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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

Page 11

by Brenda Trim


  Shae could hardly contain her excitement at being out in the ‘real world’ again. Her nerves were on a razor’s edge and she wasn’t entirely certain it was a good idea, but she couldn’t refuse when the females of Zeum had asked if she wanted to join them on their hunt for dresses.

  She was finally free and ready to resume her life. Besides, she reasoned, she was surrounded by strong, competent females who would make sure she didn’t hurt anyone. What was the worst that could happen? With renewed excitement, she followed the females into a shop off Pike. A blast of warm air engulfed her, making her skin burn and her body sigh in relief. The night was cold and rainy and it felt good to get out of it.

  Stomping her feet, she glanced around the opulent shop. They’d entered a realm boutique that she’d never been to and she knew the moment she stepped into the place that it was way out of her price range. It always amazed her how a shop like this could be located in a busy shopping district with humans milling about right outside the door, yet they were unaware it even existed thanks to magical cloaking spells.

  Some realm shops catered to both humans and supernaturals, but most didn’t because it was difficult to hide books that shelved themselves or sprites fluttering about keeping the shop clean and stocked. This particular store carried one-of-a-kind realm creations. Picking up the edge of a Fae-made masterpiece, Shae smiled when it changed from red to a shiny green material. Green was her favorite color and she was instantly in love with the softer-than-silk gown. It appeared see-through, but when she placed her hand inside the bodice, she realized it was an illusion of the fabric. She let it slide over her hand enjoying the luxurious feel.

  “That would be stunning on you with your hair and eyes. Every female must own at least one Fae gown in her life,” Breslin enthused, walking over.

  Shae looked up from the dress and saw that the princess had several hung over her arm. A tall, slender witch walked over at that moment and addressed Breslin, “Can I take those to a room for you, Highness?”

  Breslin handed the garments over. “Aye, thank you, Nique. She’s the store owner,” Breslin explained after the female walked away. “Now, I think that dress would be perfect for you, but if you don’t like it, Nique has a wide variety of designers in stock.” Shae could swear that the Princess was genuinely excited to help pick her dress and she couldn’t help but be excited, too.

  Shae looked at the dress again and her enthusiasm deflated when reality struck. “I could never afford anything like this. Hell, I don’t even know if my account is still open.”

  “Your accounts are still there. I asked Zander,” Elsie replied as she walked up holding her own selection, clearly having heard their conversation. At least one thing in her life had remained, but even so, there was no way Shae was spending that much money on a dress. She had no idea when she would be working again and she refused to mooch off her parents for everything.

  “What do you think of this dress?” The Queen continued, holding up a blue gown. Shae could see how close the Queen was with her sister-in-law because she wasn’t asking her sister or the other females. Speaking of, where were Cailyn, Jessie and Mack? She glanced around the store and saw them huddled around a rack on the other side of the store.

  When Shae turned back, she saw that Breslin had taken the dress from Elsie’s hands and was holding it up in the light. The blue was the same color as Zander’s eyes, Shae realized, which was probably why the queen had picked it. “The color is perfect for your skin tone, but I think you should look for something strapless.”

  Elsie rolled her eyes. “I’ve told you before that I can’t wear stuff like that. My boobs aren’t big enough.”

  Breslin chuckled. “And, I’ve told you that you have to pick clothes that enhance your natural attributes, which are your long slender neck and your flawless skin.” Shae brought her hand up to her neck to cover her scars. These females must think she was hideously disfigured. One thing was certain, Shae’s days of wearing a strapless dress were long gone, as were the days of wearing her hair up.

  More days than not, she would pull her long hair into a ponytail, but that was the last thing she wanted to do. She was glad her hair was so long she could bring it around the front and hide her neck. Anger spiked at the thought of never getting past what the demons had done to her. She would always wear the scars, the interior ones more grotesque than the exterior.

  Breslin continued talking, momentarily diffusing Shae’s anger and diverting her attention. “Besides, you are no’ that small. In fact, I believe my brathair signed a proclamation that your breasts are perfect.” At that comment, they started to laugh, and Shae suddenly felt uncomfortable and out of place. She may have had more in common with these females at one time, but not anymore. She was no longer a simple vampire and it was becoming increasingly difficult to be around them and maintain her composure.

  She glanced away and noticed Mack walking toward them. The dresses on the display rack she passed automatically changed to a style that would look fantastic with her hairstyle and inked arm. “That would look good on you,” Shae told Mack honestly.

  Mack grimaced. “Do I really have to wear one of these?” she asked, holding up the black dress with an empire waist and cap sleeves. It was a sharp contrast to the t-shirt, jeans and combat boots she’d seen the female wear. Today’s shirt said ‘Please Cancel My Subscription to Your Issues.’ Shae admitted that the snarky slogans and casual attire fit the female’s personality much better than a fancy dress.

  “If you’re going to the party you do. You’re a Vampire Princess now, it’s expected. Trust me, it would be the talk of the realm and blasted all over TRex if you wore jeans and a t-shirt. Besides, I think that one was made for you,” Shae told the female. Mack met her eyes and then her gaze slid to where Shae’s hand was covering her neck.

  “Don’t hide who you are, Shae. And, never be ashamed or feel less than because you carry scars,” Mack stated matter-of-factly. Shae flushed with embarrassment. The room had gone quiet and everyone was listening to their conversation.

  “That’s easy to say. I can’t hide these with tattoos. The sight is disgusting and I don’t want them anymore.” Shae’s hands clenched at her sides, anger rising again.

  “You aren’t defined by your scars, Shae. Carry them with pride. They are a symbol of your strength and fortitude. You stood in the storm and didn’t blow away. You managed to adjust your sails and make it to safe harbor. You are a survivor, stand tall and proud,” Mack told her wrapping one arm around her shoulders.

  Mack was right. Shae swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. “Can you read minds?” she teased, trying to lighten the suddenly somber mood.

  “No, that’s my power,” Cailyn interjected, startling Shae. She hadn’t really spoken to Elsie’s sister before and was surprised by the vehemence in her tone. “And you, my friend, need to stop beating yourself up. You sacrificed yourself for those females, saving them from a worse fate. That took more courage than you can imagine.” Elsie’s sister might be quieter than Elsie was, but she had a heart of gold. One thing the demons hadn’t been able to take from Shae was her judge of character and she would bet that Cailyn was the type of friend that always had your back.

  “You can read my thoughts?” she asked, distraught by the idea of them knowing what she’d gone through. Or, even worse, how she fantasized about Gerrick. These females lived with him and knew him better than Shae. It would be beyond embarrassing if Cailyn knew how Shae was drooling over the hunky warrior.

  “I don’t peek into people’s minds without cause. I believe that’s a violation, but there are some things you project so loud that I can’t ignore them. You deserve that dress and so much more. Now, get in that dressing room and show us how stunning you’ll look.”

  “I don’t know,” she hedged.

  “I do,” Breslin said. “Doona fash aboot the cost, either. Gerrick gave me his credit card and instructed me to buy you what you wanted. And
, I’ve picked the perfect shoes to go with it, too.” She gaped at Breslin. The Princess had to be joking. Shae hadn’t been able to determine how the stoic warrior felt about her. He was so hot and cold that it made her head spin. One minute she was convinced he was into her and the next he was placing a wall of ice between them. His actions didn’t make any sense.

  “Don’t let her pick your shoes unless you like six-inch stilettos,” Elsie warned, making Shae laugh. “I’m serious.”

  “I’m not wearing heels that high,” Mack protested. “You bitches may get me into a dress, but wearing those walking-death-traps is sooo not happening.”

  “What about these?” Jessie asked holding up a pair of black, studded, low heels.

  “Oh my God! Those are perfect. They’re like witch boots on steroids, I love the black spikes on the back. Those have my name all over them,” Mack gushed, grabbing the shoes and darting for the dressing room. Shoes always made the outfit, Shae thought. Suddenly excited by the explosive energy of these females and buying a gorgeous dress, she followed Mack. Before she knew it, Shae found herself standing in a fitting room staring into a mirror.

  She shrugged and tugged her shirt off, wanting to see what she would look like in the gown. Quickly, she undressed and slipped the fabric over her head. It settled over her body, but she was unable to lift her eyes and see her reflection, not ready to be disappointed. She took several deep breaths and finally glanced into the mirror.

  The first thought she had was that even the mirrors in the shop were enchanted because the female looking back at her wasn’t the hideously scarred creature she had seen in the mirror that morning. She smoothed her hands down the silky fabric. She’d never looked more beautiful.

  She jumped when there was a knock on the door. “Come on, Shae. We want to see you. And, I want your opinion on this ridiculous contraption they have me in,” Mack called out.

  She opened the door and exited the stall. “Och, I knew it would be perfect,” Breslin boasted, but was cut off when the door to the shop opened. They all looked up to see several males enter the establishment.

  The air around them shimmered like asphalt on a hot day. The second the door closed the air thickened to a dense fog and the vibrations of strong, evil magic filled the room. The pressure built, nearly suffocating Shae and when it released its grip, Azazel came into view, as well as, a dozen various demons and skirm. He smiled and met her gaze. “Shae, my pet. You look spectacular. That dress is absolutely perfect for you. I just can’t decide if it would look better on, or off. But, I can see now how remiss I was in my care of you.”

  Sweat beaded on her spine and her heart beat a frantic rhythm in her chest. Somewhere deep inside, she had known they would come back for her. It was too much to hope that she be allowed to live a free life. Azazel and Kadir had marked her as theirs and they were never going to let her go. She’d rather fight to the death than be taken again, she thought, clenching her jaw. She tensed to attack, but when she tried to move, discovered she was rooted to the spot by an unseen force. She cursed, fighting against its hold.

  Mack and Breslin didn’t have any such problem as they were the first to jump into action. Mack sprung toward a pus demon, reaching under the skirt of her dress. Her hands came up shining as she slashed out. Her weapon sliced into green, gooey flesh, releasing the horrific odor she’d hoped to never smell again.

  Breslin snarled something to the demon and bursts of fire left her palm as she surged forward. A couple skirm caught fire on her way and fell to the floor, writhing in agony. The owner began chanting spells to protect her merchandise from the flames Breslin continued to throw. Shae tried to move her legs again, but was still rooted to the spot. She focused all her energy on her body and located the magic that had once again made her a prisoner. All she could do was stand and watch.

  Elsie darted into a dressing room and came out with two weapons. She bared her fangs as she handed one to her sister. “Stay next to Shae,” she ordered. Shae’s toes twitched, but she was still unable to move. Her gaze jumped to Azazel when she felt him enter her mind. She screamed into the melee of the invasion. To her, it was another form of rape to have him trying to manipulate and steal her freewill.

  Jessie jumped into the fray next with weapons in her hands. Where in the hell did these females keep all these weapons? It didn’t surprise her that they were armed to the teeth, they lived with and were mated to Dark Warriors, but for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine where the weapons had been hidden. Shae gaped at the obvious skill Jessie had as she managed to ash two skirm in rapid succession. She hadn’t pegged her for a fighter, but she could hold her own in any battle.

  All of the females were fierce fighters as they competently battled the demons. She’d known Breslin was a warrior, but the three human females were a pleasant surprise. Sure, they were all now immortal, but their origins were in the human world and she hadn’t expected them to be so ferocious. Even Cailyn, who was undoubtedly the weakest of their group, joined the fight.

  Shae’s heart leapt as Breslin threw fire at the archdemon. Perhaps this would be the distraction she needed to get free of his control. Unfortunately, he dodged the first volley and a rack of clothing went up in flames. It felt as if Shae’s veins were on fire with her rage and frustration. She was once again helpless before the demon and this time was worse. The females she had just begun to form a friendship with were in the line of fire and she was forced to watch instead of joining them. Elsie cried out as she went sailing across the room. Cailyn was bleeding from a cut on her chin and Jessie had a vicious wound to her left arm. Mack was uninjured, but the new dress had seen better days.

  A steady stream of fire left Breslin’s palm and finally hit their mark. Shae felt Azazel’s connection snap and she began moving. In the next moment, all fighting ceased.

  “You can’t fight back, demons!” Nique yelled as quietness and calm blanketed the entire. “I’ve enacted a non-violence spell. Now get out of my store!” the witch bellowed. The burning flames dissipated along with the smoke and stench in the air. Nique was a witch with some powerful magic of her own. No wonder Breslin shopped here.

  “You’ve won a brief reprieve, Shae. I’ll be back for you,” Azazel purred before he disappeared, taking the two remaining pus demons with him.

  These females had fought to protect her instead of running away. It was an unfamiliar feeling to have someone care for her rather than being left to her own devices. Problem was, she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. When you’ve come to depend on only yourself, it was hard to trust anyone would be there for you in the future.

  “Fucking demons. I got pus and blood on these shoes, dammit,” Mack cursed. “I couldn’t care less about the dress, but these badass shoes are ruined.”

  Shae’s adrenaline evaporated and her muscles began to tremble. Azazel had taken control of her body without breaking a sweat. Right before Breslin had attacked Azazel, she thought she’d identified his signature in her mind and had been battering at it while erecting a shield. The next time, and she had no doubt there would be a next time, she wasn’t going to lose her chance to destroy one of the creatures that had stolen her life. They would pay for taking her from her family and turning her into a being she no longer recognized.

  “Don’t worry, Mack. I will make sure you have a new pair of those boots by morning,” Nique promised. “It was worth the loss to send those scoundrels scurrying away like the rodents they are.”

  “We need to let Zander and the others know what happened,” Elsie said, picking goo out of her hair.

  “Aye, and he’ll send a crew to help clean this mess. And, we’ll pay for all the damages,” Breslin reassured the witch. Shae braced herself for anger and accusation. She expected them to start pointing the finger at her and blame her for the attack, but no one did. Instead, Elsie called her mate and while they waited for the warriors to arrive, they worked together to pile the bodies in a corner as Nique made arrangements to temporarily clo
se the shop.

  Breslin came up to Shae’s side and put her hand on her shoulder. This was it, Shae thought. She was going to kill her and end the threat she posed. “Doona fash, Shae. Those bastards will never get their hands on you again. We doona leave our own,” she promised.

  Shae nodded, speechless. She hadn’t felt like one of anything for a long time and the sentiment touched her battered soul. She wanted more than anything to belong again, but didn’t know if that was possible. The demons had taken so much from her she didn’t know if she’d ever feel accepted again. One thing was certain, until the demons were dead, she would never be free.


  Shae sat on the leather couch wondering how she managed to be talked into attending the party. She didn’t trust her erratic emotions, but the females had begged and Gerrick had insisted. He had taken one look at her standing in the dress shop and instructed Nique to have a replacement gown sent to Zeum for her. Now, she had make-up on and her hair was styled to cover the left side of her neck and she was wearing the ridiculously expensive gown. She’d never felt more beautiful or more ugly all at the same time. She felt like a ping-pong ball bouncing across a table as she switched from happy and exhilarated to angry and resentful.

  “Och, doona look like we killed your dog, Shae. ‘Tis a party. The most important party of the year,” Breslin said, coming to sit by her side.

  “I know. Just like I know the real reason you want me there is because you don’t want to leave me alone tonight. I don’t blame you. I am a wildcard,” Shae countered, smoothing her skirt nervously.

  “If that is what you think then you doona know much aboot us,” Breslin countered, not a trace of upset in her tone. “You are one of us and we will be behind you no matter what. We will protect you with our lives, as well as, try to give you your shot at vengeance. Believe it or not, we care aboot you. You’ve worked your way into our hearts verra quickly. Everyone worked night and day to find you and the others. And, no one worked more than Gerrick, he was like a male possessed.”


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