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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

Page 26

by Bolling, Iris

  At first it was the snide way she would belittle his position with the team. Zack would have been a starter; he wouldn’t be coming off of the bench when no one else was available. Or Zack wouldn’t be wondering if they were going to renew his contract. They would be begging him to stay. Then it got worse, Zack’s construction company made Black Enterprise’s top ten companies to watch. Then it was Zack isn’t even in the NFL and he is still outshining you. The final straw came when they were at a dance competition and Chanté won first place. In front of his child, the child he raised from birth, his loving wife said, Chanté has that same talent, determination and drive that Zack has. The statement cut him so deep, for the first time in twelve years, he said something back. “Zack wasn’t the one that married you. I was.” The next day, when he was driving Chanté to her dance lessons, she asked him, “Daddy, who is Zack that Mom talks about all the time?” He didn’t bother to lie, he told her the truth. That night he packed his bags and left. Why did he put up with it for so long? Simple, he loved Celeste before Zack came along, and he loved her when Zack walked away.

  “Hey baby girl,” Teddy smiled as Chanté got into the car.

  “Hey Daddy,” she reached over and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m so happy you’re here. Can we just go somewhere and talk?”

  “Of course. Would that talk go down better with ice cream and donuts?”

  “It sure would.” Chanté smiled. As they drove her mind went back to the conversation she overheard. “Daddy, I think Mom is trying to blackmail Mr. Davenport or doing something to get money from him.” She shook her head. “I don’t understand how Mom can say how much she loved him, but want to hurt him at the same time. It’s not right, what she’s doing. It’s just not right.”

  “It may not be what you think. Tell me what you heard.”

  “She was talking to someone named Charles who promised to give her money if she did something to Mr. Davenport.”

  “Charles?” Teddy inquired.

  “Yeah, I don’t know who he is, but she threatened to tell Mr. Davenport everything if this Charles guy didn’t give her some money.”

  “Did you see this Charles guy?”

  “No they were on the telephone.”

  “Daddy, I met Mr. Davenport and he really is a nice guy. He’s very handsome and funny. I don’t know why Mommy wants to hurt him.” Chanté did see the vein in her father’s neck throbbing, as she continued to talk. “I wish it had turned out that he was my father, but he’s not. So now what Daddy? How do I find out who my real father is?”

  It took every ounce of will power Teddy had not to explode. Zack had taken his girlfriend, his wife and now his little girl was wishing Zack was her father. How much humiliation can one man take from another? “Daddy? Daddy, did you hear me?”

  “Yes, baby girl, I heard you. Loud and clear, you wish Zackary Davenport was your real father.”

  In all the years, all the verbal attacks her mother made against her dad, she had never seen him break down. Whatever she said made him snap. She had said something to make her daddy mad. Thinking back, she was talking so much she had no idea what had made his face go white with anger. “Davenport wasn’t the one that took care of you, taught you right from wrong, took you to your dance lessons, wiped your tears when you were hurt, answered your calls everytime you needed or wanted something. That was me, dammit, not Zackary Davenport!”

  “I know Daddy,” a stunned and frightened Chanté cried out.

  “It was bad enough that your mother always wanted Davenport, now you too. Enough is enough! And I’ve had my fill of being a shadow of Zackary Davenport!”

  “Daddy I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Please slow the car down!”

  “I’m not going to hurt you baby girl, but I am going to take the all mighty Davenport down, once and for all.”

  The car sped forward and Chanté wondered who was the craziest, her mother or her father. “Daddy no one could ever replace you. But you said I need to know who my real father was.” She touched his arm. “You will always be my daddy. Please Daddy, slow the car down,” she cried.

  Teddy did not slow the car down until they were turning into Davenport Estates. The grounds were beautiful. Circling the turn-a-bout at the beginning of the grounds, the road passed several buildings in different stages of construction, what looked like an apartment building that was named The Towers, then on past what appeared to be a park. Then they drove through another gate that led to really nice single dwelling homes. It looked similar to the area where Chanté and her family lived. “What are you doing here Daddy?” Chanté asked.

  “I’m bringing Davenport to his knees.” He stopped the vehicle in front of the model home. He looked around as if to see if anyone was there. He then reached into the glove compartment and pulled out something that looked like a small transmitter. He let out a chilling chuckle, then pressed the button. Nothing happened. “What the?” he looked down at the device in his hand, turning it over, then back again. He shook the device and a green light appeared. Smiling he nodded his head and pushed the button again. Still, nothing happened. He looked at the device and yelled, while he slammed it against the steering wheel.

  “What is it Daddy? What’s wrong?”

  “Stay here!” he said. “Don’t you move out of this car!” He glared at her and she didn’t recognize him.

  Chanté watched as he walked around to the back of the house. She pulled out her cell phone and called her mother.

  “Mommy, something’s wrong with Daddy.”

  “I can’t talk right now Chanté. I’ll call you back in a minute.”

  “But Mommy…” The call was disconnected.

  Chanté looked around. No one was in sight. She watched through the window of the house as her father walked up the stairs and disappeared. She had no idea where she was or what was wrong with her dad, but she was too afraid to leave. Then she saw her dad running from the house. “Daddy please tell me what’s wrong.”


  “You think that Teddy Blanchard was involved in the Franklin fire?” Zack asked shaking his head. “I don’t believe that. Teddy was cool people, laidback, quiet. We never had any issues.”

  “Did you know that Teddy and Celeste were involved before you came into the picture?” Samuel asked. “He could be holding a grudge against you for that. My question is how does Charles play into all of this?”

  Zack stood and paced the floor in his kitchen. “What in the hell is happening here? Is this about money?”

  “I think it’s about a lot more.” Samuel stated, “The only reason I can see he would take items from your home and place them inside the burning houses is to frame you for the act. That would certainly ruin your business and possibly your reputation. I’ll be honest Zack, I don’t understand minds like these. If I have an issue with a man, I take it to him. I don’t play these games.”

  “Same here,” Zack nodded, “but for the life of me I have no idea what I have ever done to Charles or Teddy. Celeste, I can almost understand. But that’s still a stretch for me. She left me, I didn’t leave her.”

  “In a way you did Zack. You chose your brother over her.”

  “That wasn’t a choice Sammy that was life. X-man is my brother, my blood, he needed me and I was not going to turn my back on him.”

  “I understand that, but Celeste didn’t.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  “Joshua is on Celeste. Reese is following Charles. We haven’t located Teddy yet, but we will. Joshua believes whatever is planned will take place at the dinner tonight.”


  “It’s the perfect place to embarrass you, especially if you are the winner. We are going to continue to follow the players and cover the event. Until they show their hand, that’s about all we can do.”

  Xavier walked into the room, “Julia is on the line. Charles has requested fifty thousand dollars from the bank manager. Should she authorize the release?”

  Zack s
hook his head and looked at Samuel. “Did he indicate what the funds were for?”

  Xavier relayed the question to Julia, then turned back to him. “No, but anything over fifty thousand has to be signed off on by you or I and Charles knows that.”

  “It could be the break we were waiting for.” Samuel stated, “Tell her to release the funds. I’ll check with Reese to make sure he stays close to Charles.”

  Xavier relayed the message then hung up the phone. “Julia indicated Nate Raines requested the bank to record the serial numbers on the bills as a precautionary measure.” He shook his head too, “This is just unbelievable. I can’t believe people are this vindictive.”

  “A woman scorned has no boundaries,” Samuel stated.

  “That explains Celeste. What’s Charles’ excuse?” Zack asked.

  Samuel and Xavier both stared at Zack in disbelief. “You don’t know?” Xavier asked almost in a chuckle.

  “No, what?” Zack asked.

  Samuel just laughed. “I don’t have the heart to tell him.”

  Chapter 30

  “You are rocking that gown and I love those shoes,” Phire exclaimed as she watched her sister dress for dinner. “I’m going to have a man like Mr. Zack one day.”

  Diamond smiled at her little sister through the mirror. “It didn’t come easy, but it has definitely been worth the wait.”

  “You mean you never did the nasty before Mr. Zack?” Phire asked.

  “No, I’ve never come across a man worthy until Zack.”

  “Girl, you’re a good one,” Opal stated, “I had my first taste in high school. Wasn’t worth it, but I’ve had fun since.”

  “What about you Jade?” Phire asked.

  “I’m saving myself until that man comes along that is worth giving my gold to.”

  “Ruby?” Phire asked. All eyes turned to their oldest sister.

  “I’m taking the fifth.” She smiled. “The ultimate decision is each of yours to make. Opal and Pearl are very strong women and will put a man in his place with one look. Diamond and Jade are more sensitive and follow what their heart tells them. I don’t know where you fall in Phire. You pretend to have this hard shell, but you are the most sensitive of all us girls. You can’t follow what any of us did unless it’s right for you.”

  Diamond smiled at her sister who always dispensed wisdom, “I always wanted what Mom and Dad have. That love that lasts a lifetime. I never wanted to go back and forth.”

  “That back and forth gives a lot to work with when you find that man.” Pearl added.

  “Hey,” Opal gave her a high five. “I enjoy my sexual freedom. If men can test the cow before buying the milk, I want to test the bull before buying the meat.”

  Pearl laughed. “It’s not for everyone Phire. You have to know who and what you are getting involved with before your share your goodies. Once you give them cookies away it’s no taking it back.”

  “Yeah and make sure he knows what he is doing.” Ruby added her wisdom. “The wrong experience can ruin you for life. So before you decide to share, you talk to someone.”

  “Anyone of us or Cynthia.” Opal advised. “Talk to someone that cares about you, before making that decision.”

  “And whoever he may be, if he is not willing to wait, then he is not the man for you.” Pearl added, “He’s a little boy just wanting to get your cookies wet and not worthy.”

  Diamond stood, “Okay, what do you think?”

  All of her sisters took in the total package of Diamond Renee Lassiter and smiled. “Zackary Davenport is going to eat you up.” Ruby smiled.

  “He already did,” Phire said.

  The sisters looked at each other and fell out laughing.


  Zack, Xavier, and Samuel stood at the entrance of the Marriott ballroom where the Businessman of the Year dinner was being held. Heads turned as admiring females walked through the lobby, some on the arms of men, and some entering the ballroom alone. None of them noticed for their eyes were on Charles as he entered the lobby. Not one of them missed the silver briefcase in his hand. They watched as he crossed the lobby and walked around the corner to the bank of elevators. A moment later, Reese walked into the lobby. Looking around, he headed towards the ballroom. “Gentlemen,” he spoke then looked at Samuel. “Is Joshua upstairs?”

  “Yes.” Samuel replied. “We should hear from him in a moment, if we are right.” Samuel paused as he listened to his earpiece. “The Attorney General is en route. I’m on the job tonight. Joshua is capable of handling whatever those two are up to quietly. Zack,” he warned, “Keep your cool. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  Reese looked around. “Where’s Diamond?”

  “She’s on her way.” Zack replied.

  “X-man, he’s yours until I return or Diamond gets here. If Charles comes back down, don’t approach him. Let it play out.” He looked at Zack. “I’m going to change, I’ll meet you guys in the ballroom.”


  The patio door was unlocked. A lone figure entered the doors to the model home, walked over to the kitchen, searched under the cabinet, pulled out a can of oven cleaner, opened the oven door, placed the can inside, closed the oven door and walked right back out the patio door.


  Diamond was on her way to the dinner when her cell chimed. It was the security company indicating an alarm had sounded at the model home. Thinking it was probably Ann, she instructed them it was probably one of the employees and she would go by to check on things. The agent indicated an officer would meet her there.

  Diamond hung up and called Zack. “Hi,” she blushed. Just the sound of his voice did wicked things to her. “The alarm at the model went off. I think it’s probably Ann. I’m right at the exit, so I’m going to stop by to check on things then I’ll be on my way.”

  “All right, but hurry up. Some issues have come up and I want you here with me.”

  “And I want to be there. See you in a few.”


  Ann wasn’t sure what, but the moment she walked through the patio door of the model home, something didn’t feel right. No, that was it. Something didn’t smell right. Looking towards the kitchen, she knew she didn’t leave the oven on, hell she didn’t cook. Walking over to the stove she noticed the oven light was on. “What the he…..” she opened the oven door and whatever was inside exploded, knocking her across the breakfast bar, unconscious.

  Diamond pulled up in front of the house and could see Ann walking towards the kitchen. “Just what I thought,” she turned off the ignition and walked towards the house. Just before she reached the front door, something in the house exploded knocking her to the ground and showering her with glass from the front window. Pain radiated through the arm she’d used to shield her face from the glass. Stunned and shaken, she laid there on the ground just staring at the flames now raging inside the house. “Ann,” she remembered. Ann was walking into the kitchen. “Ann!” she yelled as she jumped up and ran to the front door. It was locked. “Ann!” she called out again. Not waiting for a reply she ran to the garage doors. It was locked, and she did not have time to look around for the keys that had fallen when she was knocked to the ground. She ran around the house to the patio door, pushed it open and there was a whoosh sound to the fire. It was so eerie. It sounded as if the fire was telling her to get out. But she couldn’t. Ann was in there. Her brother’s voice came to her, duck, drop and roll – duck drop and roll. She followed exactly what the voice in her head instructed. “Go low Diamond,” she heard Sammy say, “go low and stretch”. That’s how you reach the goal line. Diamond dropped to her knees, eyes wide, straining to find Ann. The smoke was intense and stung her eyes. She crawled further in calling out. “Ann.” The smoke was now thick in her mouth and she felt herself dropping from her knees onto her stomach. Crawling now on her stomach, she stretched and reached, praying as she did. Closing, then opening her eyes again, she thought she saw a shoe. She crawled deeper into the burning house until she touched t
he shoe. “Please be a foot in there,” she thought as she grabbed the shoe that contained a foot. Diamond wanted to cry out, but she couldn’t. If she did, it very well may be the last breath she would ever take. And Lord, that could not happen—not now. She couldn’t leave Zack. She pulled that foot with both hands, crawling backwards as fast as she could. Unfortunately, she had lost track of where she was. The smoke was thick, the fire was raging and now she was pulling an additional hundred pounds of dead weight. Moving back, and back and back, finally her foot hit the patio opening. She could hear sirens in the background. She prayed they were coming here. She crawled out onto the patio, then pulled Ann with all her might propelling both of them to the ground. Ann’s heavy weight falling on top of her took the last ounce of air from her lungs. The night went black.


  Neither of the occupants of the room knew that the conversation they were having was being videotaped until the damaging information had been gathered. That was exactly the way Joshua wanted it. In his career he dealt with foreign agents with more intelligence in their pinky finger than these two had. Both of them were amateurs trying to play in the big boy’s game and neither had the talent to pull it off. He activated his earpiece as he coolly walked from his concealed location. The occupants of the room were shocked when they heard him approach. “All right you can come get these two assholes. I can’t take another moment of this travesty against the criminal element of the world.”

  “Who in the hell are you?” Charles boasted.

  Joshua gave him an incredulous look. “Be for real. Look at me. Do you really think you can take me?”

  Charles growled at Celeste, “Bitch did you set me up?”

  Celeste looked from Charles to the man standing in her room. “No. Who are you and where in the hell did you come from?”

  “The who, I’m the last man you’re going say was in your bedroom. He doesn’t count.” Looking Celeste up and down, Joshua smiled. “It’s a shame we did not have the opportunity to see just how much fun it would have been.”


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