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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair

Page 11

by Mz. Lady P


  “That shit look so suspect to me. Siyah would never fuck with that nigga Gutta. Please King talk to her she’s so fucked up.” Rika had been begging and pleading with me on behalf of Siyah and I wasn’t trying to hear shit.

  “With all due respect sis I appreciate the fact that you feel the need to speak on behalf of Siyah, but I don’t have shit to say to her disloyal ass. She’s sleeping with the enemy. The same bitch ass nigga she promised she didn’t want or fuck with yet, this bitch out here all over social media in this nigga bed. I’m a motherfucking king in every since of the word. For her to be out here even entertaining peasant ass niggas shows just how fucking beneath me she is. The next time you’re with her and she speaks my name tell that hoe I said make my name taste like ass when she speaks it.” I got up and walked away from Rika before she said anything else. I was done talking about it. Plus, I needed to get home to my baby girl. Now that I was a full time father I had Legs and Santana handling everything. They were under strict rules to only call me if they needed to.

  As I headed home my phone begin to ring and once again it was Siyah. I just shook my head and blocked her phone call. Her ass should be tired of calling and getting ignored. When I pulled up to my house there was a small child sitting on the steps. I hopped out of my car immediately. The closer I got I was able to get a better view. It was then I was able to see that it was a little boy with dreads. He looked to be about eight or nine. My heart rate sped up a little faster as I stood directly over him. He looked up at me and he was the splitting image of his mother Vita, but I could definitely see me in him. It was my son Prince. I kneeled down in front of him and raised his chin so that he could look at me. So, many questions ran through my mind especially how did get here to my house. However, at the moment I didn’t want to ask any questions. I just wanted to get him inside and clean him up. He was filthy. That shit hurt me because this is my flesh and blood and I could only imagine what he must have been through. That thought alone made me want to kill the bitch Vita all over again.

  “Come on let’s get you inside. You need to get cleaned up. I know you must be starving. What would you like me to order for you to eat?

  “Pizza and hot wings, those are my favorites.”

  “Great choices. Those are my favorites too.” I ruffled his dreads and led him inside. I could tell he had never saw something so grand and this was just my condo.

  “Good evening sir. I just put the lady of the house down for her evening nap. She’s been a little cranky today. Hopefully, she’s not coming down with anything.”

  “Thanks Dora. You don’t have to come tomorrow. I’ll be here all day with her. This is my son Prince and if needed you’ll be looking after him as well. Of course your pay will increase.”

  “Oh no sir. You already pay me more than enough. It will be my pleasure to take care of Mr. Prince. Hey, I’m Dora. Come with me child and I’ll get you cleaned up.” Dora winked at me and took Prince up to get clean. I really lucked up and found somebody I trusted to make sure my home was straight and my children were as well. I headed up to my daughter’s room and watched over her for a couple of seconds as she slept. She’s the splitting image of her mother. She’s so sweet and innocent. It must ne nice going through life without a care in the world. I know that she must be missing Siyah so I’m going to make arrangements with Nita so that she can spend some time with her for a little while. Despite my anger towards Siyah I know that keeping Princess away from her mother is not right. I just cringe at the thought of my baby being around that nigga Gutta.


  “So tell me something Prince, how exactly did you know where to find me?” I sat across from him at the dining room table as he demolished the pizza that I had ordered. I could tell that he hadn’t eaten in a minute and that definitely piqued my interests as to how in the fuck he ended up here looking like a homeless person.

  “My mother Vita had gave me a paper with all of your information on it. She told me if I ever got into trouble that I should contact you. I tried calling you, but it wasn’t a working a number.”

  “What type of trouble did you get in? Does your adoptive parents know where you are?”

  “I didn’t get into any trouble, my adoptive mother just kicked me out into the streets. I’ve been trying to find you ever since. Can I please stay here with you?”

  “Of course you can stay, but we’re going to take a trip to your adoptive mother’s house to get some shit straight. It’s getting late. It’s time for you to get some rest. I know you must be exhausted. Tomorrow we’re going to go out and get you some clothes and anything else you want.”

  “Thanks King.” He said, as he got up and went to bed. Later that night I sat up thinking about what my life had become before meeting Siyah. I didn’t have a care in the world and the only thing I was concerned with was running my empire. Now I’m feeling like Mr. Mom around this bitch. I guess God works in mysterious ways. He’s given me two reasons to go even harder for every thing motherfuckers said I couldn’t have or took from me.


  “I like these Jordans right here can I have them?”

  “Let me get every Jordan that you have on the wall.” I said to the sales lady, in Footlocker. I had been splurging on Prince and Princess all day long. A nigga was dead ass tired, but I still needed to get Princess over to Nita’s house.

  “Thanks King.”

  “Aye, stop calling me that shit. I’m your father. You can call me Dad or Pops. That’s my blood running through your veins. You’re my son and nothing will change that, not even the fact that your selfish ass mother Vita kept you away from me. I’m sorry for not being in your life, but I honestly didn’t know that you even existed.”

  “It’s okay Pops. I’m just happy to be here with you now. Since I was younger Karma has told me all about you. I feel like I’ve been knowing you all my life. Karma told me I was a prince because my father is a king. She said that one day I would run your street empire.” I removed the toothpick I had in my mouth trying to make sure I had heard him correctly. Did he just say Karma? I said to myself.

  “So Karma is your adoptive mother and she’s who you’ve been with all of this time?”

  “Yes. She was okay with me until she found out you were getting married. From that moment on she had begun to mistreat me. When she came back from Las Vegas she kicked me out on the streets and I haven’t seen her since.” I was livid listening to my son tell me this shit. What the fuck is wrong with all the bitches in my life. Why would Karma and Vita be in cahoots together?” Two Dizzy Dora ass bitches together. How in the hell were they ever able to do this shit without me knowing? I didn’t want to show my anger in front of my son so I held my composure until I dropped him and Princess off to Nita. It was time for me to pay this bitch Karma a visit. This bitch was a different type of animal so I know I have to deal with her the way she like me to with this dick. Karma is dick silly so I know exactly how to deal with her Dizzy Dora ass. I knew I should have killed that bitch when she pulled that shit back in Vegas. I’m fucked up in the head because all this time I’ve trusted this bitch with my bread and product. All along this hoe had my son and knew I had no idea about him. For that alone the bitch must die a slow, painful ass death.


  “This shit is so fucked up! I never had a clue that Karma was so fucking grimy. I knew the bitch was a little touched in the head, but not on this level.” Legs said, as we passed a blunt back and forth between the two of us.

  “I knew the bitch was crazy just not on this level. I’m just sitting here thinking that Karma and Vita have known each other far longer than I’ve known Karma. I didn’t meet the bitch until a couple of years ago when I set up shop. Prince is nine so her and Vita been in cahoots for quite some time. The quicker I get rid of this bitch the better off I’ll be.

  “Yeah that bitch got to go ASAP. Hopefully Santana can catch up to that bitch before she try to skip town or some shit.”
/>   “Karma ain’t going nowhere because she’s waiting for me to come and find her. That bitch did that shit to Prince so that I could come to her. That’s a prime example of the Dizzy Dora shit I be talking about. I swear Eve single handedly fucked up the world. Not to mention cursed some of these bitches. The shit they be doing is so inaccurate.” I leaned my head back and shook my head thinking of Vita, Karma, and of course Siyah. The feeling of my phone vibrating brought me out of my thoughts. I looked down and it was a text from Siyah.

  I know that you’re upset with me right now but I just wanted to let you know that I’m so happy that you found Prince. He’s so sweet and he’s so good with his sister. Thanks for letting me see her. I’ve missed her so much.

  I looked at her text and thought long and hard if I wanted to respond. I really didn’t have shit to say to her, but I decided to say something back anyway.

  Just make sure you’re not there when I come and pick them up.

  I placed my phone back on the table and looked up to see Legs staring at me.

  “Fuck you looking at nigga!”

  “Your dumb ass. We’ve been friends for a long ass time and I’ve seen you fuck with plenty of bitches. Siyah has made you a different man. You love lil sis. You need to give her a chance to at least explain. I don’t think for a minute she willingly did anything with that nigga Gutta. I overheard her and Rika talking. Apparently, she was at the bar alone and he came in there. She tried to leave, but he offered her a drink. She said he had to put something in her drink because as soon as she stood up from the barstool she felt lightheaded, but she was able to make it out to her car. She said she remembers everything going black and the next thing she remembered was waking up in his bed.”

  “If that shit is true that’s what I be talking about with Siyah always being blind to the obvious shit that’s going on around her. I’ve been telling her this shit since we met. She knew damn well not to sit and accept a fucking drink from that nigga Gutta.” At the same time I was speaking Santana walked in with Karma. This bitch was walking in like she was going to a fucking fashion show.

  “So, this is what we’ve become? You send your flunkies to come get me now? You too fucking busy with that hoe Siyah? Oh yeah, how does it feel to see her in another niggas bed?”

  “Shut the fuck up and sit down!”

  “No bitch, stand up and spit that slick talk to my face.” Siyah said as she walked in and charged Karma, knocking her down on the floor and reigning blows down on her ass. After Siyah kicked Karma’s ass good enough I yanked her off of her, but she managed to get out of my grip and charge her again.

  “Bitch keep my fucking name out of your mouth. Stupid ass. Isn’t it enough you ruined my fucking wedding day?”

  “Fuck you and your wedding day!”

  “No bitch fuck you!” I saw Siyah raise a razor blade and slice Karma across the face.” Blood was pouring out everywhere and Karma rolled around on the floor holding her face. This shit was not going the way I had planned it.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” Karma was screaming so loud I knew people outside could hear her ass.

  “Damn it, Siyah! Why the fuck did you do that?” I asked, as I walked up in her face and tried to snatch the razor blade from her. Legs and Santana just stood there watching the shit unfold.

  “Don’t you holler at me or question me for handling that bitch. That bitch had it coming and you know it. I came here because I’m sick and tired of you thinking you’re about to keep trying treat me like I’m some type of hoe. I’ve let you go this long with the blatant disrespect. Not to mention the fact that you have taken my daughter from me like I’m a bad mother. You know I love my baby Kingston. You’re going to listen to me right now about this shit with Gutta. I swear to God if you try to dismiss me I will gut your ass just like I just gutted your bitch.”

  “If memory serves me right you didn’t want to talk to me and you told me to let you go and that you needed time to yourself. I did that and you fucked that nigga Gutta. At the same time you don’t tell me what the fuck I’m gone do. I’ll talk to you when I get ready to. Right now I have other shit that needs to be handled. Legs escort Siyah out of here. Santana you know what to with Karma. I’m sick of looking at this bitch.” I was so pissed at the moment because I wanted to kill this bitch Karma with my bare hands and at the same time try to understand why her and Vita did what they did. I guess that’s neither here nor there now. I have my son and that’s the most important thing right now.

  “Don’t touch me. On everything I hold near and dear I didn’t have sex with Gutta willingly, as a matter of fact I don’t even remember how I ended up at his house. I would never ever be disloyal to you. Yes, I did say we needed to be apart so I could find out where I want to be. It might not have been with you at that moment, but it for damn sure would have never been with Gutta. After everything you’ve done and said to me in the heat of the moment and out of anger I still love you, but I promise I’ll never bother you again. Just don’t take Princess away from me.” Siyah threw the razor blade across the table and walked out of the room.

  “Come on, Siyah.” Legs said as he tried to grab her, but she yanked away. She stood and stared at me with tears streaming down her face. She wiped her tears and walked away. I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration; this shit was beginning to be too much.

  “Get me a location on that nigga Gutta. He’s been laying low since that shit back in Vegas. From the moment I saw his bitch ass I knew he was a snake and up to no fucking good. His ultimate goal has been to come in and cause some chaos anyway. That nigga mad he can’t get fronted no drugs or sell anywhere in my fucking city. Siyah and I being together got this fuck nigga in his feelings. It’s imperative that I find this nigga because I don’t trust him. If he can spike her drink there’s no telling what else he has up his sleeve. I need to get over to Nita house and get Prince and Princess. Not to mention sit down and finally have this talk with Siyah.”

  “You go handle the home front. I’ll get up with Santana and make sure Karma’s ass is handled accordingly.”

  “Make that shit quick.” I said as I dapped it up with Legs, and we parted ways. As I drove towards Nita’s house I kept looking in the rearview mirror and the same black car had been following me. I reached under my seat and placed my nine on my lap. When I looked back up the car was no longer following me. I placed my foot on the gas and sped it up so I could get to Nita’s house immediately. I needed to get my kids to a safer place ASAP.

  Chapter 21-Siyah

  I had been thinking long and hard about my one-sided conversation with King. I hated how he looked at me. The look on his face was one of disgust like I was the scum of the earth. That shit hurt me more than him shooting at me or disrespecting me. I’m not that type of woman. I would never be out here in this streets tarnishing my name or King’s either. I have too much respect for myself as a woman and too much respect for my nigga as his position as the king of these fucking streets. I hold King in the highest regards however, it saddens me that the feelings aren’t mutual. After the way he handled me tonight I’m no longer going to try and convince him that nothing happened between Gutta and I. I understand the way that it looks, but that shit ain’t true. Kingston knows me inside and out. He should know that shit ain’t true, but at the same time I’m done trying to convince him. My only concern is being able to see my daughter. I know that King has the power to take her from me and make it so that I never see her again. I hope he has enough respect for me not to do that. He knows I’m a wonderful mother to my daughter. The shit that’s going on between King and I has nothing to do with me as a parent.


  “I swear to God, Siyah. I’m going to kill that nigga when I see his little bitch ass.”

  “Daddy, please calm down. I can handle it.” I begged Nita not to tell my Daddy about this situation with Gutta. He doesn’t go on social media and he had no idea what was going on with King and I. My daddy don’t do nothing these days but chill bac
k, drink his Crown Royal, and watch sports. He’s no longer in the streets or getting in trouble and I want to keep it that way. I’m glad I didn’t tell Nita about King shooting at me. My parents would have went ballistic.

  “Don’t tell me to calm the fuck down. That nigga drugged and raped you. The fact that you didn’t want me to know pisses me the fuck off. What the fuck is King going to do about this shit?”

  “I got this Mo. Go get the kids Siyah. Let’s go.” I looked up and King was standing in the doorway. I was taken back at him telling me to get the kids and come on. I rolled my eyes because this was the most he’s said to me since his psycho ass shot at me.


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