against, 49, 51
Deggendorf, 99, 108, 175
“Deggendorfer Song, The,” 108
Desportes, Henri, 118
Deutsche Volksblatt, 125
Dichtung und Wahrheit (Poetry and Truth) (Goethe), 106
Disraeli, Benjamin, 119
Doehring (barber), 29
Dominicans, 93
Dominika (prostitute), 190
Dormagen, 112, 113, 132
Dortmund, 101, 130
Douglas, Mary, 161
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 157
Dresden, 100
Dreyfus, Alfred, 39
Dreyfus affair, 21, 39
Du Bois, W. E. B., 20
Dühring, Julius, 151
Durkheim, Emile, 165, 167
Düsseldorf, 114
education, 20
Efes Damim (No Blood) (Levinsohn), 116
Ehrlich, Paul, 31
Einsatzgruppen, 18, 216
Eisenstädt, Josef, 81
Einstein, Albert, 31, 55
Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas, 105 6, 111, 117
Eisenstädt, Josef, 151
Elberfelder Zeitung, 114
elections, German:
of 1890, 38
of 1893, 38
of 1898, 39
of 1900, 243n
of 1903, 182, 248n
Elisavetgrad, 119, 120, 173
Elizabeth of Thüringen, 95
Endingen, 108
Endinger Judenspiel, The, 109
England, see Great Britain
Enniger, 115
Esterhazy, Walsin, 39
host desecration and, 95, 97, 98, 100, 103, 108, 132, 172
transubstantiation and, 95 96, 103
Eulenburg, Albert, 157
Fabian, City Councillor, 153
Feltre, Giovanni da, 132
Fettmilch uprising (1614), 112
Fiedler, Friedrich, 30, 150 51, 152, 155, 158. 159
fire, meaning of, 175
First Crusade, 93
Fischer (cigar dealer), 139, 190
Fixer, The (Malamud), 25
Fleischer. Isidor, 62
Forchheim, 99
Fourth Lateran Council (1215), 93, 95, 172
anti-Semitism in, 21, 39–40, 98, 100
ritual-murder charges in, 123
Frank, Friedrich, 116 17
Frankfurt am Main, 113
Frankowski (tailor’s helper), 64
Frederick II, Holy Roman emperor, 94
Frederick William III, king of Prussia, 42
Freitag, Elise, 44
Friedländer, Heinrich, 86, 142 43, 147
Konitz left by, 183
Fulda, 93 94, 95, 97, 98
Galileo Galilei, 104
Ganganelli, Cardinal, 111
Gast, Johann, 193 96
Gates, Henry Louis, 84
Gay, Peter. 19
Gazetta Grudzionska, 168
Gebauer, Carl, 67, 137, 170, 181
Genette, Gerard, 55, 74
Georg, Gustav, 199
German Anti-Semitic League, 122
German Conservative Party, 243n
German states:
anti-Semitic violence in, 99 100, 112, 113 14, 118 19, 131 32
ritual-murder charges in, 93 95, 97 118
Austro-Hungarians in, 38
democracy in. 19 20
elections, see elections, German
Jewish rights in, 20, 31, 42 43, 113
justice system of, 76
Kashubians in, 58
literacy in, 114 15
migration from, 58
navy of. 57
Poles m, 38, 58, 59, 168, 248n
Russians in, 38
Germany, Nazi, 162, 165 66, 167, 215
Geyer, Michael, 162
Gierath, 131
Glogau, 173
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 106
Goldhagen, Daniel J., 21, 22
Gottfried of Ensmingen, 99
Graetz, Heinrich, 100
Grass, Günter, 58
Great Britain:
anti-Semitism in, 92 93
navy of. 57
Grevenbroich, 131
Gross, Jan T., 166
Grossmann, Max, 86, 141
Guarinoni, Hippolytus, 107
Haigerloch, 100
Hakohen, Mose b. Eleasar, 118
Halle, 100
Hamburg, 113
Hamburger (butcher), 201
Hammer, Eduard, 41, 42
Hammerstein, 33, 35, 53, 166, 168, 247n
Havlin. Marie, 124
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 88
Hegel, G.W.F., 96
Helbling, Seifried, 91
Hellwig, Franz, 139, 148
Helhwig, “Stutter” Anton. 81, 83, 133, 160
Heloise, 93
Hemmerden, 131
Hep-Hep riots (1819), 113, 119
Hermann, Mrs. (widow). 126
Hermann, Rudolf, 59, 197
Hesse. Captain, 49
Heymann, Jacob, 183
Heymann (cantor), 29
Heyn, Max, 30, 59, 159, 209
Hilsner, Leopold, 40–41
Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), 21
Hoffmann. Anna, 49, 149
Braun’s interrogation of, 45 46, 61
Ernst Winter’s alleged relationship with, 45 46, 49, 62, 145, 202 3, 205
in Gustav Hoffmann’s story, 61, 62
in Lautz’s theory, 204
Hoffmann, Eva, 23
Hoffmann, Gustav, 50. 60, 133, 145, 212, 214
accusations of, 60 68.153 54,157 58,202
alibi of, 46, 62, 202, 203
background of, 61
Braun’s interrogation of, 45 47, 61
Bruhn’s meeting with, 60
on day of murder, 62
declaration of honor awarded to, 181
handkerchief and, 196
house of, 16, 139
Lautz’s focus on, 203 5
pamphlet version of story of, 66
renewed focus on, 202
riots and, 176
Schiller’s visit with, 83
slander suits brought by, 183
Staatsbürgerzeitung story of, 60 68
summons of, 47, 66, 69, 72, 74 75, 141, 155, 158, 198
in town stories, 87 88
Hoffmann (Lehmann), Martha, 47, 146, 147, 149, 183, 184
Hofrichter, Albert, 28, 36, 73, 76, 182, 183
Hollfeld, 99
Holy Roman Empire, 95, 100, 104
homosexuality, 189 90
Horb, 100
Horn, Baron Karl von, 25
Horowitz, Rabbi, 130
host desecration, 95, 97, 98, 100, 103, 108, 132
Holy Week violence and, 172
play about, 108
Howe, Irving, 119
Hruza, Agnes, 40
Hsia, R. Po-Chia, 102
Hülchrath, 113
Hungary, 110
ritual-murder charges in, 120 21, 125
Ibsen, Henrik, 21
Innocent IV, Pope, 94
Inquisition, 93, 102
Iphofen, 98
Israelski, Alma, 151
Israelski, Wolf, 40, 87, 132
accusations against, 30 31, 65, 150, 155, 158, 159, 161
Konitz left by, 183
trial of, 151 52
Italy, 101
“J’accuse” (Zola), 39
Jack the Ripper, 126–27
Janowitz, 53
Jansen, Christian, 215
Jastrow, 169
Jaurès, Jean, 40
Jedwabne, 165 66
Jew and Human Sacrifice, The (Strack), 116
Jewish Curiosities (Schudt), 106
assimilation of, 32–33
conversion of, 32
emigration of, 101, 120
expulsions of, 103, 109
German patriotism of, 31 32
immigration of, 38
intermarriage and, 32, 84, 223n
migrations of, 42, 43, 44, 103
paternal names of, 43
population distribution of, 32
Reform vs. Orthodox, 33
rights of, 20, 31,42 43, 113
after World War I, 215
see also anti-Semitism, anti-Semites
John of Salisbury, 93
Josefsohn, Hermann, 121, 122
Josephus, Flavius, 230n
Judaism Discovered (Eisenmenger), 117
Judenstein, 107, 233n
Junkermann, Carl, 129
Junkermann, Heinrich, 127, 128, 129
Junkers, 57 58
Kamin (Kamien Pomorski), 53, 141, 215
Kammerov, Wilhelmine, 191 92
Kant, Immanuel, 19
Karschin, 168
Kashubians, 58, 59, 168
Kellermann, Rabbi, 36, 153, 177, 183
Keszler family, 125
Kitchener, Lord, 57
Klein Konitz, 213
Klotz, Julius, 170
Knievel, Theodor, 51
Kolin, 124
Konitz, 208, 247n
anti-Semitic accusations in, 77 86, 135 63
classes in, 137
community in, 136
countryside of, 58–59
critics of anti-Semitism in, 181 82
description of, 137 39
economic conditions in, 137, 239n
Ernst Winter monument in, 209
after investigation, 214 17
Jewish-Christian divide in, 182–83
Jewish community of, 43 44
Jewish exodus from, 183
Masons in, 170
postcards about, 209 10
taverns in, 60
“unofficial” citizens committee in, 36, 47, 50, 59, 76, 198
see also specific citizens
Konitzer Anzeiger, 182
Konitzer Tageblatt, 47, 73
Konitzer Zeitung, 181
Konitz riots (1881), 169, 71
Konitz riots (1900), 33–35, 48–53, 71, 155, 166
arrests and prosecutions after, 180 81
beginning of, 29
force of words in, 178–79
four stages of, 174
Holy Week and, 172 73
lynching and, 49, 175, 176
meaning of, 171 80
Nazi violence and, 18 19
as performance, 165 84, 205
Protestants and Catholics in, 168, 174
slogans in, 171
social composition of participants in, 168, 174
state power and, 173
Konitz synagogue:
alleged vaults in, 79 80, 147
construction of, 43
threatened during riots, 50, 52, 175
Konrad (schoolboy), 98
Konstanz, 100, 103
Korneuburg, 99, 108
Kosch, Raphael, 31
Kowalewska, Katharina, 122
Kracht, Inspector von, 200 201
Krajetski, Josef, 53
Krems, 97
Kristallnacht, 18
Krojanke (Krojanty), 215
Kuby, Karl. 72
Kühn (police sergeant), 143 44
Kühn, Paul, 48, 59, 226n
Kulturkampf, 37
Kuniszewski family, 126
Labischin, 126
Lange, Hermann, 25, 137, 211
Langmuir, Gavin, 92
Lasker-Schüler, Else, 31
Laskowski. Joseph, 133, 143 44, 153, 155, 158, 178
Lateran Council, Fourth (1215), 93, 95, 172
Lauda, 98
Lautz, District Attorney, 202 3
Lazare, Bernard, 39
Lehmann, Julius, 47
Lehmann, Martha Hoffmann, 47, 146, 147, 149 183,184
Lenin, V. I. 96 97
Levi, Primo. 17
Levinsohn, Isaac Baer, 116
Lewinski, Hermann, 139, 20
Lewy, Adolph. 30, 47, 54, 133, 141, 143 44, 158. 178, 179,212
background and description of, 42, 152 53
civil suit against, 184
on day of murder, 44
in Hoffmann’s story, 63, 64, 65, 67, 153 54, 202
house of. 16, 134, 139, 216
Konitz left by. 183
Kracht’s focus on, 200–201
lynch threat against, 49
Masloff’s accusations against, 68 69, 74
Moritz Lewy’s release and, 210
perjury trial and, 75
on postcards, 209, 210
riots and, 48, 49. 50, 52, 53, 176
in town stories, 82, 85, 87, 88
Lewy, Helene, 70
Lewy, Hugo, 44, 143 44, 153
Lewy. Moritz, 44
Ernst Winter’s alleged association with, 139–40, 143, 144 49, 156,201
in Hoffmann’s story, 63, 65
Masloff’s accusation against, 69
pardon of, 210
perjury trial of, 146 49, 156
on postcard, 210
prison sentence of, 149, 180
synagogue attendance of, 153
Lewy, Pauline (Adolph’s sister), 151
Lewy, Pauline (Adolph’s wife), 70 71, 87, 144, 153
Liebermann, Max, 31
Lienz, 108
Life and Passion of Saint William the Martyr of Norwich, The (Thomas of Monmouth), 91 92
Lincha, Maria, 124
Lithuania, 101
Liutostanskii, Ippolit, 117
Lobositz, 124
London, 105
Longear, Albert, 62
Lubke, Anna, 147
Lubke, Christian, 79, 147
Luther, Martin, 103
lynching, 49, 175, 176
Macfarlane, Alan, 135, 161
Mach, Albrecht, 33
Mährish-Trübau, 124
Mainz, 97, 100, 103
Malamud, Bernard, 25
Malleus Maleficarum, 102
Mankowski (worker), 121
Mannheim, Karl, 123
Marr, William, 37
Masaryk, Thomas, 41, 56
Maschke (gardener), 29
Masloff, Bernhard, 47, 66, 133, 137, 158, 198, 211
accusations of, 68 75, 155, 158, 201
arrest of, 50
background of, 71
1904 theory and, 211 14
perjury trial of, 75 77, 170
Masloff, Martha Ross, 70 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 140
1904 theory and, 211, 213, 214
Masons, 170, 197
matzo, in anti-Semitic stories, 18, 78, 98, 129
Mayakovski, Vladimir, 97, 136
Meibauer, Max, 28, 36, 59, 73, 76, 226n
Meilla, 94
Memmingen, 100
Meßkirch, 100
Meyer, Jenny, 79, 161
Meyer, Matthäus, 66, 78, 139, 158, 159, 160 61
business lost by, 160
Meyer, Maximillian, 76, 170
Meyerhoff, Barbara, 68
Michnow, 110
Milosz, Czeslaw, 184
Misiekowski, Clemens, 62
Möckmühl, 98
Mölders, Hermann, 127 28, 130
Moller, Moritz, 124
Moritz, Anna, 128
Morrison, Toni, 89, 165, 179
Mrotschen, 35, 53
Muir, Edward, 132
Müller, Arthur, 28, 59
Müller, Gustav, 170, 187 88