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Charlie Sullivan and his band of unlikely friends are looking forward to a quiet, fun — and most importantly, normal — freshman year of high school.However, sinister activity haunts the shadows of their once sleepy little town again.With news of Chen’s disappearance, and an unseen force that threatens to break the protective wards surrounding Hunter’s Key, tensions quickly rise once more for the monster hunters.A shocking betrayal, disquieting new figures within their own society, and a cloud of deception hovering over influential leaders weigh heavy on the team. The Monster Hunters of Hunter’s Grove could be disbanded before they have a chance to stand against the demonic shadow that threatens their bonds of friendship, loyalty, and the lives of everyone they hold dear.Something, or someone, is tearing at the veil between our world and the Otherworld, promising to unleash true darkness and prepare the way for what hunters throughout the centuries have feared would one day happen . . . the rise of the Ancients.