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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair

Page 10

by Mz. Lady P


  “King! King! Open this door right now!” The sound of Siyah kicking and screaming on the bedroom door woke me up from my sleep. I hadn’t been sleep long because Princess had woke up hungry and wanted to play, so I had to cater to her. I guess the sound of Siyah’s voice had woke her up too because she was staring at me like she knew I was doing wrong once again.

  “Don’t do daddy like that.” I said, as I tickled her nose. I picked her up and walked down the long hallway to our bedroom. Siyah was kicking the door so hard I just knew she was going to kick it off the hinges by the way it was shaking.

  “Calm down Siyah! I know you’re mad at me, but I know if I let you out of this room you’re going to take my daughter and leave. I just can’t let you do that.”

  “I swear I won’t leave you King! Please let me out of here. I need to get my baby.” Siyah’s voice cracked and I knew she was crying.

  “She’s cool Siyah.” I sat down on the floor outside of the door and flamed up a kush blunt.

  “Just open the door so I can hold her. I need my baby Kingston.”

  “What about me Siyah? Do you need me?” There was silence on the other end of the door.

  “I want you King, I don’t need you. Why are you doing this? King you’re acting like a bitch didn’t come and ruin our wedding day. This is the same bitch I asked you about and you told me it was nothing between you her. Yet, the day we’re supposed to make everything official she comes confessing her love for you. Her ass should have been escorted out of there. You never were supposed to leave me at the altar and go try to calm her down. Do you have any idea how that made me feel and look in front of all of our friends and family? I did the only thing I could do, I took my baby and I left. I’m sorry for taking Princess and keeping her from you, but I needed her with me. With everything that’s going on she’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Just let me out of here. I promise I won’t leave and we can make some type of arrangement for us to share custody of her.” Hearing those last words fucked me up because I didn’t expect to hear her say some shit like that.

  “So, that’s it Siyah? I don’t get a chance to make shit right with us?”

  “That’s just it King nothing was ever right. We started this shit built on a lie so it was sure to fall. I was a married woman and you were a street nigga that I just had to have. You claimed you wanted to make shit official, but let’s keep it one hundred, you weren’t ready for a commitment and I was moving too fast. I don’t doubt your love for me, but you don’t now how to love me. Your way of loving me is making sure you have me in check and handling me like a child. That’s not fair to me because I treat you like the king you are at all times. I only get to play the role of your queen when it’s convenient for you. The rest of the time I’m being treated like I’m your property. That’s why I left Luca. You were supposed to be different Kingston.”

  “I am different! Stop comparing me to that bitch ass nigga! Have I ever put my fucking hands on you! That nigga used to kick your ass. What’s funny to me is that you want to sit here and act like I’m so bad of a person. You the same slick sneaky motherfucker who gave your number to your ex. Stop sitting here putting everything on me! ” Hearing her say that shit pissed me off, making me lose my composure, and I kicked the damn door open and off the hinges. Siyah was sitting on the edge of the bed with her head down in her hands, crying.

  “Just let me go King. I can’t do this right now. I need to figure out if this is where I want to be and right now I’m not feeling this. We should be married right now, not having this conversation, but because you were fucking a bitch behind my back she fucked up what could have been and you let her. I’m not ready to forgive you and I don’t know if I ever will be. Leave King and take your shit with you because I’m not leaving my home.”

  “You got that! That’s real fucked up yo! All I’ve ever asked is that you never give up on me and the first time I fuck up you want to leave a nigga.” I felt defeated hearing her say that she didn’t want to be with a nigga no more. I didn’t want to end my relationship with Siyah, but the pain in her voice and the tears flowing down her face let me know just how unhappy she was with a nigga. I might not agree with her decision, but I had to respect it. I spent some time with my daughter then I packed some of my shit and I left.

  Chapter 19-Siyah

  It had been two weeks since King and I decided to officially part ways. He had been spending time with Princess almost every other day. I didn’t want to see him so I was letting my mother keep her on the days he wanted to see her. I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss him because I do. However, I know I must stand my ground in order for King to understand that he can’t treat me anyway that he wants to. Plus, I hadn’t had any of that good ass dick in a minute and I was horny ass hell. If I see him walking his fine ass around me with them damn shiny ass teeth I knew without a doubt he would be fucking my brains out.

  “I’m really getting tired of running interference between you and King. This shit is getting old Siyah. You’ve proved your point to him. It’s time you and him get your shit together. It ain’t fair to Princess for y’all to keep shifting her from house to damn house just because of y’all issues.” I had been sitting at Nita’s house and was tired of hearing her damn mouth. I was starting to wonder did her loyalty lie with King or with me.

  “I’m not ready to give into him. In case you forgot a bitch showed up at our wedding confessing her love for him. I’m sorry, but that shit ain’t easily forgiven.”

  “Watch your mouth Siyah. Lately you’ve been real disrespectful. I’m not King, I’ll pop your ass in the mouth. Let me tell you some real shit. You were standing at the altar, not that bitch Karma. That shit with her is business. How in the fuck do you think he keeps the money flowing in? His entire drug operation is ran out of the projects that she is the property manager of. The dealings that he has with her was before your time. He hasn’t been out here cheating on you. Everything that man has been out here in this streets doing has been for you and Princess. I know you think I take up for King, but that’s not the case. I know a good man when I see one. I also know a broken man when I see one and King is both. His mother and father abandoned him. Not to mention his father betrayed him in the worst way by stealing from him. After King forgave him he turned around and betrayed him with the enemy, which was Luca’s father. They were plotting against you Siyah, and King. In case you haven’t noticed King goes so hard for you and his baby girl. Now as a woman I commend you for stepping up and showing that you have a voice and I guarantee you he is feeling it. At the same time don’t let your pride push him into the arms of a bitch who is in the shadows waiting.” I sat and I took in everything that my mother was saying. I still stood firm in my belief that us being apart was the best for us. In order for us to truly appreciate one another’s presence we needed to be able to deal with being apart. If he moves on to the next woman then so be it. At the same time I’m at a place where I don’t give a fuck about these other bitches when it comes down to King. These past two weeks I’ve had to sit and do a lot of soul searching. The thought of him being with other women used to bother me until I realized he is who he is and I just had to accept him for who he was. As far as I’m concerned these hoes can keep fantasizing and lusting about the dick. And for the bitches that had a taste or feel of it that’s all good too because none of these bitches got him like I got him. At any rate I want nothing more than to fix this shit and get back to our happy place, but I won’t compromise my womanhood to do it.

  “I love you, Ma. I’ll be back to get Princess later after King drops her off.” I kissed her on the forehead and I left. I was done discussing my relationship with my mother. It had been a minute since I had a drink or had a chance to just unwind so I headed over to the bar to have a couple of drinks.


  “Well if it isn’t the beautiful A’Siyah Mills. What’s good Pooch?” I cringed hearing Gutta’s annoying ass voice. Not to mentio
n he had me livid calling me the pet name he had gave me so many years ago. I had actually forgotten all about it.

  “Don’t start Gutta. I’m not in the mood for any of your games. That shit you pulled back in Vegas was not cool at all.”

  “I didn’t do shit back in Vegas. Your bitch ass nigga should have thought about that before he upped a nigga like he the only one that carry. This shit bigger than that anyway. I want in on these streets, but he’s blocking my fucking blessings.” At this point I didn’t want to hear anything else. Gutta was on straight bullshit trying to beef with King and his crew. Just like him to pop up out of the blue and think he can just jump back in the game. This nigga been in jail for years and the game has changed tremendously.

  “Whatever Gutta, just stay away from me.” I got up to leave, but he grabbed me and pulled me into him.

  “Don’t leave Siyah. Outside of any of this bullshit I’m sorry for putting you in bad place. It was never my intention to start drama with you and your nigga. Let me buy you a drink for old time sake, Siyah. After all there was a time when you were the love of my life.” Gutta removed hair from my face and we just stared at each other. I felt uneasy so I removed his hand from my arm.

  “One drink Gutta and that’s it. I need get to Nita’s house and pick up my daughter.” I sat back down on the barstool and he gestured for the waitress.

  “Give the lady whatever she wants and I’ll have a double shot of Remy. I’ll be back, I need to use the bathroom.” Gutta laid the money on the bar and walked away. I looked around because I had gotten an uneasy feeling that someone was watching me. I quickly shook that feeling off and turned around as the same the bartender sat our drinks down. I took a big swallow of my drink and tried my best not to think about King, but the shit was so hard. I was missing him more than I cared to admit. I pulled out my phone to text him, but Gutta had returned.

  “Why Nita hate me so much, Siyah? I’ve never done anything to her mean ass.

  “Nita hates you because you were a bad ass influence on me. I swear she stayed beating my ass and I didn’t care. I was young and in love with a bad boy. I was willing to do anything just to say to be on your arm. Remember that time her and your momma got to fighting in the liquor store.

  “Hell yeah. Nita stabbed my OG and everything that day. Those were the good old days. I know that a lot has changed since then, but the one thing that remains the same is the fact that I still love you. As a matter of fact I’ve never stopped loving love you. I was so grimy to you back then. While I was in jail all them bitches I was fucking with was nowhere to be found. I thought of you often. I was sick when I found out you had married a damn white man. Now I’m out and you with this nigga King. All I need is a chance to make things right between us.” I swallowed the rest of my drink as looked at Gutta like he was out of his mind. I feel nothing for Gutta besides the fact that we have history.

  “Look Gutta I’m flattered that you feel this way, but the feeling is not mutual. Not only do I love King, but I’m in love him. Thanks for the drink. Goodbye Gutta.” I needed to get the hell out of there because he was on some other shit and I didn’t even want to give him an inkling he had a chance with me. King and I might not be on the best of terms right now, but I love him and nothing is going to change that. I stood up from the barstool and I felt a little light-headed, but I was able to walk out of the bar. I hit the automatic start up button and as soon as I went to reach the door handle everything went black.


  My eyes fluttered open and I tried to take in my surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. I quickly sat up in bed, but I had to fall back because of the excruciating pain in my head. I felt goose bumps all over my body and that’s when I looked under the cover and I was completely naked. I begin to panic because I had no idea what the hell was going on.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” I looked and Gutta was coming in the room carrying a breakfast tray.

  “What am I doing here?”

  “Calm down. You were too drunk to drive and when we got here you just couldn’t keep your hands off of me.” Gutta moved closer to me on the bed and I jumped out of it. My clothes were sprawled out all over the floor. I never put my clothes on that fast in my life. As I got dressed I was having flashbacks of the night before. I knew that something wasn’t right. That nigga had put something in my drink.

  “Where is my car keys?” I said, in a shaky voice. I was now afraid of what he might try to do to me now. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I never should have accepted that drink from him. Gutta walked towards me and placed my keys in my hand.

  “We simply must do this again Siyah.” He rubbed his thumb across my lips and I closed my eyes as I cringed in disgust. I found my way out of his house and out to my car. I got inside my car and drove as fast as I could to the nearest Walgreens to grab a Plan B pill. I took it before I made out of the door good. My phone begins to ring in my purse that sat on the passenger seat. I grabbed it and entered the lock code. I had numerous messages from everybody. It was then I remembered I never made it back to get Princess. A message came in from King and my heart begin to beat rapidly.

  Since you laid up with that bitch ass nigga Gutta and couldn’t pick up our daughter consider your rights terminated. Disloyal ass bitch!!!

  I covered my mouth trying to stifle the scream that was escaping my mouth. Tears flooded my eyes as I continued to drive towards King’s condo that he had been staying in since he left the home we shared. When I made it to his condo I beat on the door and rang the doorbell until he opened the door. I jumped back when the door swung open. King was standing there with a big ass gun in his hand.

  “You finally got that nigga, Gutta’s dick out of your mouth.”

  “Please Kingston. Hear me out. It’s not what you think.” I reached out to touch him, but he aimed his gun at me.

  “Don’t ever fucking touch me again. You’re standing your hoe ass here talking to me like I’m some stupid ass nigga. Get the fuck off my doorstep Siyah before I put a bullet in your fucking head.

  “Don’t do this. Just listen to me. I would never betray you. I love you so much please, just let me explain.”

  “Get the fuck off my property.” He said, as he placed a bullet in the chamber.

  “Can I at least get my baby?”

  “My daughter is not safe around you if you laid up with the nigga who wants to kill her father. Now get the fuck off of my doorstep!” At the same time he pulled the trigger.

  “Ahhhhhhh! You shot me!” I screamed in pain as fell to my knees holding my shoulder.

  “That’s just a graze wound. That was a warning. The next time I won’t miss.” He went back inside and slammed the door in my face!!

  “Pleasssseee Kinnnngggggg! I’m sorryyyyy!” I screamed and banged on the door until I became hoarse. I slowly gathered myself and made my way back to my car. I looked at the window and he was looking out holding Princess. He placed a kiss on her forehead and closed the curtains. That shit hurt my soul. I’ve been through some pain in my life, but nothing as painful as this. I literally wanted to die because if I didn’t have King or Princess I had nothing to live for. My shoulder was bleeding bad so I headed over to the hospital just to make sure it really was a graze wound. I cried harder just thinking of the fact that Kingston had actually shot me. It seems like every time I get ahead I get knocked right back down.

  I sat in the hospital for hours before I was able to head home. It was in fact just a graze wound. When I made it home I crawled on the couch and balled up in a ball and cried myself to sleep. I hoped and prayed that when I woke up this shit would all be just a bad ass dream. Unfortunately, when I woke up the next morning and looked at Facebook I realized this shit was all real. This nigga Gutta had posted a picture of me in his bed while I was asleep with the caption that read “What Gutta wants Gutta gets” with the hash tags #shotsfired #Kingwho and the gun emoji several times. Tears welled up in my eyes because there were so many negative c
omments about me. I could only imagine what King was feeling about me. This shit was all bad and I needed to get to the bottom of it because I knew this nigga had drugged me. This shit was going to be hard, but god willing I was going to do whatever to clear my name.

  Chapter 20-Kingston

  I had been at the gun range for hours blowing off some steam. Each and every time I see the picture of Siyah in that niggas bed I get pissed. Not to mention the shit makes my trigger finger itch. This nigga is a real bitch. What real nigga gets on social media and blasts a bitch in his bed. Not to mention hash tagging a nigga. I can’t wait to kill this nigga. He wants to come for me, but what he needs to know is that I make sure to bring it. I’m starting to think he gay or some shit. This nigga all in the streets with my motherfucking name rolling off of his tongue and throwing shots at my team. He trying to get the clout and little does he know he’s wasting his fucking time. I run these streets and shit don’t move unless I say so. As I reloaded my gun I thought of the many ways I can kill this nigga. I still can’t believe Siyah was fucking this nigga. At the same time what the fuck should I expect; she was fucking me and she was married. I can’t hold that against her though. I knew the situation she was in and I still fell in love with her. This shit has me all fucked up in the head. I knew she was upset and mad at me about Karma ruining are wedding, but to fuck that nigga Gutta was fucked up on her part. She didn’t have to get a nigga back like that. That shit was the ultimate disrespect. Her ass is lucky I didn’t put a bullet in her fucking head. My daughter is the only reason her ass ain’t dead. Princess deserves to grow up with her mother. I know how it feels to grow up without a mother and I would never make my daughter suffer the same thing that I had went through growing up. As far as Siyah goes though she better stay far the fuck away from me.


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