All the Great Prizes
Page 80
Harcourt, Sir William, 305
Harper & Row, 227, 228
Harper’s, 115, 128–29
Harper’s Monthly, 291–92
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 110
Harper’s Weekly, 140
Harris, Clara, 103
Harrison, Benjamin, 257–60, 264, 280, 296, 297, 335
Harrison, Caroline Scott, 264
Harrison, Peachy Quinn, 30
Harrison, William Henry “Tippecanoe,” 257
Hart, Charles, 422, 431, 432
Harte, Bret, 134–36, 148, 214, 269
Hay’s friendship with, 147, 234, 303
Hay’s helping of, 189–90
poetry of, 134–36, 139, 140
Harvard College, 40, 54, 177, 259–60, 263, 401, 436–37, 508
Hay’s honorary degree from, 395, 402, 436
Hasheesh Eater, The (Ludlow), 27
Hassard, John, 144
Hatch, Ozias, 32, 35
Haussmann, Baron Georges-Eugéne, 109, 128
Hawaii, 256, 301, 322, 326, 327, 331, 349, 444, 517
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 133, 190, 212
Hay, Adelbert Stone “Del,” 38–39, 171, 175, 186, 257, 271, 350, 401–5
birth of, 169–70
as consul to Pretoria, 373–74, 391, 401, 403
death of, 402–5, 409, 413, 418, 543, 545
education of, 264, 283, 288
European travel of, 213, 214, 217, 251, 332, 373, 401
father’s correspondence with, 373–74, 391
father’s relationship with, 273–74
football playing of, 274, 289, 295
in New Hampshire, 272, 273–74, 279, 295, 402
at Yellowstone, 288–91
Hay, Adam, 14
Hay, Alice Evelyn, see Wadsworth, Alice Evelyn Hay
Hay, Augustus Leonard “Gus,” “Leonard,” 16–17, 23, 68, 217, 281
death of, 526–27
European tour of, 179–80
Hay’s correspondence with, 112
Hay, Charles, Jr., 19, 20, 22, 217
in Boston, 523, 526
in Civil War, 66–68, 523
Hay’s correspondence with, 101, 112–13
marriage of, 31
Hay, Charles, Sr., 15–17, 19, 57, 112–15, 162, 164, 194
death of, 235
Hay’s correspondence with, 108, 112, 123
Hay’s education and, 24–25, 29
land speculation of, 16, 68
Lincoln compared with, 54
Mormon “war” and, 21
Hay, Clara Stone, 10, 150–53, 160–67, 175, 208, 220–24, 252, 267–69, 277, 395, 464, 534–47, 551
Adams’s correspondence with, 405, 439, 440, 546–47
appearance of, 11, 152, 166, 195, 333, 348
death of, 550
Del’s consul position and, 373, 374
Del’s death and, 403, 404–5
education of, 151, 152
engagement and marriage of, 7, 160–64
family background of, 155–58
father’s estate and, 223–24
as grandmother, 523
Hay’s correspondence edited by, 415, 550, 551
Hay’s correspondence with, 153, 155, 160–63, 165–66, 179, 185, 186, 189, 191, 192, 233–34, 269, 271, 290–91, 304, 321, 335, 336, 338, 404, 407, 413, 455, 465, 482, 483, 484, 493
Hay’s death and, 542–47
Hay’s meeting of, 110, 150, 151–52
Hay’s relationship with, 11, 160–64, 179, 189, 233, 234, 269, 271
Hay’s romances and, 10, 11, 254, 264, 267, 268, 269, 275, 279, 342, 371
Lizzie Cameron’s correspondence with, 244
Money-Makers and, 231, 232
as mother, 273
in New Hampshire, 249, 272, 279, 350, 402, 404, 522, 541, 542–43, 550
New York visits of, 150–53, 160, 208–9, 401, 550
pregnancies and childbirths of, 166, 169–70, 171, 184, 186, 195, 234, 235
as Presbyterian, 195, 545
travel abroad of, 151, 152, 213–17, 220–22, 251, 261, 286–88, 315–17, 320, 321, 323–24, 332, 333, 335, 338, 532, 534, 537, 538, 539
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of, 348
in Washington, 176, 186, 191–92, 194, 195, 198, 342, 531, 532
at White House, 264
Hay, Clarence Leonard, 257, 264, 401, 403, 496, 532, 534, 550
birth of, 235
in New Hampshire, 272, 273, 279, 295, 523, 542, 550
travel abroad of, 251, 286, 287, 332
Hay, Edward Leonard, 16, 19
Hay, Helen (daughter of Helen Leonard Hay), 19, 162, 166
Hay, Helen Julia, see Whitney, Helen Julia Hay
Hay, Helen Leonard, 15–17, 21, 29, 57, 114, 115, 162, 166, 235, 272
childbirths of, 16–17, 19
death of, 281
Hay’s correspondence with, 67, 158, 159
Hay’s education and, 24–25
health problems of, 183
Hay, Jemima Coulter, 14
Hay, John (grandfather), 14, 23, 30, 68
Hay, John (great-great-grandfather), 14
Hay, John Milton:
affability of, 43, 190, 323–24
ambassadorship sought by, 310–14
as ambassador to England, 7–8, 9, 26, 102, 124, 314–35, 356, 444
ambition of, 79, 113
as Anglophile, 7, 116–17, 221, 251, 288
appearance of, 3, 31, 32, 46–47, 74–75, 111, 130, 140, 149, 179, 297, 316, 398, 423, 458
army commission of, 78, 107
art collection of, 7, 171, 180, 234, 337, 457–58, 531
as assistant secretary of state, 125, 184–91, 204
awards and honors of, 395, 402, 412, 436, 520
bachelor life of, 149, 163, 233
birth of, 17
broker role of, 258
confidence of, 6, 31, 107, 155
contemporaries’ praise for, 12–13
cosmopolitanism of, 6, 19, 23, 130, 168, 179, 290
death of, 190, 268, 415, 542–48
depression of, 28, 36, 216, 334
dreams of, 539–40, 543
education of, 19–20, 22–29, 108
election of 1904 and, 504, 509–11, 514–19, 523–26
eyesight problems of, 169, 178–80
fame of, 7, 139–40, 164, 168, 519–20
family background of, 14–20
as father, 166, 169–70, 186, 217, 235, 273–74, 295, 373–74, 401–5, 413, 418
in fiction, 229–30
formative years of, 17–22
as gracious statesman, 12–13, 26
as grandfather, 458, 464, 465
health problems of, 48, 162, 166, 178–80, 208, 213, 216, 257, 269, 270, 273, 334, 348, 383, 385, 388, 394, 395, 398, 399, 504–5, 509, 520, 522, 527, 529, 530, 532, 534–39, 541–42, 546
homesickness of, 112–13, 233, 269
humor and punning of, 25, 31, 34, 43, 46, 52, 95–96, 143, 401, 420
Lamon’s biography and, 180–82
lecturing of, 29, 120, 140–41, 158
legacy of, 458, 504, 547–49
legal studies of, 29–30, 33, 35, 38–39
as Lincoln’s private secretary, 1–6, 35–36, 38–106, 144, 169, 177, 198, 245, 335–36, 374, 401
linguistic skills of, 6, 19–20, 25, 31, 95, 101, 108, 117, 123, 190
in Madrid legation, 6, 121–25, 129, 308, 323
marital medicine of, 149–50
marriage of, see Hay, Clara Stone
as native son, 548–49
negotiating skills and diplomacy learned by, 89, 119
as old man, 411–12
in Paris legation, 4, 101–2, 106, 109–13, 119, 122, 129, 151
political contributions of, 297, 300, 302
portrait of, 457–58, 504
racial prejudice of, 58, 118–19, 462
rise of, 6–7
romances of, see Cameron, Elizabeth Sherman “Lizzie”; Lodge, Anna C
abot Mills “Nannie”
Saint-Gaudens sculpture of, 483–84, 504, 520
as secretary of state, 8, 10, 12–13, 102, 117, 248, 322, 331, 334–542, 546, 548
secrets of, 10, 11, 176, 321
snobbery of, 28–29
speeches of, 67, 183, 192–94, 202, 307, 318, 328, 400, 419–23, 436, 448, 456, 509–11, 515–19, 523–25, 528
as translator, 168, 190–91
Tribune stock and, 149, 159
vacations of, 179–80, 213–17, 220–22, 232, 233–34, 251, 261, 269–71, 283–84, 286–91, 303–5, 324–26, 333–34, 352, 360–61, 383, 437, 468, 505–6, 520, 523, 532, 534–40, 542, 546
in Vienna legation, 6, 116–19, 122, 129, 328
White House duties of, 45
at Yellowstone, 288–91, 356, 417
Hay, John Milton, finances of, 113
investments, 67–68, 79, 82, 112, 114, 116, 264
salary, 42, 116, 121, 125, 133, 144, 159, 164, 168, 315
wife’s family money and, 7, 11, 163, 169, 223–24
Hay, John Milton, writing of:
abstinence from, 294–95
articles, 21–22, 33–36, 39, 40, 44, 49, 51–52, 55–56, 76, 121, 122, 128–29, 133, 228
biographical, see Abraham Lincoln
college, 25–26
editorial, 6, 7, 133, 141–44, 153–54, 155, 159–60, 166, 167, 228, 323
final testament, 543
novel, see Bread-Winners, The
poetry, 3, 6–7, 18, 27–30, 33, 45, 73, 82, 95, 110–11, 136–41, 264–67, 284, 291–92, 504, 541, 551–52
prose style, 96
reviews, 139, 140, 148–49
short stories, 18, 110, 115, 125, 140, 225, 228, 402
see also specific works
Hay, Mary (sister of John Milton Hay), 17, 162, 281
Hay, Mary Ridgley (wife of Charles Hay, Jr.), 31, 32
Hay, Milton, 16, 17, 35, 36, 183
Hay’s correspondence with, 26, 29
Hay’s education and, 23, 24–25
law career of, 24, 29, 30, 33
Hay, Nathaniel, 23
Hay-Adams Hotel, 9, 550
Hay-Bond Treaty, 527–28
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 494–503, 505
Amador and Boyd’s reaction to, 497
Panama’s ratification of, 497, 501–2
Senate ratification of, 503
Hay-Concha Treaty, 431–32, 436, 441
Haydn, Hiram, 422, 545
Hayes, Lucy “Lemonade Lucy,” 176, 418
Hayes, Rutherford B., 184–87, 297
in election of 1876, 170–71, 184, 196
Hay’s gift to, 171, 311, 531
as president, 7, 183, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 192, 198, 297, 304, 310, 318, 335, 345, 418, 531
Hay-Herrán Treaty, 442–43, 454, 479, 484, 493, 494, 495
rejection of, 468–75, 498
Hay-Paunceforte Treaty, 367–71, 391–93, 400, 405, 410, 411, 429, 432, 447
British rejection of, 396–97
signing of, 412, 425, 496
Hearst, William Randolph, 299, 316
Hepburn, William P., 346, 366, 392
Hepburn bill, 366, 392, 396, 427, 428, 431, 434, 435
House passing of, 413, 421, 425
Senate amendment of, 425–26
Herbert, Michael, 440, 448, 449, 454, 455
Herkomer, John, 167
Herndon, William, 30, 94, 106, 181, 182, 236, 250
Herodotus, 26
Herrán, Tomás, 442–43, 471, 477–78, 484, 494, 500, 501
Herter Brothers, 167
Hill, David Jayne, 336
Hilton Head, S.C., 66–68, 78, 79–80
Hippisley, Alfred, 357–60
History of Abraham Lincoln and the Overthrow of Slavery, The (Arnold), 115
“History of the Jesuits” (Hay), 29
Hobart, Garret, 300, 319, 337, 344, 350, 374
death of, 368, 380
Hohenzollern dynasty, 127
Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Prince Leopold von, 127
Holcombe, James, 87–88
Holland, 180, 303
Holleben, Theodore von, 447, 449–53
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 85
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 25, 179
Holt, Henry, 186, 196
Homer, Winslow, 171
Honduras, 480–81
Honest Money League, 183
Hong Kong, 353, 354, 355
Hood, John, 91
Hood, Thomas, 51
Hooker, Joseph “Fighting Joe,” 65, 68–69, 83, 121
Hooper, Robert, 194, 196, 239, 240, 241
Hoover, Herbert, 379
Hoover, Lou, 379
Horace, 29, 531
Houghton Mifflin, 520
House of Commons, British, 116, 215, 288, 305
House of Lords, British, 116
House of Representatives, U.S., 106, 114, 158, 258, 550
Central America canal and, 346, 367, 392, 412–13, 425, 435
Hay suggested as candidate for, 183–84, 191–92
Johnson impeachment and, 119
Thirteenth Amendment and, 97–99
Houssaye, Arsène, 168
Howe, William, 156
Howells, William Dean, 19, 27, 177, 191, 212, 228, 256, 295, 403
on Abraham Lincoln, 262
American Academy of Arts and Letters and, 520, 530
at Atlantic Monthly, 122, 132–34, 148, 168
background of, 133–34
Bread-Winners and, 215
as campaign biographer, 35, 133, 171
in Europe, 214, 221
on Hay as native son, 548–49
Hay’s correspondence with, 184, 194, 213, 232, 249, 284
Twain’s work reviewed by, 210–11
in Venice, 133, 190
Howe truss system, 156, 172, 174
Hoyt, James, 544
Hubbard, John, 487, 488, 490–91
Hugo, Victor, 45, 92, 109
Humphrey, Chauncey, 484–85
Hunt, Richard Morris, 162
Hunter, David, 66–67
hunting, 438, 465, 536
duck, 252, 258, 274, 281, 307
Huntington, Collis, 427
Iddings, Joseph, 289
Illinois, 4–24, 29–37, 289
slavery proscribed in, 14
Illinois State House, 4, 15, 24, 30
Lincoln’s office in, 35–36
Illinois State Journal, 120–21
Illinois State University, 23–24
immigrants, prejudice toward, 135, 547
impeachment, 170
Johnson and, 112, 119, 184
imperialism, 361, 365, 372, 390
Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, see B’nai B’rith
Indiana, 16, 92
industry, 151, 307, 308
tariffs and, 280, 281
Innocents Abroad (Twain), 131, 134
Interior Department, U.S., 42, 114
International Congress of Peace, 523–24
Interoceanic Canals Committee, 428, 431
“In the Mist” (Hay), 29
Ireland, Joseph, 233
Irish Americans, 317, 358, 369
iron, 151, 156, 172, 173–74
Irving, Washington, 190
Isabella II, Queen of Spain, 121, 127
Isle of Wight, 335
Isthmian Canal Commission, 346, 366, 428
decision reversed by, 425, 430, 434
first report of, 392, 412, 429
Paris visit of, 426
Italy, 178, 304, 446, 532
China and, 360, 362, 380
as Great Power, 9, 327
Hay in, 118, 221, 286–87, 535–36
Jackson, Andrew, 34, 158, 245
Jackson, Mich., 515–19, 525
Jackson, Stonewall, 59, 69
Jacksonville, Fla., 79–80, 81
Jamaica, 446, 486, 487
James, Henry, Jr., 133, 167–68, 177, 216, 228, 239, 248, 279, 324,
403, 416, 530–31
on Clover Adams, 194
Hay’s correspondence with, 168, 216, 224, 265
in London, 180, 214, 233–34, 251, 269, 295, 303, 315
reviews of, 211–12
Woolson and, 216, 233–34, 286, 287
James, Henry, Sr., 168
James, William, 133, 340, 417
Jamestown & Franklin, 156
Japan, 9, 252, 254, 327, 356
army of, 353
British treaty with, 459
China and, 353, 355, 359, 362, 365, 376, 380, 383, 387, 459, 482, 499–500, 505–7, 521–22
Korea and, 353, 459, 500, 505, 506
navy of, 353, 506, 521, 540
Russia’s war with, 365, 505–9, 512, 521–22, 532–34, 540–41, 549
Jay, Mary, 57
Jefferson, Thomas, 177, 248, 260
Jewell, Theodore, 513
Jewett, William “Colorado,” 88
Jews, 547
in U.S., 461–62, 463, 466–67, 545
in Vienna, 117–18, 462
see also anti-Semitism
“Jim Bludso” (Hay), 137–39, 168
Johnson, Andrew, 2–4, 7, 108, 114, 131, 171, 184
impeachment and, 112, 119, 184
Reconstruction and, 112, 122
as vice president, 84
Juárez, Benito, 126
“Kane and Abel” (Hay), 140
Kaneko, Baron Kentaro, 508
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 515, 548
Keenan, Henry, 144, 229–32
Kempff, Louis, 379
Kennedy, John F., 550
Kent, 332–34
Kentucky, 14, 15
Ketteler, Baron Clemens von, 379
Key, Philip Barton, 121, 248
Kiaochow, 450
kidnapping, 511–15
Kimberley, Lord, 288
King, Clarence, 177, 195, 208–10, 235, 289, 303, 401, 550–51
in Arizona, 398, 399
background of, 147–48
committed to asylum, 285–86
death of, 210, 413–14, 551
in Europe, 213–16, 221, 233–34, 243, 256, 284
in fiction, 239
financial problems of, 256, 284–86, 398–99
Hay’s correspondence with, 256, 403, 412, 413
health problems of, 398, 399, 412
in New Hampshire, 239, 249, 399
secret marriage of, 10, 255–56, 285, 398, 399, 551
in Washington, 10, 186, 195, 196–97, 232
writing of, 148, 153, 216, 225, 228, 250
Kingston, 446, 486, 487
Kipling, Rudyard, 295, 403, 467
Kishinev massacre, 461–67, 505, 547
Kishinev petition, 464–67, 545
Knox, Philander, 437, 496
Kohlsaat, H. H., 299
Korea, 353, 355, 459, 500, 505, 506, 540
Kowloon, 354, 362
Kruger, Paul, 362
Kuang Hsu, Emperor of China, 376
Ku Klux Klan, 153, 154
Kuropatkin, Alexei, 533
Kwangchowan, 354
labor unrest: