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Revenge in Vein, The Complete Series

Page 10

by Jennifer Blackstream


  The word echoed in Anton’s head as a tree branch was brushed aside to reveal the woman meant to be their prey. She had shed her human form in favor of a human-hyena hybrid. Soft champagne colored fur coated her body, dotted along her back and thighs with soft black spots. Soft brown nipples protruded from the velvety fur over her breasts, puckered by the chill evening breeze. A short muzzle flashed rows of wickedly sharp teeth as she scented the air. Her black eyes twitched in the direction of the hiding vampires, but she didn’t look up.

  Anton’s eyes widened as the scent of copper tickled his nose. Blood. He looked closer at Valkyrine’s muzzle, swallowing hard as he noticed flecks of dark brown. Saule was right; her daughter had been feeding. He scanned Valkyrine’s face, desperately searching for some sign of distress--some indication that the woman was unhappy with what she’d become and would welcome the opportunity to return to her former state.

  She stared into the bushes just to his right. Her black eyes glinted in the silvery light as she stood there, still. Waiting.

  Slowly, Anton gestured for Kurt to drop behind Valkyrine. Only the slightest sway of the branches around them betrayed Kurt’s relocation and he landed on the ground with the soft silence of a cat. Anton kept his gaze on Valkyrine’s face, alert for any signs of her intentions.

  Smoothing his face into a mask of calm congeniality, Anton slipped from his hiding place and flowed into the space before Valkyrine. The Queen of the Unseelie had acquiesced to the sun goddess’ request that she transport the two brothers to a spot near her daughter’s home, but neither woman had thought to provide them with attire. Normally, Anton would have felt even more comfortable nude than with clothing--a consequence of an alp’s sexual nature. However, given his current situation, he had one particular reason for desiring some form of cover. A low whine trickled from Valkyrine’s throat, her lips curling back to flash more of her razor sharp teeth.

  “Oh, do not be like that, Valkyrine,” Kurt teased, no doubt trying to break the tension. The vieschtitsa whipped around and Kurt winked at her. “Are you not pleased to see us again?”

  Like water receding from the shore, Valkyrine’s hyena visage melted away. The change continued down her body until she stood nude and human before them. Anton’s jaw dropped. The transition had been seamless. Never in all his centuries had he ever seen one who so completely embraced both sides of their nature as to transform so fluidly.

  He stared at Valkyrine’s body, his cock stirring at the sight of all her bare flesh. She’s put on some weight since last he’d seen her, and she looked all the better for it. The extra pounds had rounded her hips so that they fairly called to his hands to grip them, to run his palms over the delicious curves. Her breasts seemed fuller, more womanly. This was not the meita they had first met.

  “It was my understanding that our business was completed.”

  Her voice held an edge of a growl to it. Having seen her transition, Anton had no doubt that the growl was there because Valkyrine wished it to be. Again he was struck by the difference in her. The girl he had first met had blushed when he’d pulled the clothes from her body; her voice had trembled when she proposed her bargain.

  Anton shook himself, throwing off the thoughts of how much Valkyrine had changed. None of that mattered. He and his brother had a job to do. That was it.

  “We are here,” Anton began, “for a taste of the fruit we played a part in harvesting.”

  Valkyrine turned slowly to face him, her eyes narrowing. Stepping closer to the vieschtitsa, Anton drew himself up to his full six foot frame. Ignoring the heat of Saule’s blood in his belly, he drew on the energy that was pure alp. Sensuality slid over his skin like oil and he drew his mouth into a smile that had made clothes fall from women’s bodies for centuries. Valkyrine’s arousal perfumed the air as he stepped closer and he drew the scent into his body, using it to fuel his own desire.

  “You smell of blood, Valkyrine,” he whispered, leaning in so that he was a mere hair’s breadth from the blood around her mouth. “Did you bathe yourself in such coppery delights for my benefit? Perhaps you wished me to return?”

  “Such arrogance,” Valkyrine whispered, her voice almost a purr. “I have already had you and your brother--many times. What more do you have to offer me?”

  Anton chuckled, letting the sounds fall from his throat in a deep baritone. Valkyrine shivered and leaned closer. The feel of her nipples grazing his bare chest sent a thrill down Anton’s body, hardening his cock so that it stood strong and proud against Valkyrine’s belly. She inhaled sharply, pressing her body tighter against his so that his hot erection was trapped between them. The familiar sensations of heated arousal calmed him, made him feel more in his element. He flashed Valkyrine a smile dripping with masculine confidence.

  “Centuries of honing our skills, gifted with the talents of all our alp ancestors . . . now, Valkyrine, do you really think one night was enough to show you all we are capable of?”

  Valkyrine chuckled, closing her fist around his erection. Anton hissed and dropped his head back, closing his eyes as pleasure washed over him. He made no attempt to hide his pleasure, letting her see how her touch affected him.

  “You would have me believe that you returned to me because you wanted to bed me again? Was I truly so unique, so impossible to forget?”

  There was no trace of anger or jealousy in her voice, no regret. This was no spurned woman stewing over her lovers not calling the morning after. It seemed Valkyrine had gotten exactly what she’d wanted from them--and she no longer desired their company.

  “I confess,” Anton said, thinking quickly. “I am curious. My brother and I have seduced many women, of many backgrounds.” He pumped his cock into her fist, parting his lips with pleasure as Valkyrine tightened her hand around him almost subconsciously. “But neither of us have ever experienced a vieschtitsa.”

  “Ah, so this is just a new experience to add to your repertoire?”

  “Oh, you are much more than that!” Kurt exclaimed in mock affront. “We--”

  “Spare me your pretty words, my dear Kurt,” Valkyrine threw over her shoulder, still not taking her eyes off of Anton. “I do not need to be seduced. As it happens, I enjoyed your attentions and am more than happy to take you both back to my bed.”

  She tightened her grip and this time the gasp that hissed from Anton’s throat was a mixture of pleasure and pain. “But mark my words, vampire. If you are lying to me, I will find out,” Valkyrine whispered. “And I will punish you severely for it. I am no longer the flower maiden you first met.” She smiled, a slow spread of her lips revealing canines sharper than any human’s. “My appetites have changed.”

  Her breath tickled over his neck as her threat sent a shiver down his spine. She smelled of blood, flesh, and arousal--an aroma that teased his hunger. The part of his mind still thinking clearly insisted that Valkyrine couldn’t possibly know of the mission her mother had given them. Surely if she suspected, then she wouldn’t risk this willing submission?

  Cold determination rose at his command and he forced a smile as he returned his gaze to Valkyrine’s face. If he failed to do Saule’s bidding, the goddess could very well decide to make him human again--as she had Aldric. Anton had made far too many enemies after his death to let that happen.

  “I want only to bury myself in your delicious body,” he assured her smoothly, raising a hand to brush a blood soaked lock of hair back from her face.

  Giving his shaft one last squeeze that made the unnecessary breath whoosh from his body, Valkyrine winked and pushed past him. “Very well then, vampire. Let us see if the rest of your body can live up to the promise your lips have made.”

  Anton held the smile on his face as he fell into step behind Valkyrine. Kurt shuffled up alongside him.

  “She certainly seems to enjoy her new form,” Kurt murmured.

  Anton nodded grimly. Both brothers were silent as they followed the woman they’d been sent to seduce.
Every step she took screamed confidence, every toss of her head spoke of how she relished her new freedom. They didn’t need to say it out loud. Saule had given them the impression that her daughter wanted to return to being a meita--had made their mission sound like a chance to undo the harm they had done. Having met Valkyrine, it was apparent Saule was either mistaken . . . or the deity had lied.

  “So tell me about your visit with my dear mother,” Valkyrine spoke up suddenly. “Was it everything you dreamed it would be?”

  “Alas, we found your mother’s company to be a sad substitute for your own,” Kurt spoke up, smoothly stepping in front of Anton. Valkyrine laughed and Kurt dashed forward to walk beside her. “You laugh? I speak the truth!”

  “I laugh because if my mother could hear you speak, she would be even more adamant that I kill you than she already is.”

  “Kill us?” Kurt gasped, clapping his hand to his chest in exaggerated shock.

  Valkyrine arched an eyebrow and nodded. “She offered to deliver you to me, bound and helpless--if I agreed to let her try to restore me to my former state of being.” She scoffed. “My mother is convinced that she can imbue me with enough of her power to undo what you and Aldric did for me. Forget that I’ve been perfectly clear that that isn’t what I want.”

  “Am I what you want?” Kurt murmured, sliding in front of her so that her nipples dragged across his chest. “Mmm, that feels rather nice, does it not?”

  Valkyrine chuckled low in her throat and leaned into Kurt. Anton almost smiled as his brother wrapped his arms around Valkyrine, plundering her mouth is a kiss that would have melted lead. The way his brother managed to find enjoyment in their situation even with the burn of Saule’s power in his belly was inspiring.

  Like an insect dropped into a fine soup, the thought of Saule soured the brief happiness Kurt had inspired in him.

  What a tangled web her mother weaves, Anton thought bitterly. Telling us to seduce her daughter when she means for us to transform her against her will, and telling her daughter to destroy us when she knows full well her daughter will do the opposite of anything she says. We will all be lucky to survive this night.

  Kurt finally pulled away from the kiss, his hands running up and down Valkyrine’s body as one corner of his mouth tilted up in a strange little smile.

  “Your mother was clearly speaking from a place of jealousy,” Kurt whispered in false conspiratorial tones. “She is mad with envy that we were so keen to return to you after sampling her generous charms.”

  “She is furious that you have freed me from the bonds of slavery that were my birthright,” Valkyrine muttered, pulling away from Kurt and leading them farther into the forest. “I have no doubt that even now she’s plotting to turn me back into another one of her star-daughters.” Suddenly she smiled and turned to wink at Kurt. “It seems you held up your end of the bargain. My mother appeared completely ignorant of our deal. To hear her speak, you would think that you and your fellow vampires accosted me in my virginal bed and forced yourselves on me.”

  “That can be arranged,” Kurt offered, waggling his eyebrows.

  A strange light flared to life in Valkyrine’s eyes. Anton paused, the hair on the back of his neck rising. He stared at Valkyrine, trying to put his finger on what was wrong.

  “Such a sweet offer,” Valkyrine purred, “but I had something quite different in mind.”

  “Indeed?” Kurt grinned. “And what is my lady’s pleasure? Rose petals? A slow seduction by candlelight?”

  “Oh, I’m afraid it’s not going to be quite that easy.”

  Anton tensed.

  Kurt tilted his head. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Well, the downside to my wondrous new form is that I’m having trouble finding a lover who can offer me the exhilarating experience I desire.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t want to lie there passively while some sniveling human ruts inside of me. I want a lover who can take everything I have to offer--who can give me something in return.” She slanted a glance back and Anton and his nerves wound impossibly tight. The air crackled like the atmosphere before a storm. Nervous energy danced over his skin and he fought the urge to rub his hands over his arms to rid himself of the feeling.

  “You two,” she continued casually, returning her attention to the trees ahead of her. “Are predators. You served with one of the most feared vampires I’ve ever had the fortune to hear about--a man even my mother was forced to view as a threat. And what’s the fun in bedding a predator if there’s no . . . chase?”

  Before Anton could fathom what she was talking about, Valkyrine shot forward, dodging a tree and vanishing into the forest. After a few loud crashing steps, the forest grew silent. The vieschtitsa had escaped.

  “Oh,” Kurt said slowly. He rolled his head, sharp popping sounds erupting from his neck as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. “This is going to be fun.”

  Anton knew he should disagree. Chasing a naked woman through the forest, a forest they had not explored and had never even visited before tonight, was a horrible plan strategically speaking. So much potential for danger . . . The sharp tang of blood and the sweet musk of arousal trailed past his nose, a lingering reminder of what was waiting for them at the end of this chase. Anton’s cock ached as another pulse of blood filled his flesh.

  “Yes,” he agreed hoarsely. “I believe it will.”

  Kurt launched himself forward, sailing gracefully between trees and leaping over fallen logs. Adrenaline sizzled through Anton’s veins, a predatory smile creeping over his face. Throwing caution to the wind, he gave in to the part of him that had changed after his death. The part that wasn’t human, that didn’t remember being weak and mortal. The predator.

  His vampire nature roared to the forefront and the world exploded into a cacophony of sounds. A myriad of scents swirled around him. Like a river bursting forth from a dam, he plunged into the trees, racing after his prey.

  Her scent curled around his nose as if reaching back just to egg him on. The musk of hyena told him she’d at least partially changed her form again, no doubt to take advantage of the superior speed of her bestial self. Her arousal seemed to grow stronger, thickening the air. Blood poured into his cock, his own arousal adding to his adrenaline rush. The primal urge to find the hot female and take her under his body seized him with a ferocious grip.

  The sounds of the forest rustled in Anton’s ears as he raced over the ground, keeping his sharp eyes peeled for any sign of the black spotted champagne fur. An owl screeched overhead and a mouse took its last breath before sharp black talons ended its life. A rabbit scrambled into its burrow as he flowed past. The trees above him rustled--

  Weight crashed down on top of Anton and he snarled in surprise. The scent of hyena filled his senses and he reached behind him to try and grab hold of Valkyrine where she clung to his back. His hands groped at her back, fur cover shoulders, but he couldn’t gain purchase. One of her arms snaked around his neck and pain ripped through his face as the claws of her other hand dragged themselves over his skin.

  Valkyrine pivoted her hips, throwing off his balance and sending them both crashing to the ground. Copper assaulted his nostrils as blood dripped down his face and bloodlust roared like molten lava through is veins. Hunger twisted Anton’s belly, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten yet this night. His fangs ached with the need to sink themselves into her flesh and he roared as he tried to throw her off his back. A small part of his mind screamed at him to calm down, to remember everything Aldric had taught him about combat. He gritted his teeth and struggled to calm the primal urges tearing at his sanity.

  Something brushed his upper lip and suddenly the weight vanished from on top of him and she was gone. He shot to his feet, his lips pulling back to reveal his teeth. He would find that little minx and she would ease the ache of this hunger. She would pay for the blood she’d drawn. He drew in a breath, scenting the air--

  A flood of Valkyrine’s arousal slammed into him, filling his b
ody on a tidal wave of thick musk. Anton’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he helplessly drew another breath through his nose. The scent was impossibly strong. He reached up and felt his upper lip, shocked to find the slick remnants of Valkyrine’s arousal. The siren had dipped her fingers into the honey between her legs and smeared the evidence of her passion across his lip.

  Anton roared into the night, a sound rife with the hunger for blood and sex. His head spun with a lust that nearly crippled him. She would be exponentially harder to find now, with the bloodlust keeping his adrenaline insanely high and the scent of her arousal convincing his senses that she was already here with her legs spread before him.


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