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Never Ever Satisfied (The Perfect Date Book 4)

Page 12

by Donna McDonald

  “Wow. How’s that torrid affair working out for you?” Trudy asked.

  “Ask me again in the morning,” Jack whispered, pushing open her unlocked door and dragging a weak-kneed Trudy inside.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Trudy rolled over in bed, surprised when the effort took coaxing all her muscles into obeying. In the distance, she heard a man singing—though very poorly—a song she couldn’t even really tell what it was. She looked at the clock. It was still very early, but not by chef hours.

  She raised her arms and inspected them for bruises, surprised not to find any. Jack was a very physical lover—very energetic—very hands-on. Bossy didn’t even begin to describe what he did to get his way when he wanted something in bed. He’d certainly made it worth her while to do what he asked.

  Their first time, they’d both nearly combusted. The entire act probably took less than three minutes after all the waiting and kissing they’d done. Just thinking about it this morning made it tempting to call out to Jack and make him come running back to bed for a morning encore. They’d indulged a couple other times last night, but apparently she still hadn’t gotten her fill.

  “Wow. Being horny at my age has some surprising repercussions,” Trudy said in surprise, forcing her well-used body upright. If she was this bad off today, tomorrow she’d be lucky to walk.

  Imagining the hell she’d catch from Georgia and Ann had her rolling her eyes and dreading them finding out. But of course they would because she’d learned the value of having a woman committee in her life. They’d been a part of every decision for the past seven or eight years. It wasn’t that they were always right, but they certainly gave her lots to think about.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, Trudy pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She didn’t bother with a bra. She rarely did around the house.

  She padded to the kitchen and got there in time to catch a nearly naked man cooking at her stove. Jack in his tight boxer briefs was a rare glory to behold.

  Leaning against her counter, she waited for him to stop his lyrical screeching and notice her presence. When he stayed blissfully unaware of her because of his singing, Trudy giggled at his focus.

  “Jack,” she called. She giggled again when he ignored her. “JACK,” she said much louder, trying not to laugh.

  He finally turned, saw her, and held up a hand. Scooping up pancakes, he plated them in a perfect stack, every pancake exactly the same size as the one below it. The perfect symmetry made her snort… and feel a little jealous of his skill.

  Jack set down his spatula and walked to her. His lips kissed her good morning, but it was him boosting her butt up on the counter that caught her off-guard. She wrapped her legs around his hips because it just seemed the thing to do. It felt amazing.

  “Morning, Jack,” she whispered.

  “Good morning, Trudy,” he whispered back.

  Then he was kissing her fiercely and giving her a new reason to be grateful for her sturdy kitchen counters. All kinds of wicked things danced in her head. It was shocking to think Jack could make her want to defile her most sacred of places in the house.

  “Wish now I’d waited to start the pancakes,” he said wistfully, once he’d stopped kissing to breathe.

  Trudy laughed against his cheek. “You don’t know the half of it. My kitchen was practically a virgin, Jack. You’re the first person to cook in here besides me.”

  Jack chuckled and snuggled close, feeling happier than he had since he’d gotten legal custody of Brandon. The woman in his arms was the missing part of his life. Now he just had to find a way to keep her. “I’m very honored to be your kitchen’s first male chef.”

  “As well you should be,” Trudy declared. “My kitchen and I are picky.”

  “Are you saying you’ve been saving the best of yourself for me?” Jack teased.

  Trudy sighed. Poetic bastard. She felt a kinship to Jivika who was dating his poetic tongued copy. “I don’t know what I’m saying. The nearly naked man between my legs is very distracting. I obviously need pancakes before condemning myself further.”

  A chuckling Jack stepped back and pulled her off the counter until she stood in front of him on wobbly legs. He looked so damn proud of himself. Her chest constricted painfully with some unfamiliar emotion as she let him walk her around to one of her bar stools so he could serve her breakfast.

  “I wish I could stay, but I have to go cook for the boys. It takes dozens of pancakes to feed them. I’m usually cooking for an hour or two.”

  Trudy smiled and nodded. “You’re a good man, Jack.”

  “I’m a better man with you,” Jack said, giving her a hard kiss before heading back to the stove.

  Somewhere in the middle of her licking warm maple syrup from her fork, Trudy looked at Jack’s butt bent over her dishwasher to load it and realized how much very real trouble she was in. Her comfort with Jack working in her kitchen was officially the first time she’d ever felt like a man belonged in her life.

  None of them even complained about meeting at eight.

  “Was he bossy like on TV?” Jellica asked.

  “Did he really cook you breakfast before he left?” Ann wanted to know.

  Georgia rapped the table with her knuckles. “Skip those answers and get to the important stuff. Did he use kitchen implements during foreplay and was it fun?”

  Trudy broke out laughing. “Georgia, for pity’s sake.”

  Georgia shrugged. “It was an honest question and I’m curious. He is a chef after all.”

  “No kitchen implements were involved in our time together other than the spatula he used to flip my pancakes,” Trudy promised.

  Georgia huffed. “Flipping pancakes, huh? Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  Trudy face palmed instead of pounding her head on the table. The next episode of the show was being filmed a day early this week. She’d hate to have to try and cover a bruise on her face.

  She felt Jellica rubbing her shoulder. “Sorry, Trudy. It’s obvious you’re upset. Tell us how we can help.”

  Trudy raised her head and sighed loudly. “I feel ridiculous even asking what I need to know.”

  “Ask,” Ann encouraged. “We might laugh, but we’ll answer.”

  Georgia giggled. “Oh, we’ll definitely laugh, especially if there’s a spatula spanking story.”

  “Georgia…” Jellica chastised.

  While Georgia laughed over starting trouble, Trudy’s gaze searched the table. It landed on Ann, who she knew would tell her the truth if Georgia kept her mouth shut long enough.

  “This question is for Ann and only Ann to answer,” Trudy began. She swallowed and drew in a breath. “What does being in love feel like? I need to know.”

  Ann slowly straightened and looked around. She looked back at Trudy. “Why are you only asking me?”

  “Because you went years without a guy and then suddenly you were all Cal this and Cal that after he spent the night. Now I’m all Jack this and Jack that after one night. Plus, I let the man invade my kitchen.”

  “Bet that wasn’t all Jack invaded,” Georgia said.

  Jellica turned and smacked Georgia’s arm. “This is no time for teasing. You have your guy. Can’t you see Trudy’s honestly confused? You owe her, Georgia. She helped when you were worried about Brent.”

  “Nothing is wrong with Trudy,” Georgia insisted. “She’s just being a coward about admitting the truth to herself because if she admits to liking him now, maybe she was wrong a long time ago. Being wrong is like a snowball rolling downhill. By the time it gets to the bottom, you’re wallowing in self-doubt about everything in your life. But the past won’t change the here and now. Trudy needs to stop second-guessing and embrace the fact she’s finally fallen in love.”

  Jellica sneered. “Like you did? I don’t remember much embracing. I remember lots and lots of resistance.”

  Georgia shrugged. “All true. I fought the good fight with my feelings and I lost. Now
I’m getting laid several times a week. That’s not bad for a woman my age, so I’m choosing to be grateful.”

  Georgia turned to Trudy. “Is your sexy chef great in bed?”

  “Yes,” Trudy answered cautiously.

  “Do you like him outside of it?”

  Trudy thought about Georgia’s question and nodded. Jack sponsored a boy’s home. He treated a hot dog vendor in the park like the man was a fellow chef. He’d worked hard to raise a good son. “Yes, I actually do like Jack. He’s grown into a very good man.”

  Georgia leaned on the table. “Okay, here’s the clincher. Does the idea of him with another woman make you want to load a gun and go on a shooting spree?”

  “No,” Trudy said, chuckling at Georgia’s jealous expression. “I’m not as evil as you. The idea of Jack kissing someone else makes me want to sharpen my knives.”

  “Sharpening knives definitely counts,” Ann said, looking among them all.

  “But he’s still mad at me for saying no all those years ago. I don’t know if he’ll ever truly forgive me,” Trudy said.

  “He’ll get over that if you keep sleeping with him,” Georgia said firmly.

  “Will he?” Jellica asked. “I’ve never kept a man. Sometimes sex isn’t enough, Georgia.”

  “You’ll keep the right man when the right time comes because good sex is just part of the bigger connection. Some relationships are just meant to be,” Ann said.

  Trudy sighed. “No matter what, I’ll always be a lot older than Jack.”

  “Age is relative. Some sixty year olds act like ninety year olds. Part of it is attitude. The other part is maintenance and healthy habits,” Georgia said firmly. She glared at Trudy. “Tell me this. Do you want to spend the rest of your days with a nearly naked chef in your kitchen cooking for you or making your own damn pancakes for breakfast? You’ve probably got twenty or thirty good years left. Don’t waste them being worried about the end. Life is too short and none of us have a guarantee of tomorrow. Be grateful for what you have at this moment and continue to be grateful every day. It’s the best advice I can give you.”

  “But none of you have answered my main question,” Trudy said.

  Jellica sighed. “Because we can’t. Love is different for every person. But wanting someone’s happiness and success, and investing in it as much as you have Jack’s—honey, you’ve been in love with him all along. You just didn’t give those feelings of caring any personal expression. My guess is the sexy chef is in the same love situation about you. That’s why both of you are still single after all this time. You’ve been waiting for a second chance with each other.”

  Trudy looked at the ceiling, wondering if what Jellica said was true. Had she always been in love with Jack? “Maybe you’re right.”

  “She’s right,” Ann and Georgia both said.

  “Thanks. Wish this was easier to figure out,” Trudy grumbled.

  “Welcome to the club,” Georgia announced. “Where did Jack go so early this morning?”

  “St. Christopher’s. He had to cook for his boys. He makes breakfast on Saturdays.”

  “Why didn’t you go with him?” Jellica asked.

  Trudy shrugged. “He didn’t ask.”

  “Maybe he was afraid to let you that far into his life,” Ann said, looking away. “I think that’s the hardest part of all. My kids accepted Cal right away. His daughters aren’t too thrilled that their dad has a new woman in his life. Do overs are complicated, but Cal’s worth working it out.”

  Trudy thought about it. It was only eight-thirty and the boy’s home was a ten minute drive from Georgia’s. What would Jack do if she just showed up there? “I don’t know if I can do it. I’m not the kind of woman to push myself into a man’s life.”

  “Maybe he’s hoping you will,” Jellica added.

  Thinking about that, Trudy left the house and climbed into her car. The next thing she knew, she was driving to St. Christopher’s.

  Brandon winced at his father’s singing, but said nothing about it. He’d forgotten how awful it was, but he hadn’t forgotten that his father only sang when he was genuinely happy. Since that wasn’t often, his eardrums tended to be safe more often than not.

  “They don’t seem to be eating as much today,” Brandon said. “And they actually passed the platter around without fighting. I think two more dozen will do it.”

  “Why are you here this morning? I thought Jivika was spending the night.”

  Brandon shook his head. “Family emergency. She’s coming tonight instead.”

  “Good,” Jack said.

  “How was your date?” Brandon asked as casually as possible. “I kind of hoped you’d be phoning in a donut delivery instead of showing up to make pancakes.”

  Jack snickered. “The date was great. I woke up at five this morning with all kinds of energy. I had a good time with her.”

  “Oh,” Brandon said, slightly disappointed in his father’s lackluster report. It was sad that so little made him happy enough to sing. “Well, I guess it’s good you two had time to talk.”

  “Yes. Stanley praised you over and over by the way. I don’t know what you did, but he thinks you walk on water.”

  Brandon grinned. “I like helping people like Stanley. It feels good to make a difference.”

  Frank stuck his head into the kitchen. “Jack, you have a visitor this morning.”

  “I have a visitor?” Jack said, complete surprise in his tone.

  Frank nodded and held the door open to let Trudy walk through it.

  Jack froze and stared at her.

  “Jack… turn those before they burn,” Trudy ordered.

  When Jack continued to stare at her, she walked over, snatched the spatula from his hand, and flipped the pancakes. When she was done, she handed the spatula back.

  “I’m sorry to barge in here. I just…” She looked past Jack and saw Brandon grinning widely. She held out a hand. “Hi. You must be Brandon. You have your father’s eyes. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”

  Brandon continued to grin as he shook Trudy’s hand. “You must be Chef Baker.”

  “I am, but Trudy’s fine,” she said, reaching out to pat his arm. She looked back to find Jack staring harder at her. “For pity’s sake, Jack. It’s not like I’m a ghost.”

  Trudy slipped the spatula from his limp fingers and gathered the pancakes from the grill. She tried to make the nice stacks Jack did, but hers ended up as uneven as ever. Sighing, she filled the platter as best she could.

  “Wow, two dozen at once. I always wondered how breakfast places did this so efficiently. Your setup here is great.”

  “I’ll just take those out to the hungry guys,” Brandon said, lifting the platter from the counter.

  After Brandon disappeared, Jack continued to stare.

  “Will you give the staring a rest?” Trudy demanded. “I’m not invading your life, Jack. I guess I’m a morning after girl more than I thought. I missed you after you left.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for the future,” Jack said, taking the spatula from her hand. “And I’m glad you’re here. I’m just surprised. This is the first time you’ve…”

  “Chased after you?” Trudy supplied, finishing his thought.

  Jack’s mouth quirked at one corner. “Is that what you’re doing?”

  Trudy let out a ragged sigh. “I guess. This is a first for me, so I’m not completely sure.”

  Jack pulled her into his arms and hugged. “Just so you know… chasing isn’t really necessary. I’m already caught.”

  Trudy hugged back and felt foolish. “I’m on strange ground here.”

  “You’re fine. Want a tour?” Jack asked.

  “I’d love one,” Trudy said. “Got any plans for tonight?”

  “None that don’t include you,” Jack said softly.

  “Maybe I can cook for you this time,” Trudy said.

  “I would like that. Can I consider tonight a date?” Jack asked.

Trudy blew out a nervous breath. “I suppose it is. I’m not interested in kissing anyone else. I don’t want you to kiss anyone else either. Dating only makes sense in those circumstances, right?”

  Jack closed his eyes and opened them again. “You are the strangest female I’ve ever met.”

  “Don't start. It’s bad enough your female fans harass me.”

  Jack chuckled. “Wait until you meet my sisters.”

  “Sisters as in plural?”

  “I have five of them—all older.”

  “Bet your parents were glad to finally get a boy so they could quit,” Trudy guessed.

  Jack snickered. “So I’ve heard. So I’ve heard.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “It’s my show, not her show. It’s been my show for years now. What do you mean the national affiliate wants both of us?”

  Luke shrugged. “It means what it means. They like your on-air chemistry with her. They want both of you. I haven’t said anything to Trudy yet, but I need to tell her before one of the affiliate jackals call her to drop their idea of good news in her lap. I don’t think she’ll be receptive, but those people never let reality stop them.”

  Jack paced to the window. “What happens if Trudy doesn’t want to do more shows?”

  Luke shook his head. “I don’t know for sure. They like you, Jack. You have a solid fan base which makes advertisers happy. Why don’t we see if she’ll agree to doing a few more shows before we start worrying about the repercussions of her saying no? Maybe we can record future shows so Trudy doesn’t have to be live every week. I think she’d listen to that sort of compromise so long as we’ll not take up too much of her time. She has those other businesses to run.”

  “I heard her specifically state that she was putting the twelve week limit in her contract. We already know she’s going to say no.”

  “True—she did put that in her contract, but…” Luke stopped and swore.

  “But what?” Jack asked. “What are you not telling me?”

  Luke rubbed his jaw. “I know you’re seeing each other outside of the show. How serious are you two?”


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