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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

Page 5

by Shaw Montgomery

  “Wyatt’s very smart, and yes, I’ve got good dirt.” Going over to the fridge, Carter started getting everything out to assemble dinner. “I hope you like pizza. I made the dough earlier, but I wasn’t sure what you liked on it.”

  He might have gone a little overboard with prepping the toppings. He wasn’t sure if Grant would be a complete pizza carnivore or if vegetables would be okay, so he’d gotten several different things ready. It wasn’t until he had the dough ready that he’d realized he didn’t know if Grant liked homemade pizza. That had just given him something else to worry about.

  “Oh, homemade? That sounds incredible.” Grant sounded entirely too enthusiastic for pizza.

  “It’s not hard.” He didn’t want Grant to think he’d gone all out and done something outlandish.

  “You’re talking to someone whose family can’t even boil water without ruining it. Trust me, I’m impressed.” Grant was looking over the dough and toppings like it was some kind of all-you-can-eat buffet.

  “How can none of you cook? Couldn’t your parents?” The guys could grill, and Carter had seen a few homemade dishes that looked good, but Grant wasn’t exaggerating by much.

  “Yes, but teaching us was almost impossible. My dad said we didn’t pay enough attention, and my mom got tired of butting heads with us. It was one of those always thinking we were right kinds of things. They finally gave up and said we’d better marry someone smarter than we were, or learn how to order enough veggies off the takeout menu so we wouldn’t end up with scurvy.” Grant sounded serious enough that Carter didn’t think he was teasing, but he just couldn’t imagine his parents saying anything like that.

  “Well, it looks like you haven’t died of malnourishment yet, so you’ve got takeout down.”

  “And I plan on marrying someone smarter than me.” Grant winked, making Carter forget what he was doing for a moment.

  Deciding that was another comment he was just going to ignore, Carter finished putting the toppings on the table. “I wasn’t sure what kinds of things you liked on pizza, so I figured we could do that part when you got here. It’s not going to take long to cook.”

  Grant gave him a look that said he knew Carter was avoiding some of his comments. Carter walked over and turned on the oven to preheat before going back to the table. Yup, avoidance to the rescue. “So meat, veggie, or both?”

  Grant’s eyes twinkled. “I like meat.” His eyebrows went up and down, giving him a comically naughty expression. “Vegetables are good, too. I’m not into just one thing. I like variety.”

  They were talking about pizza, right?

  “Um, okay, um… both, then.” Carter had a hard time getting the words to come out. Focusing on spreading the sauce on the pizza, Carter almost jumped out of his skin when Grant came up behind him. Wrapping his arms around Carter, Grant took the spoon from him and started spreading the sauce.

  “Let me help. I don’t want you to think I’m just going to lay back and let you do all the work.” Grant’s husky voice made Carter tingle all over.

  Pizza. He was talking about pizza.

  “Um…yes…Um, thanks.” The heat from Grant’s body as it wrapped around his made Carter want to moan in pleasure. Grant’s chest was pressed against his back, but the Dom was being careful not to press his cock against Carter.

  One little shift of his hips, and then Grant’s cock would be right there. It was tempting, but as confused as he was feeling, he knew it would be sending mixed signals to the Dom.

  “How does that look?” Grant’s voice was husky, and Carter could imagine him saying all kinds of dirty things.

  “Looks great. Now for the cheese.” Bracing his hands on the table, trying to get his knees to stop shaking, Carter watched as Grant reached for the cheese.

  He expected the Dom to dump it on, but Grant was slow and methodical. Watching Grant carefully sprinkling the cheese all over the pizza, Carter couldn’t help but think of what kinds of other things the Dom might do with such a gentle touch. It made a shiver run down his spine, and he heard a low groan radiating from Grant.

  When the cheese was finally finished, along with most of Carter’s nerves, Grant set the bag down and growled into Carter’s ear, “Now, what else sounds good?”

  Pizza. What toppings for the pizza.

  “Um…” Carter felt the heat rising on his face but he couldn’t help it. “Sausage?”

  Grant chuckled low, his breath sending more shivers down Carter’s back. “How about you do that part? Show me how the sausage should be handled.”

  With his face still hot and his nerves frayed, Carter reached over and started spreading the sausage over the pizza. Food wasn’t what was running through his mind, and trying to push back the naughty images wasn’t helping.

  He was stupidly disappointed when he was done spreading out the meat. “Um, any more meat?”

  “I think you handled the sausage perfectly. Let’s put some vegetables on it. How about the peppers? Some of the sweet ones and some of the hot ones. I like how juicy the sweet ones are, but sometimes you want a little spice. What do you think?” Grant nearly growled the words out, making it hard for Carter to think.

  “Um…yes…both’s good…” Sweet and spicy would be perfect.

  Toppings—they were talking about toppings.

  “Good.” Grant reached out and started methodically putting the vegetables on the pizza. When the peppers were on, he reached for the tomatoes. “Since these are already cut, let’s put some on too.”

  When the last of the diced tomatoes went on, Grant brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked the juice off. It made Carter’s toes curl. The man was trying to make him crazy.

  “That looks perfect.” Grant’s low voice made Carter’s insides turn circles.

  Carter was saved from having to think of a response when the oven bell dinged. Not sure his knees would work, he was glad when Grant stepped back and reached out to grab the pizza. Taking the pan over to the oven, he carefully put it in.

  “How long until it’s hot and ready?” Grant’s words didn’t help clear the fog from Carter’s brain. If anything, they just made it worse.

  “Um…fifteen minutes, then we’ll check and see if it needs a few more.” Pizza, they were talking about pizza.

  “Perfect. I think we have time for a little talk.” From most people, those words would never be good, but Grant had a hungry expression that had Carter’s pulse rising.

  “Um…sure.” He was starting to sound like a moron, but his brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

  Humor flickered through Grant’s eyes before the hunger settled back in again. He reached out and took Carter’s hand, then led him out of the kitchen. Not wanting to argue—not enough brains for that—Carter followed quietly.

  Grant brought him over to the couch and sat down, pulling Carter onto his lap. “Oh!”

  Wrapping his arms loosely around Carter, Grant smiled. “Would you prefer to sit somewhere else?”

  Hell no.

  “Um, this is fine.” It was more than fine. It was sexy and hot as hell. Not that he was going to say that.

  Grant seemed to understand, because he grinned and pulled Carter in to snuggle against his chest. Carter sighed and curled up against the big man. God, he loved the way Grant could wrap himself around him. It was like curling into a big, naughty teddy bear.

  One with very wicked intentions.

  Hands wandering up and down Carter’s back in a slow, soothing motion, Grant cleared his throat. Carter wasn’t sure if the Dom needed time to think or just to figure out how to say what was on his mind, but Carter wasn’t in any hurry.

  When Grant spoke, his voice was low and even. Carter could feel the vibrations of the Dom’s voice through his chest. It was soothing, like listening to a cat purr. “We haven’t spoken much about the fact that I’m a Dom. I know you’re aware of that because you’ve spent time around everyone else, but I thought you might have some questions.”

r nodded but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure where to start.

  Grant paused for a moment, but kept going when Carter didn’t speak. “I don’t need something lifestyle or even submission all the time in the bedroom, but I come across a bit stronger in sexual situations, so I couldn’t say that I’m ever vanilla.”

  “I get that,” Carter managed to comment, and pushed forward more. “You said you like playing in the club.”


  “How much playing at the club? I’ve never been, but Wyatt’s told me stuff and I’m not sure…” His nerve started to fail, but Grant seemed to understand where he was going.

  “We’d never do anything you weren’t comfortable with. The first couple of times we went, I wouldn’t even think of participating in a scene. I’d want you to watch and see how it felt. Give you a chance to get comfortable. Just going will feel weird, and there’s no reason to rush.”

  “But if I never want to do anything there?” Carter couldn’t even begin to guess how it would feel. He didn’t want to make any promises that he couldn’t keep, but he also didn’t want to ignore the possibility that he’d actually enjoy it.

  Rock, meet hard place.

  Grant didn’t even pause to think. “That would be fine with me—as long as I get to show you off in something sexy to make everyone jealous.”

  Carter would have laughed, but he could hear the seriousness in Grant’s voice. The fact that the Dom thought other people would be jealous and not shocked was sweet. “I think I can deal with that.”


  He’d try for Grant, but even thinking about having other people see him while he was dressed up had his stomach turning in knots. “Just not show off too much.”

  Grant laughed but didn’t make any promises. “From the little you’ve said about the lifestyle, I know you’re curious but haven’t seriously dated anyone who was into it.”

  Carter nodded, not sure if Grant wanted a real response. That seemed to please the Dom, because he gave a satisfied grunt and tightened his arms around Carter. “How much first-hand knowledge of BDSM do you have? Have you ever been spanked or tied up?”

  There was no way to hide the shiver that raced through him when Grant started listing off the options. Grant chuckled but didn’t say anything. Carter wasn’t going to wuss out, even though killing spiders in the house sounded like more fun than admitting it out loud.

  “I don’t have personal experience with either, but I’m not opposed to trying. I’m also not sure about my pain tolerance. But I’ve read scenes in books, and Wyatt overshares about everything, so I’ve gotten more exposure than most people who aren’t involved in the lifestyle.” Pleased that he’d managed a real sentence that made sense, Carter felt some of his nerves settle. Talking to Grant wasn’t as hard as he’d thought it would be.

  “Have you ever seen a contract?”

  Not sure where the conversation was going, Carter kept his answer short. “No.”

  “Well, one of the parts is usually a list of activities and limits. How about next time I come over, I bring over my list so you can go through it and see what catches your eye? I can answer questions, or you can look stuff up online before we talk about it, whichever you prefer.” Grant made it sound like they were talking about a grocery list, not a list of BDSM activities.

  It was logical, though, and Carter thought it was nice that Grant had obviously put some thought into it. “Okay.”

  “I can deal with the short answers, beautiful, but do you not know what to say or are you overwhelmed?” Grant was clearly trying not to laugh—he was losing the battle.

  “Both?” Carter hadn’t meant to give him another short answer, and he chuckled. “Sorry. A little of both, probably. It’s a lot to take in.”

  “I can see your brain going a hundred miles an hour, but you’re only letting a little out.”

  Grant didn’t say it like it was a bad thing, but Carter felt the need to apologize. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Grant shifted to give Carter a kiss on his forehead. “We’re still figuring things out.”

  “Okay.” Carter took a deep breath. “How about I try to open up more?”

  He knew Grant was doing his best to be transparent and share what he was feeling. It was only fair for Carter to do the same.

  “I’d appreciate that.” Grant gave him another tender, quick kiss.

  In an effort to be more honest, Carter spoke up again. “Thinking about showing you my…stuff tonight is giving me ulcers.”

  Grant hugged him tight. “I know, but I’m not letting you out of it. You need to see it’s not going to chase me away, and I want to see how tempting you look. It’s my reward for behaving so well.”

  Laughing, Carter shook his head and looked at Grant. The goof had started out so sweet. “I think your mother would be very interested to know how often you expect to be rewarded for good manners.”

  “Meanie.” Grant frowned and started to say something else, but at that moment the oven timer went off.

  He leaned close and gave Grant a quick peck. “Let’s go check the pizza.”

  Grant grumbled about cheaters, and Carter laughed as he climbed off the Dom’s lap and went back into the kitchen. He was going to have fun making Grant nuts.

  Chapter 6


  The sexy little thing was going to make him crazy.

  After their talk, Carter had gotten more comfortable with Grant, but that only meant he would tease and flirt more. The shy, hesitant man who’d been nervously pacing the kitchen was gone, but the racy looks and grins were making Grant’s pants too tight—and they hadn’t even gotten to the best part of the night yet.

  The pizza had been delicious and the action movie Carter had picked out had been fun, but Grant was starting to think Carter was just finding ways to keep putting off showing Grant his lingerie when he started talking about cookies and another movie.

  “Yes, cookies. No movie.” Grant stood up and wrapped his arms around Carter. “As much as I loved cuddling with you, I’m ready to see your sexies.”

  Carter visibly swallowed nervously. “My sexies?”

  “Oh yes, all those erotic things I know you’re hiding under your clothes. I’m supposed to be picking out something for you to wear, or have you forgotten?”

  Carter blushed and looked down to stare at Grant’s shirt. “I didn’t forget.”

  Kissing the top of Carter’s head, Grant tried not to smile. His nervous sub was getting worked up over nothing, and it was time he realized that. “Then let’s go see them. Unless you want to bring it all out here?”

  Carter looked around the room and must have felt it was too open, because he shook his head. “Let’s do it in my room.” He stepped back and took Grant’s hand, holding on tightly. When he was facing away, he spoke again. “I don’t have to put it on? Just show you what I’ve got?”

  The images that flashed through Grant’s mind were erotic and beautiful, but the nerves in Carter’s voice made him want to pull him close and promise him everything would be okay. “You don’t have to, pretty, but I’d like it if you would.”

  Maybe if he kept saying it, Carter would eventually believe him. Grant thought seeing was going to make the biggest impression, though. He saw Carter’s head go up and down, but he didn’t think the worried man was actually agreeing with him.

  As they walked back toward Carter’s bedroom, Grant felt his excitement rise, along with his cock. Sexy men in feminine lingerie just did it for him, but knowing it was Carter made it even better. He wished that Carter trusted him enough not to worry about his reaction, but Grant knew that would come in time. His sweet sub had experienced enough bad reactions to be gun-shy.

  Carter’s room was an interesting contrast to the rest of the house. The kitchen and living room were contemporary and warm, but his bedroom was completely different. It had antique furniture and was done in simple colors, but it had a more feminine feel. Nothing that Grant could point out
specifically, but it felt like he was seeing more of who Carter really was and less of what he actually showed people.

  “Your room is beautiful. I love your dresser.”

  Carter seemed to relax more and smiled at Grant. “It’s stuff I found when I was buying things for the shop. These are my favorite pieces that I just couldn’t sell.”

  “You’ve done a great job putting it together.” Everything wasn’t matching, but it felt like it went together. Grant wasn’t much for decorating, but he was impressed with Carter’s skill. It made his own bedroom seem sad and blank.

  “Thanks.” With a more confident stride, Carter let go of Grant’s hand and walked over to the dresser. Bending over, he opened the two top drawers, then moved back.

  Refusing to let Carter hide awkwardly, Grant reached out and pulled him close. Wrapping his arms around Carter, he tucked him close to his chest. “Do you want to show me your favorite things or should I just look?”

  “You look.” Carter had to clear his voice twice before the words came out, but he seemed to be trying to sound confident because they were strong and sure.

  “Okay.” Taking Carter at his word, Grant held him close with one hand and reached out for the silky clothing with the other. One drawer looked like it contained panties and different kinds of stockings. The other seemed to have different kinds of nightgowns and sexy things that Grant didn’t have the right words to name.

  He needed to do more research so he wouldn’t look stupid.

  The first piece that caught his eye had thin little straps and seemed like a silky tank top. It was a deep red color, and Grant knew it would skim and hug Carter’s body perfectly. Grant had seen sets like it before and he knew there had to be another piece to go with it.

  He set the top on the dresser and started looking for the matching part. “I bet this has sexy panties or something like that.”

  Carter nodded and reached out. Sorting through the drawer, he pulled out a pair of tiny panties. Grant could easily see his sweet man in the outfit, but there was no way it would have hidden anything. Erotic didn’t even begin to describe it, but he didn’t want to share that much of Carter at the club—at least, not the first time they went.


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