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Precious Moments

Page 2

by Casper Graham

  Kian guffawed out loud. “Lucky for Mase and me. We like you.”


  Mason nodded. “Absolutely. Unless you’re not interested in us?”

  Blake beamed at the two alphas. “I like you both very much. Let’s take it one step at a time, though.”

  “Sure,” Kian agreed. “Can I tell you something?”

  Blake shrugged. “Of course.”

  “Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not trying to get fresh with you, but you smell like Heaven.”

  “I’ll second that,” Mason added. “You’re also very good-looking.”

  Blake blushed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kian responded.

  For the next two hours or so, Mason had one of the best times of his life. Not only was he enjoying a wonderful date with Kian and Blake, he also got the opportunity to unwind, which was rare. After all, his diner was open from ten in the morning until ten at night every day. He might have a few servers, chefs, and bakers to help him out, but he preferred to be present at the diner to ensure everything was running smoothly.

  When dinner was over, he and Kian gave Blake a mini tour of the diner, showing off the kitchen and the small office next to it, which was filled with various documents related to the business. Mason would cook and bake sometimes, but he spent most of his time at the diner reading and signing work-related documents. He also needed to deal with the financial stuff such as the receipts and various bills, which were required by the freelance tax consultant he hired to handle anything tax-related.

  He also wanted to point out the house he shared with Kian. The two-floor house was located right behind the diner. However, Mason changed his mind at the last minute because he didn’t want Blake to get the wrong impression about him and Kian. After all, he and Kian were searching for an omega mate, not a one-night-stand. He wanted the three of them to settle down and have two or three kids of their own someday. If things went well with Blake in the future, Mason was certain he would get more than ample opportunities to show the omega the master bedroom and all the other fun things. He would have to be patient for the time being.

  Chapter 3

  “Shit!” Blake cursed for the thousandth time.

  He might be exaggerating that a little, but the fact remained, he couldn’t concentrate on designing a website for one of his regular clients. It was the day after his first date with Kian and Mason, but the memory of the alphas’ scents still lingered. Kian and Mason had a powerful aroma of underlying alpha musk—Kian smelled woodsier while Mason carried a more earthy tone. Blake thought they complimented the sweetness of his scent, which was a mixture of berries and caramel.

  He sighed when he felt the slick dripping from his hole. He enjoyed the alphas’ company the previous evening and he definitely loved their scents. When the server, Angela, had pointed them out, he couldn’t believe his good fortune. He remembered feeling as if his heart was about to stop at the sight of Kian’s hazel eyes and black hair. Then, Mason turned to face him, and the alpha’s amber eyes and dark brown hair mesmerized him further.

  Both alphas were so handsome he honestly thought he had no chance to be with them. Good-looking alphas like them had no use for an omega like him. He was too tall and too muscular. However, he’d felt a renewed sense of hope when he detected the scent of their arousal when he shook their hands, not to mention the way they shifted closer to him as they conversed with one another for the next two and a half hours.

  He also liked it when the alphas glared at some of the other alphas at the diner, who kept staring at him from the other tables. He didn’t know if they were aware of their behaviors, but he felt desired and cared for as an omega. Not that he was dainty and frail by any stretch of the imagination. He could take care of himself just fine, but being protected by two alphas still felt fantastic. The omega side of him definitely enjoyed the sense of security that was provided by Kian and Mason.

  He almost jumped off his chair when he heard the insistent knocking on his front door. He had a strong feeling it would be James. He loved James, and the feeling was mutual, but his beta best friend was too nosy. Nevertheless, he got up from his chair and walked out of the office in his apartment before making his way toward the front door and unlocking it. He wasn’t surprised when James stood outside, rubbing both palms and cackling at him like a lunatic.

  “Someone leaves a fabulous impression on Kee and Mase.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Shut the fuck off, shit-face.”

  “Is that the way you greet all of your guests, ass-breath?”

  “It’s reserved for those annoying motherfuckers like you.”

  “Ouch. You should be thanking me for introducing you to Kee and Mase.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, jerk. Come on in and close the door behind you. Do you want beer, tea, or coffee? I have orange juice and milk, as well.”

  “Chamomile tea? Your tea is the best.”

  He rolled his eyes for the second time. “I have that. Give me five minutes.”

  After making a fresh pot of tea, he brought the pot, two empty cups, and some sugar and milk out toward the living room on a tray before placing it down on the table. He watched as James poured himself a cup of tea and dumped eight spoonfuls of sugar into the cup. He was even more fascinated when James added a generous amount of milk. He paid close attention as James drank the tea.


  He grimaced at James. “Do you have to pour so much sugar and milk into your tea? It’s…it’s frightening. I can’t get used to it no matter how many times I’ve seen it.”

  “I like it sweet. Tony’s cum is salty and tangy—”

  Blake’s eyes widened and he covered his ears before glaring at James. “You’re disgusting.”

  “Oh, please. Sex is fun. I love it.”

  “But not when you overshare the details.”

  “You’re such a prude,” James scoffed.

  “Better than a slut like you.”

  “You’re just jealous that I get to have so much incredible sex with Tony. His dick is—”

  “Stop,” he shouted at James, who snickered. “I don’t want to know.”

  James shrugged. “Your loss then. Anyway, what are Kee and Mase like?”

  He beamed at James. “They’re great.”

  “Just great? What about their dicks?”

  He glanced at James in confusion. “What?”

  James gasped at him. “You didn’t sleep with them?”

  “Of course not! What the fuck?”

  “But…but they called Tony and me this morning, telling us how good you smelled last night.”

  “At the diner, asshole. They were definitely referring to when we sat close to one another at the table during dinner.”

  James leaned back against the back of the couch and sighed. “That’s disappointing.”

  Blake snorted. “I don’t make it a habit to have sex with all of my dates.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just don’t. Why are you so concerned about my sex life anyway?”

  “Because you don’t have one.”

  “I do.”

  “Yeah? When was the last time?”

  “I…” He trailed off. “I can’t remember.”

  “Was it sometime in this century?”

  “Probably a year ago.”

  “A year?” James yelled. “Is your dick still working? Or has it turned rusty? How about your balls?”

  He gave James the middle-finger salute. “My private parts are fine. Thanks.”

  James stared at him in disbelief. “I think you should visit the doctor.”

  “Why? I got tested last month. I have no STD.”

  “That’s the least of my concern. What if you can’t get it up and hard anymore?”

  He snorted. “Don’t worry. My dick is in excellent working condition.”

  James smirked at him. “You polish it every day, eh?”

  “None of your business. I—” He turned t
oward the door when he was interrupted by somebody knocking on it. He narrowed his eyes at James. “If that’s Tony, I’ll murder you.”

  “It can’t be. Tony’s busy at the shop.”

  Blake stood and made his way to the door. A beta delivery man stood outside. “Mr. Blake Hill?”


  “I have a special delivery for you.”

  He gasped in surprise when the beta delivery man thrust a huge box at him. “Uh, thank you. Do I have to sign anything?”

  “No, sir. Have a wonderful day.”

  “You, too.”

  When he carried the box back into the apartment and placed it on the table in the living room, James hovered next to him and eyed the box with an obvious curiosity.

  “What’s that?”

  He shrugged. “Beats me.”

  It took Blake a few minutes to peel open the tapes at the edges of the box. After lifting the cover, he found a handwritten note on top of the container inside the box. He didn’t recognize the handwriting, so he picked the note up. His heart thumped hard against his chest when he detected the familiar scents. They belonged to Kian and Mason. He smelled the note a few seconds longer before reading the words on it.

  We hope you love cupcakes.

  We used berries and caramel because they reminded us of you.

  Blake smiled to himself and lifted the container out of the box before taking off its lid. He gaped at the twelve cupcakes. Each of them had a layer of violet-colored cream cheese on top. They smelled incredible even from a distance.

  “Kee and Mase are definitely courting you.”


  James stared at him. “Are you sure you’re an omega?”

  “Of course I am. What does my secondary gender designation have to do with the courting stuff?”

  “I know Kee and Mase are nontraditional alphas, Blake, but they choose the courting method from ancient times to woo you.”

  “Woo? Are we back in the stone age or something?”

  “Hush! Listen to me. I’ll teach you everything that you need to know.”

  Blake narrowed his eyes at James. “For real?”

  “I learned this stuff from my parents. You know they’re old-fashioned. Besides, I’m your best friend, ass-breath. I won’t lead you astray. “

  “It won’t be the first time,” he muttered.


  He grinned at James. “Nothing. So, courting?”

  James harrumphed and pointed toward the couch. “Sit down. We have so much to talk about.”

  For the next hour or so, Blake listened as James informed him about the courting methods from the past. He concentrated as hard as he could, especially on the parts where James touched on the things that he, the courted omega, was expected to do in response to the gifts from the alphas. By the time James left his apartment, Blake already had a vague idea of the gifts he wanted to send to the alphas. He hoped the alphas would enjoy them.

  Chapter 4

  Kian loved his job. He enjoyed molding the minds of the future generations. He was glad his seven-year-old students respected him and liked his lessons as much as he relished every precious moment he spent with them. He attempted to educate them by making Mathematics as fun as he possibly could. However, there would always be a handful of students, or more, who couldn’t seem to catch up with the rest, no matter how hard he tried.

  He’d just finished grading a stack of worksheets from one of his classes when Mason startled him by running into the dining room and screaming out loud in joy. He stared at Mason to make sure his alpha mate was still sane. Out of the two of them, he was the more relaxed and outgoing alpha, while Mason was more serious and formal. He was tempted to pick up the smartphone next to him and call for an ambulance when Mason began waving a note in front of him.

  “It’s here. It’s here.”

  “Okay. What’s here, Mase?”

  “The note!” Mason exclaimed, looking at him as if he were an idiot.


  “The note!”

  “Mase, I love you, but I think the cooling fall temperature has rattled your brain somehow. Let me call the ambulance for you, so you can get your head checked out at the hospital.”

  “I’m fine, Kee. It’s the note we’ve been waiting for. There are twenty-four cupcakes waiting for us on the table in the living room.”

  “What cup…oh!” He got to his feet in a hurry and snatched the note from Mason’s hand before reading it.

  Twelve hazelnut cupcakes with cookies and cream topping that remind me of Kian’s beautiful eyes.

  Twelve milk chocolate cupcakes with vanilla cream topping that remind me of Mason’s sexy eyes.

  I hope you’ll think of me when you bite into them.

  He rushed toward the living room and knelt on the floor next to the table before opening the container. He grinned to himself as he picked up the first hazelnut cupcake and took a huge bite. He couldn’t stop the deep, satisfied rumble that burst from his throat as he chewed. He and Mason had been hesitant to employ the ancient courting ritual at first, but Blake was special. They wanted to court the omega properly, and if Blake was amenable, they would love to claim the man as their mate.

  Kian watched as Mason bent forward next to him and took the milk chocolate cupcake from the container. He heard Mason groan in delight as the alpha sank his teeth into the cupcake, leaving less than half in his hand. His mind returned to Blake after that. He was glad Blake understood the significance of the gift of cupcakes. It was their way of informing Blake they would always provide him with enough food. In response, Blake was supposed to double the amount, which implied the omega would ensure an abundant amount of food waiting for the alphas at home after a long day at work.

  Kian was aware it sounded rather discriminatory. After all, the ritual stemmed from the ancient time when the alphas hunted for food while the omegas prepared the food at home, especially after the alphas had been out and running for the entire day. However, he and Mason enjoyed the possibility they might symbolically have an omega waiting for them at home with plenty of food to sate their hunger after a long, tiring day at work.

  Mason faced him seconds later. “We should start planning for our second date with Blake.”

  “I agree, but we need to do some research. After all, it has to prove two things to Blake. The first one is that being mated to us is going to be fun. The second is that we’re more than capable of protecting him.”

  “Right. Of course. Any ideas?”

  Kian shook his head. “We can ask one of the employees. Some of them are much younger than us. They’ll probably have better ideas about all the cool spots or events that are going on around the city.”

  “Great idea. I’ll do that later. I want to eat a few more cupcakes.”

  “Excited, huh?”

  “Very,” Mason admitted. “A potential omega mate is receptive to being our mate. I get hard just thinking about it.”

  Kian glanced at Mason’s crotch area and smirked. “I can see that. It’s impossible to miss. I hope you’re wearing underwear underneath your jeans. Otherwise, your precum will leak through. That will be downright embarrassing.”

  “I’m wearing a pair of trunks. I should be fine.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. Anyway, what’s up with you?”

  “Same old.”

  Mason nodded in understanding. “Still having trouble with some of your students?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know what else to do about them. I tried every tactic I learned over the past fifteen years, but they couldn’t get the concept through their heads.”

  “Have you consulted with some of the other teachers?”

  Kian shook his head. “Not yet. I’ll do that tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday, Kee.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Shit! Monday then. I must be more exhausted than I realize. This has been a damn long week.”

  Mason snickered in amusement. �
��I think you were stressed out over waiting for a response from Blake.”

  “Yeah. I think you’re right. Longest two days of my life.”

  “I know what you mean. I felt the same way. I almost screamed like an overexcited teenage alpha instead of behaving like a dignified adult when the delivery man walked in earlier with that container of cupcakes. It took every ounce of self-control to accept the box as calmly as I could and walked past the kitchen all the way to the connecting door. I lost it when I finally entered our home. It was just too much for me.”

  “No shame in that. I would have reacted the way you did if I were the one who had received the delivery.”

  Kian and Mason proceeded to consume more than half the cupcakes. They also tasted each other’s cupcakes. Kian liked both flavors. Then again, he was biased. After all, the cupcakes were given to him and Mason by their potential omega mate. Even if the cupcakes tasted horrible, he would probably finish them all and brag about how delicious they were. He got up and lay down on the couch. He’d just closed his eyes when Mason abruptly shouted from the floor, startling him awake. He sat up and stared at Mason expectantly.

  “I got it!”

  “What? What is it?”

  “An idea for our next date.”


  “There’s a carnival tomorrow and Sunday. I just remembered. Some of the servers were talking about it earlier this morning. Let’s call Blake and invite him.”

  “Great. Why don’t you do that? I need to shut my eyes for a while. I’m sleepy.”


  Kian nodded at Mason before closing his eyes once again. He was so worn out after a tiring day in school he dozed off within minutes. The last thing he heard was Mason’s excited voice talking to Blake on the phone. After that, he drifted off into dreamland.

  Chapter 5

  Blake had been amused when Mason had asked him out to go to the carnival the previous afternoon. He was excited when Kian and Mason picked him up at his apartment. He was also thankful when Kian alighted from the car and told him to take the seat next to Mason, who would be their driver for the day. He didn’t mind sitting at the back, but he was too tall to be able to squeeze himself comfortably into the seats. The front seat allowed him to move it back in order to make space for his long legs.


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