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Revenge in Vein, The Complete Series

Page 8

by Jennifer Blackstream

  She obeyed, having no choice with his ruby gaze boring into hers, the weight of his power pressing against her desire-addled mind. The cold metal quickly warmed against her tongue as he pressed it inside her mouth. He fastened the strap behind her head, leaving her hanging in the air, a foot off the bed, with her legs held open by a spreader bar and her mouth held open by the spider gag.

  Never in her life had Dubheasa been so vulnerable. Forbidden from using her powers, bound and suspended in the air with no way of getting the leverage she would need to break free, and her mouth held open inches away from a naked man. She’d never felt so alive, so completely aware of every part of her body, every nerve. The sensations were almost overwhelming.

  “Tell me, your majesty,” Vincentas said casually, trailing a finger along her open jawbone. “Why would a monarch such as yourself desire to be dominated?”

  Dubheasa jerked in surprise and then stifled a moan as the sharp ache in her joints reminded her of how helpless she was. She narrowed her eyes at Vincentas, wishing she could see something besides the red light. His question annoyed her and she couldn’t glare at him properly with his power filling her vision.

  “Oh, how silly of me,” Vincentas answered himself, his voice dripping with insincerity. “You can’t speak with that gag in, can you?”

  His audacity heated Dubheasa’s blood, anger starting to leak over her pleasure. She wanted to experience pain--not humiliation. She tensed her muscles as she contemplated how best to escape. If Vincentas wasn’t going to play the game right, she wasn’t going to play at all. Even without her power, Dubheasa was strong. There was no iron in the shackles she kept, nor in the bars attached to her bed. She could snap them like twigs if she tried hard enough. Doubt bled into her bravado. That is, if she could get any leverage. Which could be difficult while suspended in midair.

  “You are the Ruler of the Unseelie, the Queen of Air and Darkness, the Mistress of Nightmares. You have haunted humans for centuries and will continue to haunt them long after you have gone. Your survival depends on your own people fearing you as well, doesn’t it? I would imagine you have made powerful enemies, any one of which would gladly spill your blood to put themselves on the throne.”

  Every word he spoke was true. Ruling the Unseelie was not for the faint-hearted. There could be no moment of weakness, no respite from complete and utter confidence. Dubheasa glared into the red haze. How dare he try to get inside her mind? When this was over, she would make him pay for his insolence.

  “Have you even fooled yourself, Dubheasa?”

  Her anger paused, interrupted by the unexpected question. Vincentas shifted in front of her and both of his hands began to caress her face, brushing her hair back from her forehead before trailing down her cheeks and jaw. Despite her anger over his prying, Dubheasa couldn’t help the tingles of pleasure that tickled over her body at his touch. The Aine’s Dew heightened her awareness until even his soft touch sent waves of heat over her flesh to pulse between her legs.

  “Is that why you brought us here, Dubheasa?” Vincentas whispered. “Are you so incapable of taking off that mask of power that even in your own bed you cannot submit to the domination of your lover without truly fighting against him?”

  Shocked, Dubheasa just stared into the red abyss. No one had ever dared to psycho-analyze her in such a way. And no one had ever echoed the thought that even she had never admitted to herself. Hesitantly, she slowly began to nod . . .

  “You have always had a twisted need to get into your victims’ heads, Vincentas, but I tell you now, this conversation is over,” Bron growled.

  Dubheasa shook her head, shaking off the strange spell Vincentas had seemed to weave around her. Disoriented and confused, she tried to focus on what Bron was saying.

  “Hold your tongue,” Vincentas snapped. “I will take my pleasure as I wish.”

  “Take your pleasure by entering her body, not her mind,” Bron snarled. “Your talk bores me. It does not matter why her majesty forced us here.” His voice lowered to a deep rumble. “What matters is that she is made to regret it.”

  Pain exploded against her ass and Dubheasa screamed through the gag. Heat pulsed from where Bron had struck her, the sudden wet chill that followed telling her she was bleeding. Bron had chosen the impression paddle with the tiny metal spikes. One of her favorites.

  The copper scent filled the room and teased her senses with memories of other lovers--lovers whose blood had soaked her sheets amidst pleas for more. The pain in her backside turned to pleasure at the hands of the memories. The uneasy self-awareness that had clouded her mind in the face of Vincentas’ questions faded on the wind of painful pleasure. She was finally going to get what she wanted. Dubheasa would have smiled if she could have.

  “Bloody barbarian,” Vincentas grumbled. “You have never appreciated the finer points of total domination. What good is breaking someone’s body if their mind survives unscathed? You should let me--”

  Dubheasa didn’t have to see Vincentas’ nostrils flare to know that the scent of her blood had reached him. His hands stopped their caressing and gripped her jaw, the tension singing off his body betraying his sudden hunger. She could just make out his cock swelling at the edge of her peripheral vision beyond the red glare. Her pussy pulsed, aching to be filled and she couldn’t help but struggle in her restraints, wishing she could force him to give her what she so desperately wanted.

  This must be why I’ve never given anyone control over me before, she seethed to herself. You simply cannot count on people to do as they should.

  Bron brought the paddle down on her ass again. This time when Dubheasa screamed, the sound was cut off as Vincentas shoved his cock through the metal ring and into her mouth. Hot flesh filled her mouth, velvety skin caressing her tongue in its ruthless plunge to the back of her throat. Helpless to stop him, or even slow his thrusts, Dubheasa struggled to control her gag reflex and breathe.

  “Oh, Dubheasa,” Vincentas groaned. “Such a sweet mouth you have.”

  Dubheasa’s brief moment of panic vanished as Vincentas drew himself back out, gripping the base of his cock so he could drag the soft head against the roof of her mouth. Her discomfort turned to pleasure as her breathing came easier and she could taste him. Oral sex was something Dubheasa fully enjoyed and the vukodlak before her tasted different than any of her men--cool and wild, like the night air on the eve of autumn. It was invigorating.

  Dubheasa sucked in a breath as something soft and wet trailed over the bloody skin of her backside. Her body jerked with pleasure as the sensation continued, long wet strokes soothing the skin ravaged by the impression paddle.

  “We cannot have that blood going to waste, now can we?” Vincentas teased, his voice hitching as he slid his cock back into her mouth. He kept his eyes on hers, but when he spoke again it was to Bron.

  “Does her blood not taste amazing, Bron?”

  A small sound of agreement from Bron sent vibrations over her skin and Dubheasa whimpered in pleasure. Vincentas continued to thrust into her mouth, smooth steady strokes. There was none of the violence of his first stroke and Dubheasa wondered how she could urge him to regain his initial vigor. She liked the edge that panic had leant to her arousal. And she wanted more.

  “Press your tongue down, Dubheasa,” Vincentas ordered her. “I want to feel more pressure from your delightful mouth.”

  Dubheasa wanted to disobey in the hopes that Vincentas would punish her, but with her gaze still locked on the vukodlak’s glowing red eyes, she couldn’t help but acquiesce. Her disappointment didn’t last, as Vincentas made a strangled sound of pleasure, responding to the increased pressure of her tongue pressing against his erection. She liked the sounds of pleasure falling from his lips, loved that she was the cause.

  Bron locked his mouth against the curve of her ass, sucking hard at the wounds he’d inflicted. Dubheasa cried out around Vincentas’ erection as she arched her back, pressing harder against Bron’s mouth. An invisible thr
ead connected Bron’s hungry mouth to her clit and every pull he took on her blood made the bundle of nerves throb with sharp beats of pleasure.

  Vincentas continued to thrust into her mouth as her body danced in its restraints, her breasts swinging heavily in the air. She’d never been suspended before, never felt so disconnected with the earth and its limitations. She was caught up in the pleasure with nothing to distract her from the vigorous attentions of the two vukodlaks.

  Suddenly a gasp from the direction of her bedroom doorway echoed in Dubheasa’s ears. A growl from behind her let her know Bron had heard it too. He pulled back from her flesh and she cried out at the loss. Fury burned hot and fast inside her as she wondered who had the audacity to enter her bedroom without permission. Unease followed on the heels of her anger as she realized that a member of her court could easily misinterpret this as rape. Her stomach dropped. Not only would that irrevocably damager her reputation as an all-powerful monarch--her subject might bring an end to the most revitalizing sexual experience of her life.

  “Come to me.”

  Bron’s voice echoed with power and Dubheasa knew he’d mesmerized whoever had come in. Relief washed over her. The two vukodlaks should be able to wipe this memory from her subject’s mind. And if they didn’t, she was certain she could keep whoever it was a prisoner in her room until she found a spell to wipe the memory herself.

  She waited for whoever it was to come where she could see them, but they remained behind her. She tried to turn look around.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Vincentas chided her, breathlessly. “Eyes on me.”

  Anger spiked sharp and hot inside her and she narrowed her eyes at Vincentas. Pleasure or no pleasure, one of her subjects had just committed a dire offense and she would punish them for it. The vukodlak had to realize the possible consequences of her subject escaping with the memory of what he or she had seen.

  She tried to pull away so she could say something to him, but her struggles were rewarded with a vicious thrust as Vincentas plunged his cock deep into her throat. Dubheasa gagged as he held himself there, without allowing her even an inch to breathe.

  “Your only concern at this moment, Dubheasa, is my cock,” he ground out, his voice hoarse. A fine tremble ran through his body as if he had to fight himself not to continue his rhythmic thrusting. He allowed himself to pull out, but only slightly, before shoving himself deep inside her mouth again. “Our new guest will stay at our pleasure.”

  Fury boiled inside Dubheasa until her anger added a new shade of red to Vincentas’ glowing gaze. The only thing keeping her from wreaking vengeance on the impudent vukodlaks was Bron’s earlier command against using her powers without permission. No matter how she fought it, the command still hung like a weight in her mind.

  When I get out of here, I’m going to make them beg for my forgiveness, Dubheasa seethed. She glared into Vincentas’ gaze, telling him with her eyes what she would do to him when she was free.

  “Such a sour look.” Vincentas tsked her. He rolled his hips, dragging his cock all around her mouth. The sensation seemed to please him and he groaned his pleasure to the room. An answering pulse of pleasure echoed between Dubheasa’s legs despite her annoyance and she cursed the vukodlak even more.

  A feminine scream pierced the room and a rush of adrenaline poured into Dubheasa’s blood.

  “Slow down, comrade, you move too fast!” Vincentas chastised Bron. “She is a sidhe, you cannot drain her as if she were just another human victim. Have some sense! Besides,” he added slyly. “You are overlooking an opportunity that even you might enjoy.”

  Bron growled. “Must you over think everything?”

  “I am not speaking of mind games, oh impatient one, I am speaking of adding another warm body to our dance. After all, I am sure the queen would love to add another weapon to this erotic arsenal.”

  Dubheasa burned with fury. How dare they invite someone to play without her permission? How dare they allow one of her own subjects to dominate their queen? Who among her people was so foolish as to dare enter her bedroom without an invitation? When she found out there would be screams of a different kind making the walls of her bedroom ring.

  “Do not look so cross,” Vincentas insisted, a smile splitting his face. “Are you not the one who said you wanted the experience to be real? How authentic would this domination be if the only things that happened were those that you wished to happen?” He shook his head, pausing a moment to grunt when his cock tapped the back of her throat again. “No,” he breathed. “This is the only way to give you what you really wanted.”

  Torn between the desire for a submissive experience, and the conviction that none of her people could ever be allowed to even pretend domination of their monarch, Dubheasa couldn’t do anything but hang there as Vincentas continued his thrusts. The rhythm of his thick cock plunging into her mouth over and over stoked the fire between her legs and made it difficult to hold on to her anger.

  “Our new guest is most pliable,” Bron said to Vincentas. “She will be helping us give the queen what she asked for.”

  “Wonderful,” Vincentas said.

  His voice hitched slightly as Dubheasa pressed her tongue down harder on his erection. It pleased her to find that she was still able, in however small a way, to effect the vukodlak exerting so much control over her. There will be plenty of time to punish my insolent subject later, she assured herself. For now, the pleasure is worth the price.

  “Bron, get underneath the queen.”


  Dubheasa concentrated on what they were saying even as she experimented with wrapping her tongue around Vincentas’ cock. It interested her to find that despite not needing the oxygen, vampires seemed to breathe like any other creature in the heat of sexual pleasure.

  “I am inspired by Kurt and Anton’s earlier performance. Lie underneath her majesty and sink your fangs into her breast.” He raised his hands to caress her face again. “Her blood will drip so nicely into your waiting mouth.”

  The erotic picture Vincentas painted with his words tore a moan from Dubheasa’s throat. If Bron’s bite was anything like his companion’s then she was only too eager to experience it. Her pulse raced as Bron positioned himself underneath her, the rustle of sheets giving away his position.

  “You commanded the woman to do as you say, yes?”


  “Good. Then tell her to mount you.”

  “Little one, go to your queen’s torture cupboard and pick a few toys to play with.”

  “Well played, Bron,” Vincentas said, his voice higher with surprise.

  Pain spiked outward from her nipples and Dubheasa gasped as she realized Bron had released the claws of his wolf form. He pinched her nipples even tighter, his claws drawing blood as his breath tickled her chest. “I hope she chooses something painful, your majesty.”

  The whispery quality of Bron’s voice gave an erotic edge to the fresh wave of anger that surged over her at the thought of one of her subjects poking around her sex cabinet. However, her anger gave way to desire as pleasure crackled over her nipples in time with the flick of Bron’s thumbs. He rolled the puckered flesh between his thumbs and forefingers, sending delicious sensations of pain soaked pleasure through her flesh. The scent of her blood tickled her nose, reminding her of her earlier silent encouragement for them to show her their claws.

  I do so enjoy it when I get what I want, she thought excitedly.

  The mattress creaked and the metal bars groaned as someone hauled herself back onto the bed. Dubheasa sniffed the air and listened hard, straining to pick up some detail that would alert her to the intruder’s identity. She was unable to pick up anything beyond the musky scent of Vincentas’ cock and the copper of her own blood.


  Dubheasa froze at the unmistakable snap of a rubber glove. Vincentas chuckled, continuing his strokes. Something hard and large prodded her asshole and sparks of fear edged with delicious anticipation shot throughout
her body.

  “Use your finger first, beautiful,” Vincentas advised the other woman, the hitch in his voice suggesting he was turned on by whatever the newcomer was doing. “You need to open her up more if you are going to put that inside her.”


  Dubheasa’s eyes widened and she struggled against her bonds. This had gone far enough. She had asked the vukodlaks to dominate her--not one of her own people. It would have been one thing if the woman had wanted to eat her out--that at least was something she would have allowed anyway. Using an object to penetrate her, however, was just about the most dominating thing anyone could do. This insubordination would not be tolerated. Leverage or no leverage, she was going to get free. And when she did she was going to make them all very very sorry.

  “You look like you are thinking of doing something naughty,” Vincentas intoned, his voice taking on a dangerous almost angry edge. “You will behave yourself. Do not try to escape. You may fight if you wish, but you will take what you have asked for.” His hands stopped caressing her cheeks, closing around her jaw like a vice. “You wanted this, Dubheasa. You wanted to be dominated, to feel what it was like to have no choice. You wanted us to fight you, to break you. You are getting your wish.”


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