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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 25

by Bolling, Iris

  Xavier did, but held one back. “My brother had marbles just like these when I was little.”

  Ann picked up on the change in his tone as soon as he spoke. She didn’t bother to look at him, for she knew something had changed. “Did he?” she placed the jar on the desk, then turned to walk away.

  Xavier stopped her by grabbing her arm. “What’s your name?”

  Turning back to him, she looked him straight in the eyes and replied, “Friend.”

  Not ready to deal with what he was thinking, he dropped the marble in the jar and placed the top back on it. The microwave beeped. “I think I’ll have that breakfast to go.”

  Her time with him was up. She knew it couldn’t last forever. That was her doing, not his or Zack’s. But she was given a few days to see what type of man he was inside and liked what she had a glimpse of. “You know, in life you do reap what you sow.” she said as she walked over to the microwave and pulled out the breakfast sandwich. “You’re a good man Xavier Prince Davenport. Find yourself a good woman and plant some seeds. You and Zack come from good stock.” She gave the wrapped sandwich to him. “You should both be fruitful and multiply. Just make sure it’s with the right woman.”

  Xavier took the sandwich from the woman. What he was thinking was not something he wanted to deal with at this time. Not sure what to say, he held her gaze for a moment then said “Thank you.” He turned, and walked out of the door.


  Joshua placed the case he retrieved from the closet of the second floor of the model home on the bed in his room. While at the model house, he also removed the explosive device. He immediately had his tech friend identify the maker. With an explosive device involved, whatever is going on had become a federal case, giving him carte blanche on whatever he had to do. Not many men had a license to kill, Joshua did. Opening the case he took the instrument from inside. Examining the sax, he found KAD engraved on the base of the instrument. Joshua pulled his handheld computer from his inside pocket and scanned the device. Once he was finished he pushed the send button.

  Samuel walked into the room Joshua occupied in his house whenever he was in town. Seeing the instrument and the case, he frowned. “What are you doing with King Arthur?”

  Joshua looked at the engraving, then at Samuel. “Who in the hell is King Arthur?”

  Samuel laughed, “Zack’s saxophone. Its name is King Arthur.” He walked further into the room. “What are you doing with it?”

  “Close the door,” Joshua instructed. Samuel complied then sat in the chair next to the bed. “What’s up?”

  Joshua placed the instrument back in the case, closed it then pushed it under the bed. “I don’t know. And you know how that irritates me.” He shook his head, still trying to piece things together. “I think someone is trying to frame Zack. On what I’m not sure, but I think Celeste Blanchard is involved. I just don’t know how.”

  “She’s in Richmond,” Samuel told Joshua. “That’s the woman that set everything off with Zack and Diamond.”

  “Interesting, and she just happened to show up now. Zack hasn’t been involved seriously with a woman since her and she shows up the moment Diamond tells us she’s interested in Zack. I’ve heard about women’s intuition when it comes to men, but I don’t believe it’s that strong and I damn sure don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “You think she is working with someone?”

  “I do. The question is who and why?”

  “With Celeste the why is easy. Money. Your guess is as good as mine on the who.”

  Joshua pulled out his computer. “Do you recognize this person or this person?” he pointed to the people standing in the background of the picture from the investigation.

  “I know both of them and so does Zack. But I don’t believe they know each other.”

  “I think we better find out. I don’t want to deal with a heartbroken Diamond and neither does Lucy.”

  Samuel smiled. “Lucy told me about Diamond damn near blowing herself and Commando up.”

  “We can’t have that, I love that dog.”

  “You love your sister too. Tell me everything you have.”

  Chapter 29

  Saturday was a whirlwind of activity. The Business Man of the Year Dinner was scheduled at six. Zack and Diamond hadn’t come up for air in days, but that was about to end. Xavier was sitting on the patio with the French doors from the kitchen open. The morning was quiet and normally it would be the perfect time for him to work on designs. There were tons of community projects on his mind that he needed to get down on paper, but this morning the friend from the model unit was on his mind. There were unanswered questions swirling around in his mind.

  “Well good morning,”

  Xavier turned to see a glowing Diamond in the doorway. “Good morning to you,” he replied with a wide grin. “You look happy.”

  Diamond walked out and took a seat on the lounge chair next to him. “I am,” she nodded and smiled.

  “So is Zack, from what I can see. You’re good for him.”

  She brushed against his shoulder, “Thanks.” She watched his gaze go back to the yard. “What’s wrong?”

  Xavier turned to her. There was no need trying to avoid the question from her. She always had an uncanny ability to read his moods. He sat the cup he was drinking from on the table in front of them then turned to her. “I met your friend from the model home.”

  “She’s something, isn’t she?” Diamond grinned.

  “That she is. What do you know about her?”

  “Not much,” Diamond shook her head. “She doesn’t talk much about herself.”

  “Yet you gave her unlimited access to the house, the files, the computer?”

  “I didn’t give her access to any of those things Xavier.” She shrugged.

  “She had it. In fact she showed me where everything connected to the model was, even down to how you handled clients. I was curious as to why you would give a stranger that much access to confidential information.”

  “I just told you I didn’t give her access. I have no idea how she knows those things unless she’s been watching me when I didn’t know it.”

  “Where do you keep the password to your computer?”

  “Under a jar of marbles on my desk.”

  “Where did the marbles come from?”

  “She gave them to me. When she first started coming by I would feed her something and she would leave me a marble or two for payment, I guess.”

  “Has Zack ever seen those marbles?”

  She shrugged “I don’t think so, why?”

  Xavier sat back in his chair, “I think your friend at the model home is my mother.”

  A stunned Diamond sat up, “Your mother. Why do you think that?”

  “The marbles in the jar look just like the ones from Zack’s collection. In fact, I’m sure the shooter is.”

  “How do you know?”

  “There’s a nick on Zach’s shooter from where I dropped it on the front porch. He kicked my behind for days because of it. I would never forget that shooter.”

  “Have you talked to Zack about it?”

  Xavier shook his head, “Noooo.”

  “Why not?”

  “You don’t understand the effect my mother’s leaving had on Zack.” He chuckled, “For months, everytime my dad mentioned my mother, Zack went into a rage. After a while, my dad stopped mentioning her.”

  “You didn’t know your mother?”

  “Not really. I never had any memories of her until yesterday.”

  “What happened yesterday?”

  “I knocked over the jar of marbles on your desk. While I was picking them up, I remembered my mother saying Zack was going to be upset. Let’s get them back inside the jar. Your friend was helping me pick them up and said the exact same thing. It was like we went back in time to the moment when I had dropped Zack’s marbles.”

  “Did you ask her who she was?”

  Nodding, “Several times, but she n
ever told me her name.”

  “Her name is Ann,” Zack said from the doorway. “I saw the marbles too. I thought they looked familiar, but at the time I didn’t pay much attention to them.” He leaned against the doorjamb. “How long has she been there?” He looked at Diamond.

  Diamond stood and kissed him gently on his lips, “Good morning. She’s been around since the model first opened. I had no idea who she was.” She exhaled. “Now, would you like some breakfast.”

  Zack smiled down at her, “Good morning gorgeous. Yes, I’m starving.”

  She turned back to Xavier, “How about you?”

  It was good to see the rough edges around Zack soften at Diamond’s touch. “You know I’d like some homemade waffles.”

  Zack and Diamond looked at each other. “You spoke to Opal yesterday, didn’t you?” Diamond smirked.

  “Phire, actually. Of course she gave me the run down on you two and the waffles.”

  “Of course she did,” Diamond shook her head and walked into the kitchen.

  Zack stepped out onto the patio and sat in front of his brother. This was a conversation he should have had with his brother years ago. “She’s been asking to see you.”

  Xavier nodded, “But you wouldn’t allow it.”

  “No,” Zack replied. “I did not want to take a chance on her coming into your life and then running off again.”

  “I’m a grown man Zack. That was not a decision for you to make.”

  Zack nodded, “I agree. It should have been your decision. At the time I was doing the best I could to protect you. The thing is, I never understood why Ann would ask permission. I never banned her from the office or the house. She began cleaning up when you returned from college. She was free to approach you at any time.” Diamond stepped out and placed a cup of coffee in front of Zack. “Thank you,” he said and smiled as he watched her walk away, then turned back to Xavier. “I don’t think she wanted to take a chance on upsetting me.”

  Xavier looked out over the yard and exhaled. “I don’t remember anything about her.”

  “There’s a box upstairs in the attic that has “King” written on it. I could never bring myself to get rid of it.”

  “What’s in it?”

  “Things that he held dear to his heart. When you are ready, I think you should take a look inside.”

  Xavier nodded, acknowledging the statement. He looked into the kitchen then turned back to Zack. “I’ll be moving into my condo over the weekend.”

  “X-man, don’t let this come between us.”

  Xavier put his hand up. “I’m not moving because of Ann or my mother or whoever she is. It’s time. You have a new life ahead of you and frankly, living here with you is cramping my style.” He smirked. “A brother needs a little privacy and so do you. You two are kind of freaky.”

  Diamond popped him upside the head with the potholder as she walked out with a tray of bacon, eggs and toast. “I heard that.”

  “I heard you too.” Xavier smirked as he reached for a plate. “Oh Zackary,” he mimicked her voice.

  “You did not,” she blushed.

  Zack pulled her into his lap. “Pay him no mind babe, he’s just jealous.”

  She kissed his neck. “My sisters and I are going shopping today. I have to find a dress for tonight. Are we still meeting at the dinner?”

  “Definitely,” he kissed her. “I’ll see you tonight.” He watched her as she walked from the room.

  “Man you are so gone.” Xavier laughed.


  “You told me this was going to be simple. Zack was going to write a check to ensure Chanté and I would be financially set. That hasn’t happened and from the looks of things, it’s not going to happen. So you have a choice, pay me or I will tell Zackary everything you’ve been up to!” Celeste paced the floor of the hotel room with her back to the door.

  “Look, I told you Zack would fall for your daughter and he did. He immediately moved you from the motel to the hotel, because he’s such the caring gentlemen.” Charles sarcastically added. “You’re the one that lost your cool when you pushed his buttons on the Diamond issue.”

  Past the point of listening to any reasoning, Celeste insisted. “Cash today or I spill my guts.”

  The only part of his plans she knew about was her role. She knew nothing about the other player in the game. But if she got to Zack, it could cause a ruffle or two before the last nail in Zack’s coffin was in place. “Look, Celeste, you have as much to lose as I do if this doesn’t go according to plan. Come Monday, you will have the money you need to get your daughter into that dancing program and more.”

  “I want out. Now!” Celeste insisted. “This is not going right and I will not allow another man to destroy my dreams for Chanté. Zack turned his back on me, then Teddy and I’ll be damned if I’ll allow you to do the same. You pay me today or I will tell Zack how you came to me about this plan to bring him down.”

  “What are you going to tell him? That your husband left you, or the fact that you were about to be evicted from your home? I’m sure Zack is going to be sympathetic towards you. After all you broke his heart, not once, but twice.”

  “You may be right, but one thing I do know about Zackary Davenport. If I go to him and tell him my situation and why I agreed to this scheme of yours, he will not only forgive me, but he will give me the financial support I need for Chanté. As you said Charles, that’s the kind of caring gentleman he is. Either you pay me or Zack will. I don’t particularly care which.”

  “All right!” Charles exclaimed. “Show up at the dinner and you’ll get your money.”

  “Play me and Zack will know the entire story before midnight.” She disconnected the call and turned to find Chanté standing in the doorway.

  “This trip had nothing to do with me and dancing. This was all about you getting money from Mr. Davenport?” Chanté asked as she stared curiously at her mother.

  “Chanté,” Celeste took a step towards her. “Darling no, this has everything to do with you.”

  “Mom, Mr. Davenport is a really nice man. I don’t know what happened with you and him back whenever, but no one deserves to be used for money. Didn’t you learn anything from Daddy leaving?”

  The question stung coming from her daughter. “Yes Chanté I did. I learned that you can’t depend on men for anything. That’s what I learned from your father leaving.”

  “Know what I’ve learned?” Chanté said as she placed the bag of food on the table, “I learned that trying to use people is wrong and it doesn’t feel good. That’s why Daddy left.” She turned and walked out of the door.

  Celeste ran to the door and pulled it open, “Chanté you come back here right now.”

  Chanté turned to look at her mom. She loved her and understood she was only doing what she could to take care of them. But her dad told her, if her mom had just been honest with him, he would have never left. Her dad knew she wasn’t his daughter long before he left the family. When they talked, he said he did not know for sure, but he believed Zackary Davenport was her father. She always wondered if she would ever get to meet him. So when her mother said they were going to Richmond to meet with him, she was ecstatic. Chanté liked him immediately and prayed that he was indeed her biological father. But when they did not hear from him after the tests were done, she knew he wasn’t her father. Daddy was wrong and only her mother knew the answer to the question that was foremost in her mind. Yes, she loved her mother, but there were times, like now that she just didn’t like her very much. “I just need to take a walk Mom.”

  “Don’t be gone long.”

  Stepping onto the elevator, Chanté replied. “I won’t.” She saw the relieved look on her mother’s face as the elevator doors closed. Pulling out her cell phone Chanté searched the database for the number she had recently stored. “Hi, it’s me. Can we talk?”


  Zack had just walked out of the door when Samuel and Joshua pulled up. “You have a minute?”
br />   Zack looked at his watch. “I’m supposed to be meeting someone, but I can spare a minute.” Joshua pulled the case from the car. Zack frowned. “What are you doing with King Arthur?” Zack took the case from him, placed it on the hood of the car and opened it. His shoulders relaxed as he examined the sax. “What are you doing with this?”

  “I took it from a closet on the second floor of your model home.”

  “What?” Zack looked as if Joshua had lost his mind as he placed the sax back inside its velvet case.” How in the hell did it get there?”

  “I believe Teddy Blanchard put it there.” Joshua replied.

  “Teddy Blanchard? Celeste’s husband?”


  “That’s something we will have to ask him when we find him.” Samuel stated. “Where is Celeste staying?”

  “The Marriott on Broad.” Joshua took off once he had the location. “What’s going on?” Zack asked Samuel.

  “I think you are going to be a little late for your meeting,” he said as he and Zack walked back into the house.


  Theodore Blanchard spent his life playing football. He may not be physically able to play any longer, but he still had a lot to contribute to the game. While standing on the sideline of a local high school team camp, he was recognized by some of the players. The gesture made him feel worthy. When the coach asked him to add a few pointers, he was more than happy to pitch in. Just as the practice session wrapped up, his cell phone rang. It was his baby girl Chanté. She needed to talk. He told her the day he left home, if she ever needed him all she had to do was call. From that day on whenever she called, he made time for her. He knew that he was not her biological father, but he loved her nonetheless. He was the first person to hold her when she was born, the first to see her cut her first tooth, the first to see her take her first steps. Yes, Chanté was as much a part of him as his legs, arms or heart. It was for that reason that he could not stay and allow her mother to make him seem like less of a man in his daughter’s eyes.


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