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The Concubine Contract

Page 8

by Eden Redd

  The mage’s eyes narrowed, “Shadowmancer troll and the fox woman in the bushes is a kitmori. Never thought I would come across such an unlikely pair.”

  “The name is Nero,” the troll said with an even tone.

  The mage nodded, “Yes yes, the annoying pleasantries of a game where sex and fantasy roll into one. Rikk Saint, mage.”

  Nero looked around, “So, Rikk, fishing?”

  The mage’s face was hard as he stared at the troll, “Yes Nero, you could say that. I take it you you’re here because you took the Rork contract. No one travels in these woods for the sheer fun of it. Damn war wolves are all over these woods. They’re like werewolves only on steroids.”

  Nero wasn’t sure if it was confidence or a lack of understanding on Rikk’s part. The mage was out in the open with no cover and surrounded by rocks and a river. It seemed like the mage was in on the contract, either by hearing about it or taking part. From what Nero knew of mages, they were essentially glass cannons, a lot of firepower but fragile, needing only a few strikes to take them down. The shadowmancer judged the distance between them. There was no way he could sneak closer and since Rikk could sense their magical items, it was a moot point. The troll knew his speed was good and if he could dodge the attacks, he might be able to kill the mage in one, maybe two strikes.

  The troll kept his eyes on the mage until two shadows moved from the trees on the opposite riverbank. Dark figures moved in small blurry motions as Rikk gave Nero a hard stare.

  “You’re trying to calculate if you can take me. That takes guts but ultimately foolish.”

  Nero tried to keep his eyes on Rikk but the shadows reached the watery edge and silently moved into the water. The troll let his hands drop to his sides, cloak around his shoulders. The shadows were clearly rogues, edging closer. If Rikk is on the same contract, they would be doing everyone a big favor by taking him out but that left a question of what would happen after they slain the mage. Nero doubted they would be grateful and simply walk away. They would turn on him and they would know from Rikk’s loud mouth that Luci wasn’t that far away. The troll knew if he warned the mage, maybe he would duke it out with the rogues and if he was weak enough, Nero could deliver the killing blow. The plan began to form but he had to make the first move.

  Rikk eyed the troll as his cloak moved aside and finger pointed.

  The mage’s eyes narrowed, “You trying to tell me something, Nero?”

  Nero was silent, curling and jabbing out his finger. The shadows moved through the water, barely a ripple. Soon they climbed onto the pile of stones, where Rikk stood in the middle. The shadows were barely twenty feet away but the mage held onto his staff, squinting at the shadowmancer troll.

  Rikk smirked, “Something’s wrong with your finger. I’m sure there’s an ointment you can use when you get to the city.”

  Nero couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Part of him thought it was great that the mage was too stupid to realize rogues were moving behind him. Another part wanted to warn him out of the sheer lunacy of being PK’ed so easily. The player opened his mouth, ready to warn him when his voice stuck in his throat.

  The shadows moved across the stones, silent as a grave. One of the shadows looked down as something glowed and caught their attention. Glowing runes appeared along dozens of stones, blazing white hot. A moment later, explosions rippled through the river.

  Nero took a step back as the two rogues were hurtled into the air. The fiery explosions wrapped around Rikk’s smiling face, bouncing off an invisible barrier and flaring upwards. One rogue was airborne, cracks of light appearing along his body before he hit a tree and shattered to pieces. The other rogue soared through the air and splashed into the river. For a second, there was nothing but ripples and then the rogue surfaced on his back, moaning. The explosions died and Rikk stayed where he was, a smug smile on his face.

  “Thank you for warning me but I’m sure you did it hoping I would fight it out with those two pieces of shit players. But since you’re not rushing to attack me, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  Rikk stepped down the blackened stones and onto the top of the water’s surface. Walking on water, the mage made his way across and onto the side of the riverbank. Fixing his robe, he made his way to Nero and stood before the stunned shadowmancer.

  “Those fuckers have been trailing me for two hours. Now we have two less players on the contract,” Rikk spat.

  Nero stood, dark eyes wide, stunned into silence. Luci emerged from the bushes, eyes the size of saucers.

  Rikk looked to her and gave a craggy smile, “Yes yes, you’re very beautiful, just like everyone else,” then lifted a hand and pointed it at the rogue in the river, unleashing a lightning bolt.

  The lightning arced and slammed down onto the rogue’s chest, instantly shattering him into fragments of greenish light and sending white water into the air.

  The mage turned to Nero and clasped a hand on the troll’s shoulder, “The night gets dangerous out here before the city. We will travel together and figure it all out when the contract is complete. Let’s go.”

  The mage turned and began walking along the river, staff making a dull thud against the rocky shore. Luci moved to Nero’s side. The two stared at the mage as he continued to walk, lifting a hand in the air and beckoning them to follow.

  The shadowmancer and kitmori awoke from their trance and began to walk, following the mage along the river.


  The fire crackled as Rikk sat, staff lying on the ground next to him. Nero and Luci sat next to each other, opposite the blue haired mage and staring. Two tents were set up and the glow of firelight kept the shroud of night at bay of their little camp. A howl filled the night as the full moons came into view.

  Rikk pressed fingers to the bridge of his nose and sighed, “If I was going to kill you, I would have done it at the river. You both can relax.”

  Nero and Luci remained silent, eyes on the mage.

  “Like I said, there are war wolves in the forest. No sense killing both of you in case we’re attacked.”

  “Rikk I…” Nero was cut off.

  “It’s a very simple equation. You two do what you would normally do and I’ll be here playing guard. Someone has too since you two seemed to be joined at the eyes.”

  Eyebrows went up.

  Rikk rolled his eyes, “Aside from watching me, you two have been staring at each other for the last few hours. I suggest you two work-out your hormones before we arrive at Rork.”

  Nero’s brow formed a hard V, “It isn’t strange that you just joined our group on the same contract?”

  Rikk eyed the troll, “Oh, I don’t know Nero. Maybe I’m not some wet behind the ears newborn player who needs to earn his way into the group. I’ve been playing MMO’s for a long time so spare me the ‘getting to know each other’ crap. We all want the same thing and it will be better all around if we work together.”

  Luci’s eyes turned to Nero and watched a wide smile bloom. The troll’s shoulders shook as he began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Luci’s own smile shined as Nero let out a hearty, deep down laugh, tears at the edges of his squinting eyes.

  Rikk looked to the laughing troll with half closed eyes, “That’s it, laugh it out. You’ll feel better.”

  The kitmori reached out and took Nero’s hand. Standing up, she gently pulled the laughing troll to his feet. Turning, she began walking into the dark woods, a laughing Nero behind her.

  The kitmori led the way as Nero fought to control his laughing fit. When they were far enough where the camp fire was merely a dim point of waving light, she turned to the shadowmancer and pressed her body against his.

  Nero’s laughing vanished as he looked down at the beautiful fox woman. A comforting silence surrounded the pair as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Moonlight shined down its pale light, causing Luci’s skin to glow with ethereal light.

  Nero was lost to her beauty. The quest had taken so ma
ny twists and turns and now here he was, in a beautiful forest, staring at a heavenly beauty. The darkness in his heart receded and all he wanted to do was drown in those golden yellow eyes.

  Luci eyed him playfully but there was a sliver of wanting as she batted her eyelashes. The air took on a sensual vibration as she pressed her firm chest to the troll, speaking intimate words that didn’t need to be said.

  “Do what you want to me…..” Luci whispered, wanting to say it anyway.

  Nero reached up, hands closing on her arms and holding her close, “I’m not sure my wants are the same as yours.”

  Luci’s eyes took on a hint of confusion, “I…I like being…submissive. I like when men take me. I’m here for you to do what you want.”

  Nero looked her in the eyes, a sorrow touching his own, “I’m not sure I can take you like other men have.”

  Luci’s lip trembled before she looked away, “All men just want to fuck. Here I am, letting you and you don’t want to take me?”

  “Luci, I have seen you, doing terrible things to yourself. The fairy dust and allowing others to take you anyway they want. Don’t confuse my concern with not wanting you. You’re beautiful but you can understand my hesitation.”

  The kitmori looked up to him, a flame of anger touching her eyes before pulling away. Hugging her own waist, she moved away, her fur and shoulders bathed in moonlight. Nero gazed upon her, wanting to move closer to comfort but was rooted to the spot, unsure what to say or do.

  “You want the story, is that it? You want to know why I’m a broken person.”

  “Luci, all I want to do is help.”

  The kitmori made a sad smirk, “You can’t help me, no one can. My therapist thought it would be a good idea to play Lewd Saga so it would help me work through my addictions. She said it would help me refocus on something other than my old party life. I don’t think she fully did her research. I joined Lewd Saga just because she kept suggesting it. At first it was fun but a little empty.”

  Luci turned slightly, hugging herself and looking away, “Like any addict, I found my way to the dark underworld of Lewd Saga. I couldn’t stop myself as I fell back into bad habits. They say it’s safer but it’s still an addiction like anything else. Some are addicted to killing and conquest. I’m addicted to getting high and being used like a toy, anything to feel good.

  “Once I learned my way around, I started really having fun. You know all those old femme fatale movies? Well, I wanted to live that life. I took up the assassin class and haven’t looked back.”

  Luci faced the troll, shadows covering her eyes, “And then you did something no one has done before. You stopped my good time….out of concern or misguided worry.”

  Nero gazed at the beautiful kitmori with a heavy heart, “You don’t have to destroy yourself.”

  Tears streamed down pale cheeks, “I want to destroy myself.”

  The troll stepped closer, a hand touching her waist with kind, understanding eyes, “My mother overdosed on pain killers about five years ago.”

  Luci looked up with wet wide eyes.

  Nero smiled, “She followed the doctor’s orders after one of her surgeries. It didn’t take long for her to get hooked. Even when she went back, the doctor kept prescribing more. She was out of it for a long time. My father and I watched her waste away. We tried to hide her medication or throw it out. She somehow found another prescription. We put her in rehab and she was good for a few weeks before falling back into her habits.”

  Nero’s smile faded, “I found her when it was all over. The doctors wouldn’t acknowledge it was their fault. It’s why I don’t work well with people in power. You put your trust in them and they stab you in the back and play innocent. No one is innocent but that doesn’t mean there aren’t good people out there.”

  “Is that why you play a shadowmancer, to punish the wicked?” Luci tried to smile but it only came out a sad lip quiver.

  Nero smiled once again, “I play a shadowmancer because even here, the people in power need to be taught a lesson. My former co-workers are part of that foul way of thinking. Someone needs to show them they can’t get away with it.”

  Luci leaned closer, pressing her hands to Nero’s chest, “I’m sorry about your mother.”

  Nero gave a slight nod, “Thank you. I’m sorry you’re hurting.”

  Luci gave a shy smirk, “The pain is less right now.”

  The kitmori leaned in, wrapping her arms around Nero’s waist and pressing the side of her face to his chest. The troll curled his arms around, holding her close. Fingers ran through her hair and the troll kissed the top of her head, between pointed ears.

  Serenity washed over the two broken souls as they held each other, lost in comforting bliss.

  Luci looked up with a playful grin, “I lied about not having a tent.”

  Nero smiled, eyes lost to her beauty. The moment shattered when something big crashed into the bushes. The two players looked in the direction the commotion and broke their embrace. Nero drew his short sword. Luci put a hand to her waist and pulled a sword out of thin air. The two crept closer to the spot where something lay in the darkness.

  The troll gazed through the shadows, trying to pierce the bushes. Something red and wet gleamed back in the scattered moonlight. Luci sniffed at the air, nose twitching. The forest grew silent as the two moved closer and Nero reached out. Pushing aside branches and small leaves, a hunk of something red lay on the forest floor.

  “Meat,” Luci said and low growls filled the area.

  The shadowmancer and kitmori moved closer, pressing their backs to each other. Senses switched into overdrive as they took in movement around them. A small giggle fell from the trees high above as large beasts moved through the darken brush.

  Nero wasted no time. The player glanced to his stats in the corner of his eye and began a spell.

  Nero Synn

  Shadowmancer Troll

  Hit Points(HP)- 244/244

  Armor- 22

  Dark Mana Pool(DM)- 120/120

  Strength- 19 (+3)

  Intelligence- 22 (+4)

  Wisdom- 30 (+8)

  Dexterity- 28 (+7)

  Stamina- 20 (+4)

  Charisma- 40 (+10)


  Whisper to the Dead- 22

  Soul Drink- 22

  Sense the Dead- 18

  Troll Regeneration- 14 (Passive ability)


  Sneak- 27


  Raise Pale Skeleton- 10 DM

  Raise Bloody Bones- 25 DM

  Summon Wraith- 50 DM

  Soul Drain- No cost


  Short Sword of Decay- 8 to 25 damage (Slow healing)

  Soul Bleeder Dagger- 5 to 15 damage (48 hour lockout)

  Enchanted Leather Armor- +5 Armor

  Ring of Shadows- +10 Sneak

  The troll channeled dark mana into a spell and cast it. Four arcane circles appeared on the ground around him. They spun with power as four red skeletons rose up. As soon as the Bloody Bones fully appeared, hulking monsters emerged from the darkness, surrounding them.

  Four Bloody Bones raised! 100 DM spent; 20/120

  Nero and Luci eyed the humanoid wolf monsters as the bloody bones took positions around them. Tongues hung out as demonic wolf heads centered on the couple. Low growls vibrated from thick necks as oversized clawed hands flexed. Nero counted nine but each one was the size of three men mashed together. Muscles bulged as they stalked closer, glowing red eyes filling the area in a crimson light.

  “Feeding time,” giggled a voice high in the trees.

  The monster wolf men growled louder as Nero and Luci stood their ground. An arrow whistled from above and sunk into a war wolf’s hunched back. The creature howled and the match was lit. A storm of monsters charged, mad howls driving them on.

  Nero let his own inner beast out and charged the incoming wave of monsters. Sword out, he ran headfirst until he was within a few feet and slid
down to his knees, slicing hard across. A monster’s leg came clean off as it tilted and crashed into the ground. The troll stayed low, rolling into a ball as claws swiped at him. The monsters were so big that that crashed into each other trying to attack the troll.

  Red skeletons marched toward the beasts, bony hands out and grasping at thick fur and draining energy. Some of the war wolves ignored the attacks, focusing on the troll but one swung its meaty arm around and into a bloody bones. The skeleton stumbled back as the wolf monster pounced, claws slashing at red bones. The bloody bones fought on until hit points drained and parts flew off. A second later, a large hand clamped on a skull and crushed it to dust.

  Nero rolled to his knees and drove his short sword into a monster’s belly. Twisting the blade, he pulled it out and rolled away as a clawed hand came down. The shadowmancer could feel the destruction of one of his bloody bones. Still moving, he felt the remaining three turn their attacks on one war wolf. This time, red bony hands dug into thick flesh and drained the beast’s energy. It howled as the bloody bones pulled away chunks of flesh, fur and even bone. Cracks appeared along the beast’s body before fingers dug into it again, shattering it to pieces.

  While Nero took the low ground, Luci took the high one. Nimble as bird, the kitmori jumped up and landed sideways on a tree, sword slicing outward. The blade sank into a thick neck and she changed her footing, spinning her entire body with the blade still in the monster’s neck. The head separated from the body and it crumbled into shards of greenish light.

  Defying gravity, she leapt off sideways to a thick tree branch. Body swinging upside down, her sword made a long arc, slicing across the war wolf’s eyes and another war wolf’s neck. Stunned, the creatures tried to barrel through but Luci swung up, planted her feet and jumped higher. An arrow appeared out of the dark trees and the kitmori smacked it away with her blade. Falling, she landed on a branch and ran along it, body low and sword stabbing down into a war wolf skull. The creature gurgled as cracks of light appeared and it shattered.


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