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Chub Rub

Page 4

by Shannon Youngblood

  “I can do it, Sir,” I said with a confidence I didn’t truly feel. I wanted to please him but I knew eventually I would mess up, and when I did, when he just drop me, or would he teach me?

  “Good. Do you have a safe word, My sweets?”

  Slowly, I shook my head at him.

  “Use your words, little sub,” he warned.

  “No, Sir.”

  “Alright. For tonight, we will go with the traditional stop light system. Green means you’re enjoying yourself and would like to continue, Yellow means we are getting close to pushing your limits, and Red is an immediate stop to all forms of playing. If you decide to call yellow, we will stop the play, discuss your reservations or fears, and decide if you’d like to continue. If you call red, we also stop and discuss, but our play ends for the evening. So, make sure, before you use your safe words, that you are actually at the point where you have to stop, and not just letting fear override the pleasure. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I answered immediately, comfortable with the traffic light system.

  “Now, I didn’t get a chance to look over your limits.” He said, standing up from the bed and positioning himself a few feet from me. “Is there anything you know for sure you would consider a hard limit?”

  The red that had to have painted my face was immediate. What were the limits I had selected? In the haze of the moment, I couldn’t recall anything. Nothing made sense and my head felt like a big bundle of words and images that didn’t go together. My brain had turned to mush. There had been close to ten pages of possible scenarios and I knew I had selected some as hard limits, but I couldn’t recall anything.

  “Maggie?” he said, a warning note to his tone.

  “I-I’m not sure, Sir,” I said weakly.

  “Ok. Then, for today, we will do something fairly easy, if you still want to continue. You remember your safe words, little sub?”

  Nodding, I spoke up, “Green for good, yellow for getting close to my limit, and red for immediate stop, and yes, I think i’d like to continue.” My last words came out in a near whisper.

  “Very good. Have you ever been tied up or used any sort of bondage?” he asked.

  “No, Sir.” I said, shaking my head, “But I’m not opposed to it.”

  “Good. Are you ready?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, Sir,” I said. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this.

  “Excellent. I’d like you to remove your stockings and your panties, fold them neatly, and place them on that chair,” he said, pointing to the far side of the room. “I’d then like you to walk back to the bed and lay in the center with your arms and legs spread. Can you do that, my sweets?”

  I couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through me at his husky tone. “Yes, Sir.” I managed to get out.

  This was it. I was about to be somewhat nude and with a stranger no less. Someone, other than myself, would see all the imperfections that were Maggie Sweets. Could I do it? Did I want to do? The answer was a resounding, but petrified, Yes!

  Taking a relaxing breath, I slid my hands to the waistband of my skirt and started to shimmy it down. All at once, both of my wrists were being gripped into his one large hand.

  “Did I say to remove your skirt, little sub?” he asked, disappointment clear in his words.

  “No, Sir,” I said, thinking back to his instructions.

  “Try again, following my exact instructions,” he said, releasing my wrists.

  This time, he took a few steps back and waited. Arms crossed over his chest, he squinted his eyes at me, a clear warning to get back to the matter at hand.

  Reaching underneath my skirt, I grabbed the top of my stockings and slowly rolled them down my legs, until both ends slid from my feet. Heading back under, I grabbed my thong and slid them down as well. When both items were off, I plucked them from the floor and headed for the chair that he had pointed out. To get there though, I had to walk past Master Jackson, and when I did, the tension radiating off of him caught me off guard, causing me to stumble slightly.

  Righting myself, without his aid, I took another step before he stopped me.

  “Hand me your panties,” he said, holding out his hand.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, I forked them over into his waiting hands, and waited for his next instruction. When his hand tapped my ass, urging me forward, I let out a little unexpected squeak and finished my trek to the chair. Very carefully, I folded the skimpy garments and placed them down as neatly as could be expected.

  Heading back towards the bed, I noticed Master Jackson hadn’t moved an inch. He was no longer holding my panties in his hand anymore but was staring at me intently. Not wanting to disappoint him again, I climbed up into the middle of the bed, said a quick ‘Hail Mary’, and as told, spread my arms above my head and my legs open wide.

  It was hard not to smile when I heard the growl that came from his throat. I may be a big girl, but I knew a lust filled growl when I heard one. Although, vulnerable and exposed, the small noise lifted some of the trepidation that had settled within me. Maybe I really could do this.

  Chapter Six


  For someone who had never experienced submission, and had never played before, Maggie was a natural. Outside in the hall, I thought for sure she was going to turn around and bolt, leaving me high and dry. Instead, she had surprised me, by answering my questions and heading into the room. You could see the nerves wracking through her body, but she pushed through them, and I couldn’t help but admire her for it. I also couldn’t help but admire the way her curvaceous ass swayed as she walked in.

  Almost as if she had been a sub her whole life, she knocked the wind out of me when she kneeled to the floor after getting an eye full of the room. Her pose, although it needed a little work, was classic and standard, and I took a moment to both appreciate the view with my walk around, as well as adjust my pants. My dick had a mind of its own, not caring if I preferred a more experienced participant over the new beauty kneeling at my feet.

  When I had asked her to stand, my hard cock had instantly deflated. Not because of her lack of grace, actually, I found it a little charming. It was common practice for the subs I did play with to exude too much grace, which for me was a damn put off. No one was that perfect. I felt myself becoming less aroused by her silent unshed tears. Had I said something? When I asked her, my heart constricted in my chest a little bit at her response.

  I didn’t peg her as someone who lacked self confidence. Her attire was bold, but sexy as hell, and normally when someone came to a night such as this, dressed provocatively, but not slutty, it was because she was comfortable with how she looked. Maggie was clearly not the case in the scenario. I wasn’t some fucking ovary whisperer but I knew self consciousness when I saw it. Maggie lacked the confidence she needed to be a real sub, and in that moment, something clicked.

  I had the overwhelming need to teach her how, not only to be the perfect sub, but to love herself in the process. I didn’t know why I felt like this. It wasn’t in my normal repertoire. I didn’t normally care, on any given day, so why was this woman, who most people found unattractive, attracting me this way? I didn’t have an answer. Only a gut instinct, and I never ignored it when my gut told me to do something.

  So, when Maggie walked by me, swaying, and unsteady on her feet, holding her satin and lace thong, and her fishnets in her hand, and my gut told me to take her panties, I did what my gut told me to do. I took them from her, and I had no intentions of giving them back. Stuffing them in my pocket and giving her a little tap on the ass to get her going, I turned around and waited for to comply with my request. Early on in my Dom days, I had learned that I was someone who, not only needed control in my life, I needed, order, and neatness. I couldn’t tolerate messy, looking at the neatly folded fishnets on the chair, I saw that she could very well fit in, if the rest of her was as diligent.

  When I turned ba
ck around, my softened dick was instantly hard as diamonds. Laid out on the bed, with her hands raised to the headboard, and her thighs spread wide, as instructed, was one of the sexiest sights I had ever seen. Although, most subs I played with would follow directions as I had described them just as well, the innocence rolling off of Maggie permeated the air, flaring my nostrils and producing a low growl from my throat. In all of my years of being a Dom, I had never had a reaction quite like the one I was experiencing in that moment. It was feral, and I wanted to pounce on her, and plunge so deep inside, she’d remember me come Monday morning.

  I had never felt such a loss of control in my life, in fact, I prided myself on my ability to use control and manipulate situations to benefit my needs. But in that split second in which I saw her, legs opened, her skirt revealing nothing but the creamy thighs underneath, I felt utterly powerless to the intense attraction I felt, and the raw hunger coursing through my veins.

  The moment I caught the smile on her face though, the Dom within me kicked in. I knew she was smiling at my very audible growl, but if I was going to train her, if I was going to make her my sub, her lessons would start right now, and although I had never banned smiling in my playing sessions, I would for today, for her.

  “Is something funny, little sub?” I used my most menacing voice. No, I didn’t want her to be scared of me, in fact I wanted her to fully trust me. It was the only way this would really work, but I did want her to grasp, that I would be calling the shots from here on out, however long that lasted.

  “No, Sir,” she barely managed to get out. Her eyes were open, staring at the ceiling, her smile now gone, and it didn’t escape my notice the way her chest heaved in and out, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible. I imagined her heart beating out of her chest. Ironic that mine would match hers at this exact moment in time.

  Lowering my tone a little bit, I creeped towards the bed. “Close your eyes, my sweets, and do not open them unless I say so, unless you need to use your safe word.”

  Her lack of response sent a shiver through me. Even after everything that had been done so far, which was enormous and yet, nothing at all, she still remembered my rule of no talking unless asked a direct question. I shook my head as the realization dawned on me. She was a complete and utter natural in my world, and even though, stereotypically, she’d never be chosen first amongst a group of Doms, it would ultimately be their loss. With the right few tricks, she could be one of the best subs I ever worked with. The thought brought my own smile to the surface.

  “Now, little sub,” I said, chuckling when she jumped a little at the sound of my voice in the too quiet room. “I’m going to attach some restrains to your wrists. Are you okay with that?” I asked, tracing a solitary finger from her elbow to her wrist.

  “Green, Sir.” Came her breathless reply, widening my smile.

  “Good, girl.” I praised.

  Grabbing the already attached cuffs, I flipped them over in my hands to make sure they were not only clean, but in perfect condition. My members paid large sums of money to make sure that everything that was communal use was either brand new for each encounter or easily sterilized. This room didn’t need the extra precautions because it was my personal room, and no one but I had access to it, but it made no difference. I refused to subject my subs to anything less than perfection, from me, or my tools.

  Once I was confident that everything was as it should be, I secured one wrist tightly, but not painfully so, and pulled on the straps to hoist her hands as far as comfortably possible. With this being her first time, I knew she would move far more than any trained sub would dare to, but pulling them tight guaranteed that she would learn my ways sooner rather than later. I was a stickler for minimal movements until her orgasm was achieved, then she was free to let loose and let the pleasure carry her away.

  Walking as silently as possible to the other side of the bed, I chuckled again when she was startled at my finger running up the length of her arm. Soon, she would learn how to open her other senses when her vision was compromised, but for now, I took joy in the fact that her inexperience had not tainted her natural response. It was refreshing, and something I didn’t think I could, or would ever, like or appreciate, but I did. It was an incredible feeling, and fucking terrifying all wrapped up in one.

  “What color are you, my sweets?” I asked, just an edge over a whisper.

  “Green, Sir,” she said in an equal volume, while tugging on the strength of her restraints.

  “No moving,” I commanded, walking over to my dresser.

  Her immediate stillness delighted me, while I rummaged through the drawers, coming up with a spur of the moment plan. Not once had I ever entered a room without a solid plan for my sub whether it be for pleasure, pain or a combination of both. The exhilaration and the feeling, like I was flying by the seat of my pants was intense. I had no idea what her limits were, and I had no idea what she could or couldn’t take, but I was going to find out. Maybe not tonight, and maybe not tomorrow night, but I would find out what made Maggie Sweets tick. What made her shiver in pleasure, or cry out in pain. I would find every nook and cranny possible and use them against her in the most delicious way possible.

  Picking up a small vibrator, a fur laced glove and a small riding crop, I headed back to the bed, as a plan slid into place like the pieces of a puzzle. I wanted her to experience something new and fresh today, to really determine if she was cut out for this, even if I already thought she was.

  Placing the items between her spread feet, I grabbed on to her ankle to signal my arrival. Within the span of the two minutes I had been gone, Maggie’s breathing had returned to a normal rhythm, and she didn’t flinch at my contact. Either she had fallen asleep or she was already using her ears to pinpoint my location. When my hand creeped up from her ankle to her calf, and slowly crept past her knee as I walked around the bed, the tremor that ran through her proved to me that she most certainly wasn’t sleeping, and not for the first time that night, I marvelled at how well she was picking up things that some subs took years to master.

  “Like I told you before, little sub, we will start slow. See what you can handle and move on from there. I’m not going to restrain your legs for tonight, but if you move them too much, you may force my hand. Can you be a good girl and stay still for me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” came her immediate, breathless, reply.

  When I came to stand by her head, I took a good look at her face. With her eyes still closed, but eyelashes fluttering, she looked like she could actually be sleeping. Her cheeks were tinged pink from her natural blush and her lips were plump, and slightly opened. She was remarkably beautiful to me.

  Deciding that I needed a taste, to satisfy my curiosity, I placed one hand on the bed and the other on the headboard and leaned in to take those beautiful lips into my own. The instant our lips connected, the shy submissive I had come to know slightly better, disappeared, leaving in her wake someone greedy for more. I couldn’t help but indulge her as she pulled against her bonds to try and delve deeper. This wasn’t a tentative kiss, this was a no holds barred, all and out tongue thrashing. Our mouths mangled together while we licked and sucked, and fucked each other with our tongues.

  Tearing away from her mouth, I took a few needed steps back. What the fuck had that been? Never in my life had I shared a kiss quite like that. It was dirty, and hungry, and fucking perfect. It was so perfect I wanted to dive back in, release her bonds, and fuck her with both my tongue and my raging hard on.

  Shaking my head and pulling off my shirt, which was starting to feel like a furnace on my back, I walked back over to the foot of the bed and grabbed the fur glove and riding crop along the way.

  “Today, we are going to find out how well you can walk the line between pleasure and pain. I want you to stay focused, with your eyes closed and absorb what I’m going to do. Now, tell me, do you like this?”

  With the fur lined glove, I lightly grabbed her ankle and ran my hand along th
e inside of her calf, and up to her knee, pausing only briefly before making my way back down the other side of her leg. The goosebumps on her leg told me one thing, but I wanted to see if her words would match her body’s reaction.

  “Green, Sir. I liked it,” she purred.

  “Excellent. Now this is going to be different. Absorb it, Maggie. I know you can do it.”

  Aiming the riding crop for the top of her thigh, I reared back very slightly and let the crop fall on her pale flesh. I’d always loved the sound of the crop, creating an unnecessary thwack that sounded worse than it stung. Her skin immediately turned a pretty shade of pink, and I looked up to her face to see her reaction.

  Her lips had parted a bit more, allowing for the incoming and outgoing of more air, and the strain of pulling on the restraints was evident in her face, but she didn’t look hurt, and she hadn’t called out her safe word. I took it as a good sign, but felt the need to ask, and soothe my own curiosity.

  “Sweets?” The question evident in my voice.

  “Green, Sir. Very Green,” she huskily answered.

  “Very good. I’m very proud of you. You’re doing a wonderful job,” I encouraged. “Now, this next part can be a little intense, and it’s my job to read your body language and push you to what I think you can handle. Stay with me, little sub, and you’ll earn a reward at the end.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she responded, making my throbbing dick harder than I thought was possible. Politeness was a major turn on for me, and this girl had it in spades.

  Armed with glove and crop, I took turns sensually massaging her legs, from ankle to thigh, and swatting her in rapid succession. There was no pattern to discern, and every time my crop landed, I added a little more pressure to it. Her skin turned an amazing shade of pink, and then red, and her panting became progressively more erratic.


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