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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

Page 10

by Brenda Trim

  “It’s night,” he murmured. He stood there and glared at her, not caring for the way she so easily manipulated his emotions. He wondered if he could take a chance on her. Confusion crossed her features and he let out a sigh of defeat. “If you promise to remain by my side, I can take you out of here, but only for a few minutes.” He was going out on a limb, but he couldn’t stand to see the agony in her eyes. He never wanted to see that look in her eyes again.

  Her eyes went impossibly wide and giddiness washed over her face. “Seriously? You’ll take me out? Zander said no earlier...” Hope was a fragile thing and he refused to crush what he’d extended to her, but hearing Zander didn’t want her out told him they’d need to be covert in their departure. The last thing he wanted was to piss off his liege. He shouldn’t be doing it at all, but found there was no way he could leave her in that cell a minute longer.

  “I will. As long as you understand that you aren’t going home and I have to put you back in here.”

  “I know. I won’t fight you…much,” she winked at him. He found himself returning her smile as he placed his palm over the mystical lock and it immediately unlocked. Luckily, all of the cells in the dungeon were programmed to the warriors’ handprints.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I’ll enjoy holding you down, Red,” he husked as the door swung open.

  “I’m too much female for you. Just sayin’,” she returned. He didn’t miss the blush that stained her cheeks or the light that entered her gaze. Challenge accepted, he thought.


  Shae followed Gerrick down the corridor, reeling from the flirtation between them. Her initial reaction had been revulsion when he mentioned holding her down, but that quickly burned away and was replaced by the heat of arousal. She hadn’t reacted to him like she did every other male she’d come into contact with since her rescue. She couldn’t get far enough away from males, except Gerrick. She had been attracted to him from the beginning and that had only increased over time. She shook her head and focused on the fact that she was going to have a few minutes of freedom.

  They traveled past Cami who watched them with wary eyes, but she kept her mouth shut. Shae expected her to beg to be let out, as well, and was glad when she didn’t say a word. It was selfish of Shae not to ask for Cami to be included in their little outing, but she wanted to be alone with Gerrick. He made her angry, aroused her to a fever pitch and made her feel things she hadn’t known she was capable of and she couldn’t help but want more.

  “This goes on further than I would’ve guessed,” she commented as they continued walking down the corridor.

  “We added these tunnels as an easy escape in the event of emergencies. They lead to the trees lining our property. We couldn’t risk full-sun exposure with Zander and his siblings.”

  “You guys dug these tunnels?” she asked, surprised once again that the Vampire King and his Dark Warriors had done such a menial, time-consuming task.

  “Don’t sound so surprised, Red,” he said as he opened a large, heavy door. “Stick close to me. You won’t like it if you make me chase you down. I bite.” He grinned at her and she noticed he had perfectly straight white teeth that accented his crooked and oh-so-sexy smile.

  The scent of pine trees was heavy as they stepped outside and the forest floor was covered in greenery that was soft under her bare feet. He grabbed her hand, tugging her along. “Come on. The lake is right over there,” he said pointing to the right. “There’s an area that is out of sight of the house and you can see the water.”

  She shivered in the cool air, realizing she only had on a thin cotton t-shirt and sweats. “It seems like forever since I’ve seen the lake. I can smell…ouch, crap,” she blurted when she stepped on a large, jagged rock that was hidden in the foliage.

  His grip tightened and he stopped walking. “What happened?”

  “I stepped on a rock, I’m fine,” she quickly relayed, not wanting to complain because she didn’t want to go back inside. Before she knew what was happening, he had scooped her into his arms and was carrying her. She stiffened automatically, but resisted pushing out of his arms. She had to admit it was exhilarating to be enfolded in the strong sorcerer’s arms.

  “I’m not giving up my boots this time,” he informed her with the half-smile that made her insides melt.

  “Thank you for not taking me back yet.” She didn’t bother arguing she could walk, not wanting to separate from him. Her heart raced and her chest constricted at their closeness.

  Despite her heightened responses, she relaxed into his hold and watched where they were going, seeing everything through new eyes. They cleared the trees and the water gleamed large and dark before them. There wasn’t a beach area here, but she noticed one in the distance. That was rare for this area. Most people didn’t have land that would support a beach and used docks to enter the water. She felt the tingle of spells, telling her they had strong magic shielding their property. They had clearly spent a lot of time creating their little oasis.

  “I’d say that your setup rivals Bill Gates’. Not that I’ve ever been there, but I’ve seen pictures.”

  He chuckled and set her down. He kept one arm wrapped around her back so she slid against his body in a sensuous glide as she found her feet. “Is this better?”

  “Well, let me think. Standing here in one of the most beautiful settings I’ve ever seen or staring at those stone walls? Yeah, I’ll go out on a limb and say this is better.”

  He tugged her hair and made her meet his heated gaze. “Don’t push your luck, Red. You make me crazy…and all I can think about is kissing you,” he admitted, his breath skating across her face as he leaned close.

  The ice-blue glow of his eyes mesmerized her. “Now who’s pushing…” His lips crashed down on hers before she could finish.

  She was surprised at how soft they were given how hard everything else on his body was. She laid her palms on his shoulders and felt his muscle twitch in response. Liquid heat rolled through her body, leaving her tingling in its wake. The male could kiss like no male she’d ever been with.

  He licked her bottom lip, making her shiver. A moan escaped her throat and he responded with fervor. His hands wrapped around her hips and held her close to his body. He slid his tongue into her mouth and tangled with hers. His fingers tightened their grip as he devoured her mouth, making her core clench. She hadn’t expected that response, but before she could think any further, he was sliding his hands up her back and pulling her closer. The erection she could feel pressed against his jeans was impressive in size and pulsed against her stomach as he dominated her with his tongue.

  He broke the kiss and nibbled his way across her cheek and along her jaw. Both of their panted breaths filled the night air. With each indrawn breath, her breasts rubbed against his chest, making them tingle and furthering her ache. “Gerrick.” It was a warning and a plea. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

  He returned to her mouth and she sucked in air right before he sealed his lips over hers. He once again kissed her into submission. No other male attracted her the way he did. Her hand slid up his scarred cheek to tangle in his hair. She gripped the short strands. This time when he broke away, he kissed down the left side of her neck. She wanted to pull away, but he refused to let her.

  A hundred objections filled her mind, but each flew away in the wind before they left her lips. His nose brushed the side of her throat before he tenderly kissed every one of her scars, making her eyes fill with tears she refused to let flow. His message was clear, he accepted her for who and what she had become. If anyone understood what that meant, he did.

  “You’re the sexiest female I’ve ever met,” he murmured. His breath caressed her skin, giving her chills with every word he spoke. His hot mouth returned to hers and the jolt as his tongue touched hers was just as powerful as the first time. The heat of his palm branded her through her shirt before it slid under the fabric. Her heart raced frantically in her chest.

bsp; One big hand braced the small of her back, pressing her lower body close to him and he continued his masterful domination. Her hands returned to his shoulders at the same time his other hand slipped to her breast. The second his palm closed around her enlarged globe, her fingernails dug into his shoulders and she panicked. This was what the demons had done to her initially. The beautiful one, Azazel, had seduced her while she was under the influence of some spell.

  She pushed slightly against him, but he misunderstood and he pinched her nipple, sending her over the edge. She recalled the way sharp claws sliced into the sides of her flesh while fangs sank into her neck. She was back in that underground lair with gray flesh covering her naked body. There was never any kissing, but they bit her neck and fed from her while they pinched and cut into her flesh. Rage took over and she thrashed against his hold, kicking and biting. She braced herself for the painful surge of his body into hers, but it didn’t come.

  Strong arms wrapped around her body. “Shae. Shae. Come back to me. What the fuck?” Gerrick breathed bringing her back to her senses until she realized where she was. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded while she attempted to get control of her heartbeat and breathing. “What happened?” he asked, confusion in his voice.

  “Nothing, can you please take me back to my cell?” she asked, refusing to meet his eyes. She didn’t want anyone to know her shame, especially this male. What had happened to her was bad enough, but she didn’t think she could ever share the ugly details with anyone. She could barely face them herself.


  Gerrick sat next to Shae at the large table while Angus argued with Nate. He hadn’t had the heart to return her to her cell when she’d asked. He hadn’t understood her reaction to his kiss by the lake, but in hindsight he was grateful. While he hated to see her embroiled in a struggle to survive, he understood. He may be the callous warrior, but he’d seen enough in his life to understand that something during their interlude had triggered a memory about what she had suffered at the hands of the demons.

  If she hadn’t begun fighting him, he would have taken her and instinct told him it wouldn’t simply have been sex, but he didn’t have room for anything else right now. There was no doubt that he would have lost a piece of his heart to her, but it wasn’t his to give. His heart and soul belonged to his lost mate, Evanna. His draw to Shae both pissed him off and worried him. Before he met Shae he had belonged completely to Evanna, but now he was questioning his love and loyalty. To make matters worse, every passing second pulled him closer to Shae and he hated her for that. His entire world was off kilter now and he didn’t understand any of it.

  He passed her the hummus and felt the same electricity when their skin touched. “Thank you,” she murmured, finally meeting his gaze. The tension that had been ready to snap since their encounter unfurled when he saw her unspoken appreciation for the fact that he had gone to Zander and argued to have her and Cami released from the dungeon. He sat taller in his chair when he noted the way she looked at him. She was looking at him like he was a hero. Many in the realm saw him and the other Dark Warriors as heroes, but this was different. More intimate and meaningful.

  It mattered more than it should that she saw what he had done for her. And he had done it for her and her alone. There wasn’t another soul he would have stood up to Zander about. As it was, it had been tough for Gerrick to challenge his liege and request freedom for Shae and Cami. Zander was a fair leader and they knew better than to question his edicts. He didn’t respond well to having his authority questioned.

  Hell, he was known to throw them in the dungeon for a month without food if he saw fit. As supernaturals, they wouldn’t starve to death, but the experience was excruciating and a brutal punishment. Gerrick could handle that better than most, especially a warrior like Rhys, who couldn’t go that long without sex.

  Having stuck his neck out for the females, Gerrick knew that should anything go wrong it was his neck on the line. Shae could flip out at any second and attack again, but even that didn’t cause Gerrick one ounce of regret. He would do everything in his power to ensure she was never locked up again. Besides, the way he figured it, with only Shae and Cami in the house, it was much easier to ensure containment. It helped that both females agreed to around the clock supervision for the time being. Of course, Gerrick assumed responsibility of keeping track of them. The idea of anyone else watching Shae that closely didn’t sit well with him and he wasn’t about to allow anyone else such an intimate glimpse into the female. That was for him and him alone.

  He shut off that train of thought before it got him in trouble and focused on the conversation at the table. Their majordomo, Angus, was leaving them after two centuries and the mood was less than jovial. He was astonished when he learned recently that Angus was the king of dragons in his home realm of Khoth. The male had become such an integral part of their household that his absence was going to leave a huge gap in their group.

  It would be quite some time before things felt even remotely normal again, but Gerrick wouldn’t deny him the opportunity to embark on an expedition to find his lost love, Keira. Given Gerrick’s history with Evanna, he felt a kinship with Angus after learning that he had lost Keira before they could be mated. That kind of experience scarred a male. Because of that, Gerrick was exceedingly happy for the dragon when he had discovered that she was alive somewhere on earth. Still, Gerrick was insanely jealous of the second chance Angus had been given. He wanted to feel that light of hope and anticipation again.

  “Why can’t Lorne stay here with the Dark Warriors and I go with you? He’s much better suited to be the new majordomo,” Nate interrupted for the millionth time, sounding like a broken record.

  Angus pinned him with a glare that Gerrick had never seen from the male. “Och, I have explained this to you many times. I know I’ve been gone for millennia, but the fact that you believe it acceptable to argue with your king is answer enough. You need to learn discipline.”

  Nate turned scarlet and lowered his head. “Sorry, Sire. I meant no disrespect. I’m just out of my depths here and I don’t understand how this realm works. It seems crazy that supernaturals live secretly beside humans. I don’t want to mess this up and be stuck here longer than necessary. I promise to do my best while I’m here, but I’m not a glitz and glam dragon. For starters, I don’t know anything about planning parties. The last party I attended was the mating ceremony for Kyran and Mack and the females were in charge.” Gerrick heard the desperate, pained tone to Nate’s voice. He’d bet the dragon would rather shove hot pokers through his eyes. Gerrick was grateful that Angus felt a loyalty to their household and refused to leave them without an appropriate replacement, but he had a hard time imagining that Nate was going to be able to fill his shoes.

  “Stop whining, Nate,” Breslin teased. “I’m no’ about to leave this event to you. ‘Tis too important for our people and as you said, you doona have a clue.” Gerrick saw the relief cross Nate’s face before Breslin continued talking. “But, that doesna mean you willna be heavily involved. Nay, rest assured, you will work your arse off, doing everything I tell you.”

  “I’ll happily work my arse off for you, Flame. Tell me where you want me,” Rhett interjected, openly flirting with Breslin. The fire demon was playing with fire, literally, and Gerrick scooted his chair away from the male, not wanting to be in the line of flames that might be shot his way. The move made his arm and thigh brush against Shae and sent arousal, hot and potent, coursing through his body.

  He glanced at the Princess who had the power to control fire and noticed she looked murderous at that moment. Rhett had come from Khoth with Kyran and the others and had proven an ally in fights, but, like Nate, he was a little too friendly with the females. Breslin was a warrior forged in the flames of hell and Rhett needed to rethink his approach if he hoped to have a chance with the female.

  “I want you to return to the volcano you crawled oot of. What makes you think you’re q
ualified to plan this event? Tupping females doesna give you anything but a limp dick,” Breslin countered, anger causing her eyes to darken.

  “My mind hadn’t gone to tupping, but I’m glad yours did. And, trust me, there isn’t anything I can’t do. I spent a thousand years on Khoth doing every job there was. There is no job, too large, or intimate,” he purred,” that I don’t have knowledge of.” The fire demon’s orange eyes glittered with interest as he spoke to Breslin.

  Breslin snorted and turned to Angus, dismissing and ignoring Rhett. Gerrick knew Breslin well enough to see that she was covering the fact that she was deeply affected by the male’s attention. “We are going to miss you, Angus. Please promise you’ll come back with your mate. I want to meet the female who has captured your heart.”

  Angus set his drink down and folded his hands on the table. The male didn’t show emotions often, but it was clear he was struggling with the goodbye. “I happily make that promise, lass. I want my Keira to meet the people who have become my family, but you have to agree to visit me in Khoth. That goes for all of you.”

  Everyone readily agreed and then the stories began. Gerrick laughed as Elsie and her sister told the story about the time Angus took them to a battle on his back. He hadn’t heard the entire story about that night and had to work hard not to laugh given that Zander was still pissed off at his mate defying him and leaving the compound. What was even more interesting than the silent interaction between Zander and Elsie was Shae’s fascination by it all.

  Her heat was a hot brand at his side and it was impossible for him to think of anything but how soft and supple and close she was. He told himself to put space between them, but his body refused to comply. The smart thing to do would have been to choose a chair across the room, not lean into her further. It seemed he was destined to do the wrong thing as he inched even closer so that more of their bodies were touching and his soul sighed in relief. He was well and truly fucked!


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