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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

Page 12

by Brenda Trim

  Shae was choked up at the raw honesty in the Princess’ voice. The only people who had ever cared about her were her family and to hear that Gerrick had searched for her sent butterflies winging through her stomach. She didn’t understand her draw to the sorcerer. In a matter of days and one scorching kiss he had become her obsession.

  Her best friend, Rebecca would laugh her ass off at the absurdity. Rebecca had always been the voice of reason between the two of them, pointing out the reality of any situation. Shae could imagine Rebecca telling her that she was gaga over the male because he had played a major role in rescuing her, but he had done it because he was a Dark Warrior and that Shae didn’t mean anything special to him. Even as the thought formed in her mind, Shae’s soul rejected it and refused to banish thoughts of him.

  “Speaking of the sorcerer,” Shae hedged, hoping to gain a little insight into the enigmatic male without tipping her hat. “He’s a hard one to figure out. What’s his story? I mean it’s not every day that a male puts so much effort into finding lost females and then goes out of his way to ensure they are adjusting to their new lives.”

  Breslin chuckled knowingly, making Shae wonder if she had she been that transparent. “Gerrick has always been a ruthlessly focused warrior who places duty above all else. But, he is haunted by shadows that we only recently began to understand. He came to us with demons behind his eyes and it took centuries and Zander finding Elsie for him to open up.”

  Somehow that didn’t surprise Shae. If she hadn’t had that strange vision of Gerrick, she’d say he’d been born merciless. It didn’t take much to see that he wasn’t a warrior who laughed, or even smiled, for that matter. “So, what made him the way he is?” she asked, suspicious about his personal demons.

  Breslin turned to Shae and held her gaze. Shae had to swallow hard at the look in the Princess’ eyes. Somehow she didn’t think she was going to like what she was about to say. “Normally, I wouldna tell his story, but I can see your interest is heartfelt and genuine. He is no’ for you, Shae. Pursuing him will only lead to heartache. You see, he has already lost everything a male has to lose. He found his Fated Mate four centuries ago and she was killed by an archdemon and his skirm.”

  Shae gasped and put her fingers to her mouth, “Evanna,” she whispered, knowing it had been her in the vision. How had she had a vision of Evanna with Gerrick? What did it mean? Worse, could the demons have altered her so much that they gave her the sight? An evil version of the sight? She contemplated what she had seen and immediately her heart ached at how deeply the incident had scarred Gerrick. His heart had been ripped to shreds by the experience and he had never recovered. The remembered pain had tears brimming in Shae’s eyes for him.

  There shouldn’t be a connection between the two of them, yet it was there and growing stronger by the minute. A sharp ache pierced her heart. She had wondered if he could be her mate, but that hope was dashed with Breslin’s revelation. No, he couldn’t be because you were only given one in a lifetime and he had lost his. Despite the pain that caused her, she wanted to hold him, tell him she was sorry and make the shadows she saw in his eyes disappear.

  “What?” Breslin asked, looking at her sideways.

  “I had no idea his mate had been killed. How has he gone on living after such a loss? I’ve never heard of a male surviving four centuries after losing his mate. He’s got to be the strongest male in the history of the realm.”

  “Aye. He is verra strong. He vowed to enact revenge and ensure no other mate suffered the same loss. ‘Tis that mission that kept him going. ‘Tis what drove him so hard these past months. Knowing each of you was a mate, he refused to rest until you were found. He played a big role in ensuring you will one day meet your mate. Now, enough with the melancholy, we have a party to attend. Do you hear that? The band has started, time for us to get downstairs,” Breslin stood, motioning Shae to the door.

  Shae banished her grief to a corner and followed Breslin. “You’re right. Thank you for insisting I attend the celebration. For the first time since I was taken, I feel like I’m getting my life back. And you’re right about the gown complimenting my eyes, even if I feel like my boobs are going to pop out of it. By the way, thanks for the tip on using tape to hold the dress in place. I’ve never worn a dress where that was an issue.”

  “Doona fash, you’re boobs are no’ going to pop oot. That tape is like glue. Although, I think there is at least one warrior who wouldn’t mind if you did.” They burst into laughter as they walked down the stairs and it felt to Shae that they had become friends. She was still in awe that she was in the royal family’s house, let alone, becoming friends with the Princess. Moments like that reinforced her feeling that she’d fallen down the rabbit hole.

  She sobered the second they entered the ballroom and she saw the crowd. Heart pounding from panic, she worried she didn’t have enough control to be around so many. There had to be a hundred people, if not more, and if she lost it, she would harm an innocent. Not that attacking Breslin had been wise, but the Princess could more than hold her own and wasn’t seriously injured. Shae could kill any one of these people in a fit of rage before anyone knew what was happening.

  The thought had sweat breaking out on her spine. She wished to go back to her normal life more in that moment than she ever had. Being with the royal family and Gerrick was certainly exciting, but she would trade it in a second to be with Rebecca at their office Solstice party, laughing at the males try to convince the females they needed to spend the night with them.

  Breslin bounded to Elsie and the others while Shae made a beeline for the corner. She’d be safest there if the archdemon decided to take over her mind. It would give the Dark Warriors time to neutralize her before she reached anyone.

  She recalled Nate complaining about not knowing anything about party planning, but it seemed as if he’d rallied. Of course, the females in the house had likely whipped him into shape. Each of them had their own talents and strengths and they worked well as a unit.

  Glancing around, she noticed the trees that dotted the walls. They weren’t in planters, but appeared to grow right out of the wood floor. Someone had used magic to add lighted spheres that floated along the ceiling, providing a romantic atmosphere. It made her wish that Gerrick would pull her into the corner for another heated kiss. Sighing at her folly, she admired the red and silver decorations that adorned the tables and walls. They were classical and bright spots of color amidst the white of the linens. The King and his household knew how to throw a party, Shae thought as the liquor flowed and laughter echoed all around her.

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble and she cursed herself for taking up position away from the food. She was starving for more than just food. It was dangerous to allow her hunger to build, but she wasn’t willing to brave the crowded dance floor to reach the tables lined with assorted foods. Perhaps Nate would bring her a plate. She scanned the room for the dragon shifter and her heart stopped when she spotted Gerrick.

  He was lounging against the wall near the entrance and watching her with a hooded gaze. He gave her that smile of his when their eyes met and her insides melted. Goddess, he was mouth-watering and she couldn’t take her hungry gaze off of him. Food, she reminded herself, not Gerrick’s talented tongue dancing in her mouth as his large hands perused her body, driving it to a fever pitch. She scanned the room and smiled when she saw Nate trying to convince a nymph to dance with him. She wasn’t getting food anytime soon unless she got it herself.

  “You look beautiful, Red.” She jumped and turned at the sound of the masculine voice whispering down her neck. He was nothing short of spectacular in his black tuxedo that was tailored to perfection. She was a half foot shorter that his six feet and had to stand on tip toe when she’d kissed him before, but now her heels placed her in perfect position to nibble on his jaw and neck. She could feel his pulse beat a steady rhythm that was in sharp contrast to her racing heart. Her eyes went to the dangerous looking scar on his
face. He was a ruggedly-handsome male and the scar only enhanced his appeal. She couldn’t deny the desire to kiss and lick that scar before losing herself in a night of passion she’d never forget.

  She took in a deep breath and lowered her gaze in an effort to stifle her undeniable attraction. Unfortunately, that wasn’t helpful as the sight of his wide shoulders and strong arms captivated her even more. Her core spasmed with need. She wanted the male more than freedom at the moment. He cleared his throat, drawing her attention. Her breath caught at the desire she saw in his ice-blue eyes. There was no doubt he was perfectly aware of the affect he had on her. “You don’t look too bad, yourself.”

  He grunted and lifted the object in his hand. “I brought you some food.”

  Her stomach rumbled in appreciation and she accepted the offering, smiling when she noticed his eyes never left her cleavage. “I used to love parties,” she commented, needing a distraction or she was going to take advantage of the corner they were in. Several seconds of silence had her fidgeting until she popped a bacon wrapped shrimp into her mouth. He finally lifted his gaze and met her eyes. She swore he could see straight to her battered soul and she wanted to drown in his mirrored pain.

  “Why do you let them have so much power over you?”

  “As if you don’t?” she countered. His brows lowered in obvious confusion. Of course, he had no idea what she was talking about. He didn’t know she was aware of his mate, just like he had no idea she was aware that he’d been a different male before his loss.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Nice try. You can’t deflect the bull, Shae. Or haven’t you caught on by now? I’m like a wolf on a hunt when I catch a scent. Now answer the question.”

  She sighed as if put upon to cover her jitters. This male had a way of breaking through her barriers with his mere presence. He made her feel truly alive and made it easier to fight the darkness inside, but there was no way she was going to allow him in any deeper. It wouldn’t be difficult for her to fall for this male, but he had already loved and lost and that meant she could never own any piece of his heart. It belonged to a female that had been dead for four hundred years. And, for some unknown reason, she wanted to own his heart, and, if she were honest…his soul.

  “I have no idea how to get my life back. I can’t go back to the life I once had. I’m not the same female. Besides, I feel them inside me. It’s best if I keep my distance.”

  She watched him digest what she said as she threw a crab filled tartlet into her mouth. Mmmm, that was delicious she thought, wanting an entire platter of them. “I’m not surprised that you feel them. But, fight them, Red. Refuse to give them anymore of yourself.”

  “You make it sound so easy. They’ve been inside me, Gerrick. They turned me into a vicious creature,” she hissed quietly.

  He suddenly grabbed hold of her arms, making her flinch and stiffen. “You think I’d hurt you?” he asked, releasing her as if he’d been burned.

  “I think you’d do anything to protect your friends,” she pushed.

  “Yes, I would.” No apology in that unwavering gaze. “Is this fear why you haven’t called your family yet?”

  “Yes. They would be horrified to see me, let alone the mood swings I’m having. Trust me, it’s better this way.”

  “Better for you maybe,” he challenged, reaching up to sweep her hair from her shoulder. He cupped her cheek then ran his hand down her neck and trailed his finger along the edge of the dress, brushing across her cleavage. Heat suffused her body and a blush crept up her bosom. She wanted this man with a desperation that frightened her.

  “I’m protecting them,” she shivered, praying the tape held everything in place. The last thing she needed to do was embarrass herself further in front of a crowded room.

  “Bull-shit. You’re scared. You’re afraid that they will reject the female you’ve become and you can’t face that right now,” he said, laying her bare.

  “You don’t know anything about me,” she countered, hoping he didn’t detect the lie, even as she knew it was futile. Somehow, this male knew her better than anyone else.

  “I know your eyes,” he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “dance with me.” His husky voice made her putty in his hands.

  Not wanting to appear too eager, she paused before responding. He held that infuriatingly sexy smile in place until she finally placed her hand into one of his. “One dance.” He pulled his hand free and placed his palms onto her hips. She’d expected him to lead her to the dance floor, but he wasn’t budging.

  “Right here?”

  “Why not right here?” He tugged her flush against the hard length of his body. She recalled the heat and passion that had consumed them the last time they’d been this close. It was dangerous to allow such close contact, but she didn’t dare move away.

  “There’s nothing wrong with right here,” she lied. “But, do try to keep your hands in place. You got carried away the last time and I don’t have any extra tape on me,” she teased, needing to lighten the mood.

  He chuckled and the ice in his eyes turned liquid. “You don’t need tape, Red. My hands will cover you just fine.”

  She melted at the intent in his lascivious words. Body thrumming, he seemed to surround her. “We’ll see about that,” she hedged, biting her lip nervously.

  He was intimidating as hell and scared her, yet he also inflamed her and called to the wild, wanton female inside. He reached up and tugged her lip out of her mouth. His head lowered, but he caught himself scant inches from her face. His hot breath seemed to brand her mouth as his as his eyes told her of the battle he was waging.

  He ran his finger across her jaw then wrapped his hand possessively around the back of her neck. She waited to see if he would let his beast loose and found herself wishing he would. It would be a feral thing, devouring her whole. Her body tingled with anticipation. And, she desperately wanted him to kiss her.

  He had scorched her with his kiss, but this moment was by far the most erotic one of her life.

  Just when she thought he was going to give her what she wanted, he snapped upright and swiveled to face the room. She peered around his shoulder to see what had drawn his attention, but saw nothing. In the next instant, Gerrick was walking toward Jace, pulling her along with him.


  Gerrick called his staff to him as he strode across the crowded room. The silver charm vibrated beneath his thumb, centering him. He sensed Dark magic, which should have been impossible. Jace was already headed in his direction. “You felt it, too?”

  Jace nodded. “Do you know what it is?”

  Gerrick flared his senses and focused his vision on the colors of the magic in the room. “I don’t see anything that doesn’t belong,” he said, frustrated he couldn’t detect what the source was. He met Zander’s gaze over the heads of their guests and nodded. He did a quick scan and noted that Elsie was surrounded by several Dark Warriors and was in a more defensible position. Unfortunately, they couldn’t clear the room without causing a major panic.

  Thick black smoke suddenly filled the room, causing screams and shouts. Gerrick cursed, unable to see anything around him. He squeezed Shae’s hand and pulled her to his side. His pride grew when he felt her tense in readiness. She was definitely a warrior and he loved that about her.

  “It’s Angelica,” Jace snarled from next to him. The warrior would know that better than anyone given what he’d suffered at the female’s hands. She had tortured him for centuries and Gerrick could feel the fury seeping out of every pore on the male’s body.

  Together they muttered a reveal spell that cleared the smoke and removed her advantage of surprise. The vile sorceress was slinking toward the exit, clearly hoping to get free reign on their compound. No doubt she was creating an opportunity to search for the Mystik Grimoire, a magical tome that held ancient spells, lore and prophecy. The book had the power to disappear and reappear of its own accord and had only surfaced a couple months ago. The book was tied to Jace’s
lineage and Angelica wanted control over Jace in hopes of connecting to the grimoire.

  Gerrick wasn’t surprised to see that she’d come prepared with several of her goons by her side. Although, how any self-respecting sorcerer bowed to her like a sycophant was beyond him. Likely, because she was beautiful, powerful and manipulative. She had proven herself to be a cunning and wily enemy with a penchant for making powerful allies.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Zander declared. Without hesitation, Jace and Gerrick cast an invisible barrier across the entryway. It was a risk trapping all the guests in the room, but they had no choice. They couldn’t allow her to leave. With her sorcery she could place hidden spells that would give her future access to the compound. This way, at least they contained that problem.

  “Jace, my pet. I’ve missed you,” the words oozed like tainted oil from the female’s lips.

  “I’m not your pet,” Jace snarled. “What do you want?”

  “I want what is mine. You didn’t think I would forget about you, or the Grimoire, did you? We will be so beautiful together. Come, share my power.” Angelica lifted her hand and reached for Jace. The female was insane, Gerrick thought. Jace was not only a mated male whose allegiance would always be to Cailyn, he loathed her for the torture he suffered at her hands.

  “You can give up the pretense, Angelica. Your ploy failed. You will never have the Grimoire and I will never stand by your side,” Jace vowed.

  “You will see the error in your ways soon enough,” Angelica said as she turned rapidly and pointed in the opposite direction, chanting a spell. Anticipating her move, Jace jumped towards Angelica and Zander dove and knocked Cailyn to the ground. The spell missed Cailyn and slammed into Shannon, a Zeum staff member, who was serving food. Shannon flew backwards and crashed into the wall before slumping to the ground. Gerrick hoped she was okay and a quick glance told him that the rest of the females were unharmed.


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