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Chub Rub

Page 5

by Shannon Youngblood

  When I moved my hand under her skirt and she clenched her knees together, I knew I hadn’t been far off with my assessment of her body image. There was a difference between just shy and self-conscious, and her involuntary muscle movements proved the need for a little self-love.

  “Do I need to restrain those pretty pink ankles, little sub?” I asked in a very clear warning.

  “No, Sir,” she responded, hesitantly unclenching her body, and spreading her legs back to their starting position.

  I lifted her skirt up, to show off her beautiful pink pussy. Her thighs were coated in her own juices, and I smiled that something as small as a simple riding crop could produce the sort of arousal I was feeling. I wanted a taste. I wanted to smother my mouth on her pussy and gobble at her for as many hours as it took to produce as many orgasms as I could claim from her body, but I had one more test to see if she could make it as my sub.

  “Lift your butt up for me, little sub,” I whispered.

  Complying immediately, she planted her feet while her pelvis went into the air. Taking my time, I reached up, found the waistband to her skirt, and pulled it down, inch by agonizing inch, savoring the feel of the quake in her legs and the rapid increase to her breathing. It boggled my mind the amount of trust she was showing me. It always did with a sub.

  Although I wanted nothing more than to strip her naked and see every gorgeous curve, and kiss every inch of her skin, I knew that would push her too far and too fast. What she had already done was risky, but she had taken it like a true submissive.

  “You look delectable, my sweets,” I said while my finger drew a lazy path from her knee up to her glistening lips. The closer I got to my destination, the more I could tell she was having a hard time keeping her legs open for me. The blush on her cheeks had turned from a soft pink to red, and I knew the embarrassment and the vulnerability was breaking in and stealing her arousal.

  “Are you alright, little sub?” I asked, stopping before she could utter a word I wouldn’t want to hear.

  “Can I have a moment, Sir?” she asked, biting her lip after her request.

  “Maggie, don’t think. Just feel. Did you enjoy everything I did up until I removed your skirt?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good, now enjoy this just as much. I think you’re one of the most beautiful and surprising women I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with, and if you can give me your trust for just a little while longer, I promise, you will not regret it. Can you do that for me, little sub?”

  Her response held no hesitation, “Yes, Sir.”

  As soon as I felt her body go lax again, I resumed my trail up her leg, across her center, and back down, smearing her fluids around as I went. With every pass of my fingers, I felt her relax a little more, and it wasn’t long before her panting resumed, her arousal the sole center of her focus.

  “You did so well, my sweets, I believe I promised you a reward. I want you to let go and come as many times as you can. Hold nothing back.”

  “Yes, Sir. Please, Sir,” she mumbled around her breathing.

  Heading to the foot of the bed, I tossed the vibrator to the floor, no longer needing it, deciding my tongue would be the source of her first orgasm, not a battery operated machine. Starting with her foot, I lifted her ankle slightly and placed feather light kisses on her instep. Taking the same path as my fingers had taken, I rained down kisses and the occasional nibble from her ankle up to the center of her thighs.

  When I reached her swollen clit, I couldn’t contain myself any further. The taste of her that had been left by my fingers on her skin, instantly consumed me. I had never tasted a concoction as potent and as sweet as Maggie’s and I craved more. With the first swipe of my tongue, my hands immediately came up to pin down her legs and keep her somewhat immobile.

  “Is kicking your Dom any way to say thank you for your reward? I teased her lightly.

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  She didn’t sound sorry, in fact for the first time since entering the room, she sounded like any other bratty sub that wasn’t getting what she wanted, although I highly suspected she was so wrapped up in the feelings strumming through her veins, she hadn’t even realized her transgression. Letting it slide this once, I dove back in, to give her what we both wanted; what we both needed.

  Over and over, I licked and suckled at her tiny bundle of nerves, bringing her to an invisible peak before pulling away and starting all over again, and once I was sure she wasn’t going to accidently punt me off the bed, I released her ankles and brought my hands up to spread her folds farther apart and gain more access.

  Slowly, I sunk one finger into her pussy, and bent up to find her g-spot. The effect was as desired, as she let out a moan quivering with need. Pulling out, I slid two fingers in and stretching her further, put in a third. She was so fucking tight, gripping my fingers and pulling them in, before trying to shove them back out again, but this was my game, and I would decide the tempo.

  Before she could try to pull me in again, I thrust the three digits into her and pulled out equally as fast, pushing in again, and again. While my fingers fucked her, pressing against her g-spot, I resumed the feast that was her clit. A punishing rhythm started, working her faster and faster to detonation. When she clamped down on my fingers, signalling her impending release, I sped up my tongue and pressed up with my digits.

  “OH GOD, SIR. I’M GOING TO COME,” she screamed, pulling on her binds and bucking her hips into my face.

  A moment later, she exploded. Her come coated my fingers and ran down my hand, while I continued my assault on her clit, not letting up for a moment. Her legs trembled and squeezed around my body, while she rode through her climax and I attempted to build her up for a back to back orgasm. Almost immediately, I could feel her tense up again, and within moments, her incoherent cries of pleasure tore through the air, mingled with my own as I felt my balls release a stream of come into my pants.

  What the fuck? The last time I had climaxed with my dick still tucked away in my pants had been at the junior prom in high school, in the back of the limo with my girlfriend Abbey who was straddled on top of me while we made out.

  I wasn’t some punk teen anymore, I was a fucking man, and this--this untrained, uneducated, newbie to my lifestyle had just made me spill my load without even touching me. This wasn’t right. This was wrong, so very wrong. I was the one in control, not her. How did she have this effect on me?

  I could feel the walls closing in on me. This was why I didn’t take new subs. The loss of control would send me into a panic the same way a bathtub or a swimming pool could. I had to get the fuck out of there, right this second. If I didn’t, I couldn’t be responsible for my actions.

  Scrambling off the bed, I scurried to the headboard and released both of her wrists in record time, before swiping up my shirt from the floor and running to the door, slamming it closed behind me. I put on my shirt in the hallway, and as fast as my legs could carry me, I walked through the thinning crowd of people and straight to my office. I didn’t give a shit if anyone saw the wet spot on my pants, I only cared about gaining control on the fucked up situation that I had just put myself in. Holy fuck. I left her there. By herself, after her first time playing.

  Grabbing my entire bottle of whiskey, I opened the lid and tipped it back, not bothering with a glass. I really was an asshole.

  What the fuck have I done?

  Chapter Seven


  Stars. In my world, there were only stars. I didn’t want to open my eyes, for fear that the stars would disappear. Tucked behind my eyelids, I watched as the twinkling rays of light devoured the pitch black, not once, but twice. My body thrummed and shook as the little balls of light flew from my eyelids to the tips of my toes, heating up my skin and caressing it with each pass.

  For a single girl, orgasms came often, in the form of my own hand, or something mechanical. This had not been a normal orgasm. This had been earth shattering. I fel
t like I had been broken into a thousand pieces only to be put back together again like a puzzle you would find in a store. I’d never felt so alive, my body awake, my mind abuzz. My nerve endings on high alert.

  Keeping my eyes shut, I waited until the buzz died down in my ears before I peeked through my lids to search out the man who had induced the biggest highs of my life. I immediately regretted it, wishing I could have kept my eyes closed indefinitely, and savored my high just a little while longer. The look on Master Jackson’s face was enough to sober me almost instantaneously. His eyes were a mixture of terror and panic, and before he could catch me staring, I closed my lids, hoping that I was misinterpreting his look. When my bonds were released and, moments later, the door to the room slammed with a deafening thud, I knew my instincts had been correct.

  I wanted to curl up in a ball, but my body was spent and wouldn’t cooperate. My arms were sore and my wrists were red where the cuffs had dug a little from pulling against them. Nothing that would leave a mark, but it was enough to be a little sensitive.

  Not able to move, and not sure what I was supposed to do anyway, I stared at the ceiling and let the tears fall from my eyes and drip down over my temples. My legs were still spread wide, exposing me in a way that made me feel sick to my stomach and vulnerable. The fear and humiliation washed over me in waves, crashing into my fragile ego and breaking it into pieces. I didn’t know what I had done wrong, but the look in Master Jackson’s eyes would haunt me for a long time to come. Maybe I hadn’t been cut out for this.

  Finally finding the strength to move, I curled my knees up to my chest as far as I could and just barely managed to wrap my arms around them, my fingers grabbing on to each other to hold me in tight. It wasn’t enough to hold the tears at bay, as the floodgate of my tears, opened and the faucet was turned on full blast. I felt like I was trying to hold in everything that threatened to come out. Every emotion I had ever felt and every bad feeling I had ever had rushed to the surface, threatening to choke the life from me.

  I didn’t know how long I laid there, crying and rocking, and I barely noticed when Polly came in and cradled herself around me, rocking with me while she stroked my hair and whispered soothing words into my ear. Time had little meaning to me at that point, while I stuffed myself back into the cocoon I had attempted to emerge from.

  “It’s ok, Mags, you’re going through sub drop. I’m here. Let it all out,” she cooed.

  When I felt like I could speak without it coming out garbled, I asked her what she meant. I had never heard of the term she had just used, and although it sounded like a musical term, I knew it wouldn’t make any sense for that to be the case. Nothing made sense at the moment.

  “Sub drop is when you lose all the endorphins that flooded your body when you were playing. It shouldn’t be long before your hormones right themselves again and you’ll be good as new. Normally, your Dom would be here to help you through it. What happened?”

  “I--I don’t know,” I mumbled out, “He just left.”

  Taking a shaky breath, I wiggled out of Polly’s hold and sat up, facing her, rubbing my wrists in the process. They didn’t really hurt, but they tingled from lack of blood flow. They also were a constant reminder of the earth-splitting orgasm I’d just achieved less than thirty minutes ago. Looking around for a second I saw the fur glove he had used to massage my legs, next to it a riding crop. Both had been used so eloquently but right now, all I felt was dirty when I looked at them.

  I was so confused. Confused and hurt. Why had he taken off like that? Was it something that I did wrong, or something I didn’t do? Trying to recall the details, I couldn’t think of anything I had missed or forgotten. One minute, I was floating on a cloud of euphoria, and the next, he was slamming the door and bolting like I had the plague.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” Polly asked, pulling me from my internal debate.

  “Us?” I said, confused, turning and looking around the room.

  I should have known that Master Chase would be here with Polly, I just hadn’t expected it. The blush in my cheeks rose up, knowing that I had been on full display when they entered. In one night, two different men had seen my girly bits. Unable to stop the giggle that escaped my lips, I turned back to Polly. A mixture of merriment and worry lined her features, arching her brow. When she placed her hand on my naked thigh, I sobered almost immediately.

  “Umm, I don’t know where to start?” I asked, feeling more than a little self conscious about telling my best friend and her Dom about the amazing orgasms I had received right before Master Jackson’s unceremonious exit. I didn’t even know what had happened. How was I supposed to tell them?

  “Just start from when he pulled you from the main room, Mags. Take your time,” she whispered, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

  I looked over my shoulder to see Master Chase standing quite rigid against the door, his arms folded over his chest. He looked ready to fly off the handle at anything, and I wasn’t sure if it was directed at me, or Polly, or something else, but I didn’t want to get on his bad side. When he gritted his teeth and nodded at me, asking me to continue, I turned back around to face Polly.

  “Well, we came to the outside of the room, and he asked me if I wanted to follow him in, and if I did, I needed to be sure, but I could stop it at any time.”

  Jumping right in, Polly asked, “Did he discuss safe words with you?”

  “I was getting there. Yes he did, we decided to go with Red, Yellow, Green, until I could come up with my own word.”

  “Then what?” Polly asked, pushing up on her knees, eager, as always, to hear every scrap of gossip she could. Another foot and she would be kneeling on top of my lap.

  In the background, I heard Master Chase. His voice was barely over a whisper, but the word “kitten” was obvious to my ears. Immediately, Polly settled back down, eyes downcast.

  “Good, kitten, you may resume your chat, but tone it down. I won’t ask you again,” a rumble came from behind me.

  “Yes, Master,” Polly cooed, eyes darting up, and searching mine out. Giving me a head nod, she motioned for me to continue. It took me a moment to get back to my thoughts. Polly was a spitfire, and I had never seen her so docile before. It was a little shocking.

  “A lot of it is kind of a blur, Polly. We came into the room, talked a little more about expectations. He gave me a few commands, and I ended up strapped to the bed. It was hot,” I whispered, embarrassment flooding my cheeks once again. “But after, he just--I don’t know. He just got this terrifying look in his eyes before he uncuffed me and took off like a bat out of hell. I don’t remember doing anything wrong, and I’m pretty sure I followed all of his commands. Maybe he realized this was a mistake.” I whispered out.

  Not for the first time that night, I heard a low growl followed by the distinct sound of a door opening and then rattling shut it a man’s wake. Master Chase had obviously not liked what he had heard and needed a breather. Just what I needed, another angry Dom, mad at me.

  This entire night had gone to shit so fast, and I didn’t know how to process it. Everything leading up to his departure had been bliss, and now I felt like my chest was sporting a very raw look. I knew I should have picked up my panties and put them on, gracefully leaving the scene, with my head held high, but my insecurities got the best of me.

  How could someone like Master Jackson ever consider taking me on as his sub; with me looking like this, and him looking like a Demi-God? Guys like that weren’t seen with girls like me. Guys like him ended up with girls like Polly, while I ended up with a really nice guy who sported extra pounds as well. I was an idiot. I shouldn’t have even come in here. I should have known it would have ended like this. The only time girls like me got with men like that was if there was alcohol involved.

  I was such an idiot. Sliding off the bed while the tears started anew, I grabbed my discarded stockings from the chair and frantically searched around for my thong. I had never been a huge fan of th
em, but they were better for a night like tonight then my plain cotton panties. When I couldn’t find them on the floor or on the bed, I thought back to where they had gone.

  Master Jackson had taken them after he asked me to fold them and put them on the chair. I never saw what he did with them, because I had been too busy following his instructions. Mentally smacking myself, I put on my discarded skirt and pulled it down as far as I could, followed by my stockings as I sat on the bed so I wouldn’t fall.

  “Can we get out of here, Polly?” I asked. I knew she would need to check in with Master Chase, but I wasn’t willing to stick around. In fact, the overwhelming need to get out of this room was close to suffocating me.

  “Yes. I’ll shoot a text to Master Chase and let him know. He’ll understand, or he’ll punish me, which is a win-win in my book,” she said winking at me.

  I tried smiling back, but I just didn’t have it in me. Too many emotions were rippling through me to find the humor in her statement.

  Walking back down the hallway and through the great room, I felt like every eye was on me. They may have been, but I wouldn’t have known. I couldn’t even contemplate looking up from my feet moving in the direction of the door, as fast as they could carry me. When we arrived at the coat check, I grabbed mine, and slipped it on, feeling naked without the thin scrap of fabric shielding my still wet cunt.

  Shivering when we stepped out of the club, I took a long deep breath and savored the almost burn of the cold night air filling my lungs. The wind whipped my hair around in my face, and I gripped my jacket a little tighter around me, while we walked to the car. I needed to get home as soon as possible. I needed a warm bath and my dog, and then everything would return to normal.

  Once inside, it didn’t take long for Polly to crank the heat up as high as it would go, and for us to be on our way back to our neck of the woods. Almost immediately, I felt myself crashing. My mind was shutting down after the emotional abuse I had taken. It needed a little bit of respite, and the heat was guiding me towards dreamland. I wish I could have said it was peaceful and dreamless, unfortunately, a pair of haunted eyes floated through my mind the entire drive, and by the time I arrived home, the heat from the car couldn’t penetrate the bone chilling cold that had settled into my bones.


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