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Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2

Page 21

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  But that didn’t mean he refrained from touching her.

  “I don’t care if you fight me every fucking step of the way.” James smoothed his hands down her sides to her hips. “I can take every bit of it. I won’t give you up without a fight.” Leaning back, he slid his palms to her thighs, running his thumbs along the inside of them, leaving a path of fire in their wake. Sonja’s breath sawed in and out of her and her heart raced in her ears. “Are you hearing me, mo chroí? I’m not giving up.”

  She tried to focus on his eyes, tried to absorb the things he was saying to her—to understand the gravity of his words. She nodded, then licked her lips. James traced her mouth with a fingertip. “Fucking love your lips.”

  Sonja snaked her tongue out, touching the tip to his finger, and he groaned. Her belly tightened and her clit pulsed. He still hadn’t told her what mo chroí meant. She just knew the look he got in his eyes when he said the endearment rocketed straight to her heart. She could’ve looked it up months ago, but wanted the translation to come from him. Somehow it felt like it would matter more that way.

  James kissed her, driving his tongue into her mouth. Opening for him, she allowed herself the luxury of touching him too. Sonja moved her hands to his chest, smoothed her palms up his pecs and onto his shoulders. His kisses were intoxicating, a drug all on their own. He kissed her like she was the only woman on the planet. He kissed her like she was his.

  Her robe had loosened and he slid his hands inside the soft fabric and up her torso to her breasts. The warmth of his touch penetrated through the thin silk of her nightie, and she whimpered when he grazed her hard nipples with his thumbs. “You’re shaking.” He flicked over her nipples again. “Why are you shaking, mo chroí?”

  “Because your hands feel incredible on my skin through the satin.” Tilting her head to the side, Sonja ran her tongue along his neck.

  James cupped the back of her head, holding her there. “Mmm. That’s what I like to hear.”

  “I want you.” She nipped his earlobe. “Fuck me, James. Now.”

  “Fuck, that’s what I like to hear too.” He urged her to lie back on the settee, and then slid her forward so her bottom was near the edge.

  Running her hands up her stomach to her breasts, she watched while he unbuttoned and then drew down the zipper of his jeans. Pushing his pants down to his hips, he fisted his cock in his palm and stroked from base to tip. “Raise your legs for me.” Doing what he asked, she rested her heels on the edge of the seat. “God yes, look at that sweet pussy. So wet and ready for me.”

  A bolt of electrified lust shot through her, hardening her nipples further, and her clit pulsed in time with her heartbeat.

  “Spread your swollen lips for me. Show me the heaven waiting for my prick.”

  “The things you say to me, James.”

  He rubbed the head of his cock over her clit. She gasped, arching her back off the settee. “What do my words do to you, Sonja?”

  “They light a fire inside me only you can control.”

  James penetrated her opening with just the head. “Oh yeah, there it is. Heaven.” He inched deeper. “Fuck yeah, clench your tight cunt on my dick.”

  “Oh God!” Divine flames of pleasure rippled through her and her breath caught in her throat. Sonja gazed up at him. A look of sheer bliss graced his features as he watched himself sliding in and out of her and made him even more beautiful to her than she already found him.

  Clarity struck her consciousness like a boulder, and Sonja realized he owned her—every inch of her body, and her soul. She hadn’t wanted to give him any part of her, and she’d been so careful not to.

  But like a thief, he’d stolen it. He’d stolen her. In that moment, she hated him, just a little bit, for doing so.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Jimmy rolled over and reached for Sonja. She wasn’t there. Raising his head off the pillow and blinking a few times, he realized he wasn’t in his own bed. He glanced around the bedroom—Sonja’s bedroom. “Wow.” He still couldn’t get over how beautiful the space was. Elegant and soft, a complete reflection of her.

  Hearing a door open, he looked in the direction of her closet, which led to her bathroom. Sonja emerged, her robe tied tight around her. “Oh, good. You’re up.” She smiled and moved to the bed. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to head out before Casey gets home.”


  “Yes.” She frowned and shook her head. “I need you to understand.”

  “I don’t understand. Why can’t I stay? I want to meet your daughter, Sonja.”

  “James, please. I haven’t even told her about you. If she comes home and finds you in my bed—” she motioned with her hand to his body, “—like that…I—”

  “Like what?”

  She sighed. “As you can imagine, I don’t think it’s a good idea she come home and find a naked, tattooed and pierced man in her mother’s bed. Not really the example I’m trying to set.”

  “All right, fine. I’ll get dressed. We can go into the kitchen and have some coffee and—” he rubbed his stomach, “—some breakfast too.”

  Sonja’s brow creased into a deep furrow and she crossed her arms. He could tell she was searching for a way to argue her way out of it. And she was welcome to try all she wanted, but he told her last night, he wasn’t giving up, so it didn’t matter. He wanted to be part of Sonja’s life, part of her daughter’s life too.

  Sonja-the-lawyer might have a thick shell around her, but he was going to break through it come hell or high water.

  “You’re intent on getting your way in this, aren’t you?”

  “Woman, what do you think? Did you forget the things I told you last night?”

  Grabbing her hair clip off the nightstand, she pulled the length up. “No. I didn’t forget. Honestly, I thought possibly the words were spoken in the heat of passion.” She smoothed her hand up the back of her hair.

  “I like it down, you know.” He smiled. “And no, they weren’t spoken in the heat of passion. Every word stands.” He pulled her onto the bed, and to his surprise, she let him. “I’d kiss you right now, but I’ll spare you the morning breath.”

  She laughed. “Very kind of you.”

  “There’s my Sunny. Got an extra toothbrush?”

  “It’s your lucky day. I’ll get one for you and leave it by the sink before I go make coffee. But please hurry.”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  With another laugh, Sonja leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips. She disappeared into her closet and returned after a few minutes. “Get up! It’s already after nine.” Shaking her head, but with a bright smile on her face, she left the bedroom.

  Jimmy smiled too, and then pressed his face into her pillow. Breathing in her scent, he had to tamp down his excitement. Hope was a dangerous emotion, but he couldn’t help but feel it. He was about to meet her daughter. And there was no way he wasn’t going to be a little hopeful they might actually make some progress forward now.

  Sonja entered the kitchen to find freshly brewed coffee, and a bowl of fresh fruit and pastries in the center of the island. Bless the housekeeper; she was a saint. Sonja only paid the woman to clean, and of course help out with Casey if Sonja had to work late, so finding breakfast and coffee waiting for her was a huge treat.

  Moving to the cupboard, she retrieved two mugs, two plates and forks, and set them on the island. The display before her resonated and Sonja froze. “Oh no!” What if Janissa heard Sonja and James in bed last night? She covered her face with her hands. “Oh, shoot!”

  “What’re you ‘oh no’-ing and ‘oh shoot’-ing about?”

  Sonja jerked her hands away and focused on James. “I’m completely mortified!”

  After coming around the island, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “Why’s that?” He
kissed the tip of her nose, then looked to their right. “Oh, hey, that was fast. This looks delicious.”

  “It does, yes. No!” She swatted his arm. “Wait, pay attention!”

  “Oww!” He chuckled with a frown but then rubbed his nose over hers. “How about you tell me all about your mortification while we enjoy some of the yummy goodness you laid out for us.”

  “That’s precisely why I’m concerned. I’m not the one who laid it out.” Disentangling herself from his arms, she grabbed the coffee pot and filled both mugs. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Both. You’re going to have to give me a few more details, darlin’.”

  “My housekeeper did this.”

  “No shit, you have a maid? Does she let herself in?”

  Sonja wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry at his naïve question and tone of voice. Heat crept up her face and embarrassment reared its ugly head as she looked away from his bright, inquisitive eyes. Talk about a whole new brand of mortification.

  She shouldn’t be embarrassed.

  Or ashamed.

  Or anything at all, really. But she was. “She lives here.”

  “Wow, really? What’s that like?” He reached for a cheese Danish and took a bite.

  “It’s…it’s… James, that’s not the point. My goodness, use a fork, would you?” He moaned and chewed, a satisfied expression on his face. He really didn’t get it, or maybe he did, but didn’t care. “What if she heard us in bed?”

  He took a swig of his coffee. “Seriously? I don’t need a fork. And why do you care if she heard us in bed?”

  She spooned some fruit from the bowl onto her plate. “Because I just do.”

  “Oookayy. We’re not teenagers having sex in your parents’ bedroom, so I still don’t see what the issue is.” He raised his mug to his lips and paused. “Unless you’re ashamed of me?”

  “No! Of course not. I just…” Blowing out a harsh breath, she stabbed her fork into a piece of cantaloupe and shoved it in her mouth. Sonja had no idea how to explain this to him. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of him, it was just she’d never had sex with anyone in her home other than Thomas.

  Considering she was having a hard enough time accepting the growing relationship (dare she even call it that?) between her and James, she wasn’t prepared to explain it to her daughter, let alone the maid. On the other hand, she wasn’t obligated to explain a damn thing to the maid.

  James set his pastry down and pulled her into his arms. “You just what, mo chroí?”

  She gazed at him, taking in the softness of his expression. How, or why, this man had come to care this deeply for her was quite difficult to comprehend. But there it was, plain as the nose on her face. His eyes were filled with feeling and concern. Complete, genuine sincerity. “It’s fine. Eat your Danish.” She kissed him and went to step away, but he pulled her close again and recaptured her lips. Successfully sinking deeper beneath her skin.

  “Holy fucking shit! Mom!”

  Sonja ripped away from him so fast her lips stung. Casey stood—mouth dropped open like a fish—in the doorway of the kitchen.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Sonja ran her palm up the back of her hair as she cleared her throat. This was it, no turning back now. Her daughter was about to meet the man she was—oh Lord—dating. “Casey, watch your mouth, please.”

  “Uhh, hey.” James waved. “I’m Jimmy. You must be Casey.” He walked toward Sonja’s daughter with his hand outstretched.

  Casey stared at him, her mouth still open and eyes bigger than saucers. Sonja almost had to laugh. She couldn’t remember a time her daughter had been struck silent. Sonja could only imagine what was going through Casey’s mind while she took in all that was James Donnelly. Tattoos, piercings, intentionally messy hair…the whole shebang. He was definitely a sight, and a damn pretty one at that. Sonja picked up her coffee mug and held it in both hands. “Casey, don’t be rude. Say hello and shake Mr. Donnelly’s hand, please.”


  James looked at her like she’d called him a vulgar name. “Mr. Donnelly?”

  Sonja rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. Casey let out a loud scoff and a blush rose on her cheeks.

  “Hey, it’s cool. You can call me Jimmy.”

  Casey finally raised her hand and shook his, and Sonja swore her daughter’s cheeks grew a deeper shade of red. “Yeah, thanks.”

  Well, Sonja sure understood her reaction. As a rule, James had the same effect on all women—apparently teenage girls, especially ones with raging hormones, were no exception.

  “Cool hair.”

  “Thanks.” Casey curled the end of a pink lock of hair around one finger and stared awkwardly at her feet.

  Sonja let out a small chuckle and leaned her hip against the countertop. “Casey, are you hungry?”

  They both looked over at her and then Casey answered, “I guess.”

  “Well, come on then, have a seat at the counter and eat. You too, James.”

  He smirked and moved to take a seat at the counter. “Why do I feel like I just got mothered?”

  Casey took the seat next to him. “Because you did.”

  “I did not mother you.” Sonja grabbed another plate and fork and set them in front of Casey. “Would you like coffee too?”

  “Yes, please.” Casey grabbed a honey bun and bit into it.

  “Casey, manners, please. Use your fork.”

  “Wow. You’re like this with everyone, aren’t you? And here I thought it was special treatment for me.” James picked up his cheese Danish and bit into it, grinning while he chewed.

  “Well, you love to annoy me.” She grabbed a mug and poured a coffee for Casey. “Here you go.”

  Casey took a sip. “Thanks.”

  James smiled. “No cream or sugar, huh? Hardcore.”

  Casey gave him a smart-ass grin. “So, how do you know my mom and do you always shove your tongue down her throat like that?”

  “And direct too.” He pursed his lips.

  “Casey!” Well, there it was. The famous attitude had appeared. No hiding it now. Maybe worrying if she was capable of giving James more was a moot point. Maybe she’d luck out and experiencing her daughter in full rebellious bad-attitude mode would send him running for the hills. If he did, then they could finally keep things at her pace. Sonja shook her head as she cut into a piece of honeydew. Although, he might not spook so easily. Sonja couldn’t be sure—especially because despite the fact that she’d been seeing him for the past several months, he’d continued to surprise her at every turn.

  “Well?” Casey looked between them.

  James chuckled and then winked at Sonja. She didn’t know how to approach this with her daughter but ignoring it wasn’t working. Sonja sighed and focused on the fruit in her bowl. Apparently, he was rolling with her daughter’s lack of tact. Regardless, after last night, even if he did spook, Sonja wasn’t totally sure she wanted things to stay casual.

  Casey took a bite of her honey bun, brows raised, apparently still waiting for someone to answer her question.

  Choosing to keep it simple, Sonja answered, “Mr. Donnelly and I met when I was in Las Vegas.”

  “Sonja, please stop calling me Mr. Donnelly. Feels like I’m going to turn around and find my father standing there.”

  “You met in Las Vegas? That was like three months ago, wasn’t it? You’ve had a boyfriend for three months and you didn’t tell me?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Wow.” He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  “Sounds like he thinks you’re his girlfriend, Mom.” Casey laughed and took a sip of her coffee.

  “We’re friends.” Sonja shrugged, doing her best to ignore James’s reaction. “I suppose you could say we’re dating.”

  He stroked his palm over his goatee
, a look of annoyed confusion on his face. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “The way you two were kissing when I walked in looked like a whole lot more than ‘dating’ to me.”

  “I apologize for that. I hadn’t heard you come in.” This was getting worse by the minute. Sonja took another bite of her fruit, trying to play it cool.

  James stood. “Okay. Yeah. Maybe I should go.”

  Casey glanced at him and shrugged. “I think you should stick around.”

  He cleared his throat and paused before smiling at her daughter. “All right, Casey. Since you want me to stay, I’ll stay.” He focused back on Sonja. “Can I talk to you in private?”

  “Fine.” Sonja let out another sigh, knowing how annoyed she sounded. A giggle squeaked out of Casey. Apparently she found all of this amusing.

  Jimmy stepped out of the kitchen with Sonja in tow. He could not believe his ears. Dating? His ass, they were so much more than just casually dating. He pulled Sonja around to face him when they reached the hall.

  “I already know what you’re going to say.” She looked up at him.

  Jimmy crossed his arms. “Yeah, reading minds now, I see?”

  “Dating is an appropriate description, James.”

  “Two months ago maybe.”

  “Regardless of what you feel we are doing, my daughter doesn’t need to be blindsided. This is precisely why I was concerned about you still being here when she got home.”

  Jimmy blew out a harsh breath and glanced away from her. She had a point, but it still grated on his already sensitive nerves regarding the topic of their relationship. “Fine. But we’re talking about it later.”

  “Of course.” She turned from him and headed for the kitchen.

  Frustrating woman. Jimmy ran his fingers through his hair and followed after her. He took the seat next to Casey again, and Sonja moved to the other side of the island.

  Her daughter glanced at him. “Staying, I guess?”

  “Yup.” He smiled and sipped his coffee.

  “Your tattoos are cool. I can’t wait to get one.”


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