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Captured By A Royal Thug

Page 4

by Heiress

“An honor, yea I’m sure, but I have a reason to be upset. I’ve been chosen to have the King’s baby. I don’t want kids right now. I don’t even know if I want to be a mother at my age. I’m only twenty-one, Madame,” I whined.

  “Bella, calm yourself. You will not be a mother. Your sole purpose is to give birth not raise the baby as your own. That would be absurd,” she explained as if that was any better.

  “Great. So, all I have to do is gain weight, be hormonal and push a human through my vagina and that’s all. And here I was thinking I was overacting,” I sarcastically responded.

  “See. Now you’re coming to your senses.” She smiled. She did not catch my sarcasm at all.

  “Madame, I don’t want to do this. I don’t even know the King like that. I don’t know how comfortable I feel having sex with him only to give him a baby that wouldn’t even be mine.”

  “That’s the honor it all, and I’m sorry to disappoint you, Bella, but you don’t have a choice in the matter. King Zuse has chosen you. It is a duty, and if you disobey him,, then it’s off with your head.” She dramatically took her index finger across her neck.

  “Hmmm. Let me think. Push a baby out of my vagina or lose my head? Should I rub butter on the back of my neck, so it’s easy for it to chop off!” I barked.

  “Bella now you listen here, I have done all I can to get you out of here. Suitor after suitor and all of them you have turned down. I even made this place a home for you. I took you off the floor and made you perform a more respectable job. I even gifted you with expensive jewels and garments. I treat you as if you were my own because that’s how I see you. I would never put you in danger. I’m telling you that this is an honorable thing,” she expressed dearly.

  She took my hand in hers and smiled at me. I wanted to object. I wished I could, but I knew that King Zuse was no joke. He was a stern man, and he didn’t take no for an answer. I had to do this. A part of me wanted to be brave enough to get my head chopped off. The other part wanted to do this for King Adonis. I didn’t have time to think about it. The answer was already given for me.

  “Okay,” I mumbled with my head down. “I’ll do it.”

  “Great!” Shooting to her feet, she opened my closet and pulled out a brand-new gown. It was a gold lace gown that swept the floor. It had only a ribbon that tied around the waist to keep it from opening. It seemed way too sexy for me. “This is the gown I wore when I made love to the love of my life for the first time.” She gloated.

  “You giving me your love-making hammy downs? I think not,” I declined.

  “Bella, it’s not hammy downs. I wore it once, and it had him drooling from his mouth. My nephew is already attracted to you but wearing this for him will have him standing at attention before you even disrobe.” She seemed to be so sure as she admired the gown. I too thought it had an arousing appearance.

  “So, is that why I’ve been going through all this torment? To get me ready for this?”

  “Yes. Everything that you have eaten drank, smelled, and bathed in is all to make you more fertile. Multiple babies run in our bloodline, so you might get lucky with more than one. I’m seeing the number three for some reason.”

  “Well, I hope it’s the number poops I plan on taking because that’s the only thing I want to come out of me in multiples,” I sassed.

  “Don’t sass, Bella. It’s unbecoming of a lady like you. Now you have time to spare before you are summoned to King Zuse. There you will sign a few documents and then you will be escorted to King Adonis’s room. While you wait, I have surprised you with company.” She smiled widely.

  Just then, Leah and Twan popped up in the doorway. “Leah! Twan! Oh, my God!” I jumped up to hug them both.

  “I’ll leave you three to chatter. Remember, Bella. Not a word of this.” She eyed me before leaving out my room and shutting the door behind her.

  “What’s so top secret that you can’t tell us?” Leah asked.

  “Can’t my ass. You know she gone tell us. She can’t keep a secret to save her damn life.” Twan cackled.

  “I actually do need to keep this secret to save my life, but I don’t know if I can keep it from you two.”

  “Then spill it. What’s the tea?” Leah quizzed, pouncing on my bed. I went to go sit next to her and Twan joined us.

  “I just found out that I have to give birth to the King’s heir,” I revealed.

  “What?” they both spoke in unison.

  “They making you fuck, Adonis?” Twan was so vulgar with his words.

  “In a lack of better words, yes. The Queen can’t produce so I have to do it for her. The baby isn’t going to be mine though. I’m just birthing it,” I explained further. “I agreed to do it, but I don’t know if I can go through with it,” I doubted.

  “The hell you can’t. This might be our exit plan,” Twan chimed in.

  “How is this going to help us get out of here?”

  “Because Bella your about to have the King’s baby. You will be treated like royalty. On top of that, you will be close to the King. You can talk him into letting you leave,” Leah contributed.

  “And if he ain’t trying to let you go, you can steal the maps of Droga, and we can get out ourselves. We can steal a car and be out this bitch. I know they got some secret tunnels and boats. This could work. Not only that, if you do this, they give you your own people. They need you, so you can demand that they let you pick your servant and guard. Me and Leah. That way we can be together all the time now.”

  They were both making really good points. I didn’t even think of that. I could use this as an excuse to get out of here. I got overjoyed just thinking about our escape.

  “I guess operation escape is in full effect.” I grinned.

  “Hell yeah. I’m gone miss the African pussy, but I’m sure I can find me an off-brand African bitch in America.” Leah and I both fell out in a fit of laughter. Twan had to be both of our favorite person in the world. We talked it up for about an hour or so before I had to leave to go to the palace. Madame was with me. She said she was going to make sure that I was well taken care of.

  When we entered the assembly room, I grew nervous. King Zuse, Queen Akeena, Prince Amir, King Adonis, and Queen Mena were sitting at a round table. The entire royal family was present with the exception of the princess. I wondered why she was never around. I felt like a gold fish in a bowl the way they all stared at me. Queen Mena gave me the coldest stare of them all. I could tell she was not pleased about this.

  “Family, I present to you, Lady Bella,” Madame introduced me.

  “Your highness,” I spoke, bowing my head in a curtsy.

  “We won’t be long, Lady Bella. Just a few things to go over before you and my son retire to his chamber.” King Zuse wore a grin on his face that seemed mischievous. He stood to his feet with a long scroll in his hand.

  “Here are the orders and demands. Lady Bella, tonight you will be bedding my son, King Adonis in hopes of creating an heir. You will tell no one of this. Once you are pregnant, you will move into the royal palace where you will be monitored daily. Once you began showing, you will not be allowed to leave your room. For any reason at all,” he sternly spoke.

  “You will have no association with the child. Your rights will be surrendered. Your sole purpose is to carry the child to birth. The outside world will know the child to be from Queen Mena. Is there anything you don’t understand or request?” he asked.

  “Uh, yes. I was wondering if I was going to have servants and guards and stuff? You know, once I move into the palace.”

  “Yes, you will have all the luxury of servants and guards. Why? Do you wish to have something more like fine jewelry?”

  “Or perhaps better garments.” I heard Queen Mena snicker. King Adonis shot her an unapproving glare, and she quickly shut up.

  “No, I don’t want all that. I just wanted to be able to choose my servant and guard. I only want one of each. If that’s okay with you.”

  “Are you sure you do
n’t want anything else? You are birthing the next heir to the throne. You can have whatever you desire.”

  I wanted to blurt out that I desired not to do this, but I didn’t want to risk getting my head chopped right here and now. “No, that is all.”

  “Well then, shall I have your signature on the documents?” He extended a pen to me. I walked up closer to him and took the pen in my hand. I started to read the document, but he stopped me. “No need to read it dear. All that I said is summed up.” His grin seemed wicked, but I wasn’t in the place to argue with the King. I just simply signed my name. King Zuse past the scroll around and each member of the royal family signed it as well.

  “We done here? Cook Maxi is awaiting my company in the kitchen. She trying to eat some sausage tonight.” Prince Amir smirked.

  “Good, God son. Have you no shame? Cook Maxi is over sixty years of age.”

  “Come on, father. The older the berry, the sweeter the juice.” He bit the corner of his lip

  “The saying is the blacker, the berry the sweeter the juice, Amir.” King Adonis shook his head. I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

  “Well, Lady Bella seems to be darker than your Queen. Does that make her juices sweeter?” he taunted.

  “You lucky I’m not armed, or I would fuck you up,” King Adonis swore. I had never heard him curse before. The words rolled off his tongue so naturally, and I found myself enticed.

  “Nah, save that energy brother. You need to worry about fucking, Lady Bella up tonight.” He winked at me as he walked out of the room. I could see why they desperately wanted an heir. Leaving Droga in the hands of Amir was apocalyptic.

  “I apologize for my brother’s behavior, Lady Bella. He is not well in the head,” he commented.

  “It’s fine. At least there is one brother who’s well headed,” I complimented. His eyes rose to mine, and a slight smile appeared on his face. I could tell he was flattered. Queen Mena caught a glimpse of it and excused herself from the table. She walked towards me as if she was on a mission.

  “You may have him for the night, but he belongs to me forever. Remember that, Lady Bella,” she quipped, raising a brow to me before leaving the room.

  “Madame come sit with your sister in law and chat. May God favor you tonight, Lady Bella,” Queen Akeena blessed me with a smile.

  “Forget favor. May you experience the best orgasm of your youthful life,” Madame whispered to me, and I couldn’t help but snicker. She hugged me, and we said our goodbyes. King Zuse walked passed me without a word said. I was starting to see why so many people hated him.

  It was just me and King Adonis in the room now. Alone.

  “So… am I waiting for you to throw all the books off the table and toss me on it or are we going to your room?” I playfully asked for humor purposes only. Though, I wouldn’t attest if he did actually throw me on the table.

  “Are you of interest in roughness such as that?” he quizzed. His voice only made me want him even more.

  “I only have two men I have experienced, and they didn’t last long enough for me to figure that out,” I kidded. He laughed, and I felt relieved. I didn’t want my humor to offend him. I was trying not to come off as boring because I was younger than him.

  “Good thing I know my way around a woman’s body. I’m sure I’ll find out what you like by the end of the night,” he flirted. I could only glow in return. “Shall we retire to my room?” he asked.

  “Yes, your grace.” He opened the door for me, and we walked together down the long hall to his room. “I thought no one could find out about this? Don’t you think they will draw their suspicions seeing us together?”

  “I doubt it. It is forbidden to walk these halls at this time of night unless you are summoned by me. I have retired everyone to bed early. No one will see us,” he assured me. When we got to his room, he was a gentleman and opened the door for me to enter first.

  The sight was like no other. It was dark, but there were candles lit all around which made it shimmer with blinks of light. Flower petals coated the floor. It was so romantic that I felt special even though I knew this was somewhat of a transaction.

  “This is beautiful,” I gasped.

  “I’m happy you like it. I didn’t want you to feel as though you were just being used for my heir. I wanted this night to be of somewhat remembrance to you.”

  My face was flushed as I traced my fingers over his hand-carved canopy bed. I then ran my hand across his thick, soft comforter. It felt so good I wanted to just jump in the bed and swim in the fur. Looking over my shoulder, I watched as Adonis poured wine into a glass. He then walked over to where I was and handed it to me.

  “I can tell your nervous. This might ease you.”

  I didn’t even try and be all cute and sip it. I took it to the head. My nerves were all over the place. Adonis began to laugh at me. “Either you were thirsty, or you really are nervous.”

  “I’m nervous. I don’t want this to be just a transaction between us. I want to share a moment with you. I want to leave you satisfied, but I don’t believe I can.” I dropped my head. I felt as if I was too young and too inexperienced for a man like Adonis. He was so much more mature than me. In bed that is.

  Hooking my chin, he lifted my head. “You managed to satisfy me by simply showing me your talent at the gathering last week. I’m sure you’ll leave me satisfied tonight,” he assured me. Taking the glass from my hands, he sat it on the nearby table. Running his hand through my thick hair, he tugged on it, yanking my head back. His head bent down and kissed the nape of my neck. I gasp at the sensation it gave me in between my legs.

  He kissed and sucked on my neck gently before biting down. My hands found his waist, and I caressed his body from underneath his shirt. His abs were so defined, I could wash clothes on them. I clawed at his skin as he continued to entice me. His tongue curled up to my ear, and he sucked on my lobe. A soft moan escaped my mouth.

  “Just for tonight, your mine. Your body belongs to me. Every inch of this shit. Especially this.” His hand cupped my vagina, and he palmed me ever so gently. Juices poured down my legs as he massaged my clit in his hand.

  “Unngh. Adonis,” I softly moaned, trying to remain as quiet as I could.

  “I’m King to you,” he whispered in my ear before he bit down on it. His hand began to move faster, and my legs started to shake. I could feel an overwhelming yet pleasurable wave overcoming me. “Tell me when you’re about to cum, Lady Bella,” he ordered.

  His fingers drew circles around my love button and I began to twitch. His rhythm became more rapid and I almost lost control of my legs. King Adonis held me up by my waist. Just when I thought I couldn’t bear another moment of this, he entered me with two fingers and curled them upward. It was like he was digging for my G- spot. I could hear the squishy sound my vagina was making as he feverously fingered me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was about to explode.

  “Oh, God! King…King Adonis,” I breathed, holding on to his waist. “I’m about cum. Oh, God! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I screamed to the top of my lungs as I felt a release. It was like I had fireworks going off inside my vagina. It was the best feeling I had ever felt.

  Adonis pushed me back into the nearby wall. The impact alone was going to leave a bruise, but I was too hot and bothered to focus on the pain. “Take that shit off,” he ordered, and I did as I was told. Again, I stood before him naked. For a moment, he admired my body. It was pure lust in his eyes. His eyes then lowered to my nipples.

  With the back of his fingers, he grazed them. My body shivered at his warm touch. Roughly, he grabbed my breast and put it to his mouth. His lips swiped across my nipple before he stuck his tongue out and licked it. It was like my body was being electrocuted. I had never had my breast sucked on, so this sensation was something different. I enjoyed it. Once he was done teasing me, he dropped to his knees and lifted my leg over his shoulder.

  “King Adonis… what are you doing?” I breathed, star
ing down at him.

  “I want to see if this pussy is sweeter than the Queens. Watch me.” I couldn’t even protest before his lips were wrapped around my clit. I tried to grab a hold of something to secure my composure, but there was nothing. So, I placed my hands on the back of his head, hoping I didn’t overstep any boundaries. “Push me further inside,” he spoke from down below. I did as he said, and I nearly cried when I felt his tongue inside of me.

  “Ungh! Oh…Oh, God! King…King,” I moaned, gripping his head tighter.

  “What, Lady Bella? Tell me how it feels.”

  “It feels so…so good. Oooooh!” I cried out. I didn’t even care if anyone could hear me. I couldn’t help but scream. The pleasure I was receiving from the King was like no other. As he feasted on me, I felt my soul slowly slipping away. The way he chewed, sucked and licked me was so skillful I was sure he had a degree in eating pussy. I was getting that overwhelming feeling again. My body went into convulsions, and my breathing got heavier.

  “Don’t cum until you tell me,” he mumbled, allowing his voice to vibrate on my clit.

  “I’m cumming! King, I’m cumming!” I bellowed. I could hear my own echo bounce off the walls. It didn’t make it no better that Adonis kept slurping me up like a seven eleven icee. He made sure he didn’t miss a drop. Slowly, he emerged from in between my legs. A sexy grin grew on his face.

  “What?” I wondered why he was grinning.

  “That pussy is sweeter.” He licked his mouth and then held his bottom lip in between his teeth. This man should have been forbidden because of how much sex appeal he possessed. “Can I kiss you?” he asked as if I was going to decline him sticking his tongue down my throat.

  I nodded my head giving him permission.

  His hand wrapped around the back of my neck and he pressed his lips on top of mine. A spark struck. It was like when you walk around the house with socks on and touch something and get shocked. I don’t know if he felt it, but he didn’t let that stop him. Our tongues mingled and danced together to a song we both had playing in our heads. I wanted to savor this moment as I sucked on his bottom lip. A low grunt escaped his mouth.


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