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Captured By A Royal Thug

Page 3

by Heiress

  “Yes, Iman. Are you enjoying the festivities? I’m sure there are a lot of ladies that would love to accompany you back to your quarters.” I smirked. His face did not display any excitement. “What is it?”

  “It’s the Queen. She’s gone into labor,” he informed me.

  Panicking, I rushed off to the north wing where my Queen was. Bursting through the doors, I examined the scene. The doctors wore frowns on their faces. The room was silent and cold. I could see the bloody sheets being wrapped up and thrown in the wastebasket by the servants. My Queen was being wiped down with a cold cloth. I ran to her bedside and held her hand.

  “I’m sorry, my King. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed. I knew right then and there of the tragedy. All I could do was hold my crying Queen in my arms. I ordered everyone to leave, and I climbed in bed with her. She cried for hours. Not once did I complain. Not once did I let her go. I just held her and told her everything would be alright. Once she was sound asleep, I slipped out of her room and was summoned to my father.

  When I entered his office, he didn’t look pleased. “I already know what you gone say old man and I don’t-,”

  “Eight,” he stated, dryly. “Eight pregnancies but not one has survived. This is not acceptable.” He frowned.

  “Do it look like I give a damn about what’s acceptable right now. My queen has suffered yet another loss. Fuck acceptance,” I barked, fueling with both anger and hurt.

  “Watch your tone when you speak to me! I am still your King, Adonis!” he roared. My mother put her hand on his shoulder to calm him. “You may care about this woman, but if she cannot give you a son to rule when you are dead, she is no concern to me. You need an heir! Who will rule this country once you’re gone?”

  “Amir is a fucking, Prince. Your son! Let that nigga run this shit!” I snapped back.

  “Your brother was just caught with his penis down King Jakande’s wife’s throat. He’s not fit to be a King. I’m not sure if he will ever be fit to be King with the way he’s acting. You are my only hope, but you are not the one who needs to birth a child. Your Queen is, and if she can’t reproduce then I will find another who will,” he threatened.

  “I ain’t gone be like you. I won’t take in hoes while I’m married. I love my Queen to death, and I will not dishonor or embarrass her,” I stood my ground.

  “Your faithfulness will not bring you a son, Adonis. Love her to death all you want, but you and your legacy will die alongside her if you do not produce an heir. Men of greed and jealousy are attacking us, and if something happens to you, there will be no one left to rule. I’m too old, and your brother is too immature. It is you that must keep my legacy alive.”

  “I won’t do it! I vowed to be loyal and faithful to my Queen, and I will do just that! Fuck having a damn heir!” I spat.

  “You will do as I say-,”

  “Like hell, I will!” I interrupted.

  “I’ am still your, King! You will obey me, or I won’t wait until you are killed by another. I will kill you myself!” He threatened me. I was far from a bitch, but my father didn’t bluff. He was a man of his word. He was accused of killing his own father and brother. He was never charged, but he never denied committing the crime either. I knew that he wasn’t going to let this go. I had no choice in the matter.

  “After the assembly, we will meet with candidates. You are dismissed.” He shooed me away with his hand.

  Turning away, I walked out and returned to my Queen’s side. She woke up as soon as the door opened. “Did I wake you, my love?”

  “I woke, and you weren’t by my side. I panicked. Where did you go?” she spoke in a raspy voice due to her crying.

  “I just came back from visiting my father,” I revealed.

  “I’m sure he wasn’t pleased. That man hates me.” She pouted.

  “He does not hate you, Mena. He just wants to secure my reign with an heir,” I defended though I knew for a fact that he indeed did hate her. He claimed that she was only wedding me to become Queen of Droga. He accused her of having ulterior motives. Which I found to be humorous since we had an arranged marriage conjured up by him.

  I did not love Mena at first, but with time, I soon grew to love her. She was not my ideal Queen. I didn’t even desire her though she was beautiful. She just lacked sex appeal. I blamed myself for our babies not surviving. I felt that if I were more attracted to her then maybe our children would have a chance. It was an awful way of thinking, but there was no other explanation. She was as healthy as an ox.

  My brother and sister found it strange that I was even being faithful to her when I didn’t find her that attractive. I just always pride myself on being a faithful man. I saw how it broke my mother’s heart when my father would have mistress after mistress. I never wanted to put a woman through that type of pain.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Mena asked me. I’m sure my concern was written all over my face.

  “It’s my father. He is concerned that you won’t be able to produce an heir before I die. So concerned that he has decided to seek other alternatives,” I started.

  “Like what? Adoption? They will not have your blood or your-,”

  “Not adoption. He wants me to bed another woman in hopes of her giving me an heir,” I finally confessed.

  “That’s absurd! He can’t do that!” she yelled.

  “He is still a King, Mena.”

  “But…but can’t you go to the council and object to this?” she wondered.

  “I can but to go against my father is not wise. It might make matters worse. I don’t want to do this either, Mena. Bedding another woman who is not you is not my desire. You are the only woman for me. But if this is the only way to have an heir, then I must do it.” I wiped away her tears.

  “Who will the woman be? Will, the babies be mine, or-,”

  “I don’t know who she will be but just know she’s not you. They will be our babies. She is only there to bare them. That’s all. There will be no other attachment.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise,” I assured her. Leaning forward, I planted a kiss on her lips to secure my promise. “Now get some rest. I have to get back to the gathering in the ballroom. I love you, Mena,” I declared.

  “I love you more, my King.” She smiled. I blessed her with a kiss on her cheek and then I returned to the gathering.

  The Next Day…

  Rubbing my temples to preserve my nerves was not helping. The concerns of other countries were so irritating that I wanted to be head my damn self. Having assembly was not the highlight of being King. I’d rather send innocent men to prison or chop off a thief’s hand than listen to Kings from our allied countries complain. Shit was for the birds.

  “King Jakande why do you need weapons? You are the city of green. Who do you think will risk their lives to steal grass.” My father chuckled.

  “King Zuse, we have peasants just like Droga. They are stealing crops left and right. Sending them to the dungeon is not enough of an example.”

  “So, you want to kill them instead?” I quizzed.

  “Yes, I do. King Enzo does it. Why can’t I?” He reasoned.

  “Well, that’s easy. I’m a cruel and unusual man who could care less about humanity. Really, I have no sympathy at all. To add to that, I’m the ruler of Zlato, the city of gold. My country is the richest there is, so I have every reason to have weapons. People want what I have. No one wants grass.” He dryly explained.

  If I wasn’t sane, I would have stabbed him in the chest. I had much hatred for King Enzo. One wouldn’t even guess that we were good friends when we were younger. Power got ahold of him, and he changed. He became for the lack of better words, a psychopath. I wouldn’t trust him around my family let alone my pets. He was a sick man.

  “I think I should at least get a few to compensate for last nights events. Finding Prince Amir with my Queen was not only humiliating but rather uncomfortable,” King Jakande expressed.

blame me for what happened, King Wakanda-,”

  “It’s, Jakande for the hundredth time, Prince Amir,” he corrected.

  “Yea, whatever Jak Jak. She threw herself at me. She claimed you weren’t doing your job in the bedroom, so she came to me for help. I was just doing my Princely duties. Face it, King. Your wife is a whore, and I say that in the most respectable way possible.” Amir insulted.

  “Amir!” my father barked.

  “Silence!” I roared. “King Jakande you are granted weapons, but it will be limited for now. Is there anything else we need to discuss? I believe I’m developing a migraine listening to this nonsense.” I continued to rub my temples.

  “That is all, your highness,” King Jakande replied. All the other Kings had nothing else to say either.

  “Good. We will assemble next month for further request. Good day gentlemen. King Enzo.” I glared in his direction. Everyone left out the room with the exception of Enzo and my father. “Is there something you would like to discuss, King Enzo? God, I hope not,” I mumbled.

  “In fact, there is. As you know, my Queen has gone on to heaven or hell, I’m not sure which one, and I would like to take up another wife. Someone possibly here in Droga,” he requested.

  “That’s your fourth wife this year. One would think you are killing these women,” I thought as I snatched the piece of paper from his hands. I made a few minor adjustments and then handed it back to him.

  “Only in the bedroom, your highness.” He smirked.

  “Yes, well try to keep your animal instincts in control with the next one. You may wed any woman here in Droga with the exception of the women in the royal family. Just have them sign this document, and she is yours. Congratulations to you and I want to say this ahead of time, sorry for your loss.”

  “Will do, sir.” With a deadly grin, he bowed before me and made his exit. My hand returned to my temple.

  “Iman, can I have an update of the countries activity?” I asked.

  “Yes, sir. Everything seems to be moving just fine. The weapons are being sealed and delivered later on this evening. Our drugs are producing more revenue than usual. I think it’s the new herb that has everyone so…pleased. Madame’s House is even bringing in more coins than last month. The trafficking business is lacking, but we can discuss ways to increase that on a later note.”

  Droga, Africa was known for our illegal abnormal activity. People around Africa called us the country of crime. Some even called us Royal Thugs. I felt as if it was a privilege. We did just about everything that was frowned upon. From bootlegging, distribution of just about every drug, arms dealing to prostitution and women trading. I wasn’t too fond of the trading, but the rich needed workers and Africans weren’t into being sold into labor. Which is why we gathered our servants and trades from the united states. It was easier that way.

  “Now that that is done, we have other matters to discuss. Seeking you a woman to bare your heir is already in full progress. There will be no lineup. I have chosen someone already. Iman please send in my sister,” he ordered.

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “What does Aunt Madame have to do with this? She’s a Madame.” My face folded in confusion.

  “I resent that, nephew. I thought I was more than a Madame to you.” My aunt glided in lighting up the room with all of her beauty.

  “I apologize for my loose tongue Aunt Madame. I’m just not sure how you will be of assistance in this situation,” I readjusted my words respectfully.

  “Well, I can tell you that. The King has told me of your loss with yet another child. My condolences, nephew,” she offered up. “I then went on to explain to him of the events of last night’s gathering. I told him of the encounter you had with one of my ladies. Lady Bella to be specific. He was very intrigued to know that she left you… aroused.” She glanced down at my middle region.

  I wanted to deny such allegation, but I couldn’t. I was a man of honesty, or at least I tried to be. Plus, she did leave an impact on me. One that my dear Queen couldn’t even do. I don’t know what it was about her. It could have been the way she moved or how indescribable her beauty was.

  She was a cocoa complexion with Angelina Jolie type lips. She had a button like nose and mesmerizing almond-shaped brown eyes. Her long black hair reached the end of her back, and her body was curvy yet slim. I appreciated how her ass sat up on her back somewhat like a stallion. I took notice of how innocent she came off too. Maybe that’s what pulled me in.

  “See. I bet your thinking of her right now,” Aunt Madame guessed. I snapped out of my thoughts of Bella to get back focused.

  “Let’s just continue. Go back to what she has to do with all of this,” I deflected.

  “She will be the woman to bare your heir,” my father confirmed. I didn’t know whether to be offended or enthused.

  “Is this a fucking joke? She’s a lady. You want my heir to be birthed from a lady? She basically a fucking hoe. She probably can’t even produce children with all the dicks she fucked,” I spat.

  “For your information, Lady Bella is not technically a lady. I took her off the floor years ago. She only dances for men in the nude. They are not allowed to touch her, and she’s only had two johns since she’s been with me. Before that she was untouched,” she informed me.

  “In addition, she’s been checked thoroughly by our doctors, and she’s as healthy as a newborn baby. Now she doesn’t know just yet about what is soon to come. As of now, she just thinks this is the procedure for all Ladies. We even started her on herbs and rituals to make her more…fertile. We are hoping to get her to bed you within the next week or so. The herbs need to have it’s time to work,” my father finished explaining.

  “Damn, that soon?” I quizzed.

  “Yes, son that soon. You need this to happen. To make sure we have no confusion, we will have you and her sign a document. Just stating that she is to give up all her rights to the child once he or she is born to you and the Queen. She will have no say so or claim to the child. No one even has to know she’s barring your heir.”

  “Now how the fuck is that possible? She gone be pregnant and showing?” I quizzed.

  “She will move into the palace and kept in a nice suite. She will have her own servants so that they can supply her every need. Once she starts showing, she will not be allowed to leave her room until she gives birth,” Aunt Madame added.

  They had this all planned out. My father was serious about making this happen. I can’t say that I wasn’t compelled by the idea. I didn’t like the fact that I would be bedding another woman but the thought of starting a family put a smile on my face. That’s all I wanted since I became King was to become a father. It didn’t matter to me if I had a son or daughter. I just wanted children.

  “Fine,” I accepted.

  “Great! I will get the documents drawn up at once. Iman, come with me.”

  My father and Iman walked out leaving me alone with Aunt Madame. She was smiling unusually at me. “What?”

  “Nothing. Do me a favor, nephew.” She came closer to me.

  “You know you my favorite Aunty. I’ll do anything for you.” I smiled. She was, in fact, my only Aunty, but I treated her as if she was a second mother to me. She had always had my back, and she never judged me for the things I thought but never acted on.

  “Try not to fall in love,” she spoke.

  “Ha. That will be easy knowing that the shit will never happen.” I laughed.

  “You don’t know, Lady Bella.” She grinned before walking out.


  Once again, I was being bathed in essential oils and fanned with some type of oversized leaf. African decorated candles were lit, and a foul aroma escaped from them. I hated it, but I was forced to endure it. I had to drink this awful juice once a day and take pills that were made from the soil in Africa. All of it was sickening. I begged Madame to end this cruelty, but she demanded that I go through the process. Today was my last day of this and I couldn’t
be happier.

  “Good, God that smell is worse than dog poop.” I fanned my nose in disgust. “Like seriously, I’d rather smell dog poop.”

  “Oh, quiet down Bella it’s not that bad,” Madame chimed in. She was sitting on my bed with a pin to her nose.

  “Easy for you to say. You can’t smell anything.” I rolled my eyes her way. “Since today is my last day of this torture, can you tell me why you’re making me do this?” I quizzed.

  “Servants, please excuse yourselves. I can handle the rest from here.” She dismissed them, and they left. She stood up and shut the door behind them. She then came over and sat with me at the edge of the bath. Grabbing my brush, she began brushing my hair.

  “I told you that you were special. I told you that you didn’t belong here, among these ladies. I knew that you were destined for greatness,” she sang.

  “Am I finally being sent back home!” I exclaimed full of excitement.

  “Even better.”

  “What’s better than going home?” I rhetorically asked.

  The brushing stopped. Madame grabbed my towel and waited for me to stand to wrap it around me. She then helped me out the tub and sat me down on the bed. Grabbing the African oils, she began soothing my body with it.

  “What I’m about to reveal to you can never leave this room or your mouth. Understood?”

  “Yes, Madame,” I agreed.

  “For years now, the Queen has not been able to produce an heir. The doctors cannot seem to find the problem. Kings as prosperous as my nephew Adonis need an heir to the throne. Since the Queen cannot give him that, King Zuse has appointed a lady to bare Adonis’s seed.” She eyed me suspiciously.

  “What lady would be crazy enough to do that?” I giggled.

  “King Zuse appointed you as that lady,” she revealed to me.

  “WHAT?” I screeched, jumping up from the bed and loosened grip of my towel. Madame picked it up from the floor and wrapped it back around me.

  “Why do you seem upset? This is an honor.” She was talking as if this wasn’t a big deal.


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