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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 11

by Novak, Karina

  ”Watch out, I think that we have just been dumped into a Harry Potter sequel.” Din chanted and Toby growled at him, smacking him sharply across the head.

  “Oowww!” Din howled and Casey smiled.

  "God, they are so stupid.” She said, looking at her confused friends.

  “What? It is so obvious! Don’t they realize that by keeping Jon like this, in this state, half alive and half dead, they are just fulfilling the prophesy?"

  Din blinked. “You know…She does have a point there.”

  “My sister, the genius.” Morgan smiled. “And now you have more than one supernatural being to help you, don’t forget that somehow I was brought into the same state.”

  “Not somehow.” Jon interrupted. “You were supposed to end up like this.”

  “Great.” Morgan crossed his arms over his chest and then he looked at Jon. “I was supposed to crack my head open falling down a flight of stairs. Seriously though, don’t they realize it?”

  Jon started laughing, Casey was right of course. "Luckily for us, no, they don’t and I hope that it will stay like this until we figure out how to beat them."

  ”Right.” Casey agreed and then she thought for a moment, something had just clicked in her mind, something beside the prophesy to shed some light on the subject. She taped her lip and looked at Jon.

  "You said that they were dormant, for how long?”

  “Five years. “Morgan said.

  “So it happened before?” Casey asked him.

  “Yes.” Jon nodded.



  “The fire.” Morgan reminded her.

  “Right…” Casey remembered the stories.

  ”So what happened here then? What was that thing you said about the one desired? Why didn't they take over then? What stopped them at that time? Maybe we can use it."

  “We can’t.” Jon said plainly.

  “Why? What stopped them?” Casey demanded.

  "Nothing." Jon stretched his hands behind his back, leaning on them.

  "They just weren't strong enough, that’s all. To take a greater grasp on this reality, there is a specific number of times that they must come back here, every time they do, they settle more firmly here until there is nothing that will pull them back."

  "How long do we have?" Casey asked, her eyes darkening.

  "Not long." Jon answered sadly, "This might just be the last time that they will ever be summoned by a human, and this means very bad news for the rest of the world."

  “They would be able to get back here themselves with no help…”

  Casey bit her lip, she understood the danger Jon had presented to them and she slowly nodded.

  "So, if we are the kids from the prophesy…Me, Jon and Morgan…That would mean…"

  She looked at her friends who stared back at her, confused, what was she talking about? It seemed that Casey's brain was practically built to process this catastrophe. Maybe that was why she was chosen, she seemed to get it a lot faster than anyone else could.

  "It's one of them, isn't it?" She asked quietly, looking into the eyes of her absent-minded friends. "The one they are here for…It's one of them."

  Jon nodded. "Afraid so, Casey. You catch up quickly, I'm impressed. Yet again."

  Casey smiled. "Well, I am the brain of this family."

  "Sure you are." Morgan teased.

  "So? Who is it?" Casey asked, "Who do we need to protect?"

  Jon shook his head. "I don’t know, yet." He added, seeing Casey's worried face. It was all clear now. The person that had summoned the apocalypse either wanted a revenge on one of her friends, maybe something to do with their family or wanted them personally, for what reason she couldn't tell but it had to be one of them. Poor kids, they had no idea what they were in for.

  Casey looked at her friends again, suddenly laughing.

  Din growled, "What's so funny you freak?"

  Casey shook her head. "I think that you and the others need more explanation than I do. Just look at your puzzled expressions! Jon, you have to explain it to them."

  Din crossed his arms over his chest and Jon smiled. "Nah, I talked enough already, you do that, explain it to them." He smirked. "My throat hurts and besides it would be better if you do it, you understand it as well as I do. Maybe more. "

  "And what are you going to do while I play the monster teacher 101?" Casey argued. "Well," Jon looked at Morgan. "I am going to check up on mom and Greg, see they don’t mess with Morgan's body to much, you know…"

  "Oh, yeah…" Morgan nodded. "But won't they see you?"

  He asked him, Jon sighed, feeling a bit sad but refusing to show it to his siblings, he much rather have them remember him happy in case his hopes of returning go up in flames.

  "Don't worry." Jon assured him. "I already visited them before I dared to come here. They can't see me. I'm sure of it; I was standing right in front of them in one point when they were talking to one of the quack doctors that are supposed to be taking care of you." Morgan stuck his tongue out. "Why thanks a lot Jon, I feel a lot better now, knowing I am in such a good professional care."

  He said as Casey grinned evilly. "That’s ok Morgan, think of the bright side, this is really good news for us, it means that mom won't be able to see you either, and in any way, mom doesn't deserve to see you. So I am happy about that."

  Jon shook his head at Casey’s statement and got up from the bed he was sitting on.

  "You are so mean, Casey, did anyone ever tell you that?"

  Morgan put his arm around Casey's shoulders. “All the time. Right little sister?”

  Casey shook her head in protest. "I'm not mean, you guys, and I am just a little vindictive. There is a slight difference."

  “Semantics.” Morgan murmured but Jon didn't answer, he just nodded and closed his eyes. “Jon?” In a second his body faded until he completely dissolved into thin air, vanishing right in front of them.

  Casey looked at the place where seconds ago her brother was standing.

  “Oh.” She looked at the floor with wide eyes. "Neat trick! I want to learn how to do that."

  She exclaimed, pointing at the vacant space in front of them and Morgan smirked.

  "I think that you need to be out of order sort of speak to be able to do that, Casey, you know, being half dead and all that."

  Casey waved her right hand to silence him. "Oh details!" She growled.

  “Pretty important details.” Morgan observed and Casey stuck her tongue out, laughing. "You get to have all the fun." She said and then looked at her friends. "So now we need to figure out which one of you was an asshole enough to someone in this school, enough for them to want to bring some monsters from hell to bring you down. Any thoughts?"

  Her friends stared at her silently, that was a tough one.


  And in the hospital, after a few moments had past, Jon felt his body emerge from the emptiness that he had went through to get there and as he opened his eyes the white sterile walls reflected back at him. He was in the place where he had wanted to be, he could already feel his mother’s unpleasant presents. Jon sighed and started down the hallway, to a little private room where his brother’s body was kept.

  It took Jon some time to figure out how to transfer his spirit from one place to another, he remembered the first time he did it, he was lying next to his own body, too weak to think, too weak to move with only one thought burning through him, and he had to escape.

  It felt like he had ripped his own flesh away from his skeleton, it was hardly a pleasant experience, scorching fiery hell as he felt himself moving away from that little prison cell they were holding him in. He really had to want to be detached from his own flesh to be able to do that but his gift had proved itself useful in the situation he was currently in. It had allowed him, if only for a brief period of time to be reunited with his siblings, to see them again, to touch them, it was the greatest gift he could ask for or hoped to get.

  Jon looked down the hall, the place was full of people, and the first thing he heard as he watched the humans go through him and past him was his mother's loud and clear crying, Jon frowned, that couldn't be a good sign.

  "And are you sure that there is nothing more we can do to help him?" Jon heard his mother desperately ask as he glided over to her, standing by Morgan’s bedroom door with her husband, Greg, supporting her and an old looking doctor wearing all white standing beside them, looking rather grim.

  “No, I’m afraid not.” The doctor shook his head.

  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Tepes. We can give him a couple more days to be sure if you really want us to do that, but there is no brain activity and his heart already gave out twice in the last hour. He is only suffering, his body can't handle it, and it will be just a matter of time until it crashes completely…"

  “So there is really no chance?”

  “I’m sorry,” The doctor repeated, sounding anything but that. "But, in my professional opinion it is just a matter of time.”

  He paused, looking at the woman in front of him, trying to seem as gentle and sympathetic as he could be but Jon, in contrast to his mother could see the glimpse of the uncaring bustard this doctor really was. He saw right through him, that old prick was eager to see Morgan die. Jon bit his lip, something about him didn't sit right, and why was he so eager to put Morgan 'Out of his misery?' He was supposed to be the one fighting for Morgan’s life.

  "Look, Mrs. Tepes, even if he does wake up, and it is a big ‘if’ it won't be Morgan anymore, not in the way that you knew him. The brain damage that he had suffered from…He will be just a shell, a plant with no fillings or emotions, he will be completely blank, do you really want to witness that?” The doctor asked and Lilith gave out a heart wrenching cry, Greg pulled her closer, sending unsympathetic glares to the old man in front of them.

  Jon smirked; at least his step father was reacting properly.

  “It would be cruel to leave him it that state.” The doctor continued his merciless drilling. “But it is up to you, Lilith. He is your son so we will do whatever you decide.” He said, completely ignoring Greg’s presence.

  Lilith shook her head, too upset to answer and Greg took a breath, nodding in despair.

  "Just a couple more days,” He said his voice low and cracking. “Just a couple more days, doctor. And then, if he won’t wake up…” And unlike the doctor it was clear that he was hoping that Morgan would.

  “We will let him die in peace."

  Jon gasped. This conversation contained all he was dreading. He could not let this happen! If Morgan dies, the fate of them all and the world will be at stake, not to mention that he was not planning to lose his brother so soon after he had just found him again.

  "I have to go back!" Jon said to himself as he closed his eyes, willing his spirit away, so powerful was his agony that as he faded to nothing Greg raised his head to the place where he was standing, catching a glimpse of the horrified features but telling himself that it was all just another day dream.


  "Casey! Morgan!!"

  Jon screamed seconds later as he emerged back in their room, his siblings staring at him from the same place they were when he left, it seemed that they did not moved at all, waiting for him, it was kind of creepy.

  “Jon?” Casey looked at him, moving to the edge of the bed. “Jon? What’s wrong? You are all pale…More pale then you were before…” She gulped. “I didn't think that was possible.”

  “We have a big problem!” Jon exclaimed. “It’s worst then anything that could have ever happened!”

  “Jon! Calm down!” Morgan jumped up from the bed and strode over to him.

  "What is it? What happened? It can’t be that bad."

  Jon looked at Morgan, his face distorted in fear. "They are going to unplug you Morgan!” “What…?” Morgan blinked.

  “I heard it myself! The doctor said that there is no way for you to wake up anymore and that they should let you die in peace and mom agreed!”

  “Yes….That’s bad.” Colin shook his head; he had a sudden urge to vomit.

  “What a bitch!” Casey screamed but Morgan remained as calm as he could, processing the situation.

  “When…? When are they going to do it?” Jon took a sharp breath.

  ”In a couple of days.” He dropped down on the wooden chair that stood by Din’s desk.

  “In a couple of days they will get you off life support and don’t think that your body will make it, it won’t, and you will die.”

  “Well, fucking thank you for stating the obvious!” Casey snapped.

  Morgan didn't respond, he was too shocked to do it, and Casey was in no better state. She was flat out outraged to even hear that nonsense that her mother had thought about.

  "Mom would never actually do it!" Casey growled. “She wouldn't dare!”

  "She will!" Jon stated. "I heard her and Greg agreeing myself!"

  ”Then you heard wrong!” Casey shook her head, jumping up from the bed as well and hurrying to cling to Morgan's arm. "I won't let her! Morgan, you can't leave me! I can't be alone! Not again! Doesn't she realize that I will die too?!" She looked at Jon.

  “She won’t rest until she will bury us all!”

  “Oh Casey…” Jon got up and reached his arm to his baby sister which she took gladly, looking at her two siblings.

  “Morgan can’t die, we need you.” Casey said, holding Jon’s hand and looking at her older brother.

  Morgan nodded. "I won't leave you, any of you.” He glanced at Jon. “Not now, I don’t want to…But what can we do? She won't listen to you, Casey. You are just a hysteric kid in her eyes and I won’t be able to talk to her, I guess her not seeing me is not going to our advantage after all…"

  “Oh, but it will.” Casey whispered as a spark lit up in her brown orbs at that moment, her face taking on an expression that Morgan had never seen before.

  “What are you thinking you little devil?” Din asked, he and his friends were up until then sitting quiet but now when it was time for action he was eager to join in.

  “Well.” Casey looked back at Jon and Morgan. "If mom won’t listen to me, and Morgan can’t do anything to prove to that arrogant slut…”

  “Casey!” Jon looked at her, astonished.

  “Can’t prove to her that he is still with us,” Casey ignored Jon’s outburst.

  “Then we don’t have a choice, Morgan."

  Morgan looked at his sister, watching her, eager to know what she was thinking about.

  "Then we don’t have a choice." She repeated, her voice taking on its own shade of malice. “We will have to take your body away from mom and her evil doing."

  "Take it away?" Morgan wasn't sure that he had heard Casey correctly but Casey nodded, completely serious, supporting what she had just whispered.

  "We are going to kidnap you, Morgan. Kidnap your body. I am not letting mom have her way with you, not as long as I am still alive."

  Chapter eight: Staying alive

  'Casey's diary.'

  "The second the words left my mouth I regretted them but I knew for sure that we really didn't have any choice. I couldn't take it back and I was not going to, suddenly, I was dead set on doing this. I mean I couldn't lose Morgan, not like this, not now, it wasn't his time yet, I'm positive. And besides…This whole experience might actually be kind of fun… god, I can't believe I am thinking that, I really do sound just like Morgan… Well, we are twins after all, sorry, triplets (I will have to get used to that)…Well, aren't we?

  All of us together again, this is how it was supposed to be…"

  "Oh my god!"

  Morgan exclaimed.

  "You make it sound so very easy!" He exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelieve.

  Casey smiled bitterly, letting go of her brothers and taking a step back from them.

  "Well, do you have a better idea Morgan? Or do you just want us to leave you there to die? Cuss I can totally do that, just ex
pect me to join you in the afterlife, ok?"

  Morgan sighed, he was so not ready for this but Casey was right, if he wanted to survive they just didn't have any other options.

  "Ok, wait, before we become criminals before we even hit our legal drinking age, what if we just try to tell them?" Morgan asked, not really sure about what he had just said.

  "What if we tell mom and Greg about me?" He suggested but Casey shook her head.

  “Try to show them like I showed you.” Morgan pressed but his sister wasn't going for it.

  “Yes, ok, we will just knock out mom and drag her back here.” Casey smiled sarcastically, winking at Toby who had gone red with shame.

  “Sorry…” Toby mumbled, knowing that from now on he was an open target for Casey's teasing.

  "They would never believe us, you know that, Morgan." Casey continued, ignoring Toby's lack of comfort.

  "Well…" Morgan shrugged. “Maybe we are judging them too badly, maybe if we will give them the chance…”

  Casey sighed as she sat herself on the nearest bed, looking at Morgan and with her stare ruining any hope her brother had for his unworkable plan.

  “Let’s think of it like that.” Casey suggested. "Picture this: I come to tell them about you, first I say that I saw your ghost, and then I’ll say that my long lost missing declared dead brother,” Casey took a breath. Try saying that tree times without passing out.

  “Had come back from the dead to assist us in bringing you back and then I will tell her that some mythological monsters from another dimension are out to get us and it is up to me to save the world because of some prophesy no one has ever heard about.” She concluded looking up at her brother.

  “How does that sound up until now?” Morgan opened his mouth but then closed it again, letting his head drop, this was hopeless.

  “Right.” Casey agreed as if she had read his thoughts.

  “And then after I finish my story they will nicely have me committed in the loony bin and if in the off chance that we will actually make them see you, don’t think that you are going to survive it. They will have themselves committed cuss they will think that they had lost their minds.” She took another short breath, Starting to pace the room impatiently.


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