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Templar Vampires 02 - The Daystar

Page 13

by Lyons, Rene

  Once Tristan told them the plan, Constantine had gone with him when he left. With the sun taking over the night sky, he’d needed to retreat to the safety of his own chamber. Lex would have gladly gone with him, but he hadn’t asked and she hadn’t offered. Besides, there was much she had needed to do today and not much time to get it done. So, with one last hard kiss, he left her. Lex was about ready to go to sleep when Allie came bursting in a moment later.

  Allie gave her a fierce hug and a kiss to the forehead before she was forced to race from the room lest she be caught by the rays of the coming dawn. Once alone, Lex climbed into bed, not even bothering to put clothes on. She curled into a tight ball beneath the covers and wept with fear and hopelessness ripped from the depths of her soul.

  When she woke sometime in the early afternoon, Lex had a better handle on her emotions. She showered and dressed before going to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Since it was Friday, Anne wasn’t home. Today was her weekly trip to town to run errands. Alone, as she usually was during the day, Lex went back to her room to begin packing for their trip. She doubted she’d come back from this journey.

  As Lex packed, she was oddly calm. In between her memories of last night and the thorough way Constantine had rid her of her virginity, she came to accept her inevitable death. She could handle death, since she more or less knew what might come after. Heaven. Peace. Seeing Christian. Those were not things to be feared, but anticipated. It was leaving behind Allie, Constantine and the other Templars that had tears running rivulets down her cheeks as she folded her clothes and laid them in the suitcase.

  Also, the possibility of being transformed into pure energy wasn’t one Lex was looking forward to. She’d rather meet her death than face such a fate. But that was something she couldn’t think of now. If she did she’d lose herself to her fear, and she couldn’t afford to let happen. There would be time enough in the coming weeks to wallow in fear.

  Since they were leaving early in the morning, doing most of the ground travel by day to avoid confrontations with any renegades who might track them, Lex didn’t have time to prepare. Knowing this night might be the last one she had with them, Lex wanted to spend as much of it with her family as possible.

  With night creeping ever closer, Lex wondered if Constantine was awake yet. If he was, she wished he’d talk to her. She was lonely, and after last night, a bit unsure of herself.

  Constantine had been true to his word and given her one hell of a ride. Her body was sore today, making her feel like nine miles of bad road, but it had been well worth it. The things Constantine had done with her and the way he made her feel, Lex had almost been able to imagine what being loved by him would be like. Almost.

  Today, the harsh light of reality chased away any fanciful musings. Though she loved him, Lex suffered no delusions about Constantine returning the sentiment. He wasn’t the sort of man who could give his heart away. Oh, she knew he liked her well enough. But love? She wasn’t going to fool herself into believing Constantine felt the same. To go down that road would leave her devastated in the end. Lex had enough to worry about without adding to it by trying to fight that losing battle.

  Lex finished packing and realized there wasn’t anything left for her to do until the next morning. After she showered and got ready to go, some last minute items would get packed. Tristan had assured her the Order would provide anything else she might need once she got to England.

  The thought of being surrounded by the formidable women of the Order of the Rose terrified her. After all the things the Templars had said about them, Lex wasn’t looking forward to spending the coming weeks in the home of Isobel of Lowel, who’d held the castle for more centuries than Lex was comfortable contemplating.

  They were to stay at Lowel Castle until Halloween—or Samhain as Tristan referred to it. On that night the First would join them at the castle and perform the ritual that might (and the “might” was stressed a bit too much for Lex’s peace of mind) save her from either being transformed into a being of energy or killed.

  At the knock at her door, Lex glanced at the window. There was no need to have a repeat incident of a nearly fried vampire. She walked to the door, hoping it was Constantine, but not expecting it to be. After all, he’d been silent in her mind all day. True, he’d probably slept most of the day, but he was known to torment her more often than not by “talking” to her throughout the day while shut away in his chamber.

  Lex had the distinct impression he liked having someone to talk to as a means to help get through the long day. It hadn’t taken her long after she came to live here to realize Constantine passed much of the days drifting in and out of sleep. When he woke, he’d talk to her, his voice a resounding rumble in her mind, until he fell back to sleep. She liked when he talked to her, or rather, she did most of the talking and Constantine did most of the listening. Lex had the feeling that his nightmares tormented him while he slept, which was why he never stayed asleep for too long. And, she had an even better feeling that her talking to him helped to chase away whatever memories haunted his dreams.

  When she pulled open the door and saw it was Constantine, Lex was more than mildly surprised to see him. She was downright shocked.

  He looked gorgeous as usual, dressed in black, with one of his signature sarcastic tees on—this one read, Crazy enough to kill (smart enough to get away with it). She wondered if he owned any pants that didn’t have chains hanging from them. Not that she minded, since his Goth-god get-ups suited him perfectly.

  His hair was damp and messy, the glossy black of it such a sharp contrast to his pale complexion. The way he was staring at her made her ache to throw her arms around him. Instead she settled for a shyly whispered “hello.”

  Lex was pleasantly shocked when Constantine grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. His chin came to rest on the top of her head. “You’re well?”

  Constantine’s concern touched her. “I’m fine.”

  Lex sighed and melted into him when he began to stroke her hair. “I was... worried.”

  Though she hadn’t known Constantine for that long, Lex knew it must have taken much for him to admit such to her. Anger, he was good at. The more tender of emotions? Not so much.

  “I’m just a little achy. Other than that, I feel fine.”

  “That’s not what I was worried about.”

  Lex pulled away from him and frowned. “Then what else... Oh.” He meant the business about the Daystar. “I’m dealing with it.” She turned and moved back to the bed. She didn’t realize Constantine followed her until his back pressed against her and his arms came around her. He took hold of her hands, stopping her from lifting the suitcase.

  “I’ve got it.”

  He stepped away and Lex wanted to drag him right back to where he’d been. He set the suitcase on the floor before giving her his full attention. Lex bristled under the intensity of his stare and looked away. When he placed a finger under her chin and forced her gaze back to his face, she chewed her bottom lip. She hated his blank expression and wished he’d betray a hint of what was going on in his mind.

  “After last night I’m surprised you’re in one piece.”

  Oh, he was a cocky one, wasn’t he? Although, he was right, Lex grudgingly admitted. “So am I.”

  “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you, but I don’t know any other way.”

  That sounded an awful lot like an apology, or as close to one as Constantine might get. Lex was having none of that since there was nothing to apologize for. He’d been as careful with her as was physically possible. “I told you last night that I was tougher than I look and I meant it.”

  His black brows drew together in a frown as he sniffed at the air around her. “Then why the fuck do I smell blood on you.”

  Lex swore she turned about seven shades of red. How could he smell that? She’d taken a shower when she first woke and saw blood smeared on her thighs. She’d been expecting that, since she knew virgins bled. Such a happenin
g was simply a fact of life, especially given how—large—Constantine was. “I hate those vampire senses of yours. Not to mention the telepathy.”

  Ignoring her declaration, Constantine grabbed her by the arms and dragged her to him. He leaned in close and gave her a good sniff. “Why didn’t you tell me I’d hurt you?”

  “It was inevitable, Constantine.” He gave her a furious glare, as if she had deliberately withheld some bit of vital information from him. When he didn’t grasp her meaning, Lex let out a dramatic sigh. “I was a virgin and virgins bleed the first time. Didn’t you know that?”

  Now how the fuck would he have known that? He knew nothing of virgins other than to avoid them at all costs. So no, he’d not realized all virgins bled. He wouldn’t have touched her if he’d known that.

  His insides twisted sickly knowing he’d hurt her. He might be a mean son-of-bitch, but when it came to Lex things were—different. He was different. “Was there much blood?”

  “No. Not much at all.”

  Constantine knew her lie for what it was. Lex couldn’t lie worth a damn. One of these days he’d have to tell her of that fact—but not yet. For now, he liked being able to tell her bullshit from the truth.

  As much as he tried not to imagine it, he was nearly put low by the vision of her virgin’s blood. It made him remember those nights when his own legs had been smeared with blood and his cries muffled in his hands as he fought to be strong—as he fought to be a dragon.

  Lex’s chamber dissolved around him and Constantine was back at Greaves Castle. Once again, he was a scared boy cowering in the corner. His body broken and his soul destroyed, in those desperate moments after he’d suffered the worst of atrocities.

  Though centuries separated then and now, Constantine still smelled Chambers’ rank breath. That bastard’s clammy touch was still on him. If he could he’d go back in time and kill the bastard all over again.


  The memory vanished when his gaze settled on Lex. She reached out and ran her hands over his bare arms. Her energy shot through him, warming him. “I’m fine, Lex.”

  Fine. Hell, Constantine hadn’t been fine since he was old enough to realize his own parents couldn’t stomach him. Yet, Lex seemed to like him. She even claimed to love him, and as hard as it was for him to believe such a thing, he knew she believed it.

  If he were being honest with himself, he liked her right back. For once in his existence, Constantine wished he knew how to love.

  Last night he’d laid claim to Lex and Constantine would dare anyone to try to take her from him—even God.

  When she went up on her tiptoes and ran her fingers across his forehead, Constantine had to fight against the need to close his eyes and lean into her gentle touch.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what goes on in your head?”

  “Trust me, Lex, you don’t want my thoughts. Hell, I don’t even want them.”

  Lex trailed her fingers down his scar. Instinctively, Constantine wanted to pull away but didn’t. He hated the scar. Hated everything it reminded him of. “I won’t demand you tell me about your past.” She placed a feather-light kiss on his lips and he could have sworn his heart kicked a single beat. “But I hope the time will come when you trust me enough to confide in me.”

  Constantine doubted the night would ever come when he shared his shame with her. He couldn’t bear for her to know the things he’d lived through—the things he’d been too weak to prevent. She could never know what had gone on within the walls of Greaves Castle. Those were his own dark demons and he’d not have her suffer them as well.

  As much as Constantine wanted to believe he kissed Lex to distract him from his memories, the truth was, he kissed her because he couldn’t resist the invitation of her lips. When she’d touched her mouth to his tenderly, it had whetted his appetite for more.

  The soft sigh she breathed into his mouth when he put his arms around her was music to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tightly, as if the very last thing she wanted was to ever let him go.

  As his body grew hard for her and the scent of Lex’s desire filled him, Constantine knew if he didn’t stop this he’d slip past the edge of reason and take her again. Her body wouldn’t be able to handle him twice in two nights. The lingering scent of blood convinced him of that.

  Constantine went to pull away but Lex stopped him by tightening her hold on him. “No,” she whispered. “Don’t go.”

  “Lex, we can’t do this now. You can’t.”

  “Yes we can.” She let go of his waist and fisted both hands in his hair. She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him for all she was worth.

  Her passion pushed Constantine to his breaking point. He needed her so badly that if Michael himself stepped between them, he’d battle the archangel for this time alone with her.

  Needed. Not wanted. He was well past wanting Lex. His need for her transcended anything and everything. She was his and he’d damn well show her what it meant to be his woman.

  It was a long while before they joined the others in the hall, and when they finally made it down, Constantine had done exactly as he’d set out to do. He left no doubt in Lex’s mind just what it meant to be loved by a dragon.

  * * *

  The Hallowed was coming to England.

  What an unexpected, and most welcome, turn of events.

  To celebrate this news, Julian had retreated to the tower room. The chamber was where he committed his most depraved acts. Here, no sunlight would touch him since he’d long since stoned the arrow-slit windows closed. The protection from the rays of the sun allowed him to continue on with his pleasures long after day broke. Eyeing the naked female, chained and cowering in the corner, he smiled as he contemplated all the ways he’d use her to sate his needs and expend his joy at this fortuitous turn of events.

  Toying with his cell phone—dreadful things, phones, even if they did serve their purpose—Julian reclined on the bed. He watched the young woman, frail in her humanity and exquisite in her fear, weeping softly. He’d rather not have to kill her so soon after finding her, but he’d already been rather rough with her and he knew she wouldn’t be able to take much more.

  And he had much planned for her this night.

  With the news that Lexine was coming to Wiltshire, the tension plaguing Julian for the last weeks dissolved. That the girl was leaving the fold of the Templars pleased him greatly, even if he still had many obstacles to overcome to gain possession of her. At least she’d be here, where he’d be a stone’s throw away from her at any given time.

  Of course, Constantine Draegon would be with her, but one Templar was no match for ten renegades. The infamous, and much feared, Dragon would fall beneath the might of Julian’s men and he would drain the Hallowed to her last drop. And then he’d be unstoppable and crush any vampires who dared to try and stand in his way as he brought mankind to heel.

  As much as he was loath to admit it, he’d have never gotten this far without the aid of his lover. She’d risked all to deliver to him information over the years.

  Never one to take an unnecessary risk, the threat of failure was always a possibility and Julian made sure there were others willing to clean up any mess she might make of things. After all, she did so like to please him and in her haste there were times when she’d come dangerously close to being discovered.

  When the girl shifted upon the icy floor, Julian was brought back to the present and his body hardened at the sight of her smooth flesh streaked with blood. He’d already tasted her and wanted more. Wanted all of her until he took all she had to give. And then he’d take more.

  He’d take her soul and prevent her from going to God.

  Julian reveled in what he’d become. He’d never shied away from the things he’d had to do to in order to survive. He wondered how he’d suffered all the years of his life bowing down in servitude to a God he’d stopped believing in long before he gave himself to the night.

bsp; There was a time when Julian was a devoted follower of the Christian God. A monk, he’d lived in a time even before the Templars and he’d worshipped God when most of the world still prayed to sheep and sacrificed humans. By the time he’d reached the age of three and twenty, he’d given up on a God who allowed His children to be slaughtered by the creatures that dwelled in the shadows of the night.

  He’d sought out those monsters and begged them to take his life and give him something so much more.

  They had. They’d given him eternity.

  And now, nine centuries later, Julian stood on the threshold of absolute power. Once he possessed the Daystar’s power, he’d take down the powerful Templars and the Order of the Rose. He’d send them to Hell where they belonged and take his place as the leader of the armies of the night.

  When Julian moved upon the bed the girl whimpered. How he loved the sound of a human’s fear.

  He rose from the bed and went to her. The red-haired beauty scrambled across the floor and pressed herself against the damp stone wall. Her blue eyes were filled with dread as he reached out to finger a long, silken lock of her hair. She reminded him of a comely Scottish wench he’d known long ago. The woman’s broken prayers, whispered in her thick brogue, put a smile on his lips. His body burned to take her, but he refrained. He wanted to savor this night, for he knew it would be his last with her.


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