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Text 'Yes' if You Love Me

Page 19

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “Water is so boring—try my special lemonade. It’s a best-seller at the restaurant.” Nikki accepted the tall glass of cold lemonade and sipped it. She was right; it was delicious and refreshing. “Wow, this tastes so good,” replied Nikki.

  “I’ll grab a cold beer. Dad, Axl, care for one too?” Logan asked, as he walked towards the refrigerator.

  “Yes, thank you,” they both said in unison.

  “Honey, bring the drinks to the patio; we’re having dinner out here,” Elizabeth instructed.

  Nikki stood at the kitchen counter. Her eyes followed Logan as he moved around the kitchen. He had decided to wear a pair of jeans, a plain brown polo shirt, and a pair of sneakers.

  She loved the way the jeans hugged him in all the right places. The shirt fit well enough to outline the definition of his muscles when he moved about. She still couldn’t get it in her head that he wanted to be with her.

  When came back to stand next to her, she said, “Logan, I’m a little confused.”

  “Oh, my old man. He was adopted. He is Spanish but moved to the United States with his adoptive parents soon after his birth.”

  “Nice heads up on that,” she said, raising a brow.

  “He doesn’t make a big deal about it, and neither do we. My grandparents are white, and that’s how he classifies himself.”

  “Not a problem for me.” She followed him out to the patio. It was a sizable area for entertaining, and there was an above-ground pool; it had rust in spots, but still appeared usable since it had water in it. So far, the Sloan family seemed to be nice. The house was large and definitely looked lived in. Logan was right; they weren’t snobbish, upper-middle-class people, but people who worked hard for what they had.

  “How is the moving going, Axl?” Logan asked, popping the top on the beer bottles and handing one to Axl.

  “A lot harder than I expected. There are budgets to stick to, and then there is working with actors who think their shit don’t stink. So far, the whole experience has been a pain in the ass. I prefer doing my independent films: a lot fewer problems that way,” Axl said.

  “Hang in there and finish the movie. Once you get a reputation, you’ll be able to call the shots. Right, Dad?” Logan lifted his beer and took a long drink.

  “Exactly. I don’t know how many times I threatened to quit the restaurant business. The one thing you can’t do is give up on your dream,” Tino said. “If Logan gave up dating after every defeat, he wouldn’t be happy now.”

  Nikki blushed and followed Logan to a round table shaded by a large flower-printed umbrella. She looked up and saw Tino’s charming smile still on her.

  “Dad, are you hitting on my girl?” Logan moved his arm around Nikki giving her a squeeze.

  “She is a beautiful girl, Logan.” He winked at Nikki again.

  Nikki blushed and Logan laughed. “Dad, stop embarrassing her.”

  Axl joked. “If she is gonna be a part of this family, she’ll have to get used to the teasing and …”

  “And the bullshit,” all three men said in unison.

  Logan roared in laughter and Nikki’s mouth dropped open, but she didn’t say anything. She was enjoying watching how the family interacted.

  “Okay, guys. We do have company and don’t want her to think we are uncivilized,” Elizabeth scolded as she glared at them.

  Logan snorted. “She knows we’re fooling around. I warned her ahead of time.”

  “Good. Since you all need something to do, get the rest of the food from the kitchen. The grill is ready now.”

  Logan, Axl, and Tino did as Elizabeth commanded and walked into the kitchen to get the rest of the food.

  “I hope we aren’t scaring you off. Logan is really smitten with you. I’ve never see him this way,” Elizabeth said as she took a seat at the table.

  Elizabeth was doing her best to roll out the welcome wagon by pretending to accept her son dating outside his race. Nikki tucked her hair behind her ears. “I am thoroughly entertained by them. As for Logan, he is very important to me.” She had to stop fidgeting before she appeared uncomfortable in front of Elizabeth.

  “Yes, the three of them are a hoot.”

  “I have a sister. Logan and I attended her wedding not long ago. It was so elegant.” Nikki didn’t know why she said that to her.

  Elizabeth looked at Nikki with sad but gentle eyes before she placed her hand over Nikki’s. “I talk to my boys at least once a week.”

  Nikki lowered her eyes to look at the table, not sure what to say. “And I’m sure Logan talks about me. I would say not to believe everything he says, but I’m not sure what he says about me.”

  “He says you have him in a good place and he wants to do the same for you.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Mrs. Sloan, I don’t have a big family that celebrates special occasions or holidays like you all do. I usually work so my staff can take the holidays off. So if he doesn’t talk about my family that’s why.”

  Elizabeth squeezed her hand gently. “Not having a big is nothing to be ashamed of, Nikki. You are a sweet person and it is nice of you to work for your staff on holidays.”

  “I love my job, and don’t mind working.”

  “You are ambitious like Logan. Where do you two find time to be together?”

  “We manage. However, he does work long hours. I feel bad when he’s walking through the door and I’m leaving out for work.”

  “Can you handle his unusual working hours? The restaurant business is hard, and days like that will test you and can wreak havoc on a new relationship.”

  “It doesn’t happen every night.”

  “It won’t be every night. Nikki, have you thought about what to do when something goes wrong at home, and you need Logan? Because you hardly have any family to help out, you will depend on him for everything. He won’t be able to leave the restaurant and run home for every little emergency.”

  Nikki was smart enough to know where Mrs. Sloan was going. She was planting seeds of doubt.

  Nikki smiled politely and said, “Logan believes together we can conquer it all. I believe we can too.”

  “Well, my son is a dreamer,” Elizabeth said. She ended the conversation when the men came out of the house carrying platters of food. “I better get the food on the grill."

  “Dinner is served,” Elizabeth announced as she set out platters of food containing T-bone steaks, grilled chicken, grilled potatoes, and a large garden salad. She also had grilled fresh peaches and pound cake for dessert later.

  Logan sat down next to her and said, “Mom gets carried away. I don’t know why she has cooked so much food for five people.”

  Nikki put the conversation she had with Elizabeth aside. “I will eat my fair share,” she said with a slight giggle. “If her cooking is as good as yours, then I will stuff myself until I pop.”

  “I can’t promise it’ll be as good as mine; she might come close,” Logan replied sarcastically.

  “See there is that arrogance poking through again, and that was just wrong. She taught you how to cook,” she scoffed.

  “I apologize for my arrogance. The food probably will be better than anything I’d make.”

  Nikki ignored him shaking her head. She took Logan’s hand as his father blessed the food. As plates of food passed her, Nikki filled her plate taking a little of everything. The conversation around the table bounced from one topic to another. Nikki became comfortable but felt the uneasiness Elizabeth still held for her.

  After dinner, Logan, Axl, and Tino excused themselves from the table, while Elizabeth began to clear off the table. Instead of sitting there alone, Nikki began putting the leftovers in plastic containers.

  Elizabeth removed a large shopping bag from the cabinet, packing the containers inside, she said, “These are for you to take home. Logan tells me you don’t cook much.”

  Is that another strike against me? “No, I don’t. Since it’s just me, eating out is convenient.”

  “Not v
ery healthy to eat fast food every day. As you get older, you won’t be able to keep that shapely figure.”

  Nikki had to say what was on her mind now or forever hold her peace. She put the empty container on the counter and said, “Mrs. Sloan, I understand I’m not who you expected Logan to be with; I’m surprised we are together also. But, we love each other.”

  Elizabeth immediately defended herself. “I know, dear. I’m happy he has you. I’m sure he’ll teach you to cook and to do other stuff he might need.”

  Nikki raised her hand and chucked. “You are far from happy for us. What you said to me earlier was you trying to plant doubt in my abilities. So, I’m not perfect. I never professed to be, but I’m not totally useless either.”

  “Nikki, please. I believe you are taking what I said out of context.”

  “Am I? I know I make your son very happy. You don’t like that he is with me. So please stop with the subliminal put-downs.”

  “I’m doing nothing like that.”

  Nikki narrowed her eyes and squared her jaw. “My philosophy is honesty is always best in uncomfortable situations. Mrs. Sloan, why don’t you really approve of me?”

  “All right, maybe you aren’t all wrong. I feel Logan is moving too fast with your relationship and settling for you. I can’t see where you have what it takes to be the type of wife he needs. You are reclusive whereas Logan is outgoing. Your personalities will eventually clash, and the relationship will burn.”

  “So you believe he is settling for me? Thank you for being so frank.”

  “Nikki, I’m sorry to be blunt. My husband and Axl clearly approve of the relationship. I mean, you’re smart and a pretty young lady. You just aren’t right for Logan. He needs a woman with more substance. My advice is to end it now and spare the heartache down the road.”

  “I asked you, to be honest, and you were. However, I know my worth and so does Logan. Believe it or not, I’m not a weak woman who can’t change a blown light bulb or doesn’t have enough sense to eat when I get hungry.” She pointed an index finger at herself. “And I have plenty of substance,” she said as she tossed the paper towel in the trash. “I’ll wait for Logan in the family room if that’s okay?”

  “Nikki, Logan is not stupid and will know something is wrong.”

  “Don’t worry. As a seasoned reclusive, I know how to blend into the background. I won’t say anything to ruin his night with his family.”

  “Once you’ve thought about what I said, you’ll see I’m right,” Elizabeth insisted.

  “Will I, Mrs. Sloan?” Nikki walked out of the kitchen. She refused to let Elizabeth see the hurt on her face.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Down in the man cave, the men closed the door for privacy. “Logan, Nikki compliments you. I like her,” Tino said, beaming a huge smile.

  “Dad, she is great. I have never met anyone like her.” Logan truly had not. Ever since Nikki had entered his life, his world had been turned upside down. She was everything he wanted and more. Who in the world would have thought Logan Sloan would find the ideal woman and settle down?

  “Great, son. Have you met her family?”

  “Mom, didn’t tell you?” Logan asked raising a brow.

  “No. Liz has not said anything to me about her at all.”

  Logan was not surprised by that since he blew off her idea of pursuing Elaine. “Dad, she has no relationship with her mother. She pretty much raised herself with the help of her father who is married to someone else.”

  “Poor girl. She seems so well-rounded to have gone through that type of an ordeal.”

  “She is a very strong woman,” Logan said proudly.

  “So where is it going? Are you two living together or exclusive?”

  Taking a seat in the worn leather chair, Logan explained their budding relationship. “We’re exclusive but not living together. I have plenty of room for her in my loft, but I can’t force Nikki to change her life around. She has to make sure she is secure with me.”

  Logan hadn’t told his family everything about Nikki. His mother already had reservations about him dating her. He hated leaving Nikki alone upstairs. Elizabeth had a way of prying without people knowing she was digging around for information.

  “You will marry her,” Axl said. “Don’t mess around and lose the person meant for you.”

  Logan looked at his brother. “I’m not pushing her away, if that’s what you’re saying, Axl. She is fragile when it comes to commitment.”

  “Well, I like her too, and she seems perfect for you. I wish she had a sister,” Axl joked.

  “She doesn’t put up with my shit and is quick to call me an arrogant ass when I’m acting like one.” Logan laughed. He loved that she was blunt with him. And, secretly, he couldn’t wait to ask her to marry him. He had been thinking about it ever since Kenya’s wedding.

  Axl laughed. “Nikki doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into.”

  Logan laughed. “I know! I hope when I do ask her to marry she’ll say yes after being around us.”

  Axl interrupted the happy moment. “Nikki is upstairs alone with Mom. You better hope she’ll stick around long enough for her food to digest.”

  “Yeah, I better get up there,” Logan looked at his father and brother and said, “I love you guys. Thank you for making Nikki feel welcome tonight. She was really nervous about coming. She is basically a loner and not used to families that are close-knit.”

  “She is welcome here anytime, son. Get upstairs before she feels abandoned by you,” Tino urged.

  Entering the kitchen, Logan glanced around looking for Nikki. “Mom, where did Nikki go?”

  “I believe she went into the family room to relax,” Elizabeth said as she wiped down the stove.

  “Hmm, okay. Is everything all right between you two?”

  “Can I ask you something?” She stopped cleaning and walked around to Logan.


  “Why her? I mean are you just trying to find someone because you are lonely and she came along to fill that gap in your life?”

  Logan tilted his head looking down at his mother. Her attitude toward Nikki shocked him. “Really, Mom? I mean, I don’t have to defend my choices or consult with you before I date a woman.”

  “No, that is your option. The question wasn’t meant to upset you, Logan. You just haven’t made it clear to me why you changed your mind on what you once considered the perfect woman to that not being what you want anymore.”

  “Don’t do this. You’ve never questioned anything I’ve done. But you have been on my case since I vetoed dating Elaine. Nikki is the woman I love, Mom.”

  He turned to walk away but stopped when he felt her grab his arm. He looked down at her. “Sweetheart, she is a very reserved young woman. So opposite from the women you normally date. I’m making sure she is enough for you.”

  He pulled his arm from her grasp. “Enough for me? Mom, I don't know what that even means.”

  “Come on, Logan; you aren’t stupid,” Elizabeth said sternly.

  He shook his head. “Nikki maybe not be blonde or have blue eyes or white skin, but she satisfies me in every way possible. Anyhow, I know where this is going and it’s the reason I’m leaving.”

  Elizabeth frowned. “Don’t label me that, because it is not true.”

  Tino and Axl were standing in the kitchen watching. Logan didn’t care and narrowed his eyes. “You can’t tell me who to date, or who to marry.”

  “What is going on, Liz?” Tino asked confused. “What did you say to Nikki?”

  “I didn’t say anything to her, Tino. Logan is upset because I asked him about Nikki being right for him. He is blowing it out of proportion.”

  “Liz, leave it alone; Elaine is not looking for a husband anymore. I heard she is dating.”

  “Oh, my Lord; Elaine has nothing to do with any of this. But, Tino, are you siding with Logan? You think I don’t want him with Nikki?”

  He shoved his hands into the po
cket of his pants. “I believe you want to have a say in the boys’ lives. Honey, I know your intentions are good, but as parents, we have to respect their decisions. They are grown men.”

  “So you are taking his side? This is unbelievable,” Elizabeth huffed.

  Tino refused to let his wife have the last word; especially when she was wrong. “It would explain why they both live in different states. We want grandkids, and we’ll never have them as long as you continue to interfere in their lives. Trust they are doing what is best for them; I do.”

  Elizabeth thinned her lips and mumbled in a low voice. “Shut up, Tino. I don’t want to have a discussion about this now.”

  “Has it occurred to any of you that while you’re in here arguing and discussing Nikki, she is in the other room probably hearing it all?” Axl asked. “I’m gonna go check on her.”

  Logan ran a hand through his hair; he had not thought about her overhearing them in the kitchen. He should have, though. He and Axl heard their parents talking in the kitchen all the time when they were kids.

  “Dad, it’s okay,” Logan said. “The conversation is over, and Nikki and I are going back to the hotel.” Heading towards the family room, he found Nikki sitting on the couch distraught. She had heard them talking. “Baby. . .”

  She stood up and crossed her arms. “No, don’t say anything or apologize for how she feels about me, Logan.”

  “Maybe not, but she can’t speak for me.”

  “Logan, she is your mother; be thankful she even cares.”

  He took her by the hand. “Let’s go. I have a bottle of Chianti Classico chilling in our suite, and I need a drink.” Logan’s eyes locked with Elizabeth when she entered the room. A soft smile appeared on her face, but he didn’t return it. He whispered to Nikki, “Let’s go.”

  Nikki’s eyes expressed concern. Raising an eyebrow, she said, “You can’t leave it like this, Logan.”


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