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Keeping Blossom

Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  “So, Blossom.” She turns to look at me and I’m actually stunned by her smile. I don’t know why she’s smiling but I like it. I’m not going to say anything about it just in case it makes her stop. “Where are you from?”

  “Ohio,” she mutters almost embarrassed about it.

  “Is this your first time to Chicago?” I’ve lived here all my life, but I never take for granted how awesome it is to grow up here.


  “Well, then maybe I could show you around.” I’d like to take her to all my favorite places, particularly my bedroom. Damn, I’m so hard again. I need to think of something else before I drag her back to my place.

  “Why would you want to? I mean, a man like you escorting someone like me?”

  I don’t like the way she says that like she’s not on my level. From her clothes, I can tell she’s not filthy rich, but she’s not a damn hobo on the street. I’m irritated by the way she belittles herself. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s just…I’m sure you’ve got to be super busy and don’t have time to devote to showing some tourist around.”

  “Yes, I’m always busy and don’t go around escorting tourists around my city, but with you, I’m willing to take the time to show you everything it has to offer.” I want to tell her it’s because I want to make her happy so she’ll stay and spend time with me. It’s pathetic the way I’m feeling.

  “Maybe I’ll consider it.”

  “Please do.” She’s biting her lips again and it’s doing damage to any will power I possess. Fuck, before her I never let a woman mess with my schedule. I wouldn’t take time off for no reason. Once, I lost a girlfriend because her birthday was during a busy week and I refused to party during finals week. The only woman I ever made time for was my mother. Since her death, I’ve devoted my life to being the best of the best in my profession, which left little time for fun.

  “So how long are you planning to stay?” I want to know how long I’d have to seduce her into staying.

  “I’m not sure. It depends on if I can get a job soon.”

  I want to help her any way I can. “What’s your experience? Maybe I can find a job for you?” We get to the entrance of the train station and I go to the machine to get us a card to share.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not qualified for anything other than minimum wage jobs.”

  I pick up the card from the vending machine and give her a puzzled glare. “Why do you put yourself down like that?” It’s actually making me mad. I can’t understand why it’s bothering me like crazy, but it is.

  “I’m not. It’s the truth. I’m not very bright...don’t give me that look. It’s true. I’ve struggled to get through high school and doubt I’ll ever go to college and graduate. Not everyone can be brilliant and successful and I’m okay with it. I’m hoping I can get on my feet and make things happen to move ahead. My parents taught me that money doesn’t equal happiness. Granted being broke isn’t nice either, but I can manage somewhere in the middle.”

  “Have you ever thought about modeling?” It’s a stupid thing to say, and as soon as it leaves my mouth I want to bite my own tongue. I don’t want to give her any ideas. The thought of men looking at her burns in my gut.

  “Ha. No. I’m not tall enough and until recently too curvy.”

  “It’s okay. It’s a bad idea anyway.”

  “Oh, really. Why is that?”

  I blurt out my jealousy. “Because that means men are going to be staring at you, jerking off to you, and I can’t have that.” She blushes like crazy. I like that shit, but it’s not doing me any favors right now.

  “You’re so full of it. Are you always such a shameless flirt?” She laughs, but I know she’s actually interested in knowing if she’s special. She sure the hell is. No one has made me want this badly.

  “No. I’ve never had to try.”

  “Wow…someone’s a bit arrogant.”

  “I’m not arrogant. It’s the truth. Women run to you when you come from a wealthy family and have a successful career. It’s probably the reason I haven’t had a date in over two years. I’m tired of being chased.”

  “So now you’re doing the chasing.”

  “You’re the only one I want to chase.” She has no idea how far I’m willing to go. Hell, I don’t know either.

  “Please.” She rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t realize that I’m so damn serious. I thought I was so jaded that I wouldn’t know when I found the one, but I know and I’m not letting her go.

  “I’m serious, Blossom. I want to know you on every level. I don’t care if you believe me yet, but you will.”

  As we get to the platform, I feel the anxiety take over. There’s a huge crowd of people with their luggage. We walk past them and move to the front cars where there are less people. The fear is growing in me. I’m so damn tempted to turn back around, but then Blossom does something I don’t expect; she grabs my hand.

  “Are you okay, Devin? You look like you’re about to bolt.”

  As embarrassed as I am to admit it, I feel the need to let her know me. “I haven’t taken the CTA since I was a teenager.”

  “Wow. Are you afraid?” she asks sincerely while pulling me aboard the car and to a vacant set of seats in a corner with space for our luggage.

  “I was coming home from my first week of college downtown when I was jumped by a gang of assholes. They robbed and beat me on the empty train. I spent a week in the hospital recovering. I’d just lost my mother a month before, my father was a wreck from that and forbid me to take the train again. I agreed, but I never told anyone how traumatizing it was for me. I can’t believe I’m telling you now.”

  “Damn it. I wish I’d taken the ride with you. I can’t believe you did it for me,” she says, her voice laced with guilt.

  “Don’t feel guilty, Blossom. You did the right thing because I don’t think you’re safe alone with me,” I admit, which doesn’t do me any favors because she looks afraid.

  “Really,” she says in a panic just as the doors close and the train pulls away from the station.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you, but I’m so damn tempted to kiss you right now.” I’ve got nothing to lose but to tell her the truth— well almost the truth. I’m tempted to fuck my seed into her.

  “You’re right, it wouldn’t have been a smart idea. I might have let you.” I’m glad I placed my duffle over my lap; my dick is probably making a hole in it.

  “Damn it. I can still call my driver to pick us up at the Rosemont stop,” I laugh, but I’m serious. I want to taste those plump lips she keeps biting. Do women take classes on natural seduction? I’ve seen so many try to pull that move off with no success, but Blossom got that shit working for her.

  “I’m not ready for your kisses.” She sounds so innocent. I’ve been getting that vibe from the first moment I looked at her. I wonder how many lovers she’s had. She’s got me wrapped around her finger and I don’t know what to do.

  “Fine, but I will be kissing you on our first date.”

  “So sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “I am. Once I get you away from that ex of yours? So what’s up with this ex? Were you two in love?”

  “No…I’m not sure why I decided to come back to him.” Did I just hear her correctly? Are they back together?

  “I thought you said he was your ex,” I grit. My emotions are already on high alert from her and this damn train.

  “He is…it’s just I needed a helping hand and he offered.”

  “I can help you. I don’t want you to go back to him,” I state. I’m serious, but I can’t tell her what to do yet. Soon I’ll have her away from him.

  “You’re handsome, smart, sexy, and successful and too damn good to be true. So you know what they say about that?”

  “Sweetheart, maybe I find you too good to be true.”

  She blushes again. Before I can continue to work my way in, my phone rings. It’s my dad. I turn back to her and say
, “Sorry, sweetheart, but I have to take this.”

  “Hey, what’s up, Dad?”

  “Hey son, your brother can’t make it tonight either. His girlfriend is coming in from Ohio. Shirley is pissed. She doesn’t want to meet her. She’s just a money grubbing whore according to what your brother has said. She’s looking for a handout, and you know he only thinks with his dick.”

  “He’s an asshole. If he’s got a money grubbing woman, who cares. She’s going to be out of luck when she realizes he’s broke as shit. Unless you’ve given him more loans,” I growl. My father married his mother ten years ago and he’s yet to grow up. Sex, drugs, and gambling are his daily habit. The fact that he still has the same girlfriend he mentioned about from Ohio is amazing. He talked her up for so long I didn’t think she was real— but I guess I was wrong.

  “No, I haven’t. How about we have dinner at your house tomorrow?”

  I might have a lovely girlfriend to introduce to my parents as my future wife. It’s crazy, but that’s the way I feel about her.

  “Sounds good, but I’ve got to let you go.” I hear the announcement for my stop. Damn, I have to go so she doesn’t leave without me.

  “Is that the train?” he asks with suspicion. Fuck, that is a loud intercom.

  “Yes, I decided to take it today,” I have to admit.

  With a chuckle of disbelief and understanding, he says, “Whoever made you do it, I’m glad…keep her.”

  “Thanks,” I reply. I want to refute his assumption, but I can’t with her next to me.

  Before we get off the train, I hand her my card and tell her to call me. I can help her with getting a job and setting up our first date. She slipped me her number on a napkin from the plane. She was nervous about it but did it anyway.

  We ride up the escalators and walk to the turnstiles when I see my step-brother there waiting. An awful feeling comes over me.

  Chapter 3

  Adam’s waiting for me as I exit the turnstile and before I can do anything, he pulls me into him, away from Devin and kisses me like he’s never done before. It’s a territorial kiss that makes me want to deck him in his nuts, but I don’t react because I’m stunned. Devin is running through my mind as I push out of Adam’s arms. “I missed you, Brooke,” he says loud enough for Devin to hear.

  “Hey, bro. I see you met my woman,” Adam sneers as he looks over my shoulder right at Devin. Brother? You’ve got to be shitting me. They don’t have the same last names. How can this be?! Of the millions of people in the city, they have to be related. I close my eyes, hoping this is just a figment of my imagination— it’s so not.

  I try to refute him, but before I can, Devin gives me a scathing look of disgust and snidely answers, “By accident, I assure you. Just so you know, your mother thinks you’re dating a whore. I can’t help but agree with her. Excuse me, unlike some, I’ve got work to do. By the way, Brooke, you’ll be looking for a job on your own because he works for my father and there’s no way he’ll hire you, and I want nothing to do with a lying whore.” He was so mad as he stormed away, tossing the napkin that I’d just handed to him in the trash.

  His words and dismissal hit me in the gut. I’ve never been anything but a good girl. Decking Adam is all I can think of. It’s his fault, and I can’t blame Devin for being angry. My heart was racing the whole time we spoke to each other. I let him hold my hand and even admitted to welcoming his kiss.

  “What the hell was that about?” I shout at him, pushing his arm off my waist. “I’m not your woman.”

  “With the way he was staring at you, I was expecting him to get down on one knee. By the way, did you meet on the train or at the airport?”

  “That’s ridiculous, but if you must know it was at the airport.” I knew he wanted me in his bed, but there’s no way a man like Devin would want more from me. Adam’s reading more into it than it really is.

  “Just like I thought, he never takes the train. His driver always picks him up. I get your appeal.” He gives me a wink so I don’t get offended. “Come on. Don’t listen to that jackass. You’re far from being a whore. You know I know that. He’s a pompous pussy. I’m going to talk to my father tomorrow and he’ll hire you right away.”

  We head back to his place in silence because of my thoughts of Devin. I’m reliving the look on his face. So it wasn’t just my imagination, Devin really wanted me. Not that I bought the whole on one knee thing Adam was spewing, but there was a hell of an attraction between us. I hope to see him again and to fix this misunderstanding. Being Adam’s brother there’s a chance I will see him again, but he’s not going to want me anymore. I laugh. What’s wrong with me? I’m glad I found out he’s Adam’s brother before we got to talk some more. They were raised by the same people and Adam doesn’t have any morals, so Devin is probably just the same. He was probably just running game to get me in his bed— and it was working.

  He lives in a one-bedroom apartment. Adam tells me I can sleep on the couch unless I’d like to join him in his bed. Rolling my eyes, I say, “Thanks, but no thanks. The sofa is fine.” Every second feels more and more like a mistake. He has been leering at me since we walked away from his brother.

  “If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting— naked,” he says with a laugh. I cringe at the idea. I was into him before he cheated, but catching him fucking that broad just grossed me out, especially seeing what little he was working with. I’ve got longer fingers.

  Tucking my head into the sofa cushion, I try to close my eyes. Two minutes later, I feel the insane urge to call Devin and tell him the truth, then apologize for his brother. Maybe he’d be willing to still help me find a job, even if he doesn’t want me.

  I pull the card out of my purse and start to dial the number, but before I get to hit send, Adam sneaks up behind me and snatches my phone and the card. He shreds the card and clears his brother’s number from the screen. Damn it. He’s bare-ass naked with his soft, little cock in my face while he’s glaring at me. It’s making me nervous, but I just act like he didn’t do that and lay down until he goes away.

  The next morning, Adam gives me a warning. “Don’t try to call my brother. I already talked to him and he was glad I tossed his card.”

  I’m on my phone looking for jobs while he gets ready for work. I’ve got no doubt that Adam’s just trying to get me in his bed and has no intention of getting me a job, just like his brother said. He leaves me to go into work and I feel safe for the first time since we got to his place.

  Looking around his small apartment, I see things that kind of disturb me. I’m in his room to take a shower and on his dresser in plain sight is a bunch of medication. It’s all prescribed to him, but he’s still got way too many pill bottles lying around. I don’t know what all of them do, so I look them up after I get out of the shower.

  He’s into painkillers and dick pills. I can’t believe someone his age needs erectile dysfunction medicine. Maybe he’s just fucking with me when it comes to the whole sharing his bed thing. I put all of it back and look around the rest of the apartment. For a guy with money, this place looks like a frat house. It’s a total wreck, so I get to work cleaning it up.

  Adam has texted me several times letting me know his plans. Around noon, he calls to tell me his father said no to a job and that he wasn’t coming home anytime before ten. That’s fine because I feel safer without him here.

  It’s really late when he comes back. I’ve already filled out about twenty applications since I had nothing else to do all day after cleaning his dump. He slams the door hard, calling out for me while doing it. I’m half asleep but meet him near the door. Something tells me he’s angry, and if I thought he scared me before I found all the pills, the look in his eyes right now is downright frightening.

  He tries to put his hands on my waist, but I move a step back. “Hey, Brooke, baby. You’ve made this place presentable. Thanks,” he slurs. He’s smashed and it’s a little scary. I know that if he really wants to hurt me, there’s nothi
ng I can do. I’m no match for his strength. “Did you make me any dinner?”

  I look at him a little confused and say, “Um, no. Your text said you wouldn’t be back until late and that you were going…” Before I finish my sentence, he strikes me across the face. I hit the floor, my cheek throbbing immediately. He’s scaring me, but there’s nothing I can do until he gets away from the doorway.

  “You bitch. You’re using me. I give you a place to stay, let you eat my food, but you can’t make your man a meal. What good are you?” He’s running his hands through his hair in frustration while trying to calm himself down.

  Rubbing my swelling cheek, I hide the urge to cry and summon my strength to say, “You’re drunk, Adam. I’m not dealing with you right now. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Well, unless you plan to part your thighs for me, you’ll be out on your ass. You have until the morning to make your choice. I already got enough pussy tonight.” He stumbles into his bedroom and hits the bed with a loud thud. Fucking asshole. Turning back to sofa, I gather all my things then get dressed. I can’t stay here any longer. It’s about four in the morning when I leave and set out on my own.


  I can’t believe this shit. Of all the women. Why her? She’s with my loser step-brother. That seemingly sweet little thing is fucking that disgusting parasite. I walk a mile to my condo because I need to control the burning rage and seething jealousy racing through my veins. The instant I’m in the door, I open a bottle of scotch and pour myself several drinks. In a drunken stupor, I text my brother and tell him if he hurts her I’m coming after him, then I pass out on my sofa. Three hours later, I wake up in a sweat. I dreamed of her with Adam and his scrawny body and little dick fucking her from behind while grinning at me.

  I cancelled the dinner for the next night because I can’t see them together, and in my house to top it off. My dad doesn’t understand my sudden change in attitude but thinks it’s all about the girl on the train. He’s right on the money, but I won’t admit it. I hope Adam doesn’t say shit about it, but he’s the biggest bastard there is. I’m sure he’s already posted it to Twitter.


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