All the Great Prizes
Page 81
Panic of 1893 and, 289
strikes, 174–75, 219, 280, 289, 299, 300, 424, 440
La Farge, John, 239, 241, 252, 457, 531
La Guaira, 447
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, 156, 157, 163, 165, 171–86, 208
Lamon, Ward Hill, 93, 180–82, 235, 236, 250
land, 20, 21
speculation in, 15, 16, 68, 79, 82, 112, 116
Lansdowne, Lord, 397, 400, 405, 412, 449, 452, 539
Lapham, Elbridge, 207
Laurier, Wilfred, 424, 455
Lee, Robert E., 59–62, 68–69, 71, 72–73, 97, 238
Grant vs., 83, 84
surrender of, 2, 102
Leonard, David, 15–16, 19, 24, 27
Leonard, Helen, see Hay, Helen Leonard
Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 537
Levi, Leo, 467
Lexington, Ky., 15
Liao-tung Peninsula, 354, 355, 358, 458
Liberal Party, British, 305
Liberal Republican Party, 143, 153–55
Liberals, Colombian, 429, 440–41
Life and Letters of John Hay, The (Thayer), 551
Life of Abraham Lincoln, The (Lamon), 180–82, 235, 236, 250
Lincoln, Abraham, 1–7, 15, 29–106, 143, 177, 296, 297, 335, 496, 552
anti-slavery position of, 32, 54–59, 86–97–99
appearance of, 5, 33, 40, 51, 71, 182
appointments made by, 39, 187
assassination of, 2–5, 102–6, 111, 144, 154, 182, 193, 205, 206, 214, 402, 408, 409, 423
“blind” memorandum of, 90
bodyguard of, 93, 180
campaign biography of, 35, 133
courts-martial reviewed by, 53
doggerel of, 73
domestic problems of, 74, 250
early life of, 36, 181, 182, 213, 235–36, 250
election of 1858 and, 29, 30, 54, 515, 516
election of 1860 and, 2, 32–36, 133, 180, 515
election of 1864 and, 79, 81, 85, 89, 90–94, 97, 130, 153, 180, 525
engagement and marriage of, 36, 181, 236
as father, 1, 2, 5–6, 39–40, 53–54, 102, 236, 263
funeral of, 3, 4, 15
greatness of, 5, 40, 106, 181
habeas corpus suspended by, 153
Hay and Nicolay’s shielding of, 43, 250
Hay compared with, 6, 9, 12, 47, 54, 330, 516, 545, 547
Hay-Nicolay biography of, see Abraham Lincoln
Hay’s correspondence with, 66, 80
in Hay’s dream, 539–40, 543
Hay’s lectures on, 140, 158
Hay’s relationship with, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 50–51, 54, 66, 73, 105–6, 176, 182
Hay’s travels for, 48–49, 65–68, 78–82, 85–90, 374
Hay’s writing letters of, 3, 35–36, 94–96
humanness of, 5, 40, 181, 182
humor of, 1, 5, 51, 52, 61
insanity attributed to, 181, 250
in journey to Washington, 39–41, 44, 86, 154, 180
Lamon’s biography of, 180–82, 235, 236
law practice of, 30, 33, 36, 40, 44
legacy of, 7, 112, 113, 182, 516–17
McKinley compared with, 337, 390
melancholy of, 36, 181, 236
military leadership of, 72
military service of, 53
Napoleon III compared with, 111–12
nicknames of, 1, 50
nocturnal habits of, 5, 47, 51
papers of, 3, 4, 115, 144–45, 176, 294
peace efforts and, 71, 77, 85–88
pragmatism of, 54
problems of, with generals, 47–50, 55–57, 59, 60, 65, 68–69, 72, 238
reading aloud of, 5, 51, 77, 92
reconstruction and, 77–82
renown of, 30, 32–33
Rutledge and, 36, 181, 236, 250
secession and, 39, 44, 77
second inauguration of, 99–101, 396
speeches of, 40, 54, 70–71, 75–77, 84, 93, 94, 98, 99–100
war’s toll on, 1, 71, 100–101
Lincoln, Abraham, II “Jack,” 263
Lincoln, Eddie, 53
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 40, 43, 48, 85, 250
death of, 182, 236
education of, 15
engagement of, 36, 181, 236
Lincoln’s assassination and, 2–5, 102, 103, 104, 182
mental illness of, 182
as mother, 54, 236
profilgacy of, 74
vengefulness and deviousness of, 3, 73–74, 99
Lincoln, Mrs. Robert, 208
Lincoln, Robert, 2–6, 54, 543
Abraham Lincoln and, 235–36, 245–46, 263
in Civil War, 2, 102
education of, 2, 40, 54
father’s assassination and, 5–6, 102, 104
father’s papers and, 3, 4, 115, 144–45, 176
father’s relationship with, 2, 6, 39–40, 102, 236, 263
Hay’s correspondence with, 107–8, 179, 207, 235, 245–46, 263
Hay’s engagement and, 163
Hay’s relationship with, 2, 39, 73
Lamon’s biography and, 182
as minister to England, 258, 261, 269
as secretary of war, 199, 207, 208, 235
Lincoln, Tad, 6, 40, 48
death of, 182
illness of, 53, 54
Lincoln, Thomas, 181, 236
Lincoln, Willie, 40, 48
death of, 1, 5–6, 53–54, 74
Lincoln Memorial, 95
Lippi, Fra Filippo, 457
Lippincott’s, 225
Literary World, 226
literature, 17, 45, 318
see also poetry; specific authors and texts
“Literature vs. Housekeeping” (Clara Stone Hay), 152, 195
“Little Breeches” (Hay), 136–40, 168
Liverpool, 214, 539
Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills “Nannie,” 276, 277, 278, 348, 369, 403, 439
Adams’s correspondence with, 341
background of, 265
Hay’s conjectured romance with, 10, 264–69, 272, 342
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 258–61, 264, 265, 268, 276, 277, 278, 317, 342–43, 349, 374, 389–93, 395, 403, 439
Alaska boundary treaty and, 454–55
education of, 259–60
election of 1896 and, 298, 306
election of 1904 and, 514
foreign policy and, 10, 323, 338, 342, 343, 348, 368–70, 391–93, 396–97, 405, 411, 412, 502, 528
Hay’s correspondence with, 328, 329
Hay’s relationship with, 10, 260, 369, 390
McKinley’s death and, 410
Roosevelt compared with, 259–60
Roosevelt’s correspondence with, 415–17, 421, 546
sense of superiority of, 260
Logan, Stephen, 29, 30
London, 178, 256, 258, 275, 322–26, 332, 363, 398, 405, 411, 451
Buckingham Palace in, 288, 318, 319, 539
Del Hay in, 332, 373, 401
5 Carlton Terrace in, 315–16
Hay in, 11, 108, 116, 119, 177, 180, 214–15, 221–22, 233–34, 251, 257, 261, 269–72, 276, 283, 287–88, 295, 303, 305, 314–24, 326, 332–35, 338, 372, 444, 538–39, 546
Hay’s work reviewed in, 149
St. Paul’s Cathedral in, 318, 320, 382, 383, 544
Sickles in, 121
Tribune foreign bureau in, 132
Long, John, 445
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 133
Longstreet, James, 59
Loomis, Francis, 479, 486, 488–89, 490, 492, 536
Louisiana, 170, 398
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 510–11, 523
Louisville Courier-Journal, 138
“Love and Music” (Hay), 291–92
“Love’s Dawn” (Hay), 264, 265
Lowell, James Russell, 133, 214, 221, 234
Luchow Peninsula, 354
“Luck of Roaring Camp, The” (Harte), 134
Ludlow, Fitz Hugh, 26–27
Lummis, Charles, 501
Luxembourg, 126
lynchings, 463
Lynn Canal, 347
McClellan, George, 48–51, 69, 83, 193, 247, 262
election of 1864 and, 90–91, 93–94, 98, 153, 525
emancipation and, 56, 62
Hay’s resentment of, 50, 56, 238
hesitation of, 56, 59, 60
Lincoln’s problems with, 49–50, 56, 59, 238
relieved of duty, 62, 65
removed as general in chief, 56
McDowell, Irvin, 47–48
McKimm, Charles, 437
McKinley, Ida, 298, 335, 399–400, 406
McKinley, William, 7–8, 258, 281–83, 296–315, 323–26, 333–42, 361, 368–72, 389–91, 395–402, 405–11, 419–23, 455, 524, 532
appointments made by, 304, 308–14, 333–34, 348–50
assassination of, 8, 400, 406–11, 428
in Canton, 305–7, 380, 395, 405, 408, 411
character of, 297–300
China policy and, 354, 356, 357, 358, 386
debt of, 7, 282–83, 298, 299
Diamond Jubilee and, 318–19, 320
election of 1896 and, 282, 296–308, 317, 389
election of 1900 and, 368, 369, 374–76, 389–90, 428
Garfield compared with, 313, 408–9
Hanna’s relationship with, 282, 299–300, 307, 309, 310, 427
Hay compared with, 297, 421
Hay’s correspondence with, 304, 310–11, 313, 317, 319, 320, 323–24, 333–34, 338, 370–71, 403
Hay’s gift to, 311, 396, 531
Hay’s Jackson speech and, 517–18
Hay’s meetings with, 307, 352
Hay’s memorial to, 422–23
Hay’s relationship with, 337, 419
Hay’s resignation rejected by, 370–71, 396
Hay’s trip with, 397–400
Lincoln compared with, 337, 390
Roosevelt compared with, 419
second inauguration of, 396
Spanish-American War and, 8, 323, 324–25, 331–32, 339, 340
tariffs and, 280, 281, 300–301, 303, 306, 308, 338, 406
as twentieth-century candidate, 308
“McKinley grip, the,” 406
McKinley Tariff Act, 280, 281
MacVeagh, Wayne, 76, 304, 500
Madison, Dolley, 247
Madison, James, 177, 248, 260
Madrid, 190
Hay in, 6, 121–25, 129, 308, 323
Maine, USS, 325, 326
Malmros, Oscar, 490, 491, 492
Managua, Lake, 434
Manassas, Va., 47
Manchuria, 355, 539
Japan and, 365, 459, 482, 499–500, 505, 506–7, 521, 522, 532–33
Kishinev massacre and, 462, 464–67
Russia and, 353, 358, 362, 365, 381, 386, 388, 389, 401, 458–62, 464–68, 482, 499–500, 505–7, 521, 522, 532–33, 549
U.S. privileges in, 482
manifest destiny, 338, 517
Manila, 328, 330, 339, 343, 345
Dewey at, 327, 328, 331, 444, 459
German navy near, 327, 444
Manitou Springs, Colo., 232, 257
Marcy, William, 440
Marines, U.S., 379, 440, 486, 491, 514, 524
Maritime Canal Company, 345–46
Marlborough, Duke of, 539
Marroquín, José Manuel, 429, 430, 436, 441, 442, 443, 470–72, 492–93
Martínez Silva, Carlos, 429–31, 442, 484
Martinique, 433
Maryland, 41, 60, 69
slavery in, 44, 92
Mather, Flora Stone, 151, 155, 163, 174, 186, 231
Clara’s correspondence with, 215
father’s estate and, 223–24
Hay’s correspondence with, 155, 164, 165, 166, 180, 188–89, 290, 360
marriage of, 213
Mather, Samuel, 213, 216, 223–24, 273
Hay’s correspondence with, 214, 287, 522
McKinley’s debt and, 282
Matin, 478
Meade, George, 69–73, 84, 122
Medill, Joseph, 89
Mediterranean squadron, 477
Meléndez, Porfirio, 490, 491
Melville, Herman, 212
Meninas, Las (Velásquez), 123
mental illness, 181, 182, 205, 319
Merrimac, 72
Methodists, 29, 339, 378
Metternich, Paul, 452
Mexico, 109, 126, 208, 255–56, 528
Michigan, 93, 515–19
Milburn, John, 407
Miles, Nelson, 289
Miller, Henry, 458, 459
Millet, Francis, 251
Mills, Anna Cabot, see Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills “Nannie”
Mills, Darius Ogden, 199, 313, 320
Mills, Elisabeth, see Reid, Elisabeth Mills
Milton, John, 17, 28
mining, 208, 353, 399, 424, 446
missionaries, 354, 377–78, 380–82, 521
Mississippi, 398, 438
Mississippi River, 17–18, 21, 44, 69, 112, 132, 135
in St. Louis speech, 510–11
slavery and, 24, 30, 515
Missouri, 19, 20, 22, 48, 93
Missouri Compromise, 515
Missouri Democrat, 34–35, 39
Missouri Republican, 50
Mitchell, S. Weir, 178–80, 232, 285, 403
Mobile, Ala., 102
Moltke, Helmuth von, 127
Momotombo, 434
Monarchy (King’s proposed novel), 228
Money-Makers, The (Keenan), 228–32
Monitor, 72
Monocacy, USS, 379
Monroe, James, 445
Monroe Doctrine, 109, 191, 301, 305, 323, 366
in Hay’s speeches, 420, 421, 436
Roosevelt and, 445–46, 447, 451, 453, 529
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (Adams), 374
Moody, William, 445, 490, 509
Moore, John Bassett, 474, 478, 498
morality, 18, 20, 107–8, 397, 548
Ashtabula disaster and, 174
Tribune and, 86, 131, 155
U.S. foreign policy and, 330–31, 338, 339, 505
Moran, Thomas, 290
Morgan, Edwin, 97
Morgan, John Tyler, 348, 366–67, 392, 393, 432–36
Bunau-Varilla’s letter to, 495
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty and, 494–95, 501
Hay-Herrán Treaty and, 442, 443
Nicaraguan canal favored by, 345–46, 427, 428, 432–35, 494
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 427
Morgan bill, 345–46
Morison, George, 425–26
“Mormon Prophet’s Tragedy, The” (Hay), 21–22, 121, 122, 134
Mormons, 20–22
Hay’s article on, 21–22, 121, 122, 134
Morocco, 511–15
Morton, Levi, 199, 280, 296, 300
Motley, John Lothrop, 113, 116, 117
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada (King), 153, 216
Mugwumps, 8, 234, 235
Mukden, 355, 458, 466, 482, 533
Muraviev, Nikolai, 362, 363
murder, 121, 379, 386
of Mormons, 21–22, 121
Murger, Henri, 109
Murphy, Grayson, 485
“Mystery of Gilgal, The” (Hay), 140
Nahant, Mass., 261, 268, 278
Nanshan, Battle of, 512
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 48, 94, 108, 276
Napoleon III, Emperor of France (Louis Napoleon), 108–9, 111–12, 120, 125–32, 185
Nasby, Petroleum V., 92
Nashville, USS, 486–87, 490–91
Nast, Thomas, 154
Nation, 167–68, 190, 225, 250
National Association of Manufacturers, 354
National Bank of El Paso, 285
National Gallery, 116
nationalism, 119, 328
National Nominating Convention, 81
r /> Nauvoo, Ill., 20, 21
Navy, U.S., 65–68, 72, 379, 521
Germany vs., 443, 444
Panama and, 440–41, 480, 485–88, 490
Spanish-American War and, 325–28, 330, 331, 345, 444
Tangier situation and, 512, 513–14
Venezuela troubles and, 443, 448–52
Nervi, 535–36
neurology, 178–79, 216
Newbury, N.H., 249, 267, 272, 383, 407, 439, 542
Newchwang, 355, 381, 458, 459
Newfoundland, 527–28
New Hampshire, 407
Hay’s retreat in, see Fells, the
Hay’s search for property in, 239, 249
Nicolay-Gilder meeting in, 237
New Haven, Conn., 402–3, 412
New Haven House, 402
New Jersey shore, 207–8
Newport, R.I., 464, 541
New Salem, Ill., 181
New York, 121, 234
legislature of, 203, 206–7
patronage and, 199, 201, 202, 296
New York, N.Y., 88, 129–44, 147–55, 164–67, 199–212, 259, 295, 354, 427
Amador and Boyd in, 496, 497
art auctioned in, 171
Beers in, 475
book sales in, 228, 231
Bunau-Varilla in, 478, 481, 492
Carnegie Hall speech in, 524, 525
Civil War and, 71, 98
Clara’s visits to, 150–53, 160, 208–9, 401, 550
clubs in, 131, 132, 147, 149, 163, 167, 208, 217, 250–51, 255
corruption in, 131, 199
customs collector in, 199, 201, 203, 204
Delmonico’s in, 147, 209, 273, 419–21, 534
Duque in, 476
Hay as editorialist in, 6, 7, 133, 141–44, 153–54, 155, 159–60, 166, 228, 323
Hay’s apartment in, 164
Hay’s departure from, 166
Hay’s visits to, 87, 113, 115, 129–32, 222–23, 242, 258, 271, 351, 419–21, 448, 524, 525, 530, 534, 540, 541
King in, 10, 147, 148, 208–10, 242, 249, 255, 285–86, 303
Lizzie Cameron in, 350–51
mansions in, 157, 167, 422
political bosses and rings in, 141, 142, 154, 159, 170, 184
Reid’s house in, 200
social life in, 147, 209
Waldorf Astoria in, 478, 481
New York Evening Star, 12
New York Evening Sun, 503
New York Herald, 81, 131, 144, 410, 473, 475
New York Independent, 544–45
New York Journal, 299, 316, 324, 325
New York Post, 366
New York Stock Exchange, 163, 283
New York Sun, 131, 155, 368, 433–34, 486, 546
New York Times, 69, 90, 131, 486–87
New York Tribune, 130–34, 136–47, 193, 199–200, 229, 262, 312, 319, 423
Civil War and, 47, 85, 87, 131
Conkling and, 199, 200, 202–8
daily readership of, 131
election of 1876 and, 171
election of 1896 and, 297, 306
foreign affairs in, 131–32, 141–42, 168, 385