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Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2)

Page 14

by Trish Williford

  “He’s fired up tonight.” He nodded toward Coach.

  “Yeah, he gets this way when New York is beating us.”

  I looked over on the third baseline where Sam was working today. It’d been a few weeks since Opening Day, and the whole love conversation hadn’t come up again.

  “Carson, can I ask you something?”

  “Depends. What do you want?”

  I looked around to make sure there wasn’t anyone else in the general area. “Did Melody tell you she loved you back when you said it the first time?”

  “Yeah, right away. Why? Did you tell Sam?”

  “I did on Opening Day, and I think she was about to say it back, but fucking Vanessa interrupted.”

  Carson laughed. “Isn’t that golden, your past biting you in the ass?”

  “Shut up,” I groaned.

  The sound of a ball and bat connecting made all of us stand while Jace was up to bat, but he grounded a foul ball right to Sam. She took the ball from her mitt and handed it to a little girl in the stands. The little girl hugged Sam, and Sam had the biggest smile on her face.

  “I freaking love her so much,” I said without taking my eyes off her.

  “She’ll say it back. Just give her time. And, when she does, you’ll know she really means it. You’re a lucky asshole to have a girl like her. She’s a lot like Mel. Treat her right and don’t rush things. You two will be fine,” Carson reassured.

  “Thanks, man.”

  I turned my attention back to Jace, and just as I did, he hit the ball, sending it deep into the stadium and actually knocking it out of the park. All of us jumped to our feet and ran to home plate as he ran the bases. When he touched home plate, we all gave him high fives and pats on the back.

  Coach Anthony was waiting at the dugout when Jace returned. “At least we have some decent batting on this team. Get your asses back in here and learn from Jackson. Lawrence, get on deck. Let’s go!”

  “Is he ever happy?” Jace asked when I took my seat on the bench.

  “Rarely.” I grabbed a handful of peanuts and cracked the shells. “How are you liking Baltimore?”

  “Besides practically living in a hotel, it’s all right. I think I’m going to look for an apartment for next season. I need something for when my daughter comes to visit.”

  “How old is she?”

  “She’s thirteen. This season has been a little harder for her. When I played for Houston, I saw her every day when the team wasn’t away. I’ve only been able to manage two trips back to Texas so far this season, so there have been a lot of behavior issues. It kills me not to be there with her.”

  “I’m sure that’s tough, man. How is her mother with everything?”

  He shook his head and let out a hard chuckle. “Her mother is not in the picture. My parents keep her, so I know she’s in good hands, other than being spoiled rotten.”

  “It sounds like they’re doing their grandparent duties well then.” I laughed.

  “Sometimes, a little too well, man.” He laughed along.

  It made me think about how badly my parents would spoil Sam’s and my kids … and how much my parents would love every single second of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Sammie

  I twirled the last piece of my hair around my curling wand and let it fall to my shoulder. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

  I did it. I finished college. Today, I will become a college graduate.

  I sat on my bed and looked around the room that I’d called home since I started college. Boxes were neatly stacked along the walls, ready for my move to Lexi’s place this weekend. Things were changing quickly, and it’d been causing me anxiety.

  Am I ready to leave my safety net and venture into the real world?

  I grabbed my phone and called the one person I wished could be here more than anyone today.

  “Is my girl ready to graduate?” Ryan’s voice put a smile on my face, and the feelings of anxiety already began to subside.

  “I can’t believe this is it. I’ve been a student for the last twenty years of my life. Now what?” I felt a little choked up.

  “Now, you prepare for your boards, kick that test’s ass, and then practice as a pharmacist. You have a doctorate, Sam. You’re a fucking doctor, and I’m so damn proud of you.”

  And I believed him. His voice was full of pride, and I could hear him smiling through the phone.

  “I really wish you could be here today,” I told him honestly.

  He paused before he responded, “I’ll be there with you, Sam. You’re all I’m thinking about today, I swear. I love you.”

  Tears formed in my eyes, both at sadness that he couldn’t be here because of the game and because I was so happy that I’d found him and given him a chance. I wanted to tell him I loved him, too, because I did. I loved Ryan Cruz with every ounce of my being … but I wasn’t about to tell him for the first time over the phone.

  “I need to get to the ceremony. Can we FaceTime later?”

  “Of course. You’d better have someone take a picture of you in your robe and send it to me. Then, prepare to wear nothing under that robe when I get home. I’m sure you look hot as fuck in it.”

  I laughed at the thought of anyone looking remotely attractive in the oversize garbs. “I will be sure to do that. I’ll call you later today.” I hung up the phone and wiped away the few tears that had strayed to my cheeks.

  I stood up, smoothed my hands over my knee-length white dress, and grabbed my graduation robe and bag that had my hood, tam, and cords in it. Then, I was out the door.

  I was about to rock this graduation.


  With hundreds of spectators in the auditorium, watching their loved ones graduating, I began to regret giving my tickets away to my roommates. Each graduate only received four tickets for the seated area. I had given one to each of the girls in the house. I knew they were appreciative. The balcony was for standing only and usually quickly filled up. When I had given the tickets away, I had known that Ryan wouldn’t be able to make it because he’d be in Seattle for a series. I’d also felt weird about asking Lexi and Melody to be here for me, especially since we hadn’t been close friends for too long. Regardless, I was here, getting that damn doctorate degree, and it felt amazing.

  When it was finally my row’s turn to stand and walk across the stage to receive our degree, my legs began to shake. I watched Katie proudly accept her degree in front of me, and then I heard my name over the speakers.

  “Samantha Fay Sterling.”

  After my name was announced, I walked up six steps onto the stage. Along with applause from the filled auditorium, I heard two female voices scream my name. With the bright lights that shone on the stage, I was half-blinded, looking in the upper level of seating where the screams were coming from, but then I saw them. Melody and Lexi were jumping up and down and yelling at the tops of their lungs. I laughed and waved at them, more than surprised that my two friends were there to support me without me needing to ask. I teared up, feeling so incredibly grateful for their friendship.

  My heart was beating a million miles per minute while I walked across the stage and to the first person in line. There were so many different people on the stage, waiting to shake the graduate’s hand—the dean, the commencement speaker, and some people I’d never seen in my entire life. It all happened in a blur, and just as quickly as it’d happened, I was walking down the six steps with my hood in place and pseudo degree in hand—since the actual diploma wouldn’t arrive for six weeks or so. Quite a few of my professors were waiting offstage to congratulate me. Once I thanked each of them in line, my heart stopped.

  Skipping several beats … because, standing there, with the largest smile I’d ever seen on someone’s face, was Ryan.

  My heart thumped hard in my chest, and I couldn’t stop the tears from falling to my cheeks. I ran and jumped into his waiting arms, and he caught me and spun me in circles.

  “You’re here.�
� I sobbed, still not sure if I was dreaming or if this was real life.

  “I could never miss this, Sam. I’m so fucking proud of you,” he said into my neck.

  I pulled his face to mine and kissed him, my shaking hands holding his face. “I love you,” I told him before kissing him again.

  He smiled through our kiss and rested his forehead to mine. “Damn it, that’s the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever heard. Say it again.”

  I giggled at his response. “I love you. I love the way you bite your lip right before you throw a slider but not a fastball. I love that you read romance novels. I really love that you love Justin Timberlake. But, most of all, I love how you never gave up on me, even when you probably should have. I love you, Ryan Cruz.”

  His smile practically split his face in half, and he pulled me back into a hug. “I love you, too, Sam. I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.”

  I couldn’t agree more. This was absolutely, without a doubt, the best day of my life.


  Ryan pulled out three chairs around the table on the back deck of Paco’s for Lexi, Melody, and me.

  “I still can’t believe, of all the places in Baltimore, this is where you want to eat for your graduation lunch.” He shrugged out of his suit jacket and hung it on the back of his chair. Then, he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.

  My God, he’s so handsome. And he’s mine.

  “Don’t belittle her for wanting the best tacos in all of Baltimore for her special meal!” Lexi scolded Ryan.

  He sat in his chair beside me and kissed me on the cheek. “I get to pick where we go when you pass your boards,” he said.

  I nudged him in his ribs. “Fine, I’ll finally let you take me to Vander’s.”

  He gave me a knowing smile. “So, you’re agreeing with Vander’s?”

  “Yes …” I was hesitant to answer.

  “Good.” He kissed my cheek again. “We’ll go to Vander’s … in Paris.”

  “What?” Melody and I both yelled.

  Lexi held a fist up for Ryan, and he bumped his against it.

  “That was smooth, Cruz. I approve.”

  “Lex! Don’t encourage him! I don’t want him to think he needs to—”

  “Whoa,” Ryan interrupted. “I don’t think I need to take you anywhere. I want to take you places. I want to share this life with you. You just need to get used to it.”

  I felt uneasy any time he mentioned paying for anything expensive or buying me anything extravagant. “We’ll talk about it later.” I smiled, hoping to dismiss the subject.

  “We’ll see.” He winked.

  The four of us fell into an easy conversation, and the only thing that could have made that better was if Carson and Adam were here to enjoy the afternoon with us.

  “I wish Carson and Adam could be here to celebrate, too,” I said.

  Lexi’s smile fell slightly, but she quickly recovered. If I hadn’t been looking at her, I wouldn’t have known something was up.

  “What’s wrong, Lex?” I asked her.

  “Nothing,” she said too quickly.

  I glanced at Mel, who slightly shook her head and mouthed, They broke up.

  “You and Adam broke up?” I exclaimed.

  Lexi turned to Mel and punched her in the boob.

  “Ow! Why did you tit-punch me?” Melody rubbed her breast.

  “I didn’t want to bring up my shit during Sam’s day!” Lexi scowled at her.

  I reached over and punched Lexi’s breast. Her eyes widened, and she put her arms across her chest.

  “What the fuck? Are we having a titty fight right now? Come here, Sam!” Lexi said as a fist swung toward my chest.

  Ryan pulled me to his side and covered my breasts with his hands. “No one is fucking up these jubblies. As hot as a tit fight sounds, it’s not in reality.”

  “Fine,” Lexi grumbled. She sighed and looked at me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It just happened this morning. We’ll talk about it later. I’m just not in the mood right now.”

  I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m sorry. Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’ll be there, especially since I’m moving in this weekend.”

  “Actually … you’re moved in now.” Lexi grinned.

  “Excuse me?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Lover boy paid a moving company to take care of the rest and had it delivered to the apartment today since you won’t be home this weekend.”

  I looked over at Ryan and was more confused than before. “What is she talking about? Why won’t I be home this weekend?”

  “I had some movers finish packing up the rest of your room, which wasn’t a lot, and had them take it over to your new place while you were at graduation. I knew I wouldn’t be here to help, and I didn’t want you girls doing it yourselves. I was hoping you’d come to Seattle with me for the rest of the games in the series.”

  “Seriously? You want me to go with you to Seattle? When do we leave?” I asked excitedly.

  His smile was huge. “In the morning. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s freaking awesome! I’m going to have to bring my books, so I can study while I’m there though. I take the exam in two weeks.”

  “I’ll help you study,” he said suggestively.

  “Damn, that could be hot.” Lexi wiggled her eyebrows.

  Our beer arrived at the table, and everyone filled their glasses.

  Ryan held his up for a toast. “Despite some obstacles most people would have run from, you’ve taken them in stride and only become stronger. I’m in awe of the person that you are. Your strength, independence, and intelligence are what every young woman should strive for. Your kind heart and thoughtful soul make me want to be a better person for you. I’m lucky to be the recipient of your love, and I will forever be thankful for you.” He held his glass higher. “For Samantha. I love you.”

  Tears blurred my vision, thanks to his words. Everyone clinked glasses together, and I kissed him.

  “I love you. Thank you for being patient and understanding. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

  Lexi jokingly rolled her eyes. “For fuck’s sake, let me help Melody finish planning her damn wedding before you two get all lovey-dovey and shit.”

  As everyone laughed and joked around, I gave a silent prayer to God, thanking him for putting these people in my life. I might not have a blood-related family any longer, but I sure as hell had a very loving family right here … and I’d never been richer.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Ryan

  Having Sam with me at an away game felt good. I liked when she watched me pitch. I felt like I was on top of my game even more because I couldn’t embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend. That being said, I was really on my game today … and I was one inning away from throwing a no-hitter.

  “You’re on fire tonight, man,” Carson said as we walked off the field and into the dugout. “It looks like having Sam here is doing you some good.”

  I glanced into the stands where Sam was sitting on the third baseline. She was the only person in a blue shirt in a sea of red. Wearing the opponent’s colors at a baseball game was not only ballsy, but loyal. And that was one of the things I loved most about her; she was loyal as fuck.

  “It feels good to have her here,” I told Carson.

  Jace sat beside me on the bench when he overheard me mention Sam. “I met Sam’s roommate the other day. She’s kind of hot. What’s her story?”

  “No.” Carson immediately shook his head. “I love Lex like a sister, but she’s batshit crazy. You don’t fuck with her.”

  “You really don’t. She’s threatened to cut my dick off before, and that’s just because I told her I was interested in Sam. She’s the kind of girl you can appreciate from afar, but don’t get too close,” I warned.

  “Seriously?” he asked.

  “I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t advise you against her. Lexi is beautiful and cares about the p
eople she loves fiercely, but fuck with them, and you’re fucked. There is no other way to explain it,” Carson said.

  Jace nodded. “Understood. Thanks for the heads-up.” He walked to the other end of the dugout to grab a drink.

  Carson shook his head. “How long before you think he fucks Lex?”

  “I hope he doesn’t for his own good. I imagine her to be a black widow.”

  “Oh, yeah. She’d eat him alive,” Carson agreed.


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