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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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by Andrew McGregor

  Planet Genocide II: Onslaught

  By Andrew McGregor

  Galaxies Collide Series

  Book 5:


  The Story so Far

  Planet Earth stands in ultimate peril…a war enveloping across numerous continents from a concealed vicious enemy. The Morgons have been hidden for years, studying and contemplating the weaknesses of their victims before striking, concealed in the darkest depths and havens where humans could not travel without harm or virtual suicide. The invaders are now understood to have evolving bodies, able to absorb immense punishment and transform and grow in harsh polluted realities that humans cannot survive.

  The situation is bleak for human life…the oceans now controlled by invaders growing in merciless strength…numerous coastal landings advancing inland across the globe from Japan through Thailand and South Korea to the central Ukraine and St Petersburg. The United States faced the ultimate ferocity of attacks, the western seaboard now destroyed along with the majority of defensive forces simply obliterated with additional enemy landings in New York and now Boston, heavy fighting continuing in Florida. In Europe, Normandy in France is now the scene of bitter battles and the North Sea oil rigs of the United Kingdom have fallen.

  With the seeming improvement of the military situation on Zaxon B due to the timely intervention of the last ship from the Fahimian Republic, any meagre Trevakian reserves are being deployed to the deteriorating situation on Planet Earth to assist their new allies, the ships currently travelling to the remote planet.

  Eager to support and enhance the new additions to the Trevakian Empire, a Battle Cruiser has been gifted to the new arrivals, the appropriately named ‘Galactic Freedom’ a gesture of peace and solidarity with the new alliance members, the vessel now housing most of the surviving soldiers from earth as they head home. Destined perhaps unknowingly for a battle of annihilation that is engulfing the planet, the soldiers are deep in training, some having even now bravely or naively joined the Trevakian marine corps.

  But the situation on earth is deteriorating, two massive Morgon Decimator warships now in orbit above the planet having destroyed the initial small Trevakian defence force, their devastating firepower already having decimated the western lower seaboard of the United States by firing on the San Andreas Fault line.

  The subsequent devastation and Tsunami has obliterated the US defensive forces that advanced into the region, an enormous tidal wave overwhelming Hawaii and also now heading south westwards towards Australia. As the battle continues, another Decimator warship has just fired an enormous energy burst towards the planet, the target as yet unknown.

  Further sinister acts by the invaders have removed numerous human beings in craft, heading deep into the world’s oceans with a fate unknown…large alien ships visible through viewing ports in the sides of the prison vessels, disturbing emissions and the sights of sunken naval ships littering the sea beds, the aliens seemingly to work on salvaging the hulks and removing the drowned corpses from within…sustenance for a vicious fighting force.

  With the first intricate designs of advanced armour reaching a few factories on earth, the war is escalating, the future seeming very bleak for human existence. Production in private companies chosen to be given the new schematics is now keenly overseen by government departments, the factories guarded by the military with orders for the new equipment required to be delivered on time and without question.

  But hope is on its way on-board Galactic Freedom…a lethal prototype weapon from new charismatic allies that are few in number…a rifle that the dreaded Morgons do not possess, something that may stem and then reverse the tide if it arrives in time, or is even able to be produced in sufficient numbers. Also on board, one female human may hold a surprising and demoralising insight into where the invaders have come from…potentially earth DNA itself.

  New troops in friendly Trevakian ships are speeding towards Planet Earth…but time may be too short for human existence…the new allies realising that their desperate need for manpower may have inadvertently introduced a world hell-bent on fighting amongst its own people to the final chapter…extinction and domination by a Morgon invader. The human body is an ideal source of energy and food, providing a gratifying sustenance for the new formidable adversary, their appetite growing in blood lust and encouraged on by ruthless commanders.

  In additional grim news and unbeknown to the travelling fleet or the beleaguered defenders, a Morgon Black Star orbiting station is also travelling across the galaxies, heading for the stricken planet. On board, a unit of newly styled contorted and enhanced soldier, stronger and even more powerful than the average highly armoured alien soldiers…the torn bodies of defeated victims now chemically strengthened and turned to the will of evil…the name chosen significantly from human history…The Black Death Battalion.

  With the human world situation darkening and deteriorating, the devastating firepower of the orbiting Morgon Warships is unleashed once more…the massive energy blasts entering earth’s atmosphere and hurtling towards another target...

  There may be little of a defeated planet left to salvage when reinforcements finally arrive…even if successful against such overwhelming odds.

  Prologue: Earth besieged

  The enormous forward guns of the Morgon Decimator Warship recoiled rapidly, the vast ship shuddering as high energy bolts jettisoned from the four muzzled barrels, the intense light merging on either side and brightening sharply as it surged forwards, gathering momentum through dark space.

  Morgon shock troops stared out inquisitively through the green based protective particle shield covering their extensive loading bay openings on either side of the large vessel, soon to venture in drop ships down to the blue glistening planet below. Extensive cloud formations drifted above the war ravaged planet, several of the tall muscular armoured soldiers pointing in intrigue to land masses far below as the warship maintained its high orbit, distant stars sparkling across the heavens beyond the atmospheric rim.

  Then the red glowing eyes moved back to the long queues of black and camouflaged armoured plate troopers ahead as they waited to board the loading transports as part of final drill preparations, the penultimate call to board yet to be given. Several stared ravenously upwards at the posters of human and Trevakian outlines on the smooth shining walls, the more appetising of body parts clearly highlighted for the waiting soldiers and their instinctive carnivorous blood lusts.

  The bursts of blinding light swept onwards, searing into the upper atmosphere, flames and grimy steamed vapour pouring to either side of the wide high energy bolts, crackles of static sparking along the trail of debris behind as particles became highly charged in in the turbulent upper temperature.

  Tearing through and into the lower atmosphere, the twin bolts began a gradual deadly descent, the shafts of searing light burning through the sky and leaving streaks of ice and scorched steam behind, the crackle of static charge surging to either side across the heavens as the upper clouds darkened ominously.

  Becoming visible over western Texas and the deserts of New Mexico in the United States, the brightening lights surged westwards high above the clouds. Startled and already terrified citizens below were temporarily blinded as they instinctively looked upwards, deep shadows forming around their figures as the energy blasts continued, gathering speed and power with lightning crackling to either side, a sonic boom sound wave gradually filling the distant terrain beneath.

  At high speed, the toxic energy blasts continued across the sky, gradually lowering from gravitational pull as they swept over the devastated lower western American coas
tline and across the Pacific Ocean. Heavy black dust and debris filled the higher air, the intense energy searing and scorching the dirt clouds above where San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco had once been. The decimated cities are now virtually completely submerged with fires burning uncontrollably along a new coastal boundary predominately marking the San Andreas fault line.

  Black Morgon fighters swooped blindly eastwards through the dust clouds and swirling debris, heading inland towards Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucson, dropships preparing to join them from above, several supply transports now jettisoning from the other Decimator warship in high orbit.

  Having covered half the circumference of the earth, the twin bolts seared over Tokyo in Japan and then southern China, the intensely bright lights now dazzling and blinding North Korean and Chinese soldiers below as many bowed their heads in terror.

  The energy blasts hurtled into the clouds over Mongolia and Kazakhstan, static charges lighting up the sky along dirt and flaming trails behind, the air seeming to thicken as farmers, residents and animals panicked and ran in desperation, the land darkening with deep shadows from above. Many were blinded for days; the energy bolts now descending as the blasts swept into Russia.

  Wild fires erupted through the city of Saratov as burning molten embers fell to earth from the fiery trails across the sky, a news crew filtering their lens to film from the roof of their headquarters as the team desperately donned darkened goggles, the overwhelming light now permanently damaging sight and blinding some, the heat almost unbearable.

  Forests beyond the city combusted and burst into flames as the intense heat seared the terrain from above, the blasts of energy scorching cars and roofs as they swept onwards, the altitude dropping as the target neared.

  Two miles before the outskirts of Moscow, the high energy made contact with earth, tearing the terrain apart as the land nearly fifty acres on either side shook violently. The explosions ripped beneath the landscape, molten debris and rocks tossed high into the air as the detonations rose in intensity and swept forward, the blasts engulfing and shattering buildings as the surge rolled onwards, ripping through everything in its path, the intense heat liquefying earth and rock.

  Moscow erupted in multiple fireballs as building foundations imploded, the energy blasts burying up to six hundred metres deep as they tore underneath the city. Tremors toppled other buildings, flames tearing through sewers and the underground secret KGB passageways, structures exploding as the gas mains ignited instantaneously across the city.

  Earthquake after earthquake devastated the capital, some structures simply tossed upwards as raw energy surged underneath. An inferno and firestorm raged across the ruins, consuming the oxygen and all living matter, the air thick with acrid smoke as survivors were asphyxiated or torched alive...the fortunate few incinerated as ash and polluted clouds swept upwards.

  Many people threw themselves into the Moskva River, the water heat rising dramatically as bridges and side buildings toppled into the frothing churning water, the evaporation escalating in even higher temperature as boiling steam billowed across the nearby streets, scorching and igniting debris and dust, embers swirling through the firestorm. The Bolshoi Theatre and Kremlin crumbled and collapsed downwards as underground tunnels imploded, the surge of energy sweeping underneath and searing the earth and rock into boiling lava beneath the city as further large earthquakes shattered the outskirts.

  Coded covert messages immediately swept back and forth between the two immense Morgon vessels in high orbit, their commanders summoning their lead teams to urgent briefings. The reports from surveying engineer teams on the surface of the planet were urging extreme caution…that further immediate strikes from the potent guns above could adversely affect the planet’s atmosphere or even cause a form of geomagnetic reversal.

  Within only one hour, the target city of Moscow had completely disappeared, to be replaced by a bubbling deep cauldron of lava, the polluted steam and ember clouds rising high into the heavens and lighting up the country for hundreds of miles around.

  There were now two major disaster zones on either side of planet earth, pollution pouring upwards into the air and atmosphere, secondary irregular tremors and earthquakes beginning to spread across the globe as the Morgon commanders decided on their next actions, drop ships preparing to pour from the Decimator warship holds.

  Character Overview: Zaxon B

  Admiral Shadian

  Commander of the space station Alexion One above Zaxon B, the admiral has served with his crew of approximately two thousand for over six years, covertly monitoring Morgon communications and movement as the vast ship was deployed in orbit above the barren planet below. With the unannounced arrival of two Morgon Decimator Warships at the far side of the planet, the situation rapidly deteriorated. Strangely, the vessels departed after time, but leaving an overwhelming fighter strength against limited Trevakian vessels, with Morgon units fighting in the upper levels of Alexion One.

  In his mid-forties, he was struggling to engage several of the enemy at once including preserving his precious fighter strength against the Morgon pilots below. Backed by two Battle Cruisers, Shadian was instrumental in selecting the forces from the remainder of the Trevakian 9th and 10th Fleets, despatching most to earth for support and to engage the enemy Warships.

  The current situation seems to indicate that the Morgons may be retreating from the planet’s surface, some of their ships departing. But with a damaged space station and limited resources, Admiral Shadian is unable to make use of the possible beckoning opportunity.

  Lieutenant Malikkas

  An officer in the Blue Leopards Special Operations Unit, Malikkas was missing in action (MIA), presumed killed during the naïve advance along with most of his countrymen. A Herrakian from one of the furthest, most inhospitable planets in the Trevakian Empire, the people are of deep brown, heavy skin and pure white hair. Many have distinct family markings on their cheek bones and are some of the most vicious and fearless fighters amongst the Empire.

  The Blue Leopard Special Operations Unit have virtually ceased to exist as a fighting force, being completely overwhelmed in Major Hecklan’s collapsing advance as they attempted to protect the human volunteers.

  Escaping from a Morgon transit camp for prized prisoners with several others, Malikkas is now the sole survivor, his other fugitives having been mercilessly cornered and more than probably slaughtered in caves and dark passages by some of the vicious carnivorous animals that inhabit Zaxon B. The once brave Herrakian, with no weapon, simply fled…his resolve and character seemingly broken by the loss of his command and so many of his comrades.

  Lieutenant Kim: KIA

  Character Overview:

  Onboard Galactic Freedom…en-route to Earth


  An asian security officer at Heathrow, by chance, Riaz was one of the first staff members aboard the alien craft. Being initially chosen to model the Trevakian marine uniform to demonstrate to the new allies, he was involved in assisting the first wounded through the transporter portal, becoming stranded on the space station above Zaxon B. Mistakenly seen as a front line soldier because of his uniform, he was ordered by military command onto one of the transports to the planet’s surface, the craft chased by Morgon fighters to a remote outpost, Contax Base. Adapting to the surroundings, Riaz now has considerable experience with the Trevakian assault rifle issued to him.

  Finally reunited with his colleagues, Riaz determined that life would never be the same again and engaged by the adventure and new exciting experiences, he made the momentous decision to enlist in the Trevakian marines. He is now a serving and training soldier, much to his duty manager David Bland’s disapproval.


  Philippine by birth, Shino also shares the same fate as Riaz, having ended a frantic first space flight to Contax Base. Speaking some Russian and a keen computer games player with the nickname Pheonix, Shino has learnt early that the enemy is both ruthless and terrifying. Short i
n stature, but tall by nature, she is a determined and self-motivated individual, so named fondly by her father after his obsession with Japanese anime comics before her birth.

  It seems Shino has also been enlisted into the Trevakian marines, apparently without her knowledge by her colleague, Riaz. The two had begun to form a strong, yet boisterous friendship, although this latest change of fortune may test that relationship.

  Debra Hardie

  An operational supervisor at the airport, Debra had accompanied Riaz, Shino and Sam onto the Trevakian vessel after it landed. Being chosen like the others to model the off-world armour and combat uniforms, she was also mistaken as a front line soldier and sent to the planet’s surface. With a natural mothering influence and feeling responsible for the now two security officers in her charge, Debra is keen to protect them and reach safety.

  Now on Galactic Freedom and finally reunited with her duty manager, David Bland, Debra was horrified to discover Riaz and Shino may have signed up.


  A private in the second Trevakian Marine Brigade, Tregan and his close colleague and friend, Mrin, were initially assigned to protect the four human earth civilians from Heathrow until their consistent stories of innocent and incorrect selection could be established. His countryman brutally slaughtered in action whilst protecting them, Tregan now holds the safety of the humans as a high priority, feeling he owes this to his now deceased best friend.

  Now on Galactic Freedom en-route to earth and an uncertain future, Tregan has become rather fond of the Heathrow volunteers and is keen to protect them, intrigued by their humour and resilience.

  Captain Dugachard

  The Trevakian commander on the drop ship, Captain Dugachard was stranded with the humans, rapidly realising she was the senior commander at a disorganised outpost of Trevakian and allied volunteers in Contax Base. Coordinating the retrieval of personnel, she became disillusioned with the casualties and deteriorating military situation, eventually complicit in ordering a full retreat when the realisation that the defenders would be overwhelmed and slaughtered became apparent.


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