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Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2)

Page 13

by Trish Williford

  “Hello, Ms. Sterling. My name is Dawn Reidy from the human resources department for the Los Angeles Astros Organization. We have received and reviewed your résumé for the team pharmacist position and would like to schedule a time to speak with you in more detail. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience at …”

  With shaking hands, I saved the message and set my phone down on the nightstand. Holy crap, I never thought in a million years that I would even receive any communication back about that job I’d applied for, especially since it’d been almost five months since I submitted the application. There weren’t pharmacists for each team in the league, and although a few organizations added the position each year, there still wasn’t one in Baltimore. I was going to be a brand-new pharmacist straight out of school. I would have thought they would want to speak with people with more experience.

  I decided to call her back before telling Ryan since they might not be interested at all.

  “Hello, Ms. Reidy. This is Samantha Sterling returning your call.”

  “Hello, Ms. Sterling. Thank you for calling back. The medical team is actually interested in setting up a phone interview at your earliest convenience. Our team pharmacist will be leaving us at the end of this year, and we would like to have the person selected as her replacement to come to LA and shadow her for the last few weeks of the season. Is that something you’d be able to do if selected?”

  “Absolutely,” I said without hesitating. “This sounds like a great opportunity. When is the first available interview? I’m on spring break now, so I’m fairly free.”

  “It looks like there is a time slot tomorrow morning at ten our time, so it would be one your time. The team will call you. Does that work?”

  “Sure, that sounds great. I look forward to the call.”

  “Wonderful! We will speak with you tomorrow. Thank you!”

  She ended the call, and I fell flat on the bed. I couldn’t believe I had an interview with a professional baseball team’s medical staff. This was the opportunity of a lifetime.

  “Hey, babe. What are you doing?” a sleepy Ryan asked from the door.

  “I came down to get my Kindle, and I had a voice mail. I have an interview for tomorrow.”

  His eyes grew excited. “That’s awesome!” He crawled over me and kissed me. “Who is the interview with?”

  I didn’t want to tell him. Not yet, especially if I didn’t get the job. “I don’t want to jinx it, so I don’t want to say.”

  “They would be crazy not to hire you. You’ve got this, Sam.”

  And I was a little worried about that.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Sammie

  It’d been three weeks since my interview, and I hadn’t heard anything back.

  I had been very nervous during the interview despite it being over the phone. I’d heard myself stutter several times and felt unsure of some of the questions, but I’d answered them the best that I could. Some of my classmates had already accepted jobs, and each day that passed that I hadn’t received an offer, my anxiety would increase, as I thought that the two jobs I’d interviewed for might not pan out.

  Today, however, I had no time to think about it. Today was Opening Day at the ballpark, and I was scheduled to work. I’d asked to put in my rotation hours early today, so I could make it to the stadium in time for pregame ceremonies, and thankfully, it had been approved. I was still running a little behind when I checked in at the side gate where the employee entrance was.

  “Sammie Sam, good to see you, kiddo. A little late for the first-day festivities, aren’t we?” Eric, one of the security guards, asked while I walked through the metal detector.

  “School caught me up a little,” I explained. Once I was clear, I grabbed my bag and tossed Eric a smile over my shoulder. “It was good to see you, Eric! Happy Opening Day!”

  I ran past vendors setting up their stands and toward the employee locker room where I spotted Vanessa, my supervisor.

  “Samantha, I have your uniform set out in the locker room. Get your ass changed and to my office for briefing,” Vanessa instructed as I continued to run.

  “Will do. Thanks, Nessa!”

  Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting in Vanessa’s office with Justin, the ball boy who would work the opposite baseline from me.

  “Okay, you are my two veterans, so today should go smoothly. Sam, you will be escorting Melody Carrick onto the field. She’s throwing the first pitch today.”

  “I’m so excited. She’s my friend.” I bounced in my seat.

  “She’s a ball of nerves, according to Carson, so watch that she doesn’t run off and get pelted with another ball to the face or something.” Vanessa waved a hand.

  “I’ll make sure she’s where she needs to be,” I assured her.

  “Justin, you’ll be in charge of the anthem singers. Sam, you’ll be on first baseline, and, Justin, you’re on third. Any questions?”

  Justin and I shook our heads, and Vanessa dismissed us to get dinner in Bird Hall, the cafeteria for the employees and players. I wasn’t too hungry, but I went to grab some water and say hello to the other employees that I hadn’t seen all winter. Vanessa came into the cafeteria and announced that the gates were about to open, so all of us made our way to our workstations.

  I stepped onto the field that was buzzing with reporters, players, and grounds crew. Opening days were always my favorite. As I looked around the stadium, I felt like I was at home.

  I loved this environment. Everything about this place gave me such happiness, and the thought of not spending my spring and summer months here after this season was bittersweet. I was so eager to start my career in pharmacy, but I was going to miss this so much. The game, the sounds, the smell, but most importantly, the people. The people who worked for Blue Stadium and the organization had become my family, and not seeing them on a regular basis was going to be very hard.

  This team had given me so much—employment with a flexible schedule for a college student, friendships, and a very special man I hadn’t expected to give my heart to in a million years.

  Speaking of the devil, I saw Ryan and Carson walking toward the infield from the bull pen. When Ryan spotted me in front of the home dugout, he grinned and gave me a wink. The closer he came to me, the more the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. I really didn’t know what to expect in terms of the attention he would show me today, and with each step he took, those nerves became stronger.

  When Carson and Ryan were only a few feet away, I noticed Ryan’s tongue slide over his bottom lip before he clamped down on it with his teeth. My heart thumped against my chest and I couldn’t contain the smile that was spreading across my face.

  “There’s my girl.” He picked me up and gave me a long kiss in front of everyone—the gathering fans in the stadium, the grounds crew, and the team.

  I felt my cheeks heat during the very public display of affection, but there was no way in hell I was stopping it.

  “Cruz, let the poor girl breathe,” Carson mumbled from behind us.

  I felt Ryan’s lips turn into a smile against mine.

  “You look sexy as fuck in your uniform.”

  He placed me back on my feet, and I smoothed his jersey.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  Carson put his arm around me and tugged me toward home plate. “All right, if you’re finished harassing our ball girl, I need to borrow her for a moment.”

  Ryan arched an eyebrow at Carson’s arm, but Carson glared at him.

  “I need to talk to her about that thing that I’m doing …”

  Ryan nodded as he understood. “You still don’t need to touch my girl.”

  Carson chuckled and led me away. “Never thought I’d see the day Ryan Cruz was a possessive bastard over a woman, but it’s a good fit for him.”

  “Believe me, I think I’m more shocked than anyone else.” I laughed. “So, what’s up? Do you need me to help with the crowd during autographs?”

bsp; “No.” He looked over my shoulder.

  I followed his gaze to where I found Melody over at the first baseline. She was talking to Adam, who had bought her season tickets. Grady was with Adam, jumping up and down with such joy, which made me smile.

  “In five minutes, I’m going to propose to Melody.”

  I gasped at the surprise, my excitement for Melody making my hands shake. Carson and Melody had absolutely been made for one another, and having him propose to her one year after their not-so-normal meeting was perfect.

  “Carson, I’m going to cry! It’s perfect!”

  “Shh!” He laughed. “She was wondering why the organization had asked her to throw out the first pitch today, but it’s because I’d personally asked the owner of the organization. He gladly agreed.”

  I bounced on my toes, wondering how in the hell I was going to be able to contain myself for the next five minutes. “So, what do I get to do?”

  “I’m going to grab the ring from the locker room now, so I need you to do what you normally do with the person who throws the first pitch. I’ll meet you at the mound, and when I walk back to the plate, I’ll need you to hold the ring box while I catch the ball. She’ll be distracted by everyone’s attention, so you’ll hand me the box back, and that’s when I’ll do it.”

  “Ah! Okay, sounds good. Are you ready?”

  He gave me the biggest grin. “I’ve never been more ready.”

  Vanessa walked to me and gave Carson a strange look. “You’re too happy for Opening Day. It’s weird.” She handed me a baseball and nodded over to Melody. “It’s time to start the show. Can you grab Fangirl and get her ready?”

  “Sure can.” I smiled and then winked at Carson.

  He ran off to the locker room, and Vanessa just shook her head and walked away.

  I yelled Melody’s name from the sideline and waved her to me. She said good-bye to Adam and Grady, and as she walked to me, she looked nervous. More than likely because she was about to throw out the opening pitch of the season, but she was about to get an even bigger surprise. I was so thrilled for them both. I’d never known two people who were more perfect for one another.

  I handed her the ball and smiled. “Carson said you’ve been practicing.”

  “I’m still going to throw like shit. I’m shaking like a leaf.” And she was. Her poor little hand holding the ball was trembling.

  I put my hand on her arm and squeezed. “You’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, you could always pretend like Carson really pissed you off and throw it at his face.”

  She laughed and nodded her head in agreement. “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “Who knows? Maybe you’ll give the team luck this year since you’re throwing the first pitch. We could use the luck for the post-season.”

  Before she could respond, we heard Lexi’s loud mouth scream, “Come on, Fangirl! You’ve got this!”

  Melody and I both waved back at Lex, who was waving a sign around like a lunatic that read, Fangirl is my homie.

  I peeked over my shoulder and saw Carson exiting the dugout. I stepped away and gave them a moment alone. I could tell he was encouraging her, and it was as if just having him near her made everything better. I then realized that was how I felt about Ryan.

  When I noticed the cameras getting ready, I walked up and patted Carson on the arm. “We’re ready,” I told him.

  He winked at Mel and slyly handed me the ring box without her even noticing. I tightly held it in my mitt, and I was even shaking a little. Melody threw the first pitch without any issue, and the crowd cheered when Carson caught the ball. Carson stood from his squatting position and jogged to the pitcher’s mound where he handed the ball to Mel. I met him at the mound, and while he handed me his face mask, I handed him the ring box.

  I stepped back a few steps to give them privacy, and I felt a familiar hand land on my hip. Ryan stood behind me, and we watched Carson show Melody the ring in his mitt. I couldn’t hear everything he was saying to her with the crowd’s excitement, but with a nod of her head and Carson’s huge smile, it was obvious that my friends were now officially engaged.

  Carson handed me his glove, and he slid the ring on Melody’s finger before picking her up and kissing her. I cheered with the rest of the stadium, celebrating a love that had overcome such obstacles.

  “Is that something you want someday?” Ryan asked in my ear.

  “What?” I asked, knowing full and well he was asking if I wanted to get married one day.

  If he had asked me that question three months ago, I would have said I was unsure. But, now, with him, it was a new ball game.

  He shrugged. “You know, get married, have kids. The American dream?”

  I turned around to face him, wanting to show him I was confident in my answer. “Someday … but only if it’s with you.”

  His eyes lit up with surprise as he tried to conceal his grin. “With me, huh?”

  “Sam! Take your spot on first baseline. Let’s go!” Vanessa yelled from home plate.

  “Gotta go.” I blew him a kiss.

  “Wait.” He grabbed my hand and yanked me back to him.

  He looked at me for a long moment, and when he didn’t say anything, I nodded behind me.

  “I have to take my spot. Vanessa is going to yell again,” I told him.

  “Fuck her.” He waved his mitt at her. “I want that with you, too. To be married and have kids. I love you, Samantha.”

  My heart thumped so hard against my rib cage; I thought it might escape and run the bases. “I love—”

  “Sam! First base now! Go!” Vanessa yelled again.

  I squeezed his hand before turning around and running over to my stool off the first baseline.

  “Sam! There’s my girl!” Lexi yelled when I sat on the stool.

  I waved and turned my attention back to the game … or as much as I could. Ryan freaking Cruz had just confessed his love to me, and I hadn’t gotten to say it back.

  Way to go, Sam.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Ryan

  Coach Anthony was watching the game from his usual spot in the dugout. He was brooding because of the four-run lead that New York had at the moment, so the bench on either side of him was empty. I figured this would be as good as any time to talk to him.

  I sat down beside him and could hear him growling lowly. Maybe it wasn’t a great time to talk to him after all.

  “It’s shit that pitchers need a three-game rest. We wouldn’t be in this damn mess if you were pitching,” he groaned.

  “Trying to kill me, Coach?” I chuckled.

  “Wouldn’t hurt me.” He poured sunflower seeds in his hand and popped them into his mouth. “So, what the fuck do you want, Cruz?”

  “What makes you think there’s something I want?”

  He finally looked away from the field and focused his glare on me. “Why else would you be sitting in the danger zone?”

  “All right, so I have a favor to ask. Next Friday—”

  “Come on, Daniels! I’m about to call the fucking bull pen if you don’t get your shit together!” He spit a mouthful of shells onto the floor. “Next Friday what?”

  “Sam graduates college next Friday. I won’t be due to pitch until Sunday, so do you mind if I miss the game and fly out to Seattle on Saturday instead?”

  “You’re asking to miss a game?”

  “Just one. I’d really like to be here for Sam’s graduation and surprise her.”

  He chewed on the seeds for a long moment before he sighed. “Just this one game, and it’s for Sam. I’m not doing anything for you assholes until you all play better.”

  I’d take it. “Thanks.”

  The batter from New York hit the ball and popped it up at home plate. Carson flipped his mask off and caught the ball for the third out. The players on the field funneled back into the dugout, and some prepared for their turn at bat.

  “Thank goodness Lawrence ended that fucking shit show of an inning, Daniels. God knows you were
n’t able to do it yourself,” Coach yelled when Will Daniels walked past him.

  I stood and took a seat beside Carson, who was downing a cup of water.


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