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The Concubine Contract

Page 11

by Eden Redd

  “Thanks for telling us. I’m sure we can work together and see about splitting the reward, if any of us survive,” Nero nodded.

  “I always survive,” Rikk stated.

  Luci hopped forward and walked backwards before the troll and mage, “How about none of us betray each other, no matter how bad it gets.”

  “That sounds like betrayal talk to me,” Rikk smirked.

  Nero thought for a moment before speaking, “No, I like this idea. Can we all spare 100,000 gold?”

  Rikk and Luci looked to the troll. Nero brought up a 2D screen and began typing away. A after a few moments, he turned the screen to his companions as they strolled. The screen showed a neutral access account and a sum of 100,000 gold coins.

  “I created this account and channeled 100,000 gold from my account into it. I added a stipulation where the first person betrayed and killed will receive the whole amount. If we all put in a 100K, the player betrayed will receive 300K in gold coins. It has a timer and our names added. The account will remotely watch our actions. If we turn on one another, it will detect how we died and if it’s by one of our hands, that player will get the whole amount.”

  The group stopped walking and eyed the 2D screen.

  Rikk rubbed his jaw, “This is pretty clever,” and then reached forward and tapped at the screen, sending 100k gold to the account.

  Luci stepped over next and did the same, “Keeping assassins honest with the promise of gold. I like the way you think, shadowmancer.”

  The screen faded from view and Nero looked to the mage and Kitmori, “Now that we have a small safety net between us, I feel better taking on the last six competitors for the prize.”

  Rikk and Luci nodded as they once again started walking, kingdom walls rising up above the tree line in the distance.


  The kingdom gates were wide open as three players joined the stream of people walking in. Nero took it in with restrained wonder. The streets were cobblestone. The buildings were a mixture of wood and stone, crafted into beautiful homes and places of business. Vendors crowded the streets, calling out to people as they entered, peddling their wares. Players mixed with NPC’s with an easy going atmosphere clouding the streets.

  Nero was enjoying the city sights but duty stabbed into his mind. Senses at full alert and hood up, he stared out past the buildings to the main keep on the other side of the city. High walls and guards walking along showed it was a fortress to be reckoned with. Oversized scorpion crossbows lined the walls, some pointed up while others were pointed down. Even at this distance, Rork castle looked like a blunted fist, its shadow over the city.

  Eyes lowering, the troll drank in the number of guards on the streets as they walked in. The armor they wore and swords at their hips or backs gleamed in the daylight, well oiled and sparkling. They didn’t have the appearance of a beaten down force. Nero thought it was quite the opposite. They appeared to be well groomed and competent as they watched the crowds with knowing gazes. The city was open and may be tolerate of all races but they watched like hawks for the slightest chance of disruption.

  Nero leaned closer to Luci, ready to whisper what he saw when a dark shadow touched his mind. The kitmori glanced at the troll, eyes showing a sliver of concern.

  “What is it?” Luci asked.

  Nero walked, mouth closed and eyes darting. The strange shadow licked his mind and he couldn’t push it away. Glancing down, tendrils of darkness slithered between each cobblestone and a dark chill crawled over him like a cold worm. The player knew this feeling well. Every time he walked through a graveyard or entered a dungeon, the chill of death kissed his heart, wanting to drink every drop of life.

  The sun shined as Nero spent a charisma point and activated his Sense the Dead ability. Under his feet, ghostly light appeared and death touched every nerve with a sickening diseased bite.

  “This place reeks of the dead,” Nero said plainly.

  Rikk let an evil smile slip, “It should. Rork is a kingdom where the surface is all bright and sunny but it was built on the backs of the dead. Drikken Rork, employed slaves to build the kingdom to what he wanted. He worked them until they died and used necromancy to raise them again to continue working. The kingdom was built but he had a large undead force. With the dragons in power, he put the dead to work, building a maze like catacombs under the city to store them until he could use them another time.

  “Books tell that over time and several generations later, the Rork family line lost control of the dead. They employed necromancers to keep them sealed below the city, never to venture to the surface again.”

  Rikk pointed to a manhole cover in the street. Nero and Luci looked to it, strange arcane symbols carved into its metal surface.

  “It’s easy entering the catacombs but chances are you won’t make it out alive,” Rikk finished.

  Nero sensed the dead as they walked. Decayed hands reached up, trying to touch the ceiling of their tomb, calling out to the shadowmancer.

  Rikk took lead and splintered off from the main street. Nero and Luci followed. The streets grew grim as they walked along. The populace thinned but there were still people on the streets, walking to their next destinations. Luci surveyed the area while Rikk walked ahead.

  “I take it you have a plan,” Nero said to the mage.

  Rikk nodded without looking back, “Do your research and always be prepared.”

  Nero nodded when a cloaked figure stepped too close and bumped into him. The shadowmancer’s hands fell to his blades as he looked to the figure. Red eyes stared at him with crimson confusion. A thin dark face peeked from under a hood and white hair glowed around a thin neck. Luci stopped and watched as Rikk continued to walk ahead.

  “Excuse me….I….” the figure trailed off.

  Nero eyed her, thinking she was an assassin on the contract but the lost look in her eyes said something else. She appeared confused and unsure what to do, standing before the troll with wide eyes. Red iris’s focused and refocused as if unable to process what she was looking at. An icy heat flowed outward and touched the shadowmancer, curling around his senses.

  “Can I help you?” Nero asked, unsure what else to say.

  The figure lifted their eyes up to meet Nero’s, “Can you hear it? Can you hear the song?”

  The troll stared back, seeing the thin face and pointed ears pressing at the sides of the hood. Nero had seen enough dark elves to know what he was looking at but something enveloped his senses and he tried to cut through the fog. The dark elf reached out and touched his hand as it lay on the pommel of a blade. Darkness swirled, storming through the shadowmancer with an unusual comfort. A moment later, he heard the song, vibrating under his feet and tempting his heart to sway to its symphony.

  “What….is…” Nero whispered.

  “He calls…….He seeks…..” the dark elf whispered back.

  Luci watched as Nero stared at nothing, the dark elf’s hand on his. Reaching out, she lightly smacked the hand away. The connection was broken and Nero stepped back a few steps, eyes lost.

  The dark elf did the same, abruptly turned and walked off. Luci stared at the dark elf as she moved to a corner and disappeared around it. Eyes turning to Nero, the troll blinked as if waking from a dream.

  “Something was singing. I never felt such a cold song before,” Nero said as his wits returned.

  “Are you two coming?” Rikk shouted from half a block away.

  Troll and Kitmori walked side by side, catching up to the gruff mage as he stood, foot tapping.

  The cobwebs leaving Nero’s mind, he looked up at a sign for the “Drunk Halfling Inn”. It swung on two chains as they approached. Rikk moved to the front door, opened it and stepped it, not holding it for his companions. Nero reached out and stopped it from swinging closed, bowing to the kitmori. Luci smiled as she stepped in and the troll followed behind.

  Nero took in the warm surroundings as players of all races sat, talked and drank to their hearts content
. Halflings moved through with trays to provide drink and food to dwarves and Halflings dotted throughout the establishment while humans served the larger folk. Laughter filled the air and rosy cheeks smiled.

  Rikk navigated the room until he reached a corner table, beckoning his companions over. Nero and Luci followed. When they reached the table, all three sat. Rikk motioned for a round of drinks to one of the servers and they nodded with a smile. The gruff mage hunkered down and looked to the troll and kitmori.

  “This place is always packed. Halflings and dwarves drink a lot and there is less chance of us being overheard,” Rikk stated.

  Drinks came immediately and were placed before them in big, frothy wooden mugs.

  Rikk picked one up, guzzled it half of it before putting it down, “Now let’s talk about my plan.”

  Nero eyed the mage, “Your plan? Not our plan?”

  Rikk gave the troll an annoyed look, “Don’t get hung up on semantics. You both have been going along and dealing with problems as they come. I have had a plan since before this stupid contract was put out there. Now listen up and be quiet.”

  Nero was about to say something when he decided to simply let the mage talk. He wasn’t looking for any glory in coming up with a plan. All he wanted was to get back at Lord Blight and his cronies.

  Rikk leaned in, “The main keep at the other end of the city is a fortress if you didn’t notice. There are so many eyes there that scaling any wall or sneaking in through the gates will get us all killed. Good thing they don’t patrol the sewers and catacombs.”

  Luci let a smirk slip, “You do need us.”

  “Shut it and let me finish,” Rikk growled and continued, “We wait for nightfall and make our way through the sewers to the keep. Once inside, we make our way to the private section of the castle where Princess Treyana holds her often talked about orgies. There is no way to get an invite so we’re going to crash it.”

  “You make it sound so easy,” Nero said sarcastically.

  Rikk’s brow formed a hard V, “Hardly. Not only do we need to deal with the dead between here and there, we need to get by the guards and join the party. I have a plan for the last part and will tell you once we’re there.”

  Nero’s eyes narrowed, “That’s why you wanted us to come along; you need me to keep the dead at bay.”

  “And you need me to get us inside,” Luci said and leaned back in her chair.

  Rikk grinned, “You both aren’t as dumb as I thought you were. Now before you get all pissy, yes, that’s exactly what I need you for. None of us will make it in on our own and the three of us have a better chance at pulling it off.”

  Nero crossed his arms, “I have no idea if I can keep so many dead from attacking us. I’ll run out of charisma if the catacombs are as full of undead as it seems.”

  Rikk smirked, “Yes but your class may give us the edge to keep the stronger ones from attacking. The dead love shadowmancers and necromancers. We don’t have to convince all of them, just the more powerful undead. We can mop up the simple ones as we go.”

  “This plan seems awfully convenient for you, mage, since we will be doing most of the work” Luci said.

  Rikk’s fingers curled into fists, “It will be convenient for all of us if you listen and do as I say.”

  “So you can reap the reward,” Nero said next.

  Rikk turned his hard gaze to the troll, “I have put a lot of effort into researching this place. Show some appreciation and we will get out ahead.”

  Nero was about to call him out on his selfish plan when a cloaked figure moved to the edge of the table. All eyes looked up but it was Nero had a perfect view of the dark elf. She looked to him, eyes lost and mouth opening.

  “He tells me to tell you, follow the song. He has also told me, four of your enemies are here in the inn,” The dark elf whispered.

  Nero’s eyes dropped and looked past the cloaked dark elf as several figures staring at them rose up from their tables, drawing their blades.


  Nero Synn

  Shadowmancer Troll

  Hit Points(HP)- 254/254

  Armor- 22

  Dark Mana Pool(DM)- 120/120

  Strength- 19 (+3)

  Intelligence- 22 (+4)

  Wisdom- 30 (+8)

  Dexterity- 28 (+7)

  Stamina- 22 (+4)

  Charisma- 40 (+10)


  Whisper to the Dead- 22

  Soul Drink- 22

  Sense the Dead- 18

  Troll Regeneration- 14 (Passive ability)


  Sneak- 27


  Raise Pale Skeleton- 10 DM

  Raise Bloody Bones- 25 DM

  Summon Wraith- 50 DM

  Soul Drain- No cost


  Short Sword of Decay- 8 to 25 damage (Slow healing)

  Soul Bleeder Dagger- 5 to 15 damage (48 hour lockout)

  Enchanted Leather Armor- +5 Armor

  Ring of Shadows- +10 Sneak

  Nero’s hands fell to his blades, fingers curling around the handles. Luci glanced over her shoulder as a kitra, an elf, a human mage and a human knight stood up at different points in the room and began slowly walking toward them. The kitmori’s eyes drank in the kitra as a familiar face leered in her direction. Rikk kept his annoyed gaze as he watched the four assassins make their way closer. The dark elf at Nero’s side pushed away her cloak, red eyes half closing and a spell at the ready.

  Nero looked up to the dark elf, “Are you with us?”

  The dark elf smiled as she gazed upon the handsome troll, “I am with you for a price.”

  Nero eyed her, “What’s the price?”

  The dark elf’s eyes took a sultry gleam, “A kiss from azure lips.”

  Nero kept his face blank as he readied himself, “What’s your name?”

  The dark elf’s fingers began to move and twist in arcane knowledge, “Dulla Nightborn.”

  Nero smiled, “Good to meet you Dulla. Can we discuss after we’re finished?”

  The dark elf returned his smile with a smirk, “Agree and we can discuss.”

  Nero looked to Luci. The kitmori nodded with a playful smirk. The troll looked back to Dulla and nodded. A second later, a voice rose up above the background noise of the inn.

  “Luci Charm! It’s been a while,” the kitra purred.

  Luci looked over to the kitra with a friendly smile, “Ileen, you seem well.”

  The cat woman held a sword at her side, tail trembling behind her, “I have been feeling better seeing you on the same contract. I still owe you for failing to protect us. I had a bad feeling about you since we met but finding out later that you were going to kill the rebel leader and then all of us makes this reunion sweeter.”

  Nero looked to the kitra and recognized her from the night the shadowmancer stumbled upon their situation. The player could feel the heat of hatred billowing in the large room.

  “We’re just having a drink. Save the fight for later before your actions bring the city guards down on us,” Rikk said sternly.

  Ileen gave a sardonic grin, “Shut up Saint. So many fear and admire you but I know you’re just an asshole with some spells. I bet a knife to the throat will stop that spell casting real quick.”

  “You are a rude young woman,” Rikk said, shaking his head.

  Luci stood up, hands out. The four assassins tensed as every eye in the room turned in their direction.

  “Walk away,” Luci said in a soft voice.

  Ileen eyed the kitmori before letting out a laugh, “You remember that night? We fought to the bitter end, everyone except you. I thought you were in shock but I learned later it was all part of your plan. The shadow guild told me everything and that means this is beyond business. The contract will be ours but us meeting again is a bonus. I don’t care if the city comes down on us, you will be dead and we will be long gone.”

  The kitra took another step forward and the room explode
d into a tsunami of chaos. Luci’s hands moved outward, throwing blades appearing in her hands and fingers letting go a moment later. The Kitra’s sword went up, knocking one blade away and her body spinning to dodge the other. Patrons rose to their feet and bolted for the exits as bodies moved.

  Dulla raised both hands and whispered words of power. Twelve arcane circles appeared along the floor and red skeletons began to rise. Rikk stood up, hands crackling with energy before twin lightning bolts fired. The enemy mage moved forward, an arcane shield appearing on his arm and charging toward the lightning bolts. Both bolts arced and slammed into the shield, hissing with power before they whimpered out. The mage grinned as Rikk shook his head.

  “An Arc Light Shield. Fine you got me, I guess I’ll have to switch to fire,” Rikk said and fire burst from his hands, streaming across the room.

  The mage spun away and put up the shield. Fire struck it but didn’t drain away. Rikk laughed as twin streams of fire blazed on. Nero let his chair fall back as fire streamed overhead. The back of the chair slammed down but the troll was rolling backwards and onto his boots. Turning, the knight was nearly on him, sword up and swinging down. Nero bent his upper body to it was nearly touching the floor as the sword swung over, missing him by an inch and the end slicing into the floor. The shadowmancer brought his body up, short sword and dagger clearing their sheaths and gleaming in the lantern light.

  Nero’s dagger missed as the end of his sword clanked against armor. The knight barreled forward, sword swinging once again. The shadowmancer twisted his body at odd angles to keep the sword from landing a blow. Nero knew the knight’s armor was going to make it difficult to get enough damage through. The knight kept the troll moving and on the defensive, not allowing him to cast a single spell.

  Bloody Bones filled the emptying inn and attacked. The elf with blades in hands dived toward the undead. Elven swords flashed as they cut through spinal columns, shattering two bloody bones at once. The elf continued to move, keeping the undead at bay while the other three continued their deadly dance.


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