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Keeping Blossom

Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  “Dad, I’ve got a hangover and a very busy day ahead. I forgot about a deposition that’s due to the judge today.” I lie to him somewhat, but it’s mostly the truth. It’s due today, but I finished it on my flight back from New York. And the hangover has nothing to do with the alcohol I consumed— It’s more like the Blossom hangover, or better yet, Brooke. She lied about everything to me. I can’t believe how easily she duped me. She must’ve known I was putty in her hands.

  I can tell he’s not too thrilled about it, but I’m not at liberty to give a shit. I’d been given a heart for the first time since my mother died, and it was stolen right out of my chest in the same breath.

  “Fine, but you’ve got to learn to make time for family. Life is too short…”

  I finish his sentence, “To just spend it working.” It’s the same thing he tells me all the time. We have a family fortune and I’ve saved all my mother’s life insurance monies, so I don’t need to work. It’s not about the money to me but about doing good for others. My mother died because a CEO was drunk driving. He had a great lawyer and got off with probation. I lost my mother, and he got away with her murder. So I promised her and myself that I’d do all I could to nail people that think they’re above the law.

  “I’ve got to go, but I promise to make time for a get-together.” He only agrees because he refuses to start a fight with me. The last time he did, I got jumped on the train and spent a week in the hospital with a stab wound in my side. It was shortly after we lost my mother and our pain was high, but it did do some good in the end. It made our relationship stronger. Ever since then we always spoke and ended our conversations on a good note.

  Adam calls me the next day but fuck if I want to talk to him. Of course, he leaves a message and threatens me to stay away from her; she’s his. My only response is a text. “Fuck you.”

  Chapter 4

  Two days ago, Adam got himself into trouble with the law. He was arrested for fighting. The man he got into it with was a high profile businessman who was known to have drug ties. There’s something shady about the incident, but Adam has never been smart enough to stay out of trouble. As the lawyer in the family, he tried to use me as his get out of jail free card. It never worked, but he still tried. This time, it wasn’t him that called me from jail looking for a handout but my dad, which only means he’s already been bailed out. “Dad, I don’t care if he’s going to do some time. He’s broken the law again. Adam’s lucky no one got killed. Fighting with a man in a bar is a stupid thing to do, especially one as crooked as Andrade. He’s old enough to get engaged; he’s old enough to suffer the consequences.”

  “Please, Devin. Shirley’s been so worried about him. After losing her husband, she can’t take it if she loses Adam, too.” I hear the frustration in his voice, but I’m not willing to do anything for Adam, even handling it out of court.

  It’s been almost two weeks since I met her. Two weeks of thinking, dreaming, and fantasizing about his fiancée has my teeth on edge at just the sound of his name. Helping him is too much for me.

  “She’s not going to lose him for assault. He may serve a little jail time, but it might be a good thing. He just may sober up.”

  Dad takes a deep breath. He hates asking me just as much as I hate being asked. “I agree with you, but I had to ask. When she cries, it eats me up inside. Is there anything you can do? Maybe get a deal to get him into rehab instead of jail?”

  I relent just a bit; I’ll talk to the man’s lawyer and see if there’s an alternative on the table. “I can see, but it all depends on the victim. From what I heard this morning, the victim told police he wants Adam locked up for breaking his jaw.”

  “Just do it for her, please,” I know what Shirley means to my father and what she’s come to mean to me over the years. She’s helped heal the ache from losing my mother, but she came with a pain in the ass son. Who hated me from the moment we met. He tried to pit my father against me, but that was never going to happen. Instead his mother treated me like her own. Which only made him hate me more.

  “Fine. I’ll do what I can.” I hate agreeing to help him. He’s a spoiled, arrogant bastard with an over-inflated ego.


  I’ve spent all this time trying to forget that she lied to me, but I can’t. Did she see me in a suit and take her chances, pretending to be sweet and innocent? Blossom. I’ve been dreaming of her since then. They’re more like nightmares, but I still have them. Everything about her is a lie, even her name. Damn her.

  Every day I’m haunted with visions of the sensually beautiful woman who can’t be mine. Not that I haven’t considered stealing her but knowing his cock has been buried inside her is too much to deal with. I hit the gym bag in front of me harder than I should, but rage eats at my very soul. I’m mad at her more than him. She gave me hope that there’s someone out there just for me. Instead, she’s a fucking liar, telling me she’s single and the guy she’s coming to see is her ex. Shirley and Dad told me all about her, but they never told me her name because they couldn’t remember it. Adam has always been a player; a new girl every day, but this one’s supposed to be the one. My step-mom thinks she’s pregnant because Adam’s eager to marry her. Either way, the thought of him touching her destroys my peace.

  I’ve had enough of this. I want a reason to see her. It’s Saturday, so I make my way to his place to talk to him about the problem he’s gotten himself into again. I should’ve called first, but I need to see her. It’s a fool’s desire, but I’ve got to see if she still has the hold on me. Tonight, we’re having a family dinner at my parents and they’ve invited Brooke. I knock and no one answers, but I’ve got the key since the time he was too drugged up and we had to kick down the door. I unlock it and creep in hoping that he’s not drugged out again.

  That’s when I hear what I don’t want to hear. “Ah, ah, ah!” She’s crying out as she gets pounded.

  “Fuck, yeah. Take that shit,” Adam shouts as the sound of slapping flesh rips through the air and tears at my insides.

  I scram out the door in a fucking hurry to get back in my truck. Tossing my head against the headrest I try to catch my breath. For the first time since my mother died, I feel the sting of tears in my eyes. How the fuck could I be this old and powerful and yet such a big fucking pussy?

  Pulling my shit together, I go into my office. I’m always busy with cases, but lately, I’ve been spending all my time at work. It’s the only thing that helps. I tried to find a replacement for Blossom, I mean Brooke, but I couldn’t go through with it. No woman’s fake smile compared to hers. She’s always on my mind from that one short train ride. It’s almost time to go when I send my father a text saying, I can’t make it to dinner tonight, stuck at the office. It’s a fucking copout, but it’s too much. I might try to steal her away and fuck her until she forgets Adam.

  My phone is instantly ringing. “Dad, I don’t have time to be talking right now. I’m really busy.”

  “Bullshit, Devin. I haven’t cared for your attitude these past couple of weeks. Get your ass down to the house. You’ve cancelled on us since you got back from your trip,” he complains.

  “I’ve got my reasons,” I reply succinctly.

  “Does it have anything to do with Adam’s girlfriend? He says you met her on the train, and that you liked her.” Of course, it does, but I don’t want to think about them together.

  “It’s not about her. He’s an asshole, and I’ve had to take an extra case on top of his because of his stupidity.” I’m lying like a motherfucker, but there’s no reason to upset him when there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “I know, but when you marry someone their baggage comes with,” he sighs. Adam has been nothing but a pain in the ass since he came to stay with us. At first, it was because he was only thirteen, but after his mom and I had warmed to each other, it became a pissing contest between us.

  “I know. He’s lucky I love Shirley,” I grumble.

  “Me, too, but your ass is s
till coming tonight. Don’t make me bring the party to your office.” That’s not an empty threat. My father doesn’t make threats—only promises.

  “Fine, I’ll be there. Just have a drink ready for me.”

  I drive my way to my parents’ house, bringing a bottle of wine with me. I’m so damn tempted to steal her from him that I don’t even care that she’d been fucking him this morning. The entire drive all my thoughts are focused on not choking the shit out of my brother.

  The maid opens the door for me, and I ask, “Am I the last to arrive?”

  “Yes, Mr. Williams,” she says.

  Showtime. Taking a deep breath, I join my family in the parlor for a drink and notice that the woman in my brother’s grasp isn’t my Blossom but some other skanky looking broad. She’s the exact opposite of Blossom, a tall, bleach blonde stick.

  “Son, you’ve made it,” my father says, walking up to me quickly. Giving me a hug, he whispers, “Don’t say anything about the train. I made the mistake of thinking the girls are one in the same. This one isn’t her, is it?”

  With a grimace of rage, I shake my head. He’s been cheating on Blossom this whole time? I could’ve walked out of the CTA station with Blossom in my arms. Fuck, I keep forgetting her name is Brooke.

  Jackass Adam walks up to giving me a “be quiet” look with the money grubbing whore my mother was referring to at his side. “Hey, Devin. This my fiancée, Michelle.”

  “Hello, Michelle,” I say with just a nod before leaving to go greet my step-mother. I don’t care if I’m dismissive. I’m ready to strangle him. Two weeks of hell for him to have a side piece. He’s no man at all. When I get my hands on him, he’s going to be crawling to his date. As far as I’m concerned, he’s never going to see her again— family or no family.

  “Oh, Devin. I’m so glad you came,” she says, hugging me tight. Shirley can see the anger in my eyes and it’s obvious to all I am upset with Adam.

  “You mean you’re so glad Dad forced me to come,” I chuckle.

  “You’re such a smart boy,” she laughs, patting my cheek and grinning.

  “He’s a smart boy all right,” Adam says, putting his arm around my shoulder. I give him a look that says to remove his arm before I break it. He doesn’t hesitate which is good because I’m a second from whooping his ass. How dare he hurt Blossom? Brooke?

  My father hands me my drink and I take a large swig before glaring at Adam and saying, “Adam, I need to talk to you about the case with Andrade.”

  “Okay. Dad, we’re going to your study. Babe, excuse us for a moment,” he says sweetly like he hasn’t been playing her. I watch as his nose twitches and he sucks on his cheek. The fool is geeked on coke. It doesn’t matter what he’s on, I’m running on pure rage.

  We walk into the room and I close the door behind us. Turning around, I grab his collar and slam him against the door. “Explain to me where Blossom is and how long have you been cheating on her?”

  “She let you call her Blossom? What the fuck makes you so damn special? Seriously, I don’t see it.”

  “I said, where the fuck is she?” I slam him harder against the door.

  “Beats me. She left the next day after your dad didn’t want to hire her.” I can tell he’s not telling me everything, but I just want to see her.

  “What’s her number?” I snarl. My face is inches from his. He better not even try to play me because I’m not in the mood to be civil.

  “Calm down. If your ass will let me go, I can give it to you.”

  I let his ass down, but don’t give him more than a foot in distance. He spits out the number and I enter it into my phone. “What the fuck do you mean lets me call her Blossom.”

  “Her name is Blossom, but she prefers to be called Brooke.”

  I hate that he knows that, so then I gut check his ass and walk out of the room while he kneels on the ground like the little bitch that he is. I lean on the door jamb and warn him, “Now, you stay away from her. If you come near her, I’ll forget that you mean anything to your mother.”

  I want to call her right away, but I need some self-control. If I do it before dinner’s over, I won’t be able to make it through the meal, then I’ll have to do this again soon. The moment I walk out the door, I’ll contact her. We manage to have a quiet and pleasant dinner until Michelle asks if I have a girl.

  “Yes, I do,” I respond blandly, then continue to eat my meal. She’s been eyeing me all night and I know what she’s thinking. I’m a better, wealthier catch than Adam.

  “She must be really lucky,” she simpers, batting her lashes at me while pressing her fake tits up for me to see.

  “I’m the lucky one,” I say before turning to my mother and asking her about her gardening. I don’t care for the subject, but it’s better than talking to my brother’s whore. Impatiently, I say goodnight to everyone as soon as dinner is over.

  My father walks me to the door with an arm around my shoulder. “I can’t wait to meet her. Whoever she is, she’s got to mean something to you.”

  “She does, and I’m not even sure it’s a good thing.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not sure who she even is. She’s Adam’s ex. The thought makes me sick as fuck. I’ve lived the last two weeks thinking they’ve been living together, but he said she left. What I don’t understand is why you would refuse to hire her. She’s sweet.”

  “I never met or spoke to her. Just because Shirley doesn’t like a female around her son, doesn’t mean I’m as quick to judge. His word means shit, but he never even asked me to hire anyone at all. He probably lied to her.”

  “Damn, he told me that you didn’t hire her.”

  “I didn’t hire that bitch in the other room, that’s for sure. She’s got nothing but a drug habit like him. Tell me, is this girl better than that broad in there?”

  “Hell. yes,” I emphasize.

  “Then, my son, go with your gut.” He breathes.

  “If I go with my gut, I deserve an ass whooping for how cruel I was to her.”

  He laughs because it’s not easy for me to admit when I’ve been an ass. With Blossom, I’d be willing to beg and grovel for her to forgive me for being a dick. “Just let me know. It’s been a long time since we’ve sparred,” he says, shadowboxing with me.

  I shake my head. He’s too old for me to box with him. “I’m not going to box with you, I might get my ass handed to me. But thanks for the pep talk, Dad.” We hug and I leave for the night.

  As soon as I get in my car, I call the number. It rings, then the general no longer in service recording comes on.

  “Shit,” I yell, hitting my head back against my headrest. I’ve got to make a call or two and see if I can pull some strings. I know two powerful tech guys. They can hack information or at least, find me someone that can. I can’t let her slip from my grip, especially knowing she can be mine. No scratch that— she will be mine.

  I call my friend, Michael Vitale, who’s a computer software developer. “Vitale, it’s Devin. I need to get information on a woman, but I don’t have much to go on. Is there a way to search plane, train, or bus manifests to see if she’s on them?”

  “There is, but I don’t know how long it’ll take. What’s the time frame?”

  “Yesterday.” I need to find her. Damn it, my heart is pounding in my throat.

  “Okay. So what’s her name and when did she leave?”

  “That’s the thing, my information is really lacking. Her name could be under either Brooklyn or Blossom. I don’t have a last name, and she could’ve left anytime between now and two weeks ago. I met her getting off a flight at the same time as mine at Midway.”

  “Fuck, you’re not kidding, that’s not really shit to go on. It’s going to take some time. Do you know her age or where she’s from?”

  “Ohio, but I don’t know from which city, and she’s nineteen.” I remember every single detail our conversation. It replays in my head every night; she never told me the exact town
she came from.

  “Okay, I’ll see what I can dig up. But if you’ll excuse me, Sarah needs some TLC,” he says, his words full of innuendo.

  “Thanks, man. Tell the lovely Mrs. Vitale I said hi,” I tease him. He’s jealous when it comes to his wife.

  “Will do,” Michael grunts before hanging up.

  By the time I get home it’s after midnight, so I try to sleep and not think about her safety, but it doesn’t work.

  Chapter 5

  I take a deep breath and walk into the “The Pole”, a Chicago gentlemen’s club. Gentlemen’s club my ass; it’s a strip joint, but at this point I’ve got nothing else left to do. I can’t get a hold of David. He’s not answering or returning any of my calls— family friend, yeah right.

  It’s the morning, so the club is not up and running with men looking to get hard. Thank goodness. I don’t think I’d have the nerve to come looking for a job with a crowded house. An older woman approaches me in a respectable outfit. I don’t know what I was expecting, but a matronly woman wasn’t it.

  “Hello, dear. How can I help you?” She gives me a smile but arches her brow like she knows why I’m here.

  “Um…I’m looking for a job.”

  “I don’t have anything available except a temporary position on the pole itself. So if you’re interested in that kind of opportunity, I could give you an audition.”

  “Audition?” I ask sheepishly. I know that she can’t just give me a job with any experience, but I’m nervous.

  “I can’t put you up on stage if you can’t dance, sweetie. No matter how sexy you are.”

  “Okay. Do you have a name?”

  “Brooklyn Bennett.”

  “Okay, Brooke. Go up on the stage and start strutting your stuff.” I leave my luggage on the side of the table nearest the stage while she puts on a song. Closing my eyes, I think about if it was only one person in the audience and how I’d want to please him. Dancing for Devin is easy since I can’t shake him from my system.


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