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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

Page 6

by Shaw Montgomery

  And not when his family was around.

  Tightening his grip on Carter, his voice came out rough and filled with arousal. “You would look incredible in this, pretty one. But I want you a little more covered for our first time to the club. You’ll wear this for me sometime when it’s just the two of us, won’t you? God, you’d look…”

  Carter gave a jerky nod and a little whine escaped before he clamped his lips together. Grant grinned and pulled Carter close enough that he would be able to feel Grant’s arousal. He wanted it clear that he was turned on by the thought.

  “Let’s pick something out that I can show you off in.” Grant let his hands slide down Carter’s chest enough that he’d understand what Grant was trying to say. “Just not too much.”

  A needy shiver raced through Carter. He reached down to the drawer filled with nighties and dug down until he found what he was looking for. No second-guessing or thinking; he knew what he wanted to show Grant. Carter might be nervous, but he’d been thinking about their trip.

  It had to be a good sign.

  Black lace and a soft, shiny material Grant thought might be silk came out of the drawer, and Carter laid it on the dresser. Grant helped spread it out; Carter’s hands were shaking too much. The top was very similar to the first one Grant had seen, but the new one had lace and looked a little longer. It would flirt right at Carter’s groin, giving teasing glimpses of his cock.

  The bottoms were even better.

  Grant didn’t think they were panties, but he wasn’t sure what to call them. They were almost like shorts but sexy and tight. They would show every curve, every hint of arousal. The same lace edged the legs and waist, and Grant thought that the lace waistband would peek out every time Carter moved. It might even cover his cock, as long as he didn’t get too turned on.

  If he did, well, Grant might have to help him with that just so no one else would see Carter’s hard length poking out. It was the perfect outfit to wear to the club, but would it push Carter too much?

  “Oh, God, that’s…it’s perfect. You would look incredible.”

  “It’s…it’s not made for men. Some stuff is, but this one…”

  “Was made for you, pretty one. It was made for you.” Grant knew without a doubt how perfect it would look. “It’s going to tease at your cock and hint to everyone that if they look close enough they might see your beautiful body.”

  Carter couldn’t seem to decide what to say.

  He opened his mouth and closed it, but nothing came out. Grant knew Carter had been expecting him to be shocked at the women’s underwear and frilly things, but he still wasn’t sure why. He’d done his best to make it obvious what he thought.

  Maybe he’d been too subtle?

  That was easily fixed.

  “How about you go in the bathroom and try it on for me—you know, so we can make sure it fits.” The words came out thick with arousal, and Grant couldn’t resist rubbing his cock against Carter’s full ass.

  There was only so much temptation a man could fight.

  “You…you want…now?” Carter managed words that time, but it was a long way from a sentence. Luckily, Grant was learning to read his sub.

  “Oh, yes. I want to see how perfect you look. We need to make sure it’s right for the club.” He wasn’t going to pass up the perfect opportunity to see his man dressed up in something sexy.

  “We do?” Carter didn’t seem convinced, but he hadn’t said no, so Grant was taking that as permission.

  “Most definitely.” Grant took a step back and gave Carter’s ass a pat. “Hurry, pretty one. You don’t want to make me wait, do you?”

  Carter snorted and shook his head, but grabbed the lingerie and straightened. Heading toward the bathroom, he seemed to give his hips a little extra sway and did something that made his ass look even more incredible. As he crossed the threshold into the bathroom, he turned and gave Grant a little wink.

  “I wonder how pleased your mother would be to learn you were making very suggestive statements to me on our second date.” Then with a grin, he closed the door.

  He was a sassy little thing, but Grant loved it.

  “Then I’d have to tell her you were tempting me and showing off those sexy legs.”

  “You wouldn’t!” Carter’s voice came out high-pitched and squeaky.

  Grant laughed. “You know I would.”

  “You’re terrible!” Carter didn’t seem upset by that fact.

  “You love it.”

  He heard laughter coming from the bathroom but no more comebacks. Grant hoped Carter was putting on the erotic outfit, but he had a feeling Carter was talking himself out of it. “There are still a lot of your things I haven’t had a chance to look at yet. You don’t want to leave me unsupervised too long.”

  There was rustling and more laughter. Carter might have thought he was kidding, but the drawer was calling his name. It was begging him to come touch and find more lingerie for Carter to try on. Just as he was about to give in, he heard the bathroom door.

  Opening it just a crack, Carter’s toes with their deep purple polish were visible, but that was about it. Grant stood up from where he’d been leaning against the dresser and tried to be patient. “As sexy as I’m sure your feet are, they aren’t the part that I was interested in—unless that’s something else we need to talk about. I might be up for kissing them, but I’m not sure about anything else. I dated a foot guy—”

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to tell me about other guys you dated when I’m dressing up for you. One of those dating rules, I think.” Carter had pushed open the door. Leaning against the frame, it gave him the illusion of curves, but there was no hiding the outline of his cock as it pushed against the short-like bottoms.

  He was still soft, so Grant knew he had to be nervous, but he looked beautiful. Grant gave a low whistle. “Damn, pretty, look at you.”

  Carter blushed, but Grant could see he was doing his best to pretend he wasn’t nervous. “Thank you.”

  He glanced down, then back up at Grant. “It would be okay? It feels…” Carter couldn’t seem to find the word, because his voice trailed off and he started to move restlessly.

  “Probably very exposed and nerve-racking, but God, you look…mouthwatering.”

  Carter grinned. “Better than the cookies?”

  “Better than a dozen cookies.” Grant let his eyes eat up every glimpse of Carter he could see, but the stubborn man hadn’t moved from the doorway yet.

  “Just a dozen?” Carter let one foot trail up the other leg, and it made his cock move deliciously under the silky fabric.

  “Two dozen. All the dozens.” Carter was worth everything. “Don’t just stand there teasing me, pretty. I think I’ve earned a little show.”

  “You earned a show, huh? What makes you think that?” Carter smirked, but straightened like he was contemplating leaving the bathroom.

  “I left your drawer alone, and I picked out an outfit that leaves you mostly covered. Yup, I earned a show.” Grant watched as the top teased right at the beginning of Carter’s cock just like he knew it would. With each little step, he was watching Carter’s shirt kiss the head of his dick.

  It was mesmerizing.

  “You’ve got a very interesting definition of good behavior.” Carter didn’t seem to mind because he had a wicked look on his face. Putting one foot in front of the other, he walked closer to Grant, who finally had to lean against the dresser to keep himself from pushing Carter too far.

  Had to keep his hands to himself, it was Carter’s show.

  It was getting harder and harder to remember.

  Carter’s hips swayed, making his cock swing, and it looked like he was getting harder. Not so nervous now that he’d seen Grant’s reaction? Grant hoped so. He wanted Carter to feel confident and beautiful, no matter how he was dressed.

  “Damn. Every Dom there is going to be looking at you, pretty.”

  Carter shook his head like he didn’t quite believe i
t, but the little smile on his lips let Grant know how much he liked the compliment. When he finally got within arm’s length of Grant, he stopped and did a slow turn.

  The outfit looked just as good from the back as it did from the front. The top dipped down in the back showing creamy skin that Grant wanted to lick. The bottoms cupped his ass but left the lower part of his full cheeks peeking out temptingly.

  Grant thought it probably wasn’t the time to tell Carter how erotic he’d look with a pink spanked ass spilling out of the shorts. Maybe another time. Carter hadn’t seemed opposed to the idea, so Grant might be able to fulfill his fantasy one day.

  One step at a time.

  Giving up on being good, Grant pushed off the dresser and closed the gap between them. Pressing his body tight against Carter’s, Grant knew his erection would be obvious. “You look amazing. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  Carter leaned back in Grant’s arms, rubbing his ass up and down Grant’s erection. His voice was teasing but thick with his own arousal. “I think I have an idea.”

  “Oh, the things I want to do to you.” Grant leaned down and nuzzled Carter’s neck, loving the breathy moan that escaped and the way Carter’s soft hair curled around his ears, teasing Grant’s cheek. “I can’t wait to see what other sexy things you have hidden away. Are you wearing things like this all the time under your clothes? Panties under your sundress, maybe, or lacy little things under the skirt you wore to dinner?”

  Carter’s face flushed red, but he didn’t back down. He just nodded and cleared his throat. “Yes. I like…sexy things under my clothes. Even when I’m dressed more traditionally masculine.”

  “You know I’ll think about that every time I see you. Every date, every family barbecue, all I’m going to be able to think about is what’s under your clothes. You might need to be punished for making me distracted.” The words came out low and Grant knew Carter could hear the need in his voice. He wasn’t teasing, though. It would be all he’d be able to focus on.

  “Punished?” The words were soft and hesitant, giving the impression Carter knew he shouldn’t ask but was going to, anyway.

  “Oh yes, my pretty one. I might have to spank you for getting me hard and teasing me with your sexy lingerie.”

  “Spank?” It was more of a squeak than a word, but Grant understood.

  “Naughty subs would get bent over and their panties pulled down. Then I’d bring my hand down on your ass until you’d learned your lesson about teasing me. When I would finally pull your panties back up, you’d be able to see how red it was, and every time you sat down you’d think of me.” So maybe he’d gone further into the fantasy than he’d meant to. But the way Carter was rubbing his ass along Grant’s cock, he didn’t seem to mind.

  Grant thrust his cock harder against Carter and his sexy sub moaned in pleasure. Looking down at his perfect man, he could see Carter’s straining erection pushing the front of the little shorts out obscenely, the head of his cock just escaping the lacy waist of the shorts.

  Letting his hands slowly move closer to Carter’s beautiful cock, Grant lowered his voice and let his breath tickle Carter’s ear. “If we were at the club, we’d have to take care of this. I don’t want anyone else to see your sexy cock—at least, not yet.”

  Chapter 7


  “Take care?” His voice came out high-pitched and sounded needy to him, but he couldn’t help it. Grant was making Carter’s brain melt. “Yet?”

  Grant’s breath sent shivers down Carter’s spine, and the naughty words only made it worse. “We’d have to find a private spot where I could help you. Do you want me to show you what I’d do? Are you curious, pretty?”

  He had a good idea what Grant would do, and he knew what Grant was trying to ask. He should say no. He should slow things down and put his clothes back on, but it’d been so long…He broke. “Please. Show me.”

  A low groan vibrated through Grant’s chest, making Carter’s nipples tighten and ache. Grant’s hands slowly kept working their way down, and the measured pace was making Carter want to scream. With the silk rubbing along his cock and the feel of Grant’s erection pushing against his ass, Carter could hardly hold on as it was.

  Ridiculous little sounds kept escaping, but he couldn’t hold them in. In the quiet moments when he let himself believe the insane fantasy that Grant might want him like this, he’d dreamed about how the sexy Dom would touch him. The reality was even better than his fantasies.

  His touch was sure and strong. Grant knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t shy about telling Carter exactly what it was. Carter hadn’t let himself believe Grant could want him, but there was no denying it now. When Grant’s hands reached Carter’s cock, he let one finger gently trail along the rigid length that was pressing against the fabric.

  Carter’s knees buckled and he would have gone down if not for Grant’s firm grip. “You like that, don’t you?” His finger went up and down the sensitive underside of Carter’s cock, and the light touch made him moan and shiver.


  “Whatever you want, pretty.” Grant growled low, tightening his grip around Carter’s waist. The next trip down Carter’s length wasn’t just one finger. His whole hand tightened around the shaft and jerked off Carter in a slow, earth-shattering rhythm.

  “Grant, please.” He needed more, or he was going to combust.

  Somewhere between leaving the bathroom and being held by his Dom, he’d lost his fear—and gained a need that frightened him. He’d never wanted anyone like he did Grant. The force of the desire took his breath away.

  Grant seemed to thoroughly enjoy how insane he was making Carter. He could feel the pleasure and cocky confidence radiating from Grant and it made him want to throttle his Dom—right after he got off.

  The pressure building inside him was the most important thing at that point.

  When Grant finally pushed down the front of the boy shorts and freed Carter’s erection, he thought he’d feel better, but it just made the need worse. Watching Grant’s strong hand wrapped around him while he was dressed in his favorite lingerie was a fantasy come true. But the Dom needed to hurry up or Carter was going to finish things himself.

  “Damn it, Grant.” Fantasies were great, but Carter needed to come before he went insane.

  Grant’s low chuckle made Carter’s nipples tighten even more. He must have moved or done something, because it drew Grant’s attention to his chest. Carter was afraid for a minute that Grant would stop playing with his cock, but instead, the Dom braced one leg between Carter’s thighs and let the hand that had been holding his waist slide up to his nipples.

  The feel of Grant’s fingers trailing up the silk made him shiver, a moan escaping. When Grant finally let one finger circle the tightly puckered nipple poking at the fabric, Carter thought he would come right then.

  “I bet that feels good, doesn’t it? Your nipple’s all sensitive and needy, rubbing against the soft material. I think you need more, though. Do you want more?”

  He had to talk? What kind of sadist was his Dom?

  Finding the words, Carter shoved them out desperately. “Yes, please.”

  Grant moaned again, his cock jerking against Carter’s ass. “Should I play with them gently or do you like it rough?” The words were growled out, making Carter’s need almost frantic. He loved how aroused Grant was getting simply by touching him.

  “Anything, please!”

  Grant took him at his word because the next circle took Grant’s hand right over the hard tip, and he pinched down. It didn’t hurt, exactly, but it made his knees weak. He pushed up for more. The pleasure was tinged with pain and it was perfect.

  Working Carter’s nipple and cock, Grant made wicked sounds of pleasure that had Carter squirming in his arms. Grant’s arousal had Carter even more desperate. He was so close. “Grant! I need…please…”

  He wasn’t sure how to ask for more. His brain was fractured into a thousand pieces, b
ut Grant knew what he needed. The grip on his cock tightened, speeding up, and the next pinch to his nipple sent waves of fire shooting through him.

  With no warning, his orgasm crashed over him. Grant held him and kept teasing his body, making the pleasure go on and on. When it was finally over, Grant scooped him up and walked the short distance to the bed. Laying Carter down on the mattress, Grant curled around him and held him while the aftershocks of pleasure faded.

  “Just in case you couldn’t tell, I liked the outfit.” Grant’s words were almost serious, but Carter could hear the dry humor running through them.

  “I never would have guessed. Thanks for clarifying it.” Snuggling into Grant’s warmth, Carter yawned and rubbed his face against Grant’s firm, broad chest.

  Silent laughter had his head bobbing up and down. Giving Grant’s side a pinch, he got comfortable again. “Pillows don’t get to move.”

  “Got it, boss.” Grant’s laughter made Carter have to get settled again.

  Smiling, Carter tucked himself close to Grant and closed his eyes. He told himself he was going to relax for just a minute, then he had plans to explore the sexy Dom.

  In just a minute…

  As another yawn forced its way out, Grant’s arms wrapped around him and he felt a kiss to the top of his head.

  “You know this means I’m keeping you, right?”

  He yawned and shook his head. Not denying the sentiment, just the presentation. “So romantic.”

  “Yup. That’s me.” It wouldn’t have been funny, but Grant seemed completely serious. Carter told himself he would set the Dom straight on a few things, right after he closed his eyes for just a minute. The warmth of Grant’s body was soothing, and as the lull of sleep pulled at him he felt another kiss.

  Carter had to smile. Grant might be a bulldozer, but evidently, he was Carter’s bulldozer.


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