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Revenge in Vein, The Complete Series

Page 9

by Jennifer Blackstream

  Her pulse leapt into her throat, fluttering like a trapped thing. Vincentas’ words scared her, even as they fed her arousal. Dubheasa was not a stranger to conflicting emotions, but never had the conflicting emotions been so intense. Never had those emotions made her want to beg and roar simultaneously. It was . . . intoxicating.

  Vincentas leaned closer, his cock pressing farther and farther into her mouth until it touched the back of her throat. Tears sprang to her eyes as her breath was cut off and her heart pounded so hard she thought it would shatter her chest.

  “Be grateful,” Vincentas finished. The tension in the air thickened as he eased his cock back enough for her to breathe. Dubheasa stared at him in shock as her body pulsed with increased arousal. No man has ever spoken to me like that.

  “I want to fuck you,” Bron growled. “Climb onto my cock--now.”

  Once again Dubheasa’s mind swung from arousal to her anger as she heard a giggle from behind her. Bron shifted around under her and a simultaneous masculine groan and feminine moan told her their new guest had happily acquiesced to his command.

  He is fucking the intruder! Dubheasa seethed. How dare that harlot intervene in my fantasy!

  Before she could renew her struggles in a quest to punish the unwanted guest, a lubricant coated finger pressed against her asshole. Dubheasa’s body jerked in surprise as a spike of arousal exploded from the brief invasion.

  She gasped as the woman behind her began to massage the ring of muscle around her asshole. Firmly, but gently, she applied pressure, relaxing the muscles until she could slide a finger inside. Dubheasa’s pussy clenched, surprising her with a rush of hot arousal. She’d never allowed herself to be penetrated thusly by a woman. Occasionally when she took more than one male lover, she would allow them to share her body in such a manner, but this was a first. It was . . . interesting.

  “There, now doesn’t that feel good?” Vincentas teased her.

  Angry again over his taunting, Dubheasa jerked on her shackles. Her body swung in the air and she inhaled sharply as the motion pressed the woman’s finger further into her ass. She cried out in surprised pain and pleasure as the woman added another finger. Tension sang through her muscles. Pleasure blazed down her spine and she moaned helplessly around Vincentas’ cock.

  The heavy hands that hand been massaging her breasts were joined by the wet heat of Bron’s mouth as it closed over her nipple. Dubheasa arched her back in approval, loving the erotic sensation of Bron’s fangs pressing like an unspoken threat against her skin. He swirled his tongue around her nipple, alternating licking and sucking until she thrashed in the air above him, her head spinning with pleasure. She’d wondered if it was the oil on her breasts that had urged him to take her nipples into his mouth without the violence of his fangs. He had played with her nipples enough that the Aine’s Dew should have affected him. Then he repeated his attention on the other breast and she couldn’t think anymore. She gave herself over to the sensations, moaning over and over again.

  The thrashing of her body continued to swing her back against the fingers pressing into her ass. She squirmed with pleasure, her ecstasy rising when she felt a third finger join the others. She thrust backward, giving silent encouragement, uncaring of who it was anymore. Between the sensation of hovering in the air, the erotic suction of Bron’s mouth at her breast, and the delicious pressure behind her, the shining edge of orgasm lay just on the horizon. Dubheasa threw all her concentration into rushing towards the erotic promise, growing more and more desperate with every passing second.

  “Now, beautiful.”

  Something large and hard thrust into her pussy, even as the three fingers inside her kept up their gentle pumping. Dubheasa screamed, her pussy gripping the dildo, grateful for relief from the aching emptiness. Rows of gentle ridges grated over her clit, sending a series of pleasure spikes deep into her body.

  “Now, Bron.”

  She barely had time to register Vincentas’ voice before a sharp pain exploded in her breast. A scream of pain and pleasure ripped from her throat, muffled by Vincentas’ cock, as Bron sank his fangs into her breast. He began to suck, and again it was as if an invisible thread connected the two puncture wounds to her clit, every suck of his mouth making the bundle of nerves spasm harder and harder.

  Almost drunk with pleasure, Dubheasa barely noticed when Vincentas grabbed her head, his fingers threading through her hair as he began to concentrate on fucking her mouth in earnest. He murmured to her all the while.

  “You are beautiful, your majesty, so beautiful. Your mouth looks so pretty with that gag holding you open, my cock thrusting inside you. Press your tongue against me--harder!” He groaned, his body tensing and his strokes losing some of their rhythm. “Your majesty,” he groaned. “Oh, yes . . .”

  The orgasm building inside Dubheasa’s body grew with every plunge of Vincentas’ cock into her mouth, every suck of Bron’s mouth against her breast, every push of the fingers into her ass, and every thrust of the dildo into her swollen pussy. The wet sounds of Bron’s cock plunging into the body of the woman behind her filled the air, the way the dildo jerked up and down as it thrust a testament to the vigorousness of the woman’s ride on Bron’s cock. The pleasure filled the air around the four of them, building and building until the pressure seemed to hold the weight of Dubheasa’s own power.

  In one glorious moment, it snapped. Vincentas roared as he shot his seed down her throat, his fingers tightly clasping her jaw as she eagerly swallowed every heated drop. Bron pulled back from her breast to bellow his own pleasure, adding it to the scream of the woman riding him as her own orgasm took her. Dubheasa felt herself falling over the sharp edge of pleasure, plunging into the waiting darkness as every nerve in her body spasmed and her vision grayed around the edges.

  Time slowed to a crawl as Dubheasa was tossed around on a sea of ecstasy. She didn’t know which way was up, didn’t know who was touching who . . . everything just melted away, leaving her lying on a beach of blissful satisfaction.

  The next thing Dubheasa knew, she was staring down at Bron, still lying underneath her. She watched Bron, her brain too muddled to think straight. Her body still buzzed with the aftereffects of her orgasm, and she sighed as he opened his mouth to catch the blood still dripping from his puncture wounds on her breast.

  Shock sang through her system as she realized she was no longer locked in Vincentas’ gaze. The red fog of Vincentas’ stare had vanished while she was lost in her orgasm, she hadn’t even noticed. Bron met her look, his eyes their normal shade of brown. They flashed red as the queen continued to stare into them, but there was no power in it.

  “It would take very little to ensnare you now,” Bron said quietly. “We’ve already held you once and now your blood fills our bellies. It would require almost no effort at all.”

  He let what he’d said sink in, slowly licking her blood off his lip as she watched. An intense aftershock of pleasure shot through her core and she moaned, her eyelids fluttering. She rode the waves for a while as she swung gently in the air, just enjoying the afterglow. Some part of her mind was aware that whoever the female had been, she was gone now. Oddly enough, she didn’t care.

  The pressure around her head eased as Vincentas removed the spider gag. She opened and closed her mouth, the ache in her jaw a painful, but pleasant reminder of the evening’s festivities.

  Bron finally rolled over and rose to his knees, helping Vincentas unhook the shackles that held her suspended. A sigh escaped her lips as her abused body eased down onto the mattress.

  The two vukodlaks climbed over the rail, lowering themselves silently to the floor. It shouldn’t have surprised her that they wouldn’t allow themselves to lounge around on her bed, slowly recuperating from the pleasure that had just taken them. They were warriors, men of action. She doubted they spent much time in bed at all. Dubheasa watched them with heavy lidded eyes.

  “There are towels to clean yourselves off on the chair in the corner,” sh
e offered.

  They glanced back at her, their eyebrows rising in surprise. They glanced briefly at one another before nodding and taking her up on her bid. When they were as clean as they were going to get without a shower, they glanced at Dubheasa. She blinked at them, too sated and exhausted to make witty conversation. If they were waiting for anger, they were too late. She was a happy happy queen. They looked at each other again before turning to leave.

  “Oh, boys,” Dubheasa spoke up suddenly.

  They both turned, the wary expressions on their faces making her smile. “There is one little thing I may have forgot to mention. This was your first time bedding a member of the faerie court, yes?”

  Their eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but they nodded.

  “Well, do not be surprised if you find yourself . . . desiring to visit my bed again.” Her smile widened. “As a matter of fact, I expect I will see you return to me at least once every lunar cycle if not several times.”

  Both vukodlaks froze, their eyes widening and their lips parting in surprise.

  “What are you talking about?” Bron growled, anger lighting his dark eyes.

  “Trapping me with your gaze will do you no good, Bron,” the queen chastised him. “The cure for faerie enchantments born this way require a rather complex potion that I do not have on hand. Unless you intend to stay here for an extended period and test the limits of your power over me, I suggest you pay attention.”

  Vincentas tilted his head. “We are listening, your majesty.”

  “It is really quite simple. I will give you the potion to end your fascination with me when you find someone to replace you.” She raised a finger to point at them, that one movement causing a burst of pain in her shoulder. She smiled and moved her arm again.

  “I want a lover that inspires fear and arousal, just like the two of you did. One lover or two, I do not care, so long as those two emotions are satisfied.”

  “You--” Bron hissed.

  “Farewell for now, your majesty,” Vincentas interrupted, putting his hand on Bron’s arm and dragging his companion toward the door. “Thank you for a most memorable evening. We will ponder on your words.”

  As the two vukodlaks rushed out the door, Dubheasa sighed and snuggled further down into the mattress. “No, thank you,” she murmured sleepily.

  Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, her eyes caught a pale spot of pink on the sheets at the bottom of her mattress. A pink rose petal.


  The queen laughed, an amused happy sound.

  Tomorrow is going to be fun.


  “What does this remind you of?”

  Anton gritted his teeth in frustration as the same twig tickled his forehead for the hundredth time. Shifting his weight to maintain his balance, he grabbed hold of the branch and ripped it from the tree.

  “Madame Bordeaux’s garden,” he snapped, in answer to his brother’s question. “The night we had to hide in those blasted trees because you failed to notice her husband returning.”

  “You’re not going to throw that branch on the ground, are you?”

  Eyes narrowing, Anton glared up at where his brother seemed all too comfortable nestled on a convenient intersection of thick branches. At six foot one and just under two hundred pounds, Kurt lacked Anton’s bulk so while it was easy for him to recline on his arboreal watchtower, Anton was forced to try and balance his six foot four, two hundred and thirty pound bulk on what he was convinced was one of the narrowest tree branches he’d even seen. “What if I was?”

  “We are trying to ambush a vieschtitsa. Wouldn’t a rather large broken branch lying on the ground, smelling of angry vampire, be somewhat of a red flag?”

  He was right of course. The branch crackled and snapped as Anton closed his fist, taking his frustration out on the inch thick piece of wood littered with annoying leaves and stray twigs. It took every ounce of his self control to tuck the destroyed limb into some other branches--instead of using it to swat his annoying brother from his perch.

  “And as for failing to notice Monsieur Bordeaux’s return, you can hardly blame me for that. Madame Bordeaux was the most flexible forty-five year old women I’d ever met.” Kurt sighed, a decidedly happy sound. “That woman made Germany fun.”

  “As soon as we get this poison out of our systems and put this whole mess behind us, I’m going to take you back to Germany and bury you in that damned garden.”

  “I would hardly call the essence of the sun goddess ‘poison,’” Kurt mused, ignoring Anton’s threat. “It’s not killing us.”

  “It’s making me ill,” Anton grumbled. He shifted uneasily as the sun goddess’s blood in his stomach seemed to pulse with heat. It was likely just his imagination, but somehow he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something inherently wrong with the blood boiling inside him.

  Bitter fear coated his tongue. He could still picture Saule, her eyes shining as she glared at him and his brother. The four ruby fang-marks on her breasts had shone like angry accusations, reminders of the feast he and his brother had enjoyed when the goddess was trapped in mortal form. Add to that the fact that she believed the two brothers had raped her daughter, and the golden female had every reason to burn the two vampires to ashes.

  “You worry too much, Anton. If Saule wanted us destroyed, we would be but a memory by now.”

  Kurt tilted his head and the glint of the moonlight off of his golden hair flashed in Anton’s peripheral vision. Kurt’s hair hadn’t seen the sun in centuries and the resulting tarnished gold reminded Anton uncomfortably of the deity they’d just come from.

  “Saule offered us a way to make amends,” Kurt continued. “As long as we do as she asked, she will have to honor her word and leave us in peace.”

  “You are a fool to be so optimistic. Valkyrine bargained very carefully with Aldric to earn her new state. What if she does not wish for us to return her to her former meita self?”

  “Saule certainly seems to think that is what she wants,” Kurt mused. “She says Valkyrine has been returning home in the morning with her face covered in blood. If Valkyrine has lost control of her hunger and her hyena form has taken over, then it is very possible that she will welcome our attempts to undo what Aldric did.”

  “The sun goddess still believes that Aldric seduced her daughter against her will--that Valkyrine was an innocent flower maiden sullied by evil vampires seeking revenge on a deity. She knows nothing of Valkyrine’s bargain with Aldric, nor her desire to become a vieschtitsa.” Saying the word out loud made the situation seem more real. Anton’s stomach rolled with foreboding. “My brother, I fear we have been sent to beard the lion in its den.”

  “I am not convinced it will work anyway,” Kurt confessed. Anton looked up to see him snuggling down into the branches, his gaze remaining sharp as it pierced the darkness below. “Even with the warmth of the sun goddess inside us, I do not think we can undo what has been done.”

  The warmth of the sun goddess. Anton clenched his teeth, the reminder of what was inside him sending a wave of nausea through his body. Aldric had been so convincing when he’d spoken of his plan. His words still echoed in Anton’s ears, promising that the sun goddess’ blood could not hurt them when they drank it from her mortal form. He’d gone on and on about how this was their chance to feel the warmth of the sun again--with no harm to themselves. Sweet golden heat would slide down their throats as they drained the blood of the solar deity, enjoying the dulcet tones of her voice as she pleaded for more pleasure.

  The best laid plans . . .

  “Brother, do not fret so,” Kurt said softly. “We are not mere vampires--we are alps. Incubi only dream of the seductive powers we possess--and Valkyrine has already enjoyed them once. You will see. We will find Valkyrine and we will seduce her. Saule’s heat will flow from our bodies to hers, and our sins will be forgiven.” He smiled, a crooked playful expression that had brought more than one woman to their bed. “Eve
n if Saule’s plan doesn’t work and Valkyrine remains a vieschtitsa despite our diligent attentions, at worst we will have had one night of glorious sex with a vieschtitsa.”

  Anton wanted to believe his brother, to have that confidence that everything would be all right. But he could not rid his mind of the image of the sun goddess, her eyes burning with fury and heat emanating from her with enough power that even now he swore he could smell burning flesh. They had defiled her daughter, had partaken in the deity’s own forced seduction . . . there would be a price to pay.

  Before he could give a voice to his fears, a twig snapped. The sound shattered the stillness of the night. Anton froze, realizing for the first time that the sounds of the forest had died down. The nocturnal animals that had been rustling all around them had all fallen silent--an ancient alert that a predator had entered the scene. He mentally cursed himself. He’d let his fear run off with his tongue. They would be lucky if Valkyrine hadn’t heard them.


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