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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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by Andrew McGregor

  Now also on Galactic Freedom, Dugachard has been given command of the human volunteers and a division of Trevakian marines, responsible for not only forming an effective unit, but also now the initial drops to earth ensuring new technology is passed to the beleaguered human allies.

  Jozefina Kapralova

  An operational manager at Heathrow, Josefina had realised at an early stage of the air battle over England that the commercial aviation aspect of Heathrow’s business would be detrimentally, if not severely affected. Respected by her fellow colleagues and security officers, she had received several texts and phone calls from perhaps naïve staff eager to join up, all of whom had been military reservists in the many nationalities that form some of the workforce at the airport. Finally convincing the Terminal Manager and then Chief Executive, the initially mistakenly formed Heathrow Battalion now has official status as designated reserve troops for the Trevakians.

  Eventually reunited with her colleagues, Kapralova is just beginning to understand the immense task ahead and that some if not most of her beloved security officers that willingly signed up for active service have been severely wounded or killed in the vicious battles on Zaxon B.


  A Heathrow volunteer, Rees was placed under Jozefina’s command and was isolated in the forward hamlets cut off from the planet’s capital. A young impressionable individual, it appears he may not have been completely honest about having served in a reserve military unit prior to joining, a young zeal for adventure overcoming any cautiousness.

  Developing a rather tempestuous relationship with the Trevakian, Flight Officer Anjara, he is responsible for saving his new friend’s life and possibly Captain Mason.

  Severely wounded in the battles on Zaxon B and his perhaps foolhardy attempt to save Anjara’s life, the soldier is now in a deep coma on a medical bed on the ship ‘Galactic Freedom’.

  Flight Officer Anjara

  A decorated airman, Anjara and his infamous ‘Viper’ Wing have fought almost continuously in the skies and space above Zaxon B, being heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Suffering horrific casualties amongst his crew, the unit had resorted to more cunning tactics against the jet black fighters of the Morgons, attempting to draw the enemy onto the laser guns of the Trevakian Space Station, Alexion One.

  ‘Viper’ Wing, through historical reputation, had become a prize kill for the Morgon fighter pilots, eventually leading to a chaotic chase across the planet’s atmosphere and ending with the shooting down of Anjara’s vessel.

  Wounded and in a bed near Rees on Galactic Freedom, Anjara is on his way to earth, the need for experienced fighter pilots crucial to the successful defence of the deteriorating military situation.

  Captain Mason: Severely Wounded

  An American serviceman stationed at the embassy in London, Mason was sent through the portal soon after it opened. Being the officer to realise the mistake made with the Heathrow volunteer uniforms, he was severely wounded upon the collapse of the advance and lay for the majority of the battle in a Trevakian medic station cut off with the other soldiers. Saved by the prompt and seemingly uncharacteristic actions of Rees, his future survival is questionable.

  An experienced soldier, he and his unit are believed by several to be all members of the CIA. Now lying in a hospital bed on Galactic Freedom, Mason may not recover, his internal injuries severe.

  Captain Mekeert: KIA

  Duty Manager David Bland

  The Duty Manager in charge of Heathrow Terminal 3 on the day of the Trevakian landing, David Bland is a manager that cares for his staff and was appalled when he learnt that three security officers and supervisor had mistakenly been sent to the planet’s surface. Attempting to safely retrieve these staff members against instructions, the drop ship he commandeered was chased by Morgon fighters, becoming deliberately crippled by the enemy and causing it continue to fly into deep space. A relationship between the Trevakian pilot and himself strained and open to bickering, they were then scanned by an unknown force or ship.

  Now on Galactic Freedom, David is somewhat disconcerted that Captain Dugachard seems to have the upper hand, stunned some his own officers having signed up to a tour of duty in the Trevakian marines, his own future uncertain and position undermined.

  Begum of the Fahimian Republic

  An emissary and translator for the Fahimian Republic, Begum has represented his people and led the negotiations to join the Trevakian Empire. Travelling in the last ship of their race, the Fahimians luckily discovered the stray disabled transport craft with David Bland and a Trevakian pilot, the small vessel deliberately crippled to fly into deep space by a Morgon fighter, the ship passing into the next sector, the unchartered Pastarian System.

  Driven to virtual extinction by the Morgons, the enemy prizing the smaller people as a delicacy, the Fahimians have now even lost their home planet, travelling alone through space in search of a safe haven or new beginning…the other surviving ships mercilessly hunted down and destroyed.

  The Fahimians were originally reluctant to engage the Morgons around Zaxon B, eventually finally succumbing to their irresistible urge for revenge and joining the struggle. Their timely intervention proved decisive, turning the tide of the battle and proving their fighting ability, their commandoes gaining particular favour with new allies.

  A race short in stature and dark skinned by other galactic people, the Fahimians are somewhat charismatic, with a strong love of creatures and rather elaborate and well-designed colourful uniforms and cloaks for dignitaries. Their space fighters are a crimson red with pulsing lights emblazoned with the pilot’s favourite animal, the flying manoeuvres typical of such a proud, yet rather flamboyant people.

  Before the fall of the republic, Fahimian scientists and engineers had developed a laser rifle, the small people rather bemused that the Trevakians were yet to develop the technology, cheerfully providing the schematics to their new allies along with two other advancements as part of a goodwill gesture.

  Begum and a contingent of Fahimian commandoes along with an assortment of fighters are currently on their way to earth aboard the Galactic Freedom. The human race may yet discover the more unique behaviours of this interesting set of people.

  Aboard the Morgon Black Star Station:


  A black male security officer at Heathrow, Sam was designated to hold a sniper rifle by the Trevakian marines around him upon weapon selection. Having studied in his part-time for a degree, Sam has spent some considerable time contemplating and learning the weapon issued to him, horrified the rifle was without the common safety features of standard issue Trevakian weapons. He was positioned in one of the two small towers in the outpost of Contax Base, unfortunately the structure receiving a direct hit on the final Morgon advance as the defenders broke and fled.

  Heavily wounded and captured as a trophy by the Morgon Grenadiers, Sam has awoken to discover the depths of horror the enemy can stoop to. His body broken, he has been reformed under the contorted supervision of Morgon scientists and is now set to join the ranks of the enemy ‘Black Death’ Battalion, a unit comprised of broken captives from across the conquered worlds, technically and toxically enhanced.

  Now on their way to earth with other Morgon vessels, the newly formed Black Death Battalion of contorted and transformed troops will perhaps lead the onslaught against human survival.

  Character Overview: Earth

  With the emergence of Morgon grenadiers across earth and Decimator Warships in the atmosphere above, the battle for the survival of the planet has now begun. Trevakian ships were simply blown from space by the immense power of the Morgon Warships, some of the fortunate crew abandoning their vessels on orders as Vice-Admiral Chergui set his own ship on a suicidal collision course with one of the attackers.

  Landing on earth, they face an uncertain future with the planet under direct attack.

  Admiral Karladen

  Transported in a Trevakian Skorpion Class Battle Cruiser, Admiral
Karladen was the chosen commander to make first contact with earth. His highly decorated career providing the perfect backdrop to open negotiations with an innocent world…a planet that would soon be drawing the attention of the destructive Morgon enemy. Unbeknown to him, the Morgons had followed the Trevakians through space, arriving in orbit above human earth shortly after initial communication was made. Upon first contact, the Admiral elected to remain on the ground with his media officer to negotiate with the humans.

  With earth now under direct attack, Karladen is struggling with world leaders to gain a complete picture of events as they unfold.

  Vice Admiral Chergui

  A Trevakian Battleship commander with the Seventh Fleet, his ship and escorts were diverted on their way to relieve Zaxon B to attend a distress beacon placed on earth at Admiral Karladen’s order. Chergui is now on earth after the destruction of his ship, with at least two immense Morgon Warship vessels now controlling Earth’s upper orbit and atmosphere.


  Aboard the Trevakian Skorpion Class Battle Cruiser when it landed on earth, Dryden was placed in charge of showing the first few earth visitors around the vessel for public relation reasons. Innocently causing the misunderstandings with uniforms, he is still aboard the ship currently cloaked in Osterley Park in West London.

  The Trevakian is currently assisting with the many severely wounded that have ventured for safety through the transporter connected to the space station above Zaxon B, stranded on earth due to military action.

  Sky Commander (First Officer) Petaski

  Placed in charge of the Trevakian Skorpion Class Battle Cruiser after the departure of Admiral Karladen to negotiate with the UK Government and world leaders, the young officer has played host to a variety of government ministers and forces personnel. Moving the vessel to Osterley Park for safety, Petaski has remained in contact with Admiral Karladen covertly and without human knowledge, attempting to maintain a public relations front with the visiting dignitaries.

  The ship has provided a valuable link, enabling wounded soldiers from Zaxon B to be treated on board and then transferred to local hospitals when fate permitted the portal to open. Sending the last of earth’s offered troops through, the portal is now closed to avoid detection from the Morgon Warships above.

  First Contact: Earth’s surviving Civilians and Military Personnel

  Upper Death Valley (USA): Having escaped from Los Angeles, Brad Zeiss, a young dark toned and muscular lifeguard has, by a chance meeting, joined with Emily Marshall and her two children and another older lady, Katherine. The group fleeing inland from the destroyed western seaboard in a green station wagon and on a motorbike.

  With law and order beginning to disintegrate, the group are currently in a dust storm, hearing gunshots on the road ahead. Behind them, the devastation along the coast has wiped millions of lives from the map and large swathes of territory, the destruction engulfing most of American western defensive forces.

  Circa Boston (USA): US Marine Private First Class Rodrigues has escaped the clutches and certain death of the invading Morgon shock troops, his squad sent by helicopter to investigate the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford as it appeared on the horizon, sailing towards the city. Ambushed on board, most of Rodrigues’s fellow soldiers were slaughtered in close combat and by the Morgon acid rifles.

  Pushed over the side by one of his fellow soldiers, the two are now swimming towards the land outcrops to the south as the massive battered carrier continues at full speed towards the harbour, the hold full of Morgon soldiers. At twenty seven and with six years’ experience in the US marines, Rodrigues will need to rely on his extensive military experience to survive.

  New York City (USA): NYPD Officer Davis Michaels is fleeing northwards from Manhattan with his partner and several escaping soldiers. As a desperate air battle fills the skies above New York, the Morgons have landed in several locations, capturing Brooklyn and advancing into Manhattan and Queens in strength. Rumours of similar landings on Staten Island and Middleton are rife, with many panicking civilians struggling to escape the embattled and burning city.

  Unbeknown to the populace, the Morgons are now in the sewer system and are spreading across under the city, slaughtering as they proceed. The National Guard is fighting in the south of the city and military units are being rushed into the area, few people using the waterways through terror.

  Davis is keen to escape towards Newark utilising tunnels or bridges rather than the Hudson River and is progressing up the west side in search of a suitable opportunity to cross and head inland.

  Normandy (France): Holidaymakers Kurt Hausser and his wife, with their beloved dogs had planned on retracing his ancestor’s footsteps to the beaches of Normandy, Kurt’s grandfather having fought during World War Two for the Germans during the allied attacks and subsequent liberation of the coast.

  The many mobile homes and camper vans joined together in one of the recognised coastal view car parks. Americans, Germans and British considering and discussing their histories over beers and their national cuisine, a historical tradition on some campsites.

  Startled as air raid warnings commenced along the coastline, the couple have now joined with an American with his wife and children, the Morgons taking the villages along the seafront and attacking the fleeing mobile homes, the Americans vehicle becoming disabled. Now south of Caen and heading away from the coast, Mitch and Kurt have just witnessed significant numbers of French paratroopers and special forces dropping by parachute to the north.

  St Petersburg (Russia): Juri Medvedev, a young commander in the Russian Naval Infantry garrisoning St Petersburg, has been pushed back from the northern parts of the city with the remainder of his men, other units simply disappearing under the sharp blades and accurate sniper fire of the invaders. The Morgons are using the many city waterways against the defenders in bitter and freezing temperatures, soldiers desperately attempting to save as many civilians as possible as they are pushed back.

  Also twenty seven, Juri’s shattered unit is facing overwhelming odds with Russian military jets now bombing their own historical city. During a brief lull in the fighting, the soldiers of fragmented units are reinforcing their positions and preparing for the next, potentially final battle in a housing estate in one of the southern suburbs.

  Unbeknown to the exhausted and depleted defenders, the lull may be deliberate…a cunning enemy having devised further tactics against the stubborn naval infantry.

  In the deep ocean off Thailand: British teenager Tony Shelley is now captive in a Morgon underwater transport, about to enter one of the vast enemy ships that have lay dormant on the ocean floors previously awaiting activation codes. Attending a beach party on a remote island, thousands of intoxicated teenagers were the ideal target for Morgon troops, the enemy seeking a ready supply of warm food after considerable time in deep sleep awaiting the order to attack.

  Now with a grim and possibly very short future, Tony is also suffering from the ‘down-side’ of the previous night’s and weeks revelry, but also unware that Morgon forces have now landed on mainland Thailand, striking out from the international airport and advancing towards downtown Bangkok.

  South Korea north of Busan: Gusung Shin is fleeing north from the coast along choked roads in the family Hyundai with his wife, two children and small dog. The historical city of Busan to the south is now a burning bloodbath, young Korean Marines on National Service with little or no battle experience thrown desperately against the invaders by panicking commanders in an attempt to drive back the Morgons or buy time for others to escape.

  Now on the northern shore of the historically significant Nakdong River, he has realised in horror that the Morgons have used the waterway against the defenders, any advancing reserves being hastily sent to save the young inexperienced soldiers fighting in the city further south now stopped and being engaged by ruthless Morgon shock troops. Thousands of their much younger countrymen and the youth of South Korea are now cut off i
n Busan and fighting a battle of extermination with some of the most vicious troops in existence.

  Further up the Korean peninsula, the border between China and North Korea has been opened, refugees fleeing northwards as martial law is declared in PyongYang. Desperate measures are being taken further south as refugees begin to fill the 38th Parallel roads, the two opposing governments in emergency negotiations to open their military border…North and South Korea may finally become united with a common goal…to avoid mutual annihilation.

  Outskirts of Tokyo (Japan): A young teenager, Naomitsu Kanaya is now fleeing with his confused mother from the city, his father presumed lost as Morgons poured over the sea walls and into the vast Tsukiji fish market. Being the first person to see the silhouettes of the invaders as they mounted the sea walls and jetty’s the quiet terrified teenager is under no illusion of what is to come.

  Having now landed in force, the Morgon troops are advancing into central Tokyo, half of the unsuspecting residents still asleep or waking to find all communications are jammed and useless, the muffled sounds of gunfire and explosions in their streets. One of the most technologically advanced countries on the planet is now under full attack from a merciless and powerful enemy.


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