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Templar Vampires 02 - The Daystar

Page 14

by Lyons, Rene

  Her long, lean body bore the evidence of his affection for her. His bite marks marred the perfection of her flesh. Purple bruises darkened her thighs where’d he’d held her a bit too roughly as he taken blood from her. The sight of what he’d done to her heightened his need. He was forced to press a hand to his erection as he fought for the control he needed to make it through this night. By the gods, he was close to spilling himself before he was even inside of her.

  Given her rapid heartbeat and rasping breaths, the girl knew she was nearing her final hour. He bit back a groan at the spasm of desire that shot through him at the thought of her fear. He licked his lips, remembering the taste of her blood and the feel of it as it slid down his throat.

  He stepped to her and wiped a tear from her cheek. Julian brought it to his mouth and licked the salty drop from the tip of his finger, savoring it. She whimpered again and he knew he was lost.

  Taking hold of her arm, Julian hauled her up against him. She gasped, too weak to fight him. She wept harder, the sound orgasmic. “That’s it, sweetheart. Cry for me.”

  Like a good girl, she did.

  Since the chain attached to the manacle around her ankle was long enough, he didn’t have to release her in order to toss her onto the bed. She hit it hard before trying to scramble away. He caught her by the ankles and pulled her down to where he wanted her.

  Julian rid himself of his clothes and climbed atop her. He bared his fangs and she let out a piercing cry that fed his sadistic need to hurt her. “I’m going to send you to God. Isn’t that what you want? To go home to your Lord?”

  The girl shook her head. “I don’t want to die.”

  “None of us do, and yet death comes to take us all.”

  “Oh God, please don’t hurt me anymore.”

  Julian closed his eyes, his erection painful as she begged for her life. He had to cover her mouth to keep her from saying more. He didn’t want to spend himself before he took her. He had to know the feel of her body tightening around him when he came inside of her.

  He opened his eyes and took in the exquisite sight of her crying beneath him. “I’m only going to hurt you once more.” He leaned down low to whisper in her ear. “Then it will all be over. I’m going to show you your God.”

  A wrenching cry came from her when Julian removed his hand from her mouth. Her body began to tremble beneath him. He smoothed her glorious mass of red hair away from her face. The sight of her tears was driving him to madness. He’d not be able to last much longer if she continued with her delightful struggles.

  He ran a tongue over his fangs and lips, preparing for the pain he was about to cause himself. The agony was always worth it when he played this particular game. It was the ultimate insult to a God Julian no longer had a use for.

  “I’m going to show you what happens when Evil prays.”

  The girl tried to kick out but he easily held her. Her futile fight incited his desire, which was why his cock ached and grew as it pressed against the warm opening of her body.

  A smile twisted his lips as he stared down at his victim and Julian began to say the Lord’s Prayer.

  “Our Father, Who art in Heaven.”

  The pain came, sharp and intense. He held back a growl as it cut through his mouth and throat.

  “Hallowed be Thy name.”

  Smoke wafted from his mouth as the hallowed words burned his tongue. The back of his throat felt as if molten lava poured down it. His fangs ached as the tissue around them began to bleed.

  “Thy kingdom come.”

  His lips cracked and bled. His palate dripped blood, landing on his tongue to mix with his saliva. It trickled from his mouth and down his chin.

  Still, Julian pressed on.

  “Thy will be done.”

  She released a musical scream when the rest of his mouth began to bleed. The blood dripped from his mouth and onto her face and neck. When it dropped into her mouth, she sputtered and tried to spit it out. He smiled, blood filling his mouth at the feel of her struggling for her life beneath him.

  “On Earth as it is in Heaven.”

  The girl scratched and clawed at him, her screams filling his ears sweeter than a chorus of angels. Through a haze of pain he gazed down at the sight of his blood coating her. He groaned and nearly entered her then.

  “And forgive us our trespasses.”

  His tongue and throat were now burnt raw. Blood poured from his mouth. Violent tremors rocked him as agony shot through him. Still, Julian pressed on. He’d finish this. He’d bring this perfect moment to completion.

  “As we forgive those who trespass against us.”

  He thought about forgiveness for a breath of a moment. He’d known it in his life. As a monk he’d lived by all of God’s laws. He’d wasted his years abstaining from all of life’s pleasures in his twisted belief in a God who preached forgiveness and love and yet remained detached as His children suffered. He had no use for God’s forgiveness. He made his own rules now. And made damn sure he enjoyed his death to the fullest. As he was doing this night with his beautiful victim.

  “And lead us not into temptation.”

  Finally the girl stilled in her fight. He sensed her spirit take flight and knew her sanity had slipped. Yet her soul remained. He’d rip it from her and keep it, trapping her with him until he decided to release her to God.

  “But deliver us from evil. Amen.”

  This torturous game was one he loved to play, but one he couldn’t do often for obvious reasons. It would take nights before his mouth was completely healed.

  There was something satisfying to him about the embodiment of sin praying over the innocent. It was an abomination and he relished the insult to God and his victim’s horror as he tortured them.

  As he pushed himself into the girl’s body, Julian sank his fangs deep into her neck. He took her body and her blood, leaving her soul for last. And once he’d torn it from her, he left her in the tower for his men to dispose of.

  With dawn fast approaching, Julian retreated to his solar. There, he ran his hands down his bloody chest. The stolen soul he took within his body thundered with life. It made him wonder what the Hallowed’s lifeforce would feel like inside if him—what her power would feel like running through him.

  Soon, he’d find out.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lowel Castle rose up from behind a massive wall to almost touch the sky. The crenellated keep was everything Seacrest was not. Though every bit the ancient fortress, there was something less hostile about it. And though it could never be called “inviting”, the sight of it didn’t frighten Lex as she thought it would.

  Lex eyed the four armed guards manning the massive gatehouse as the car carrying her passed under the iron gate of the main entrance. She didn’t miss that they were strapped with both guns and swords.

  Sandwiched between two beefy—and human—bodyguards, Lex tuned them out as they droned on and on about Lowel Castle. It was obvious they were proud to serve the women of the Order of the Rose.

  As much as she wanted to learn everything she could about the Order and the place she’d be forced to call home for the next month or so, she couldn’t handle having it all thrown at her in a hailstorm of words.

  Once in the bailey, Lex was disappointed to see that time had reduced the inner buildings to rubble. Sadly, all that remained besides the keep was a small stone circle set in the center of the courtyard. The starkness of the castle made Lex wonder what it must have looked like back in its day—which preceded even William the Conqueror’s conquest of England, or so her talkative protectors informed her.

  As they drove past the circle, Lex leaned forward and peered around one of the bodyguards, Angus. The brawny Scot took up most of the window, which was why she found herself leaning on his thigh in order to get a good look at the stones. Only when Angus grinned awkwardly did Lex realize she was practically lying across his lap. She sat back, blushing, but at least she’d been able to glimpse the stones. They were
beautiful, decorated as they were with strange and mystical symbols.

  As a matter of fact, everything about Lowel Castle had a supernatural feel to it. When they drove under the gate, it was as if they’d passed into another realm. The feeling had come and gone, the armed guards standing sentry atop the wall-walk gaining her full attention and driving away the shudder that had passed through her.

  Lex wished Constantine were with her instead of following behind in a truck large enough to accommodate the crate he was forced to travel in. The only reprieve he’d had from the confines of the crate was in the plane. Down in the cargo hold, where no sunlight could touch him, Constantine had been able to escape his coffin-like prison.

  Away from the watchful eyes of her guards, in the hold was also where Lex and Constantine became the newest members of the mile-high club.

  While the others were above, finding mundane ways to pass the time during the long flight, Constantine had made sure not an inch of Lex’s body went undiscovered by his hands and mouth. By the time they’d arrived at Heathrow Airport, she had given back to Constantine every bit of bodily worship he’d given to her. And though she began the trip none-too-skilled in the sex department, when they’d reached their destination, Lex could’ve taught a class on the subject.

  When the driver stopped the car before the grand entrance of the keep, Finn, her other bodyguard, had to coax her out of the backseat when she retreated further into the car. “Come, Lexine, there is naught to fear.”

  Taking his offered hand, Lex stepped from the car. The flood of sunlight felt wonderful. It rejuvenated her lagging spirit and lent her the strength to face the coming night.

  She turned and watched the truck come to a stop behind the car. The driver and passenger both jumped down from the cab and went to the back. They slammed open the doors and Lex hurried toward Constantine. Finn’s grip stopped her. She scowled at him and went to pull away.

  “We must get you inside. Lady Isobel awaits you.”

  Well, she can just keep on “awaiting”.

  Angus came to stand by her side. Lex struggled not to be intimidated by these hulking brutes. She wasn’t used to standing up for herself or fighting back. With Allie for an older sister she’d never had to until recently. Left to her own devices, Lex leveled what she hoped was one hell of a glare at Finn. “I’d rather stay with Constantine.”

  “Yes, you would, but you must understand the veil of protection is strongest within the walls of the keep.”

  She was sure it was. That didn’t change the fact that she wanted to stay with Constantine. Lex knew she was being ridiculous. After all, she was going to be just a few feet away from him. She’d had a hell of a week and only wanted to be near the one person in this terrifying world who offered her a sense of safety.

  Besides, she didn’t trust these people and all it would take was one careless mishap—or a timely placed “accident” and Constantine would burn. Not that Lex assumed she’d be able to stop any such thing from happening, but as long as she was there she had to think they’d be a bit more careful in their handling of him. They couldn’t plead an accident with her watchful eye on them.

  When Finn tried to drag her into the keep, blabbering on about it being for her own good, Lex dug her heels into the dirt. Angus took hold of her other arm and the both of them forced her to move. The roar that came from with the crate stilled their efforts. They released her arms and Lex couldn’t resist giving them one hell of a smug look.

  “Like I said, I’ll stay out here with Constantine.”

  “Get the fuck inside the keep, woman. Now.”

  Constantine’s furious shout came muffled from inside the crate. Defeated in her stand to remain with Constantine, Lex cocked a brow and straightened her spin. “Fine. But if they accidentally open your crate and you fry, it can never be said I didn’t try to stop it.”

  She gave the two strapping men about to begin to get the crate out of the truck the hairy eyeball. Not that it did any good. They weren’t paying her any mind.

  Lex turned to the keep. She didn’t want to go in there without Constantine. She was scared and as much as she wanted to make sure his transfer from truck to keep went smoothly, she needed him by her side as she stepped into a world that downright terrified her.

  “Will you come now, milady?”

  Did she really have a choice?

  This time, when Finn extended his hand to her, Lex took it. Angus walked by her side as they approached the keep. She wondered if he wasn’t there in case she decided to fight again. Well, she wouldn’t. She might not fear Constantine. But she’d sure as hell respect him, especially in front of these creatures. Once she had him alone it would be a different story altogether. She planned on letting him know exactly how much she didn’t appreciate his yelling at her.

  When the huge steel-banded wooden doors burst open, Lex rethought the fighting thing. Framed in the doorway was a stately old man with steel-gray hair and a weathered face. His mouth, drawn into a thin line, looked as if it had never known a smile. His watery blue eyes raked over her and she had to fight the need to turn and run away.

  “Welcome to Lowel Castle, milady.” The man’s voice was as dry as his wrinkled skin. And if that was his idea of a smile, he really had to work on it a bit more.

  “Thank you,” Lex greeted as he stepped aside so they could enter. Finn went first, his hand still clasped around hers. With Angus behind her, flight wasn’t an option.

  As she entered the shadowy lair of Isobel of Lowel, Lex realized how close to the real thing Seacrest was—right down to the arrow-slit windows. Although here, they were sealed closed with stone.

  Only the enormous tapestries covering the stone walls broke the austere feel of the hall. Beautiful and elegant, they depicted scenes of medieval life in rich splendor. The scent of damp stone and the oppressive sense of loneliness and death gave Lex the feeling that she was standing inside a tomb.

  When Constantine’s crate was brought in, Lex wanted to weep with relief. She didn’t want to have to face alone what awaited her. The fact of the matter was, Lex was afraid and she needed Constantine by her side.

  Unfortunately, her reprieve from fear was short-lived. Before Constantine emerged from the crate, the weathered old man banged the doors closed. Lex gasped when a gorgeous and statuesque blonde emerged from the shadows. She smiled and Lex saw fangs.

  “Hello, Lexine. Welcome to Lowel. I’m Isobel.” The vampire embraced her. She smelled of flowers. “The power is already strong within you.”

  The vampire pulled away and Lex fought the urge to shiver as a chill passed through her. Finally, Constantine opened the lid to the crate and stepped out. Lex ran to him, not caring that everyone in the hall watched. He wrapped his arms around her, both protectively and possessively, before he placed a kiss on the top of her head. When he turned her around and moved her to his side, he kept an arm around her shoulders.

  “It’s good to see you again, Constantine.”

  Lex’s jaw dropped. They knew each other? Unbelievable. She’d been under the impression that Constantine couldn’t stomach the Order. But then again, he’d been around for seven hundred years. God only knew if something had happened to cause him to hate the women of the Order. Such as a love affair gone bad.

  The thought of Constantine—her Constantine—with this exquisite creature made her stomach turn. How could Lex possibly compare to such a beautiful woman, who had the wisdom and secrets of the ages reflecting in the depths of her mysterious sliver eyes?

  “No it’s not.”

  “I see you haven’t changed.”

  Was that sadness that flashed across Isobel’s face? “Nor have you. But that’s the way it goes for our kind, does it not?”

  “This land is poisoned with the past. I’d hoped being away from it might help you to... ”

  “Forget?” Lex dropped Constantine’s hand and stepped away from him. His fury scared the breath right out of her. “Forgive? That’s never going to h
appen. Never.”

  Isobel wasn’t as put off by Constantine’s rage as Lex herself was. That much was obvious when the elegant vampire walked up to him and pressed her palm against his unscarred cheek. “No Constantine, not forget. But forgive? Yes. I’d hoped you’d come to finally forgive yourself.”

  “Fuck you, Isobel.”

  Lex gasped when Constantine slapped Isobel’s hand away. Four powerfully built humans moved toward him—as if they would be able to take him down. Lex realized Isobel wasn’t the only member of the Order in the hall. No, two others were there as well, skulking in the shadows. One had a crossbow aimed at him. The other looked primed to embed her dagger right in Constantine’s throat.


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