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Never Ever Satisfied (The Perfect Date Book 4)

Page 11

by Donna McDonald

  Jack dropped his slacks across the bed and pulled on his jeans. “Finding a date is not my problem. Finding the right magic is the tricky part. The best magic I ever found has recently returned to me. I’m not giving up this second chance.”

  “Good for you,” Brandon said, nodding. “Now wear your loafers, not your sneakers. They’re too casual. The loafers look relaxed without looking like you’re ready to work in the yard.”

  Jack rolled his eyes. “You know, I have managed to dress myself all my life without your help. Even for dates…”

  Brandon grinned. “Yes, but with my help, you might actually get lucky tonight. You’ve probably forgotten what that’s like.”

  Jack’s mind drifted back to the day he’d kissed Trudy in the makeup room. He sighed heavily and hoped his son was right.

  “Dad? You need to focus. No drifting off in the middle of conversations. Isn’t that what you taught me?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t count in this instance. I was talking to you and fantasizing about her,” Jack said, defending his daydreaming.

  “Dude, I’m trying to help you turn your fantasy into reality. You have to work with me here.”

  Jack snorted. “Why did you come by?” he asked, stepping into the son-approved shoes tossed at feet. Brandon seemed determined to pick out everything he was wearing.

  Hearing his father’s question, Brandon stopped, tilted his head, and snickered. “I don’t know why I came now. I got so excited when you said you were going out with Chef Baker that I completely forgot.” Brandon shook his head to clear it. “I’ll text you when I remember what it was.”

  “The way you’re going on about this date, you’d think you set it up for me.”

  Brandon ran a restless hand through his hair. “You have to admit, I tried my best to encourage you.”

  Jack shook his head and chuckled. “Nice try, but I refuse to let anyone else take credit. I distinctly remember cooking Trudy dinner at her restaurant and then asking her out afterward. Of course, I never really got a yes, but I never got a no either. Come to think of it, I’m not quite sure how tonight came about because after that happened I was totally confused. I think in the end she texted me and asked where we were going for dinner tonight. That’s how I knew. Women are so strange.”

  Brandon swallowed and laughed nervously. “I have great faith in you, Dad. I never doubted you’d get her to come around when she gave you a second chance.”

  Jack looked at his son, started to ask about his strange comment, but let it go. He needed to text Trudy and tell her to wear jeans and shoes she could walk in. “Are you sure about Stanley?”

  Brandon nodded. “Absolutely sure. Okay. Well, I have to get going. I’m picking Jivika up at her place. That’s all the way across town.”

  Brandon grinned and hugged his father, laughing with happiness as he picked him up and squeezed until his father complained. “I love you, Dad. Good luck getting the girl this time.”

  Jack swore as he got dropped to the floor again. Brandon was out the door before he could chastise him for squeezing the breath out of him.

  “Jeans?” Trudy read the text, the phone falling from her fingers. “I never wear jeans. I maybe have one pair. Where in the world are you taking me for dinner, Jack?”

  Sighing, she trudged from the spotless kitchen back to the bedroom. She slipped off the dress she’d chosen earlier and rummaged in her closet until she found a pair of the leggings Ann and Georgia wore so often. Both women swore you could pair a tunic and sandals with them and look dressed up.

  She pulled a pair of black leggings on and then headed to the expensive treasures stored in the red room. She looked through the racks until she found a turquoise tunic top trimmed in black lace. Appropriate shoes were a harder challenge, but she finally located a pair of black lace flats to go with the outfit. All she needed now were her sneaker insoles to make the flats comfortable enough to stroll in.

  She pulled out her jewelry drawers until she located a chunky turquoise necklace and bracelet set. At least now, there’d be no need to roll her hair. She’d just gently gel it and let the natural waves rule.

  She was brushing on the final coat of mascara when the doorbell chimed. Her heartbeat instantly sped up and threatened to beat out of her chest. Never in her life had her body reacted to a man so dramatically. She smoothed her tunic down as she went to let him in.

  Jack stared, taking one very long, very approving look that encompassed the length of her before stepping across her threshold and sliding his mouth over hers. She had a Bay Rum with Sweet Orange epiphany as his arms came around her and pulled her flush against him. His mouth—his extremely talented mouth—got a little ruthless before he got hold of himself and backed off. He looked at her again and shook his head.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You always look so good to me. My heart’s beating like a jackhammer in my chest. And it’s a good thing I’m wearing jeans to control what else is happening.”

  Trudy felt the pink climbing and blinked. “I… I simply don’t have an answer to that.”

  Jack chuckled. “How about thank you?”

  Trudy giggled. Giggled? Great, now she was acting like Ann and Georgia. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Want to get naked with me?” Jack asked.

  To her complete horror, Trudy giggled again. “Stop making me giggle. It’s humiliating.”

  “I was being serious,” Jack said.

  “I know,” Trudy said, finally remembering to close her door. “That’s what made me giggle. Do you know how long it took me to find these casual clothes? I was already dressed for a different sort of outing.”

  “Sorry,” Jack said sheepishly.

  “You don’t sound sorry,” Trudy said.

  He laughed and let the grin take over his face. “I like what you’re wearing. It was worth the trouble. You look great.”

  Trudy relaxed. “Good. Because I don’t wear jeans. They’re not really comfortable on me anymore. I prefer yoga clothes.”

  “You’ve certainly made me a believer,” Jack said, looking at her body again.

  Giggling like the female idiot he always managed to turn her into, Trudy nodded her head. “Let me show you my kitchen. I spent a decade renovating it.”

  Jack chuckled. “Where did you find enough patience?”

  Trudy shrugged. “I had a vision and I wanted the vision to come to life. That meant waiting on some things. The restaurants took a lot to get started. The house came last.”

  Jack nodded. “I can only imagine how much work the restaurants were. But they’re doing well.”

  “So far,” Trudy said. When they were standing in the doorway, she held out both hands. “Ta da! Here is my dream kitchen.”

  Jack whistled. He walked into the room and over to the granite bar with its two levels. He turned and looked at the eight burner gas cooktop, the double-ovens, the warming drawers, and two level dishwasher. A small wine fridge and a stainless commercial grade side-by-side unit filled the rest of the space. Tall leather bar stools flanked the serving level of the bar.

  Trudy chewed her bottom lip. “I also installed a walk-in cold storage on the summer porch. It’s where I store the items for my volunteer catering. There’s a sink and prep area out there if I want to use it. I use it for grill parties in the summer.

  “Everything is amazing,” Jack said, running his hand over the slick granite surfaces. “I can see why you put so much time and energy into getting this how you wanted it. This kitchen has the right feel. I bet it’s lots of fun to cook here.”

  “I tried different things until it all felt just… perfect.” Trudy swallowed the lump in her throat. Of all the hundreds of people she’d shown this kitchen to, Jack was the first to understand its true value.

  Jack looked over at her and smiled. “Well done, Chef Baker. Very well done.”

  “Maybe you can cook in it sometime,” she offered. And he’d be the only person other than her to do so.

>   Jack’s eyes got impossibly darker as he walked back to where she stood. He stopped a short distance away. “How about tomorrow morning? I make great pancakes—from scratch, you’ll be happy to hear.”

  A giggle slipped out. “How about we start with dinner and see how it goes?”

  Jack smiled and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “Dinner. Okay.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Jack’s sigh was loud in her kitchen. “My son is insisting that I give you a memorable first date gastronomic experience.”

  “Sounds absolutely awful. Now I’m scared,” Trudy said.

  Jack laughed and took her hand. “I’m scared too, but I’m willing to test his theory. I’m angling for a bed invitation—hint, hint.”

  Her chuckle caught her off-guard. “I don’t take hints well. I’m more of a blunt kind of person.”

  “Would you prefer I get descriptive about all the things I want to do with you and to you? Or would you rather hear about the things I’ve dreamed about you doing to me? I could probably go on for hours.”

  Trudy stopped by the console in her hallway, gripping her purse tightly as she picked it up. “Let’s go back to the level one flirting where everything is still innuendo. I’m not ready to hear the details yet.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Jack said, leaning in to kiss her neck.

  The neck smooch ended up moving into a hug, which ended up turning into a bone melting kiss. When Jack turned loose of her at last, she staggered against the console table.

  Grinning from ear to ear, he went to grab her, but she pushed hard against his chest with a hand. She could feel the muscles straining under her fingers—straining to get to her. A shiver of anticipation went up her spine.

  The bed invitation he was angling for hovered on her tongue, begging to be issued.

  “Nope. Not ready for that yet either,” she said.

  “Come on,” Jack said gruffly. “Let’s get this date going before I forget my promise to take things slow and just seduce you in your hallway.”

  She knew better than to answer that, so she let him lead her out of the house and to his car.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The new roaster is working like a dream. Thanks for the referral. Guy gave me the Chef Dozen discount.”

  “So you paid twice what it was worth? Are you crazy?” Jack asked, one corner of his mouth in a mock sneer.

  “You’re a very funny man,” Stanley said. He leaned out and put a hot dog into Trudy’s waiting fingers.

  “Oh, thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. Taste it,” Stanley ordered.

  Since he was ignoring his other patrons who turned to glare at her for not doing as he asked, Trudy lifted the hot dog to her mouth. She bit down and a kaleidoscope of spicy, meaty flavors burst against her tongue.

  “Um Mi Gawd,” she exclaimed while chewing. The bite slid down. She stared at the hot dog and then back to the man who fixed it. “This is incredible.”

  “Yeah. Told ya it would be,” Stanley said. He handed one over to Jack. “On the house, brother. Your son solved my little numbers problem. He refused payment, so you guys get free dogs for a while.”

  Jack sighed. “It’s our first date, Stanley. You’re making me look cheap in front of my girl.”

  Stanley pointed his spearing fork and then waved it in the air. When a customer went to speak, Stanley glared them to silence. “Hold your horses. I’m testifying.” He looked back at Jack. “You’re only with her because you saw her video before I did, Romeo. If I had known there was a good-looking chef in the database, she wouldn’t be hanging out with the likes of you.” Stanley laughed. “And I for damn sure wouldn’t have taken her to a hot dog stand on a first date.”

  “This was Brandon’s big idea.”

  Stanley chuckled. “That’s one good kid you got there. I can see how that would work for him. You ought to know better. That’s okay. I’ll put my name in her honey pot if she ever gets tired of you.”

  Jack snarled at the man. He had no idea what Stanley was talking about, but he still didn’t like it. “Brandon said to give Trudy a memorable gastronomic experience.”

  Trudy grinned around her last bite as the patrons laughed at Jack’s grim expression and serious complaining.

  “She’ll probably get that here for sure. Hot dogs give me gas something terrible, but I still love them,” someone said.

  “Hey,” Stanley yelled into the crowd. “Who said that? My dogs give no one gas. Buy some enzymes and improve your digestive system. No dog for you today.”

  Trudy laughed and covered her mouth with her hand. This was getting surreal. Everything about Jack’s life seemed to be that way. Jack sighed and took his hot dog. He looked so woebegone when he turned to her that Trudy giggled and took his arm. “Your son was right. This is a memorable experience and that was the best damn hot dog I’ve ever eaten in my life.”

  “Stanley’s lost his mind. Do you know him?” Jack demanded.

  Trudy chewed on her bottom lip. “No, but I know what he was referring to.”

  Jack took a bite of his hot dog, chewed, and swallowed. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “Do I have to?” Trudy asked. “We’re having such a good time.”

  “Yes,” Jack said, polishing off his food. “There’s an ice cream place about a block from here. I figured we’d go there for dessert.”

  “Sounds yummy,” Trudy said, hooking her arm through Jack’s as they walked. “Remember Georgia? My friend at the fundraiser?”


  “Her daughter runs this high profile dating agency. Georgia talked me into signing up.”

  “Wait… Georgia Bates. Dr. Mariah Bates is her daughter?”

  Trudy nodded. “Yes. Do you know Mariah?”

  “Not personally. Brandon signed up for her dating service and tried to get me to. He met Jivika through it.” Jack’s pace slowed. “Are those the dates you’ve been going on? Those are all rich, successful guys right?”

  Trudy let out a long breath and nodded. “Yes. But don’t worry. I haven’t kissed any of them. The first guy even stood me up. You haven’t missed anything in my opinion, but it does seemed to have worked well for some I know.”

  “Why are you even in the database? I thought you weren’t looking for anything serious,” Jack said morosely.

  “I’m not. I even specified all that on the stupid video they make you do. Apparently, guys see a woman like me as a challenge.”

  “You’re a challenge alright,” Jack agreed. “Should I sign up?”

  “No. Save your money. I’ve fulfilled my friend obligation. And Stanley’s great, but not my type. Don’t let him tease you about it.”

  “Do you have a type?” Jack asked. “Can I see the video?”

  Trudy snorted. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know. And if I get around to issuing a bedroom invitation, you’re the only one who’s going to be getting it. By you should know that you’re my type.”

  Jack stopped completely then. He turned and took her arms. “I have no idea where I stand with you or what you want or need. I want to learn it all, but you have to let me into your life.”

  Trudy met his sincere gaze. Jack was so very serious, but she had managed to make him laugh a few times. She put her arms around Jack and hugged his body to hers. Then she backed away to look into his face.

  “I want you and I like kissing you. But the truth is that you make me nervous. I’m playing this slow because I’m more emotionally fragile than I was back when we first met. I still think you’ll break my heart, but maybe I owe you the chance. Sometimes I hate you, Jack. And sometimes I think you were meant for me.”

  His mouth on hers stole her breath. He kissed her so thoroughly, Trudy forgot they were standing on a sidewalk in a public park. When his hand slid down to hers, she let him link their fingers, curling her own tight with his. She had to admit, Jack made her want things she’d never wanted before.

y started walking again, a comfortable silence between them.

  “I’m a vanilla kind of guy,” he said finally. “I’m guessing you try every flavor they offer.”

  “Surprise,” Trudy said, hugging his arm as they strolled. “I’m a vanilla girl too. It goes perfectly with everything and nothing’s more fun than licking a cone.”

  Jack snorted. “You sure know how to torture a man.”

  “Think of it as a preview of my many, many talents,” Trudy whispered.

  Jack groaned while she laughed. “When are you planning to show me those talents?” he asked hoarsely.

  Trudy shrugged. “Let’s see how good the ice cream is first. I may be a vanilla lover, but I have very high standards.”

  Jack bent to her ear. “You’re going to love every lick. They soak their own vanilla beans and scrape them.”

  Her giggle filled the air between them. “Stop. You’re making me dizzy. I can’t take anymore.”

  Jack snorted. “I don’t know how you do it, but you turn me into a kid again. I’m doing good to just walk when you’re around.”

  The drive home in Jack’s car was nearly silent, but a good silent. When they got to her house, he walked her to the door and leaned into her for a soul stealing kiss. While she was getting her breath back, his mouth was still traveling down her throat.

  This was the moment of truth, Trudy thought. It wasn’t nearly as difficult as she feared it would be.

  “Jack?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he whispered back, raising his head to peer into her eyes.

  “Want to come in?” Trudy asked.

  “I think you know I want much more than that,” Jack said.

  “I do. I plan to give you what I can,” Trudy promised.

  “Know I’ll take what you give me and never give it back,” he warned.

  Trudy giggled. “Isn’t that part of the pirate’s code? You do often smell like one. Do you have yet another secret life, Jack Dozen?”

  “I do,” Jack said, nodding in the dark. “I’m having a torrid affair with an older woman. I’m consumed with lust. Every time I see her, I want to be with her. She’s caught me in her lusty web.”


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