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Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters: Council of the Hunters

Page 18

by D. C. McGannon

  He exploded into the room, tables and bits of wall flying in every direction. A few of the students were picked up by the violence of his entrance, their bodies propelled across the room. Donnie stood in the doorway as well, a wicked look twisting his face. Ominous symbols were branded on his arms and forehead, and two more carved into his hands, shining like firelight. He locked eyes with Charlie and ran forward.

  Other Lessers appeared in the doorway, all demons, bringing the smell of sulfur and death and hate with them. Led by their master and Donnie, they tossed aside tables and chairs, leaving the room behind them in flames.

  “Get the others out!” Charlie told his team. He saw several students get hit with debris, and some of them had not yet stood up. They didn’t deserve this and would not be a part of it, he determined.

  He stepped forward, ready to challenge Donnie directly.

  Charlie didn’t see the table flying at him until it was too late. One of Bartholome’s undead puppets jumped in front of him, taking the brunt of the force, but Charlie still felt like he’d been hit by a car as the table smashed into him, throwing him into the cold, hard linoleum.

  Donnie lifted the table with one hand and tossed it away. “Hey, loser. Miss me? I missed you, and I’m very much looking forward to this!”

  Charlie felt waves of anger and hate wash over him. All around him, Bartholome and the others were fighting to keep the Lesser devils at bay so the remainder of the high school students could flee to safety.

  It was just him and Donnie.

  He muttered a quick spell, knocking Donnie’s feet backward and sending the bully sprawling forward. Charlie jumped to his feet, aiming an uppercut at Donnie’s falling face, but something knocked him back with a blast of heat. He landed hard on his back against an overturned chair, body numb from the impact. The demon scowled at him from above, fire dripping from his jagged lips.

  “Finish this,” the demon told Donnie. “Without him, the others are lost.”

  Donnie nodded, smiling. He picked up Charlie’s dagger, raising it high. Charlie used his Sight to show Donnie what he saw—the portrait of a bully, about to become a murderer.

  Donnie frowned, taken aback by his own appearance.

  “Do it!” screamed the demon, voice distorted with rage.

  As Donnie scowled and raised the dagger again, someone shouted, “No one hurts my family!”

  Charlie caught a glimpse of the small form that jumped over him from behind, and as he did, Donnie’s blade came down ... and Charlie’s stomach lurched.

  “Dräng, no!”

  About the Authors

  D.C. McGannon is co-author of the Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters series of books, and one-half of the humorous father/son duo known as The Monster Guys. When not traveling to conventions and talking about Japanese and Steampunk monsters, he can usually be found moon-gardening, hiking, or searching for his next cup of coffee.

  D.C. is confident he can still breakdance with the best of them, but realizes his writing and speaking schedule is probably taking too much of his time. This is good news for all other breakdancers.

  He is married to Holly, father to Michael and Nathaniel, and they all hang out together somewhere in the Midwest with their little Maltese puppy, Jewel.

  Like D.C. McGannon on Facebook at

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  Instagram: DCMcGannon

  C. Michael McGannon is co-author of the Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters series of novels, and is one-half of the humorous father/son duo known as The Monster Guys, mixing humor, horror, and all manner of comedic improv to special events. An expert in all things “monster,” he brings an “academic humor” to the subjects of folktales, urban legends, and storytelling.

  Michael is a fan of stories, of libraries, of books, and of Japanese and British humor. He is particularly fond of ginger beer and dark chocolate. When not writing or attending conventions, Michael is usually recovering from all-night gaming excursions.

  Like C. Michael McGannon on Facebook at

  Follow him on Twitter at

  Instagram: cmichaelmcgannon


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  Coming Soon ... Book 4!

  Charlie Sullivan and the Monster Hunters: The Dragon Gate




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