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Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2

Page 22

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  “Thanks.” He smiled and glanced at Sonja. Her eyes were wider than a cartoon character’s and she might’ve almost spit out her coffee. It was clear Casey was all about the shock factor when it came to her mom. “You’ll have to wait until you’re at least eighteen, but I’m thinking by the look on your mom’s face, you might have to wait a bit longer than that.”

  “Not like she’ll be able to stop me. How many piercings do you have?”

  “Probably too many.” Holy shit, this kid! He smirked and took another bite of his Danish.

  Casey picked at her honey bun. “I want my nose pierced, maybe my eyebrow too. I don’t have to be eighteen for those, right?”

  “No, but—”

  “You need my permission no matter what the age limit is.” Sonja stared over the top of her coffee cup, brows raised so high they almost touched her hairline.

  “And that’s what I was just going to say.” He caught Sonja’s eyes and tried to imply through his gaze that he understood exactly the game Casey was playing.

  “So, what kind of job do you have that lets you have all those tattoos?”

  He looked back to Casey. “I’m an artist.”

  “Cool. Thought maybe a bouncer in a bar or something.” Casey laughed.

  “Nope.” He chuckled and then took a sip of his coffee. “Not since college anyway.”

  “What’s your name again?”

  “It’s James, but you can call me Jimmy.”

  “Cool. What kind of art? Like drawings or paintings?” She stuffed a piece of bun in her mouth.

  He set his mug down. “I do some of that, but my specialty is industrial art. Do you know what that is?”

  “Like, with metal and welding?”

  “Exactly!” He smiled, grateful the conversation had moved in a safer direction, and pulled his phone from his pocket. “Would you like to see some? A lot of my portfolio is on my website.”

  “Yeah, that’d be cool. Let me get my iPad, that way the pics’ll be bigger.” Casey stood.

  “Well, Casey, you’ve surprised me. I wasn’t aware you were still interested in such things.” Sonja grabbed the coffee pot and began refilling all their mugs.

  “There’s a lot of things I’m interested in you’re not aware of, Mom.” Casey left the room.

  “Come here, please.” Jimmy waved Sonja to him. She did as he asked and he pulled her between his parted legs. “Deep breath, huh?”

  Sonja shook her head and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry. She loves to push my buttons.”

  Jimmy rested his hands on her waist. “She sure does. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. Big family, remember?”

  “I can only guess you must’ve been the button pusher.” Her lips curved into a slight grin and the urge to kiss her rose up in Jimmy like a tidal wave.

  “Beautiful when you look like that.” He leaned forward and Sonja jumped back like he was on fire. What the— He glanced over to see Casey coming back in the room. Sonja stepped away, moving to the other side of the island again.

  “Don’t be such a spaz, Mom.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Whatever.” Casey flipped open the case on the device, unlocked it and handed it to Jimmy.

  “Hey, be cool to your mom.” Jimmy winked at Casey and pulled up a browser window on the screen.

  Casey grunted and leaned closer while he typed a web address into the search bar. Jimmy touched one of the images on the page and it expanded. Casey bent closer to get a better view. “What the heck is that?”

  Jimmy laughed. “What? You can’t tell?”

  “It sorta looks like a bunch of car parts welded together. But…” She cocked her head to the side. “But it also kinda looks like the ocean and a sunset. That’s just weird.”

  “An ocean and sunset, huh?” He handed the iPad to her. “Here, check it out. Look a little closer.”

  She studied the image. “Wait! It’s a desert scene, right?”

  He smiled. “Good eye.”

  “That’s totally freaking cool! How’d you do that?”

  “A lot of welding.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Go ahead, check out the other stuff if you want.”

  “It’s interesting, isn’t it, honey?” Sonja asked.

  Casey glanced up at her mom and nodded, then went back to the images on his site. Mission accomplished as far as conversation landmines went and Jimmy leaned back in his seat and took another deep breath. He was in Sonja’s kitchen eating a cheese Danish, drinking coffee and sharing his art with her daughter. What a difference twenty-four hours made. If someone had told him yesterday this would’ve happened, he’d have said they were smoking something illegal. Granted, they still needed to have that talk about their relationship status, but this moment was where he’d wanted things to go with Sonja and had been holding on to hope by a thread for what felt like forever. And he’d almost given up. Until last night.

  Sonja moved back around to his side of the counter and stood beside him. “Casey, you should show James some of your drawings.”

  Casey’s head shot up. “Oh my God, Mom. No!”

  “You draw? I’d love to see.” He wrapped an arm around Sonja, pulling her close, and she stiffened. Jimmy gave her waist a soft pinch and she wiggled but then settled her arm over his shoulder. Nice. A feeling, which could only be described as contentment, spread through him. He spared a quick glance up at Sonja before returning his focus on Casey. Her eyes were glued to her mother, a mortified expression on her face. Uh oh. “Seriously, I’d love to see.”

  Casey blinked and then focused on him. “I don’t know. They’re kinda dumb.”

  “They’re not dumb. She’s really quite talented, but hasn’t drawn in years. Go get them, honey.”


  He gave Sonja’s side a squeeze. “It’s okay, Casey. Maybe some other time, huh?”

  “Yeah, maybe.” She frowned and looked back at the screen.

  Tension filled the room again for longer than he liked. He glanced at Sonja, and she was frowning too. “Hey, you two feel like doing something today?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Like what?” Sonja stepped away and grabbed her mug from where she’d left it on the other side of the island.

  He wanted her back next to him again. She drank the last of her coffee and then took her plate and cup and loaded them into the dishwasher. He stood and followed suit, rinsing his cup and—she took it from him before he could load it into the dishwasher himself. He chuckled. Kind of reminded him of his mother.

  “What’s got you chuckling?”

  “Nothing, Sunshine.” He kissed her cheek. “A friend is opening a gallery next week and needs a hand getting things organized. Figured maybe we’d all go. Then grab some lunch after.”

  Sonja smoothed her hand up the back of her hair. “Hmm…Maybe.”

  “That’d be cool. I wanna go.”

  Jimmy turned and smiled at Casey. She had a devilish little smirk on her face, her purple-and-pink hair falling over her forehead. Her thickly black-lined eyes narrowed on him before she broke into a full smile. The kid was smart, and manipulative for sure. And apparently on his side too. Score one for team Donnelly.

  Sonja sighed. “Well, I guess it sounds like we’re going. Casey, did you want to change into something a little nicer?”


  “Eh, she’s good. I’m gonna put her to work anyway. Her jeans and flannel are perfect.”

  “Thanks.” Casey closed the cover on her iPad and set it on the counter. With a smile, she popped the last piece of honey bun in her mouth.

  He looked back to Sonja. “Awesome. This worked out perfect.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you think it did.” She shook her head. “Are you going to put me to work too?”

  He bent his head and nuzzled her neck.
“Sure. Every job needs a good manager. You can tell us all what to do.”

  “Very funny, James.”

  “I’ll make it up to you later,” he whispered close to her ear and ran his palm down her lower back. Sonja let out a small giggle.

  “Ugh, you two should get a room.”

  Sonja pushed him away and gave him a scolding look before turning her gaze to her daughter. “Go get your things together, please.”

  Jimmy rested his back against the counter. Casey stood, shot him another sly grin before grabbing her iPad and left the room. When she was out of sight, he pulled Sonja close and kissed her before she had a chance to yell at him for getting too handsy in front of her daughter.

  But really, it wasn’t like he’d shoved his tongue down her throat—like he was doing now. And clearly based on the grin Casey gave him, she didn’t have a problem with it. He wanted Sonja close, and her damn neck taunted him. Half the time he didn’t know if he preferred her hair up or down—the long blonde locks or her milky-white, bare neck—either way she turned him on.

  She was going to have to get used to him being affectionate in front of her daughter. All within acceptable PG-13 limits of course, but without a doubt, PDA was going to happen. One thing was for damn sure, not touching her would never be an option.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Her daughter’s text tone sounded and Sonja glanced at her cell. Picking up the phone, she swiped the screen and read the message.

  Casey: Heading over to Jimmy’s place after school. He’s working on a new sculpture and said I can help.

  Sonja stared at the message, perplexed by the friendship that’d formed between her daughter and James. Since Casey had met him a little over a month ago, the two had been practically inseparable. At least twice a week Casey was at his loft and either watched him work or helped when he allowed her to. He’d even gotten her drawing again, which pleased Sonja to no end, but she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of their relationship—which was both childish, and unnecessary.

  They’d bonded in a way Sonja hadn’t anticipated, but also hadn’t been able to manage herself. She supposed Casey, deep in her rebellious phase, related to James. How could she not with all his tattoos, piercings and own rebellious nature? Between the edgy art he created, and the art covering his body, James was the epitome of rebellion—which she assumed most creative people were. But he’d been lucky enough to forge a successful career from his talents.

  After sending a reply to Casey, letting her know what time to be home, Sonja leaned back in her chair and stared up at the tiled ceiling of her office. Her relationship with James had continued and deepened. She’d figured once he met Casey he’d be spooked and back off, keeping things at the pace she preferred. But she’d been wrong. So very wrong.

  Before Sonja knew it, he was spending several nights out of the week at her house. He cooked dinner with Casey, watched movies on the couch and slept over many of those nights too. Sonja had run out of excuses to keep him at bay and gave up trying after a while. Not because it was too much work to fight him and easier to say yes, but because she had to admit, at least to herself, she liked having him there.

  She liked crawling between the sheets into his welcome arms at night. She liked having him settle between her parted thighs, giving her the fix she craved while he took her to heaven. She liked waking up in the morning with his warm body pressed against hers too. Lust blossomed within her, and without giving it a second thought, she called him.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hey there, Sunny.”

  Sonja smiled at the name he still called her on occasion and spun her chair toward the windows. “Hi.”

  “How’s your day going?”

  “Pretty well. Was in court all morning and now back at the office. You?”

  “Not too shabby. Getting ready to start a new piece. Casey wants to come over and help.”

  “Yes, she sent me a text. You sure she’s not too much trouble?”

  “Not at all. She’s a great kid. Besides, if she’s here then she’s not with Drake Dickfazio, and not getting into trouble.”

  She laughed. “It’s Defazio.”

  “Tomato. Tomahto. From what you’ve told me he’s a dick, so there you go.” He laughed too, and the sound trickled over her skin like warm water.

  Sonja shivered and pressed her hand to her stomach. “You’re so bad.”

  “You like it when I’m bad.”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “Tell me what else you like, mo chroí?” His voice was a low purr.

  Sonja sucked in a breath and her sex clenched. This was how it was with him, always. Her body responded to his call and came alive, refusing to settle until he sated the craving need for him.

  “I heard that gasp for breath. Is your pussy wet for me?”

  Sonja crossed her legs, squeezed them together and spared a glance over her shoulder to her office door. It wasn’t closed. “Always.”

  “Spread your legs.”

  “I can’t. My office door is open.” But her body did what he asked anyway.

  “Even better. Are you wearing a skirt?”

  Sonja spun in her chair, squaring herself with her desk. Her clit pulsed, begging for attention. He was going to ask her to touch herself and every inch of her skin tingled in anticipation of his request. She wasn’t going to be able to help herself. “Yes.”

  “My cock is rock hard for you right now. Slide your skirt up.”

  She inched her skirt up so she could spread her legs farther apart. “I want you. My hands are shaking.”

  “I want you too. I want inside that hot cunt of yours. Touch your clit for me.” His breath hitched through the phone line, and she knew he’d taken himself in hand.

  Sonja bit her lip, trying to keep herself from moaning, and circled her throbbing clit. “I’ve already soaked through my panties. Oh God…James.”

  “Oh yeah, babe, rub it for me. I’ve got my cock in my hand right now. If I were there, I’d be licking all that sweet honey from your cunt.”

  Sonja whimpered and dragged her fingers over her opening through the wet material, teasing herself. “Tell me how you want to fuck me.”

  “Pull your panties aside and slide your fingers in your heat. I want to hear your breath in my ear.”

  Another gasp escaped as she penetrated herself with two fingers. With her eyes locked on her office door, she pressed the heel of her hand against her clit. The idea that she could be caught amped her arousal even higher. “Yes…so good,” she whispered.

  “You’re keeping your eye on the door, aren’t you? Does it make your pussy wetter knowing someone could walk in at any time?”

  “Yes.” Sonja’s vision blurred, her channel clenching around her fingers. Her climax built, getting closer every second. “James…” She panted and then swallowed, her mouth dry from her harsh breaths. “I’m close.”

  “You’re my dirty slut, aren’t you? Fuck, my cock is so hard right now. I’m going to explode all over my belly.”

  “Oh God. I love when you call me those lewd names. I shouldn’t but I do.” She moved her hand faster, pressing her fingers deeper. “And I want to lick every drop off your belly.”

  “How about I straddle your chest tonight and work myself up so I can come all over your tits and mouth? I’ll even let you suck the head a little while I stroke. You’re my filthy come-slut, aren’t you?”

  That did it. “Oh my God! Yessss.” Sonja’s orgasm hit with a force of an earthquake, her channel clenching tight around her fingers. Her clit spasmed, and wave after wave rolled through her body. She bit down on her tongue, panting through her nose while little whimpers escaped between breaths.

  “Fuck yes! That’s it, come for me. My turn, mo chroí.” He grunted and let out a long, throaty moan.

  The sounds arrowed straight to he
r clit, and she knew he was coming too. Sonja also knew how hot those ribbons of creamy semen felt when they spurted on her skin. She shuddered, wanting to feel it again and knowing he’d give her the pleasure later that night. Sonja still had her fingers buried deep inside her channel, sliding them in and out with lazy strokes. If he were there with her, he’d work her up again, nice and slow until she came once more. “I wish I was there to lick you clean.”

  “Someday I’m going to fuck you behind your desk during the day when all your staff is there.”

  Sonja closed her eyes. It was so depraved, yet she knew she wanted it too. “You’re crazy, James.”

  “Yeah, and you love my crazy. Be ready for tonight. This only barely took the edge off.”

  Sonja slid her fingers free and grabbed a tissue. “I think you better be ready too. That just made me crave you more.”

  “Sunshine, your hot little box is mine, and I’m going to take what’s mine tonight as many times as I want. Now get back to work.” With that, the call disconnected.

  Sonja pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the screen. His statement rankled because she knew he was right. Dammit. She hated that.

  “Ms. Martin, can I get you some coffee?”

  Sonja startled at the sudden presence of her assistant in her doorway. The cell slid from her hand and bounced on the desk. “Crap!” Sonja grabbed it as adrenaline spiked through her, then set it back down. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Her assistant frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Did you want some coffee?”

  “Um. No. No, thank you, Sheila.”

  The woman pivoted and was gone faster than she’d appeared. Running her hand up the back of her hair, Sonja blew out a breath and almost had to laugh. “Good God, that was close.”

  Jimmy opened the door to his loft to find Casey standing in the hall, her backpack hanging off one shoulder. She’d changed her hair color since he’d met her. Now it was blue with purple streaks on the ends.

  She wore a worn-out Type O Negative concert tee under a black-and-green flannel shirt, faded black skinny jeans with a hole in one knee, and a pair of black combat boots, unlaced. At least she had good taste in music, but he doubted she even understood the greatness that was Type O. He’d have to educate her sometime. “How’s it going, kiddo? You ready to get to work today?”


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