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Precious Moments

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by Casper Graham

  Precious Moments

  By Casper Graham

  Published by JMS Books LLC

  Visit for more information.

  Copyright 2018 Casper Graham

  ISBN 9781634865937

  Cover Design: Written Ink Designs |

  Image(s) used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.

  All rights reserved.

  WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which might be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published in the United States of America.

  * * * *

  As always, I want to thank my lovely boyfriend, DRS, for all of his love and support. There’s no word good enough to describe how much I appreciate you.

  I also want to thank the readers, especially the ones who have been with me since day one. Your support and loyalty mean everything to me. Thank you!

  * * * *

  Precious Moments

  By Casper Graham

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Chapter 1

  Blake Hill closed the apartment door behind him and placed his car key on the small table next to the door before he took his shoes off and placed them on the shoe rack. Then, he walked toward the couch and plopped his whole body face down over it. He was tired of being rejected by yet another alpha. It was the story of his life.

  He was aware that he put too much pressure on himself. After all, he was only twenty-five years old, but almost all omegas, both males and females, around his age were either mated to their alphas or were about to be claimed by their adoring, loving alphas. Some of those mated omegas might even have one or two babies by the time they reached his age. Meanwhile, he was still single and desperately available.

  He hated going through his monthly heat alone. He would feel the burning deep in his guts for three torturous days in a row. Without an alpha of his own, he would have to take care of his sexual needs by using a knotted dildo. Then, he still had to remember to drink plenty of water to keep himself hydrated and eat something light to ensure he had enough strength and stamina to last for the duration of his heat.

  If he had an alpha or two, there would be somebody to look after him while his mind was hazy from his heat. Moreover, he wouldn’t feel lonely as the alpha or alphas would be by his side throughout those three days. They could chat and laugh together when he was in between waves of his need to be fucked and filled by the alpha’s cum. He’d heard it would be even better if the alpha was in a rut, but he couldn’t know that for sure since he never had an alpha who experienced a rut at the same time as he was going through his heat. He groaned when he heard someone knocking on his apartment door.

  “Open up, Blake. I can hear you in there.”

  “Go away, James,” he yelled from the couch. “I’m exhausted.”

  “It’s two in the afternoon.”

  He sighed and got off the couch to answer the door. James Walters was his beta best friend since childhood. He loved James like a brother, and he was aware the feeling was mutual. Sometimes, he wondered if he would have fallen in love with James if the man was an alpha instead. Not that a beta and an omega couldn’t be mated, but the bond wouldn’t be strong enough. Moreover, a beta wouldn’t be able to properly take care of an in-heat omega.

  “What do you want, shit-face?” he asked as soon as they were both seated on the couch in the living room.

  “Nice to see that you’re alive, ass-breath,” James retorted. “Another bad date?”

  “Yes. Fuck off, James.”

  “It’s not the end of the world.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Tony would’ve killed you if you did.”

  He rolled his eyes at James, but he knew James wasn’t kidding. Anthony, affectionately known as Tony, was a giant of an alpha. The man was the most possessive alpha Blake ever met in his entire life. He was aware Anthony tolerated him because he was James’s best friend and also because he was an omega. Alphas, no matter how feral they got, would never attack an omega. It was ingrained in their genes.

  “No, he wouldn’t,” Blake insisted.

  “True, but he would be fucking pissed off.”

  “Not denying that. Anyway, why are you here?”

  He felt a horrible feeling welling up deep inside when James’s face brightened, because that was an expression he was familiar with. Blake was certain it would be nothing he liked. He had no doubt James had come up with a very stupid idea he would hate. Blake raised both hands to stop his best friend before the man could even begin to open his mouth.

  “Whatever hare-brained, moronic idea you have, save it. I’m not interested.”

  James huffed. “You haven’t even heard what I have to tell you.”

  “I don’t have to. All of your brilliant ideas always land me in one form of trouble or another. No, thank you. I’ve had enough of them.”

  “Blake, buddy, come on. I promise you’ll like this wonderful idea.”

  “Oh, no! That makes me even more sure I won’t. Everything that you label as wonderful is anything but.”

  “But you’ll get to meet two incredible alphas who are looking for an omega mate.”

  “I…” His protest died in his throat. He narrowed his eyes at James. “That’s vague. What are you hiding?”

  “Well, I sort of, kind of didn’t tell them about your…you know…” James trailed off while gesturing at Blake’s body.

  Blake sighed. “So, they don’t know I’m not built like the typical omega?”

  James shook his head. “But it’s just a blind date. Right?”

  He snorted. “James, there’s only one type of alpha who wants me. They all want to fuck me, but they’re not interested in mating me. They just like the feeling of being able to dominate a freakish omega like me. I’m six-foot-four and two hundred and ten pounds of bulky muscle. They all like the victorious feeling of being able to manhandle someone as huge as me, but at the end of the day, they prefer what they perceive to be the perfect omega. They all want an omega mate who is lithe with a small build and a pretty face.”

  “Dude, you’re a damn pretty face yourself.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’m not narcissistic enough to judge my own face.”

  “Trust me, Blake. You’re one of the most beautiful omegas ever. Your violet eyes and black hair are the most awesome features on your face.”

  “It’s just too bad that I’m so tall and muscular that almost everyone’s first impression of me is that I must be an alpha.”

  James t
hrew him a sheepish grin. “Well, at least you have a very sexy ass.”

  Blake was startled into laughing out loud in amusement. “Tony would’ve killed me if he knew you thought of my ass in that way.”

  “He thought so, too.”

  Blake was taken aback to hear that admission. “What?”

  “Tony told me your ass is ‘perky and sexy as fuck.’ His words. Not mine.”

  “Ugh, thanks?”

  “You’re welcome. Anyway, how about that date?” James asked.

  “I don’t know, James.”

  “Come on, Blake. Just one date. What could it hurt?”

  He wanted to scream at James. His pride had suffered through multiple dents over the last few years from one rejection after another. He became disillusioned after the fifth alpha refused to even consider mating and having kids with him. Hence, he stopped seeking an alpha to assist him through his heats. He would rather spend his heats alone rather than get his hopes up, only for them to come crashing down from yet another disappointment. However, James was looking at him in such a way that he knew he wouldn’t be able to refuse his best friend at all.

  He shut his eyes and nodded. “Fine. One date.”

  “Yes! You won’t regret it, dude. Anyway, I have to return to the shop now. It’s almost Valentine’s, and it gets rather busy this time of the year. I can’t let my alpha handle everything on his own.”

  “The two of you have two employees.”

  “Yeah, but my alpha sometimes likes a quickie or two in the afternoon.”

  Blake grimaced. “That’s downright disgusting. You’re like a brother to me. I don’t want to know about your sex life at all.”



  James stood and walked toward the door. “Whatever. Anyway, the alphas’ names are Mason Armstrong and Kian Evans. They’re mated to each other, but they’re looking for an omega to complete them. They will be waiting for you tonight at seven at the diner downtown. It’s called The Old Block. Bye, Blake.”

  “What? Wait a minute, you son of a—”

  The sound of his apartment door closing cut him off. James didn’t even bother checking if he could make it that evening. Then again, James knew him well enough after decades of friendship. He spent most of his time designing websites or translating documents for clients. He earned more than enough to support his simple lifestyle. He had considered getting some more work done later that night, but he now had a date to go to. He would have to put work off for the time being. He also had to keep his fingers crossed and hope the upcoming date wouldn’t turn out to be another bust. Or at least not too big of a blow to his already bruised ego.

  Chapter 2

  “Lighten up, Mase. You look great. Stop fidgeting.”

  Mason glared at Kian, his alpha mate. “Easy for you to say. You’re still in your long-sleeved shirt and slacks. You remind people of a successful manager or some shit like that. I own a small diner, and I’m wearing a ratty Henley shirt along with an old pair of jeans. I’ll probably be taken as a hobo. Maybe I should change—”


  Mason sighed. “I know I’m overreacting, but we’re about to meet up with James’s omega friend. Tony told me Blake is one of the most beautiful omegas ever. If Tony wasn’t so in love with James, he would have gone after Blake himself.”

  “Lucky us then.”

  Mason nodded at Kian. “Are you sure that I don’t need to put on some other clothes?”

  Kian rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Now, sit tight and shut your trap. You’re worse than my students, and they’re year one elementary kids.”

  “I can’t help it, Kee. I want to make a good impression on Blake.”

  “You’ll be fine…holy shit! Turn around.”


  “Turn around,” Kian instructed.

  Mason obliged. “What’s there to see?”

  “The tall dude.”

  “What about him?”

  “Angela just pointed him toward our table.”

  Mason swiveled around to face Kian once again. “That’s the omega?”

  “He should be. He’s…huge, though.”

  “Understatement, Kee.”

  “Hush. He’s making his way to our table now.”

  Mason picked up his bottle of beer and gulped the contents down his throat as his heart beat faster and harder against his chest. James and Anthony had warned him Blake would be a damn gorgeous omega, but he wasn’t prepared for that kind of breathtaking beauty. He could smell the sweet, fertile scent of omega before Blake even reached their table. Mason groaned under his breath. He noticed Kian was clenching both fists.

  “Holy fuck! Remind me to kill James and Anthony tomorrow,” Kian whispered. “Blake is beyond exquisite, and his scent…shit! My dick is hard enough right now to cut through diamonds.”

  “So’s mine,” Mason gritted out. “Let’s get through this date first. We can murder both James and Anthony tomorrow. They should’ve prepared us better before arranging this date with Blake. I think I’m going to faint. There’s not enough blood going up all the way to my upper head.”

  Mason needed more time to get himself under control, but Blake approached him and Kian less than a minute later. He observed as Kian stood and shook hands with Blake before he did the same. He hoped nobody was staring at his crotch because he had no doubt the visible bulge was more than obscene. Once the introductions were over with, they sat around the table with Blake in between him and Kian. He yearned to pull the omega into his arms and bury his nose in the crook between Blake’s neck and shoulder. He also craved the taste of the omega’s skin on his tongue. However, he didn’t want to frighten Blake away from him and Kian before they even got the chance to get to know one another.

  It took every ounce of self-control not to pounce on Blake and fuck the omega right there in public in the diner before biting down on a perfect spot on the left side of the man’s neck. Mason wanted the world to know that Blake belonged to him. He could tell Kian was finding it just as difficult to sit still. He was amazed an omega as magnificent as Blake was willing to give him and Kian a chance. His right hand trembled as he grabbed the beer bottle and finished the contents in a matter of seconds.

  “I guess I’m not your type, huh?” Blake spoke up after a moment of silence.

  Mason almost choked on his beer. “What? No. I mean, yes, you’re definitely our type.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “What makes you think that you’re not?” Kian inquired.

  “Have you looked at me?” Blake answered while gesturing at himself. “I’m six-foot-four, two hundred and ten pounds. Alphas aren’t interested in a freakish omega like me.”

  Mason felt the anger surge inside him when he detected the bitterness and hurt in Blake’s tone. “Those alphas are blind and stupid. Besides, Kian and I are secure enough in our alpha status. Neither of us feels the need to posture like those weak alphas to prove our status to anyone.”

  Blake smiled at him, which made the omega even more alluring. “Thank you, Mase. The two of you are undeniably alphas. How big are you?”

  Mason raised his left eyebrow. “Are you referring to our height and weight? Or are you thinking about something else?”

  Blake’s neck and cheeks reddened from the blunder. “Height and weight.”

  Kian burst out laughing. “I’m only six feet even, one hundred and ninety pounds, but I assure you, Blake, I’m strong enough to manhandle you if that’s what you’re into.”

  Blake blushed further when Kian winked at him. Mason rolled his eyes at Kian. “Ignore that Neanderthal, Blake. He’s still learning how to behave in public. Anyway, I’m two inches taller than Kian, but I weigh two hundred and fifty pounds.”

  “Thanks for indulging my curiosity.”

  “You’re welcome. Why don’t you place your order first?” Kian suggested.

  “Sure. I’ve never been here before. What’s recommended?”

p; Kian chuckled in response. “Don’t listen to Mase. He owns this diner, so his opinions will be biased.”

  “Oh, The Old Block belongs to you?” Blake asked.

  Mason nodded. “Yeah. Kian helps out when he’s not busy grading worksheets or exam papers.”

  Blake faced Kian in surprise. “You’re a teacher?”

  Kian nodded. “Year one at Willow Charter Elementary. I teach Mathematics.”

  “That’s incredible. My omega dad is a retired middle-school Science teacher. My alpha dad used to be a tax consultant while my beta dad owns a bakery. The three of them now run the bakery together, but it’s located in San Diego. I love my parents, but I need to get away from them. They’re still nagging at me to settle down and pop out a dozen babies for them to pamper. I like living here in San Francisco, but I miss them.”

  Mason shrugged. “The distance isn’t that bad. Kian’s parents live in Indianapolis while my parents reside in Houston. Kian and I met in college freshman year when we moved here nineteen years ago. Then, we decided to stay. What do you do for a living, Blake?”

  “I design websites for companies and individuals. I also do translation jobs. I’m fluent in Spanish, Italian, French, and Mandarin.”

  “And English?” Kian teased.

  Blake laughed. “That, too. Anyway, I think I’ll have the burgers and fries.”

  Mason nodded and called for Liam, one of the servers on shift that evening, to take their orders. He and Kian chose the steak and fries. The two of them also got themselves their second bottles of beer while Blake decided on a glass of fresh orange juice. When Liam walked away from the table, Mason leaned back against the chair and grinned at Blake.

  “How do you know James and Anthony?”

  “James’s parents and mine are close friends. The two of us spent our childhood years together. Our parents thought we would end up as mates. It’s not going to happen. James is like a brother to me. I love him, but sex with him? Yuck! Too much like incest,” Blake concluded with a full body shudder. “Besides, Anthony is very possessive of James. I don’t think they’re ready for a third mate.”


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