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Text 'Yes' if You Love Me

Page 20

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “Not now, baby.”

  Nodding, she said, “Thank you for dinner. Have a nice evening.”

  Tino and Axl stepped forward to give her a hug goodbye as Logan watched. It pained him that Elizabeth was shunning the woman he loved. But it was all good; he didn’t need her approval.

  Walking to the car, Logan opened the door for her. “I’m so sorry, Nikki. I really didn’t expect my mother to behave that way.”

  “Like I said, at least she cares. My mother would pass me off to whoever would take me.”

  Back at the hotel, they drank some of the wine. It wasn’t enough to change Logan’s mood. Cuddled together on the king-size bed, Logan spooned Nikki. Although they were naked, they had not made love—just held each other close. He needed to hold her; making sure she couldn’t escape.

  “Are you asleep?” he asked. The room was dark except for the candles that had not burned out completely.

  “I’m awake.”

  “Are you thinking about leaving me, Nikki?”

  She shifted her backside against him causing a stir in his loins, but sex wasn’t going to happen tonight. Nikki responded, “I won’t lie; I had thought about it but threw it out of my mind.”

  “Can I ask why?”

  “Because I deserve to be happy, damn it. You make me happy, and I love you. If we decide to call an end to our relationship, then fine, but no one else gets to make that decision for us.”

  He gave her body a squeeze. “That’s the way I like to hear my girl talk. Positive. Be positive with me, Nikki. We are going to take the world by storm.”

  She twisted around in his arms. “You’re right. We will do this together. You are my family, Logan. You are all I need.”

  “Damn straight I am.”


  The next morning, Logan snuck out before Nikki got up. When he returned, the suite was still quiet. She must still be asleep, he thought. He knew she was exhausted since they had stayed up most of the night talking about their future. He’d actually drifted off to sleep for maybe an hour when an idea hit him. It was time to make those thoughts rolling around in his head come true.

  Logan walked into the bedroom, and Nikki was just waking up. He sat on her side of the bed. “Hey sleepy head, you’re up. I got you coffee and a donut. We can have a real breakfast once you’re dressed.”

  She sat up and kissed him. “Thank you; I’m starving.” She took the bag and opened it. “Mmm, jelly donuts; my favorite.”

  “I took a gamble and guessed right. Yay for me. Oh, I got this for you too.”

  She wrinkled her nose in curiosity as he handed her the small box. “Logan?” she asked, her voice trembling.

  He kept his eyes on her hands as they shook as she lifted the top off the box, revealing a large square-shaped diamond ring. Logan swore he would never be caught dead doing the corny drop to one knee crap even though he was a romantic. Undoing his words, he did it anyhow.

  Kneeling on one knee, he spoke in a husky voice. “I love you, Nikki, and I don’t want to wait any longer or let anyone else put doubt in your mind about us being together. Baby, will you marry me?” He did it. He had proposed to Nikki Graham.

  She stared open-mouthed at the large diamond ring. “Logan, is this a joke?” she asked, sounding unsure whether to be happy or to cry.

  His face was serious and his voice even. “I would never play with your heart or mine that way, Nikki.”

  She met his gaze, her expression solemn. “I need—”

  He grasped her wrist. “I know what you need, and I want to be the one to give it to you.”

  “I do need you in my life. Oh my God, Logan.”

  “Is that a yes to my proposal?” he asked, his heart still hammering hard in his chest.

  She handed him back the box and grinned. “Yes. Yes, I will marry you!”

  Logan took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger, grateful he had guessed the size correctly. He rose and settled back on the bed, pulling her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled close.

  “Are you really happy, Nikki?”

  “Baby, if I could shout it from the roof of the hotel, I would. I gotta be dreaming?”

  “I promise it is not a dream. We are getting married.”

  “What about your mother, Logan? She will throw a hissy fit when she finds out.”

  “She’ll get over it. Besides, Axl is still single. She will turn her attention to him eventually,” he said.

  Nikki squeezed him. “I can’t wait to start planning the wedding. It will be small unless you invite everyone from your side of the family. I don’t have any family to invite except for Kenya and Gayle’s family.”

  “Hun, you aren’t going to say anything to your mother?”

  She shook her head. “She wouldn’t care. I haven’t heard a word from her in months, and she didn’t acknowledge me at Kenya’s wedding. When I say I’m nothing to her, believe it.”

  Logan kissed the top of her head. “We could avoid the big family wedding and go away to an island and get married. In a few months it will be cold here but nice and toasty on white sandy beach. We’ll go to destination where you need a passport.”

  “Keep talking. I’m liking what I’m hearing,” she said as she placed her hand on his chest. “My God, this ring sparkles in the light. I love it, Logan. I love it just as much as I love you.”

  “I’m glad you love it. I was thinking maybe Ron, Vonnie, Kenya and her husband could tag along and be witnesses. What do you think?”

  “What about Axl?”

  “Oh right, him. I’ll ask him to come too. Now, it’s starting to be a traditional wedding instead of the private, intimate ceremony we want.”

  “We could do it alone and have a big reception when we get home—maybe at your restaurant.”

  He grabbed her by the cheeks and kissed her full on the lips. “This is one of the reasons I love you so much. You are always thinking outside of the box.”

  She giggled. “Glad to be of help. Mr. Sloan. Is there anything else I can do for you today?”

  “Why, yes there is, Ms. Graham. I’d like to request that you make love to me. Think you can help me?”

  She dropped the sheet, exposing her body. “Oh, I think we can work something out.”

  Logan quickly undressed and joined her back on the bed. “You are so beautiful, baby. I’m a lucky son-of-a-gun to have you in my life permanently.”

  She flexed her fingers across his hard chest. “I’m glad I let myself feel what is real. I can now express to you my feelings like a normal person. But I’m going to make mistakes until I learn to open up entirely,” she told him.

  A smirk edged the corners of his mouth. “We both will make mistakes, and we will work through them together. No running, Nikki, and no hiding behind your computer. You have to talk to me so that you won’t have any more panic attacks.”

  “Notice I’m not having one now?” she asked.

  He cupped her chin in his hand; he was tired of talking. “We have to be out of the room by noon. Do you want to talk or make love?”

  Logan didn’t know how long they lay together after making love. They’d missed the checkout time, and he booked the suite for another night and vowed not to leave it for anything but food.

  Nikki’s heart beating against his chest, as she napped, was music to his ears. He held her hand up admiring how the ring looked on her finger. He felt grateful to find the one part of his life that had always eluded him: Eternal love. He’d now have it every day for the rest of his life because he’d finally done what he’d always thought was impossible. He’d fallen madly in love with the right woman. And to think a text sent to the wrong number made it happen.


  The Wedding

  Nikki couldn’t believe any of it was real. But the warm breeze and bright sunshine proved it was very real as she walked over the bluff to meet Logan. The roar of the ocean waves beating on the rocks not far from her set a romantic ton
e. She would soon be Mrs. Nikki Sloan.

  As she walked down the stretch of sand, she saw Logan standing there staring at her. It was the first time he’d seen her dress. The white lace mermaid gown clung to her curves. He smiled as he stood patiently waiting for her. He was dressed in a white suit. His hair was blowing in the breeze created by the wind coming over the ocean water. He looked so incredibly handsome that Nikki’s head went light.

  As she walked toward him, all she could focus on was the beam of his smile, the sparkle in his eyes. It was their moment. They were doing it without family or friends. There were no parents to cast doubt or a mother to spew hate or embarrass her.

  Most brides dreamed of going big, but this was perfect for her; just the two of them on a romantic beach at sunset. When Logan stepped forward and took her hand, everything turned dreamlike and time seemed to float as Nikki stood next to him.

  Then he cupped her face as he looked down at her with love and tears in his eyes as the minister began to officiate their wedding. She wished the minister would talk faster because she needed to feel his lips on hers. Anxious to be wedded to the man she vowed to love forever.

  When they were pronounced husband and wife, Nikki lifted on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I love you so much,” she said.

  Logan folded back her veil and leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I love you too, baby. You have made me the happiest man on earth.”

  When Logan pulled back, the expression in his eyes when he looked down at her again was filled with so much love, Nikki’s heart flipped in her chest. She reached up, pressing her mouth hard against his. He opened to her, and at that moment she knew he was hers forever. She broke the kiss and smiled into his eyes and lifted her hand to touch his face. He turned his face into the palm of her hand and said, “Nikki. I promise to love all of you. I’m there for the good and the bad.”

  “I’ll be there for not only during the good but the bad also. But our love won’t let there be many bad days.”

  He grinned. “Not if I can help it.”

  Nikki couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him the way she wished she’d been able to kiss him when first laying eyes on him. Logan kissed her back, his mouth generous. Kissing her until she couldn’t breathe.

  He finally brought her upright and pulled out of the kiss. He said, “We have pictures to take and then we’re off to start the honeymoon. Are you ready?”

  Nikki beamed. ”I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  Tears streamed down her face. He lifted a hand from her waist to wipe them away. “Baby…” He couldn’t seem to find the words and was overwhelmed. Nikki knew he’d never felt so completely accepted or loved in his entire life. She knew that because she felt the very same.

  The Reception

  Finally, after two months of planning the reception, the party was rocking at the restaurant. The band Ron had hired had people dancing in their seats and on the floor the entire night. Taking a break from the fast paced music, it slowed to a sensual R&B song. Logan took Nikki’s hand and led her back to the dance floor.

  They joined the other couples on the dance floor. Logan turned her to face him and slid his right arm around her waist. “You know I can’t dance, so don’t laugh if I mess up,” he said.

  “Baby, you’re a great slow dancer,” she said, and then she started to laugh.

  With his hand warm in the middle of her back, his left hand holding her right tightly, he began to guide her around the room. “So, that’s how you treat your husband? You make jokes.”

  They danced for a while without saying anything, just smiling at each other, occasionally glancing over at those watching them when they shouted out a comment. Nikki found it difficult to tear her eyes away from him to respond though.

  He looked stunning in a white dinner tuxedo, and the look in his eyes took her back to the wedding. They were filled with love and that is what warmed her heart to the core.

  The song came to an end, changing to a slower, more romantic love song, and Logan let go of her hand and slid it around her waist. “I love my wife,” he said, kissing her temple.

  She looped her hands around his neck. “I love my husband.”

  “Are you ready to tell everyone why they are here?”

  She nodded, glancing over at Gayle and Kenya, who were watching them both with gentle smiles on their faces. “Yeah. I’m ready.”

  “Let’s do it, then.”

  She sighed. “I noticed your mother doesn’t look angry. She is smiling an awful lot. Is she faking because she knows, Logan?”

  “I didn’t tell her anything,” Logan claimed, “but my mother does have a sixth sense about things. Ron is the only one I told since I had to close the restaurant and he booked the band.”

  “Okay. I purposely wore a red dress and nothing resembling my wedding gown. Which I have to say was absolutely stunning on me.”

  “Baby, I cried when I saw you walking across the sand wearing that white mermaid dress. And your hair pulled back with the lace veil flowing over your face.”

  “Do you regret not having any family there?”

  “I don’t think so. Once I saw you, I wouldn’t have noticed other people were there anyhow. That was the greatest day of my life, Nikki.”

  “I love you so much. I can’t wait any longer; let’s tell them,” she said excitedly.

  He smiled. “Now you’re turning into a romantic.” Logan motioned for the band to stop playing. “Everybody, hey everybody, can I get your attention for a second.”

  The crowd turned their attention to Logan; Nikki was standing close by his side. Her knees were knocking like crazy but not in a panic attack type of way. She held his hand, and he squeezed it so tight her fingers were numbing one digit at a time. It was cute he was as nervous as she was.

  Logan continued. “I know you are wondering why Nikki and I are throwing this party. Well, we’re about to tell you.”

  “It better be an engagement party since I had to wear a suit,” a guest shouted.

  The crowd erupted in laughter. “Very funny, whoever said that,” Logan replied. “But, sorry to say it is not an engagement party.”

  “Boo,” hissed Axl. “I’m with that person who complained about wearing a suit for a party.”

  “Axl, chill,” Logan said to his brother and Nikki noticed a bit of red in his cheeks. He was either blushing or getting mad. “Okay, as you all know, I love this woman next to me more than life itself. Well, two months ago she agreed to be my wife.”

  The crowd erupted in applause, and Nikki smiled when she saw Kenya blow kisses at her, Mimi was tearing up, and Gayle seemed to be happy for her as well.

  “So when is the wedding?” Gayle asked.

  “There won’t be a wedding,” Logan replied. The room went silent. “Wait—I didn’t mean to take the wind out of the sail. The reason we aren’t getting married is that we got married two months ago in the Dominican Republic.”

  As guests came up to congratulate them, Logan saw the angry look in his mother’s eyes as she glared at him. When she reached them; he said, “Mom, come with me, please.” Inside his office, he waited for her to explode.

  “You went and got married without telling us?” Elizabeth said angrily.

  Tino stood at the door with his arms crossed over his chest not saying anything. At least not yet.

  Logan frowned at his mother. “Mom, don’t make a scene when we go back out there. This is what Nikki and I wanted to do. She was willing to have a big wedding if I wanted one.”

  Nikki swallowed hard as her heart beat faster than a scared cat. She was worried about Judith; she never imagined Logan’s mother would take center stage by acting out inappropriately.

  “Liz, their reception is not the place to do this. I will not let you ruin their day. If you can’t behave we will go home. Do you understand me,” Tino said sternly.

  Elizabeth glared at her husband, and then let her
gaze fall on Nikki, who felt about as small as an ant. How she wished she could disappear right now. But, she had to stay strong and stand with her husband. They were in this together. However, she was willing to let Logan handle Elizabeth on his own.

  “I’m not going cause a ruckus. I want to let my son know how disappointed I am. How could you not invite me to your wedding?”

  Logan raised his hands in disgust. “Mom, you weren’t completely on board with Nikki and I being a couple.”

  “I was wrong about everything. Nikki is the woman for you, Logan. Axl made me realize how she is your other half. She balances you.”

  “You have it wrong, Mrs. Sloan, Logan showed me how to love life. He gave me childhood memories. He didn’t care how silly he looked riding the merry-go-round with me, and he didn’t get mad when I threw up on him after the rollercoaster ride. He balances me,” Nikki said, feeling the tears falling from her eyes.

  “All right, let’s agree we are made for each other. Mom, this is a happy occasion; can we get back out there and enjoy the party?” Logan asked.

  “I’m sorry. Of course, we should get back to the celebration, but first I have to apologize to my new daughter-in-law. I’m so sorry, Nikki. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  Nikki hugged her. “I do forgive you.”

  They returned to the reception without anyone noticing they were gone. Thank goodness for free booze. Logan pumped up the crowd that had died down after the interruption from Elizabeth. “Okay, people, I invited you to party with my lovely wife and me. Let’s dance,” Logan said as he instructed the band to start playing again.


  Nikki sat with Gayle, Mimi, and Kenya. These were her family members, and it felt good to be around them again. “I’m glad you all came tonight.”

  “We would not have missed this for the world. Although, I would have loved to have seen the venue where you got married,” Mimi said teasingly.

  Nikki bit down on her lip. “I’m sorry. We wanted to keep it intimate. We are thinking about planning a big wedding for everyone to attend maybe next year.”


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