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The Concubine Contract

Page 12

by Eden Redd

  Nero dodged and pivoted, trying to land a solid blow. The knight was skilled, defending against each incoming strike. Swords clashed and sang as players fought to kill each other. Luci and Ileen sliced at one another like skilled ballerinas. Swords parried and bodies twisted. The kitmori leapt into the air and spun while the kitra stabbed forward. Luci aimed for her neck with a downward swing but was parried by the grinning kitra.

  Rikk jumped onto the table, laughing like a mad man as fire streams poured on. The enemy mage was on the defensive, trying to protect himself from the flames, hand falling to his side and a spell on his lips. The incantation complete, a hand pointed at the table legs and released a force bolt. Rikk jumped up just as the force bolt struck the table legs and they all exploded at once.

  Rikk landed on the floor. Dulla stepped away from the exploding legs, shards of wood pelting her as she faced away. The enemy mage kept the shield up as he recited another incantation.

  Grumpy Rikk kept his gaze steady, “Let me show you how to use force spells.”

  Rikk made arcane motions and the room exploded in movement. Forks, knives, glasses, mugs and bottles flew up into the air, filling the room with debris. The knight fighting Nero took a step back, eyes taking in the debris floating in the air. Nero pressed his attack, getting in close and driving his dagger into a weak point in the side of the knight’s armor. The knight grunted as the blade cut through chainmail and sank part way into his side. Nero pulled back his dagger just as an armored hand went up and backhanded him across the face.

  You have taken 6 damage! Hp: 248/254

  Nero internally laughed it off as he stumbled back after sheathing his dagger. Calling on a spell, he pointed his hand and said the final word. A black bolt leapt from his hand and slammed into the knight. The soul drain curled around armor and sucked out Hit Points. Nero was already at full but if can’t get past the armor, his Soul Drain spell would.

  Loose items hung in the air as Luci and Ileen fought like animals. Growls and hisses filled the air as their swords struck each other, neither one landing a blow. The elf continued to cut down the bloody bones as the mage prepared another spell, shield up.

  Rikk grimaced a grin, “Amateurs.”

  The mage slapped his hands together with a “Boom!” Every item hanging in the air came together all at once. Luci spun away while Nero dove to the ground. Dulla backpedaled to the back while the enemy assassins took the brunt of the force. Bottles filled with alcohol smashed into bodies. Utensils bounced off armor except for the elf as a knife stabbed into his hand. Ileen brought her arms up to protect her face while the knight turned away as everything bounced off his armor. Tables flipped and chairs flew in all directions. When the last glass broke and everything settled, the enemy assassins stood up to their full heights and glared at the blue haired mage.

  “That’s you’re fucking ace card, throw junk at us?” Ileen shouted.

  Rikk lifted up his hands, one crackling with energy and the other bursting into flames, “Like chess, plan out your moves and follow them accordingly.”

  The enemy mage looked at the wet floor and metal strewn about. Eyes widening, he was about to warn his companions when Rikk pointed his hand to the floor and whispered a word of power. Lightning arced as fire flared forward. The mage threw the shield down on the floor and stood on it as lightning struck the liquid soaked floor. Energy arced and slammed into Ileen, the elf and the knight at once. The mage was the only one not affected as the lightning struck the arc light shield.

  Nero rolled away from the wet floor as lightning steamed across. Luci and Dulla stepped back as they watched the enemy assassins take damage, the force of the attack throwing them through the air. The mage prepared a spell but as he whispered the incantation, fire burned along the alcohol soaked floor, lighting everything on fire. Flames surrounded him, leaping up to burn his robe. The mage called on a cold spell, blasting the flames around him as the other assassins struggled to their feet, scorch marks covering their clothes.

  “There, made it easier for you guys,” Rikk smiled as he stepped back and crossed his arms.

  Nero pushed off the floor and charged the knight. Short sword drawn, he ran up to the knight and drove the tip into side of him as he used the bar to stand up. The knight grunted as Nero drew his dagger and stabbed him in the neck. The knight’s hit point level went from green to red and the troll gave the blade a twist. Gurgling came up the knight’s throat as he stared with murderous intent. The knight grabbed at a dagger at his belt, pulled it and tried to ram it into Nero. The shadowmancer twisted his body to dodge it, pulled his sword from the knight’s side and spun around. The blade struck the knight against the neck and kept going. The knight let out a gurgled curse before his head came clean off. It hit the bar and shattered into shards of light. The body sank down to its knees, cracks of light appearing before shattering to pieces.

  The elf was to his feet just as several bloody bones took hold. The elf cried out as energy drained and bony fingers dug into his smooth flesh. With so many dead clawing at him, the energy drain brought him down in mere seconds before the they took hold and pulled him apart, shattering his body.

  Luci stalked toward the dazed kitra, hand whipping up toward the mage. The mage prepared a spell as a throwing dagger sunk into his throat and hand. The spell fizzled and he tried again, only for Nero to come charging with blades in hand. The mage fumbled his spell and tried to run, only for a short sword blade and dagger to sink into his back. The shadowmancer gave them each a twist and the mage burst into shards of greenish light.

  Ileen watched as her compatriots fell one by one. The kitmori stalked toward her, eyes filled with focused rage. The kitra quickly summarized she was outnumbered, turned and hurtled toward a window. With a crash, she went through, hit the hard ground and rolled to her feet. Not slowing down, she ran off as Luci moved to the window. Shouts and chaos echoed off walls and toward the inn’s location.

  Rikk sighed, “Time table has been moved up, head for the sewer.”

  The group ran down the middle of the room, Nero taking lead. The troll burst through the front doors and was out in the street. Down several streets, the clanging of armor and swords being drawn bounced off walls. Nero darted forward to an arcane manhole cover. Blue fingers dug into the sides. Lifting it up, he waved his group over. Dulla ran to him and jumped down the dark hole. Rikk was next as he moved to the edge sat down and jumped in. Luci ran over, slid to the edge while snapping her head up and kissing the troll full on. Nero’s brow went up. The kitmori pulled away, winked and slipped down the hole.

  The shadowmancer dangled his legs in the whole as shadows rose up against walls, the sound of clanking armor getting closer. Nero lifted the manhole cover over his head and jumped down, releasing a second later.

  The manhole cover clamped over the sewer entrance just as the city guards arrived, knees bent and eyes searching. Swords in hand, they searched while under their feet, assassins splashed along, disappearing into the darkness.


  A ball of magical light hovered before Rikk as he sloshed through the ankle deep sewer water. Nero and Luci sloshed along after him, Dulla taking up the rear. They had been walking for close to an hour. The tunnels turned and bent almost without reason, changing direction so much, Nero was sure they were lost. Rikk assured them he had an idea of where they were going but it brought little comfort to the unlikely companions.

  Glancing back, Nero could see the dark elf necromancer walking along, head down and eyes lost. The player wondered if she was being affected on a deeper level then he was. As soon as they started running the tunnels, Nero activated his Sense the Dead ability. The moment it was on, the dead surrounded them, behind walls, in front of them, behind them and below them. The shadowmancer was sure they were going to be rushed at any moment but as each minute passed, the more they didn’t attack.

  Nero knew the dead loved shadowmancers but even some of them can be fickle or greedy. They would deny their
love just for a taste of living flesh or worse. The player tried to convince himself that it was because of Dulla that the dead hung back but it didn’t allow himself to relax. Dulla moved like a zombie, red eyes lost to some internal struggle. When they were topside, she spoke as if someone was talking through her. Now, she walked along, silent and head tilted forward. She never asked for payment as she simply followed along.

  The shadowmancer glanced to Luci. The kitmori was silent as well, pointed ears shifting in all directions and eyes sharp. She seemed to have all her senses on heightened alert but the player knew she could detect magic as well since she was able to detect it from Rikk back at the river. The player wondered if the kitmori was dealing with her own internal struggle. She knew about Rikk and warned they should have circled around. Was there something she was keeping so it would be easier for all of them to work together?

  Nero looked ahead, eyes centering on Rikk’s back. The mage was rude, obnoxious and generally a pain in the ass. He seemed to think highly of himself and the troll could see why groups he joined would want to kill him. Nero felt no need to go through with something like that but the understanding was there. The mage was talented and carried some of the best magical skill the troll had ever seen. The player grinned sadly to himself. Rikk was good at what he does because of the simple fact, unable to socialize; he poured all his energy into bettering his character. It worked to a degree but Nero wondered how long before the mage pushed any of them too far.

  “Ready for a change of scenery,” Rikk said and his voice echoed off the walls.

  Nero looked past him and in the glowing magical light, the sewer turned into stone tunnels. The mage took lead, stepping up onto slightly higher ground and walking along. Nero was next and he was thankful for it. The sewer was digital so there was no threat of disease or anything like that but the programmers did too good a job on the smell. Vile and putrid smells assaulted the troll and when he thought he was getting used to it, it seemed to get worse.

  The group stepped along into the tunnel. Empty stone shelves lined the walls to the right and left. Some contained partial skeletal remains while many others were empty. Nero wondered if the dead simply got up and began wandering, unable to enjoy their eternal rest.

  “We may be down here for a little while longer. The catacombs are a decrepit maze with twists and turns but we should reach the tunnels under the castle in another few hours,” Rikk said as he continued to lead.

  Nero eyed him, questions bubbling to the surface, “How do you know all of this? Have you been here before?”

  “This is my first time,” Rikk said without looking back. “I paid a lot of gold to know some of the catacomb layout. Some players risk their lives to map out dungeons and sell them. I know about a year ago, a large guild tried to map out the catacombs under Rork. Most were killed in the attempt because of the dead. It proved too difficult to continue so they abandoned the project. Doesn’t mean the maps they did manage to create were worthless.”

  Nero’s mind worked, “And you just happen to take on a contract so you can explore these very catacombs. How come you just didn’t hire out a guild or find several shadowmancers to explore with you?”

  Rikk turned his head to the side, an eye looking back, “What are you implying?”

  Luci looked to Nero, “Let’s just get through….”

  Nero cut her off, “No. I won’t just walk along and put my faith in a mage keeping secrets. This all seems a little too convenient and before we go any further, we should get some answers.”

  Rikk stopped and turned to the troll and kitmori, “I don’t have to explain myself to you. Without me, you two would have been long dead. Be grateful that I saved your skins.”

  Nero’s brow furled, “We would have made it without you.”

  Rikk gave a sarcastic leer, “Ha! We are grouped. I saw your HP going down against those war wolves. One more hit you would have been dead and the fox would have been next. You’re out of your league, Nero. I have heard of your reputation and its middle ground at best. You girlfriend at least has the title Assassin of Hearts. What are you, a troll shadowmancer who has performed some assassin work, just like several thousand other nobodies.”

  The troll took a step closer, “What the fuck is your problem anyway!”

  Rikk gave a smug smile, “This is my problem. Instead of trusting me, you question me. I even agreed to your little safety plan so it would ease your mind. I have enough gold that losing a 100K means nothing to me. I could wipe all three of you out and continue on. Instead, I’m being questioned again. Why? Because I don’t want to tell you every little thing, well suck it up snowflake. I’m leading this expedition and you all better fall in line.”

  The hair on Nero’s neck was standing up as a rage boiled under his skin. The mage talked like he owned the world and that was the match that hovered dangerously close to the fuse. The player clenched his jaw as a hand moved to the pommel of his dagger.

  Rikk glanced down and back up, making eye contact as he spoke, “I hit a nerve. You think your fast enough to take me out?”

  Luci inched closer and stood at Nero’s side, “Together we are fast enough.”

  Dulla hung back; eyes wide as she watched it all play out.

  Rikk’s eyes moved from the troll to the kitmori and then back to the troll, “This is why I can’t fucking group with anyone. Your small minds slow me down.”

  Nero chained up his rage as he spoke, “No, it’s because you think your way is the best way. You’re annoyed because you’re hiding something and you don’t want to give it up. I know because I have a lot of experience with that.”

  Luci looked to Nero with wide eyes.

  The troll continued, “If we were really working together, you wouldn’t have an issue talking about whatever you’re trying to do. Instead you hide behind a holier then you attitude and claiming you’re so fucking smart. Since gold isn’t what you need or want, my guess is there is something magical you’re searching for, something that will increase your power.”

  Rikk clenched his jaw, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Nero’s lips curved into a smile, “Yes I do. I know addiction when I see it. You’re addicted to gaining power so you don’t have to rely on anyone. You want enough power so people won’t shut you out because if they did, you could destroy them with a whisper.”

  Rikk shook his head, “That’s petty.”

  Nero nodded, “Yes, it is. Doesn’t mean it’s not important to you. I don’t know how many people have wronged you but being a jackass isn’t going to change them. I can understand wanting to crush your enemies but right now, we are not your fucking enemy.”

  Rikk stood silently, not breaking his hard gaze on the troll. Nero kept his hand on the pommel of his blades, ready to use them. Luci stayed by troll’s side, ready to fight alongside him.

  Dulla stared until something dark touched her senses, “They are moving closer.”

  The group turned their attention to the dark elf. Dulla looked up, red eyes staring into the darkness behind Rikk. The dark tunnel shifted and morphed just beyond the glowing ball of light. Rikk turned as Nero and Luci drew their blades. The mage didn’t flinch as his eyes tried to pierce the darkness.

  Silence filled the tunnel as everyone held their breath. When the silence had grown to a maddening pitch, something lurched from the darkness. Rikk held his staff a little tighter as a nude woman with pure white skin shambled into view. To the left and right of her, shadows took on a humanoid shape and moved along with her. The woman looked to the group with pure black eyes, long white hair over her shoulders and tightness to her skin. She moved like a zombie but her black eyes held an intelligence as she stopped before Rikk’s glowing orb.

  The pale woman spoke in a hollow voice, “You may go…no further….until you….pay the price….”

  Before anyone could speak, she lifted a white hand and pointed a long finger at Nero, “He must satisfy us. Share his life with us an
d then he may move on.”

  Rikk rubbed his jaw, “And what about us?”

  The pale woman smiled evilly, “Your life will feed us….. until you become like us.”

  Dulla looked behind as corpses shambled into view, blocking the tunnel. Nero and Luci looked back and forth while Rikk stayed where he was. The shadows formed into wraiths, purple eyes glowing in the dim magical light.

  Nero looked to the pale woman, “Let us pass, please.”

  The pale zombie woman shook her head, “No….lover…….You will love us….until we are…ready …to let you pass.”

  Nero shook his head, “No chance.”

  The zombie woman closed her eyes, “Pity…” she wheezed.

  The white naked zombie let out a dark hiss. The dead behind the group surged forward, arms up and moans filling the tunnel. Dulla cast a spell and several arcane glowing circles appeared the ground around her. Zombies rose up to form a line, lifting their arms and blocking the incoming horde.

  A sword appeared in Luci’s hand while Nero drew his blades. The two wraiths floated forward, purple eyes centered on the Mage. Rikk whispered arcane words and his hand burst into flames. The flames surged to the floor, forming a wall of fire. The wraiths stopped their advance as fire blocked their path.

  “We are going to have to advance….” Rikk was cut off.

  Stone shelves shattered to pieces as the death reached from the darkness beyond. Hands grabbed Nero and pulled him to them. Luci’s blade flashed, cutting off two hands but several more took hold. Nero struggled, twirling his dagger in hand and stabbing at anything behind him. Bones and decayed flesh shattered and ripped but the dead had a firm hold on him.

  Rikk turned and pointed a hand at the dead as they pulled Nero to them. Energy surged and blasted out, striking the dead. Limbs ripped apart and Nero thought he could pull away as lightning surged through undead chests and striking the wall behind them. The tunnel shook and cracks appeared. Nero pulled away as the walls and floor crumbled. Luci reached out to grab the troll when several dead still standing latched onto him and pulled. Fingers inches apart, Nero and Luci gazed into each other’s eyes as the side of the tunnel collapsed.


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