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The Concubine Contract

Page 9

by Eden Redd

  Nero moved like a contained typhoon. Body shifting and dodging incoming claws, the troll continued to keep the monsters at bay with stab and run attacks. The monster’s size kept them from getting an accurate strike on the troll and some of them bashed into trees. The shadowmancer dived for ground, claws missing his face as he rolled back onto his feet. Twisting his body, he slashed hard across a wolf monster’s back and kept moving.

  The shadowmancer wondered what Rikk was so worried around. The brutes couldn’t work together fast enough to land a single strike. They bumbled around, growling and slashing at anything too close, sometimes each other. The troll noticed Luci was moving with phenomenal dexterity as she leapt from branch to branch, slicing and leaping. Another Bloody Bones cracked and fell away as large claws slashed across its skeletal chest. Despite the loss of two skeletons, Nero felt they were going to clean this up in matter of moments.

  One of the war wolves screeched a strange howl. Red eyes blazed bright as the growls fell away. Nero drove his blade into a monster’s stomach when a large hand grabbed the blade to keep him from pulling it out. The troll looked up as the war wolves didn’t behave like a pack of animals. Certain intelligence took over and they began to move as one.

  Nero pulled again only to be rewarded with claws slicing into his shoulder.

  You have taken 27 damage! HP: 217/244

  “Shit!” Nero grunted as he twisted the blade.

  This time, the war wolf let go, only to slash outward again across Nero’s chest.

  You have taken 34 damage! HP: 183/244

  Nero rolled away and back to his feet, body heaving. The war wolves moved as a unit, focusing on him and charging all at once. Luci sliced at one but it dodged, the blade missing by inches.

  The remaining six war wolves charged at the troll, claws out but glowing eyes centered on him. Two bloody bones moved to intercept, red bony hands slashing at the monsters. The war wolves didn’t slow down as they drove claws and shoulders into the red skeletons, scattering their bones to the forest floor.

  Taking a cue from Luci, the troll bent his knees and launched himself upwards onto a low hanging branch. A clawed hand sliced up, shattering the branch. Nero tried to jump again only for the branch to give way under him. Falling, another clawed hand stabbed into him, penetrating his body and slamming him to the ground.

  You have taken 67 damage! HP: 116/244

  The shadowmancer bounced from the ground, sword swinging blindly. The edge cut against a leg but the monsters were on him, claws raised.

  Luci leapt from a branch and drove her sword into one of the monster’s backs. Blade sinking halfway, it ignored her as they pressed their attack. Claws rained down as Nero slashed upwards. A hand separated from a wrist but the remaining claws slashed at his prone form.

  You have taken 92 damage! HP: 24/244

  Nero struggled to roll away. His armor absorbed some the damage but one more good hit and he was done for. A sliver of weakness filled his muscles as he rolled to his feet and back peddled. The war wolves were stationary for a moment before they split. Three of them charged the troll while the one Luci stood on with her sword in its back and two others turned on her. The kitmori leapt off the monsters back and onto a branch. The kitmori darted along the branch as oversized claws shattered it to kindling with each swipe.

  Nero wiped blood from the corner of his mouth and drew his dagger. The three war wolves moved in closer, silent as a grave.

  “Don’t get hit, “Nero whispered to himself and charged.

  Thick arms lashed out but the player moved like water. Body bending, he dodged each incoming strike before stepping close and slashing upwards. Muscles opened up as the blade finished its arc and a dagger buried into a gut. Spinning away, the war wolves pressed their attack. Arms moved in calculated strikes as the troll parried claws. The battle turned into a dance and the player knew one wrong move and he was dead.

  Luci jumped to a higher branch and another arrow whistled from the trees. Spinning away, the arrow missed her by inches as she landed another branch. The war wolves charged the trunk of the tree, large claws smashing the base into large chunks of kindling. The tree trembled and creaked.

  Nero spun and slashed, using the trees around him as cover. The war wolves saw through the deception, anticipating each strike and returning with their own. Nero could feel the claws pass inches from his body. The battle began to turn in the monster’s favor and the shadowmancer was hanging on by a thread.

  “Fucking War Wolves!” a voice shouted into the forest.

  Rikk appeared, energy rippling around his raised hands, pointing them at Nero’s group of monsters.

  “Keep them busy,” Rikk commanded as he unleashed magical fury.

  Nero dodged and spun away as thick lightning bolts lit of the darken forest. A war wolf turned to the incoming lightning and tried to dodge. Instead, its arm and shoulder completely separated from its body and flew in different directions. The monster’s body shattered a second later.

  Rikk’s eyes were wide as he grinned evilly. Lightning streams slashed across the dark forest, slamming into two war wolves reaching for Luci. The kitmori stared in astonishment as lightning ripped two of them to pieces.

  The mage turned his arms, pouring on the lightning and redirecting it to the two war wolves on Nero. The troll took advantage of the display of power, driving his sword into a war wolf’s throat. The creature growled before shattering into shards of light. The other one charged, only to be cut down from Rikk’s lightning stream. The monster fell to the ground, mewling and the smell of burnt fur filling the area. Nero stepped over and drove his short sword and his dagger into its head.

  Luci ran across a branch as the remaining war wolf jumped up to slash at her while another arrow whistled down from the trees. The kitmori threw herself forward, hand catching a branch and flipping her body up. The arrow missed and lightning crashed into the remaining monster. The creature howled as it was torn to pieces by Rikk’s power.

  A thin little man in black leather, holding a bow, leapt to another tree. Pulling an arrow, he watched as Luci flipped up to a branch and then another. Pulling back on the bow string, he aimed with a fading smile. Luci was quick, spinning and jumping upwards in a blur.

  “Bye bye,” the rogue whispered as he was about to let go of the bowstring.

  Light lit up the night as lightning crashed into the tree trunk holding the rogue. The vibration knocked the rogue’s aim off as he released. The arrow slipped through the air, missing the kitmori as she reached another branch. Golden eyes stared at the rogue as she made one final leap.

  The rogue let gravity take hold as he jumped. Luci’s blade sliced up, nicking his shoulder. The rogue giggled as he fell, giving the kitmori the middle finger. Turning his body to catch a branch, eyes widened as Nero was below him, eyes hard and blades in hand.

  The rogue grabbed a branch and swung his body only for the troll to leap up and hack at his lower leg. Damaged registered as the rogue lost his grip and spiraled outward. Hitting a branch and then another one, the rogue spun and fell, seeing Nero’s smiling blue face.

  The shadowmancer drove his sword upwards as the rogue came down. The point stabbed into his chest and the weight of the rogue’s body pressed down until it hit the hilt. Nero grinned as the rogue’s body cracked and shattered into hundreds of pieces.

  Nero let out a breath as he sank to his knees. Luci leapt down from branch to branch until she landed on the ground. Racing to the troll, she fell to her knees, arms around him.

  Rikk stepped closer, a crazy look in his eye and a mad smile on his lips.

  “You two are alright,” the mage said with a light edge, “We make a good team.”

  Nero barely nodded as he turned to Luci’s golden eyes and warm embrace.


  “Motherfucking war wolves,” Rikk spat. “I told you they were dangerous. Those fuckers connect like a hive mind when they’re threatened and move together as a single fighting uni
t. Fuckers are diabolical.”

  The blue haired mage looked down at Nero and Luci, “You both seem fine.”

  Nero and Luci looked to each other and began laughing. Rikk stared, eyes half closed.

  “Thank you Rikk for the save,” Nero managed as his regeneration began kicking in.

  “What took you so long?” Luci smiled.

  Rikk kept his tired stare, “The lightning cannon spells need a little time to gather up my mana. I wasn’t rushing in until the big guns were ready.”

  “It’s appreciated,” Nero said as wounds slowly began to close.

  The mage nodded, “I doubt we will run into any more tonight. They are highly territorial. Another pack won’t even think of checking the area out for a few nights.”

  Luci held the wounded troll close, pressing her cheek to his hair.

  Rikk eyed them for a long moment.

  “Do you need help back to camp,” Rikk clearing asking because it was the polite thing to do but not really wanting to do it.

  “I think we’re fine,” Luci said matter of fact.

  Nero looked up to her, the kitmori’s eyes distant and a small smile on her lips.

  “Allllllrrright,” Rikk said before turning around and walking back to camp.

  “Keep it down. I want to get some sleep,” the mage shouted as he made his way back to the glowing camp light.

  Luci pulled herself from Nero and stood up. Hand moving behind her, she pulled something out of thin air and took a few steps back. Nero watched as she held a rolled up bundle in her furry hands. With a mischievous smirk, she threw it in the air.

  Nero watched as the bundle popped into a tent and floated down. It touched the ground, flaps unfurling and small torches appearing around the tent. Astonished, the troll slowly stood up. Luci rushed to him and held him up as he leaned on her.

  “Where did you get this?”

  Luci grinned, “You can buy one in any of the high end magic shops. Makes virtual life a little easier when you can throw a pop up tent and everything is ready for you.”

  The kitmori guided the wounded troll to the open flap of the tent. Nero ducked his head slightly as he stepped in. As soon as he made one step inside, Luci pushed him in and closed the tent flap behind them. The mood shifted and a heat quickly filled the tent. Nero barely had a chance to see the thick furs lining the inside when the kitmori gently pushed him down.

  Nero sat and glanced at his wounds and hit points. He was healing but it would be another hour before he was back to full. Luci stood before him, eyes watching as she reached up and pulled at the shoulders of her outfit. They were barely pulled over the shoulder before she looked to his wounds.

  “Can you?”

  Nero looked to the beautiful fox woman, “I think so.”

  Luci let go of the fabric and knelt down before the troll, “I don’t want to rush....”

  “But you do,” Nero smiled, “So do I.”

  The kitmori bowed her head, “I meant it before. You can do anything you want.”

  Nero eyed her, “You really like submission?”

  Pink touched her cheeks, “It is one of my chosen kinks. I also like….” Luci hesitated before her fingers tightened into fists on her thighs, “….I like something else. Have you ever heard of free use?”

  Nero gave her a kind gaze, “No, but it sounds fun.”

  Luci nodded, “It’s when you give your partner permission to use you, anytime and anywhere. You can set up a rule for certain situations but for the most part, I am yours to do what you want.”

  “And…you like that?”

  Luci nodded again, “It is freeing and a turn on. You can take me anytime the urge hits and I can’t say no….not that I would.”

  “Have you explored that kink with others?”

  “A few times but they took it as a means to abuse. The true meaning is unable to control your desires and allowing your partner to be the key to unleashing your urges.”

  The kitmori continued, “I don’t give it to anybody…but maybe I will give you permission.”

  Nero leaned back, laying on the thick furs and letting out an exhausted sigh, “Thank you for considering me.”

  Luci eyed him, worry bleeding into the corners of her eyes. Nero looked to her and saw the concern that she may have said too much and turned him off.

  “It’s okay. I don’t think anything bad of it. Just something I’m mentally getting used to,” Nero said in a comforting tone.

  Luci lips curved into a shy smile, “What are you into? I’m sure it’s very kinky.”

  Nero turned on his side, dark eyes on her smooth neck, “I don’t know if you can handle it. I’m into some pretty kinky stuff, way over the top.”

  The kitmori’s eyes sparked with interest, “Oh, like what?”

  “Really kinky stuff, even if I say it, it might be too much for you,” Nero winked.

  Luci’s smile grew, “Are you messing with me?”

  “I don’t know; do you like it?”

  The fox woman crawled over and lay on her side, facing the handsome troll, “Try me.”

  “Maybe I can tell you a few, but don’t treat me weird,” Nero grinned.

  “I just told you one of my darkest kinks. I think I can handle it.”

  Nero took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

  Luci’s eyes flashed, “Just tell me!”

  “Alright,” the troll exhaled before returning Luci’s interested gaze, “I like…….kissing, cuddling and laughing.”

  Luci stared, the words not registering at first but soon they hardened into an annoyed gaze, “Asshole!”

  Nero kept his grin, “You don’t like those kinks?”

  The kitmori sat up and hugged herself, “You have to make fun of me.”

  The troll sat up, “I’m not making fun of you. I’m really into that. Life can be hard but I want my love life to be bright, especially here in the game.”

  Luci pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, “And here I thought we were the same.”

  Nero looked to her with a playful smirk, “I didn’t tell you my other two kinks.”

  The kitmori’s ear twitched and she barely turned her attention t him, “You only picked five?”

  Nero nodded, “I left one open in case there was something I wanted to try. But I can tell you my fourth one, if you wish?”

  Luci nodded.

  “A mild somnophilia, it’s a sleeping kink. You wake up your partner or they wake you from sleep by…well…you know. I would never do it without permission but it has always been a fantasy of mine.”

  Luci’s eyes glittered in the dim light, “I can work with that. Have you done that with anyone yet?”

  Nero shook his head, “No, not yet.”

  Luci’s smile returned, “I did say you could do anything you wanted to me.”

  A rush of heat ran up Nero’s neck but a shadow touched his eyes and he glanced down, “Luci, about the fairy dust….”

  The kitmori reached up and touched his cheek, “We can talk about it another time.”

  The two stared at one another for a long breath of time. Eyes drank in each other’s beauty and the primal heat was there, taunting each other like a moth to a flame. Two damaged souls found each other and now their spirits cried out to be whole again. Nero never thought it could feel like this, free and no judgments. Luci’s eyes glowed as she looked to the strong troll, feeling more like her true self then she ever did before. The magic spiraled between them before it flashed into wanting desire.

  Nero reached out and touched her shoulder but the fox coiled and pounced. The troll was knocked onto his back. Nero laughed as Luci moved with purpose. She clawed at his armor and clothes, trying to pull it off while her own outfit slipped down her shoulders. Nero smiled as her cleavage became more and more exposed. Not wanting to deny her of what she desired, the shadowmancer pressed a palm to his chest. Armor, clothes and weapons all faded from view as he lay naked, blue skin dark in the w
arm light.

  Luci eyed him, taking in his toned body. Eyes drifted down until she stopped at his trollhood, stirring from its wilted slumber. Veins rose along the shaft and a terrible hunger took hold of the kitmori. Pale fingers moved to her disheveled outfit and pulled it down. Firm breasts practically popped from her confining clothes, pink nipples pointing.

  Luci looked to the troll, eyes moving along him and taking in his closing wounds. She wanted nothing more than have the troll ravage her to his satisfaction but the wounds concerned her. Standing on her knees, she pushed down her outfit until it puddle around her.

  Nero gazed upon her, taking in sensual curves and golden haired valley. Breasts bounced as she slipped the outfit off her feet and threw it aside. She could have just tapped it all away but this was much more fun. Kneeling down, fingers moved down her stomach and touched the thin strip of hair along her budding valley.

  The troll curled an arm under his head, watching her as she touched herself to his steady gaze. The tent was warm, borderline hot but the couple didn’t seem to mind as they enjoyed the company. Luci’s ears twitched as she touched her glowing nub, massaging it slowly. A small gasp fell from her lips as she tried to ease into a nice tempo.

  Nero watched, the only part of his body betraying him was his stiffing member. Luci looked to it with half closed eyes and bit her lip. She massaged her clit a little faster, a moan rising up. The troll knew she was doing it to him on purpose so he decided to return the favor. Nero’s free hand moved from his hip and took hold of his hard cock. His strong hand stroked as the kitmori played with herself.

  The two players were caught in mutual bliss and each urged the other to break their stride. Taunting, Luci rubbed in deep circles while Nero stroked slowly to the beautiful fox. The air grew thick with moans as they watched each other to see who would break first. Luci’s tail shifted around from behind and ran along Nero’s exposed thigh. The fur sent tingles along his body, causing blood to leave his brain and pool to his rock hard member.


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