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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 12

by Novak, Karina

  "And let us not forget that then, as they happily take a vacation in the mental hospital, they will most certainly 'let you die in peace', to get rid of their guilt for keeping you in the state that you are in right now cuss your ghost had come back to torment them for not doing it sooner. So what do you think now?"

  Casey finished sarcastically turning to Morgan, waiting for Morgan's objection with fresh new come backs that she was already working on but Morgan didn't indulge her, and the protest that Casey was so expecting never actually came.

  ”Ok.” Morgan said, shaking his head and raising his hands up as he set back down on the bed as if to say, 'I surrender.'

  ”I know. I know all this.” Morgan admitted. "Wish they weren't so god damn logical."

  He smiled, looking at his friends who were still shell shocked by the grill Casey had put him through.

  "I have to say that I agree with you.” Morgan let out a sigh. “But if we are going to make this work we will need a mighty good plan if we are really going to do this; we can't just go in there half coked, we, or rather you will get caught and then I will come back as a vengeful spirit to torment your ass as you rot in juvenile hall. After they ‘let me die in peace.’"

  Colin, Toby and Jon laughed and Din got up from his sit, stepping up to the Tepes siblings.

  "Look guys don't worry about it; Casey may have had the good suggestion but just leave the plan details to my sick little mind."

  Morgan smirked. "Your sick little mind is what got me into this mess in the first place."

  Din shook his head, looking at him as if offended.

  "No." He protested, laying his right hand on his chest dramatically.

  "You made it happen yourself…”

  “Gah?” Morgan’s mouth dropped and Din shrugged.

  “Well in a way you did.”

  “You might want to clarify on this one.” Morgan growled, preparing his fists.

  "Before I summon up my ghostly anger to punch you."

  “Look.” Din stepped back defensively. “You know as well as I do that everything happens for a reason, so it's your own damn fault that you were born into the prophesy of the apocalypse…"

  He suddenly laughed. “Wow, that’s a catchy title. I am so totally claiming rights."

  Casey stomped her leg and pushed him.

  "And you're sick." Casey stated.

  Din ignored her. “I won’t let you down Morgan.” He said, serious, his voice still bearing the guilt for the consequences of their night of fun.

  Morgan shook his head. “I believe you Din but…”

  "But I already have a plan.” Casey interrupted, turning to Din and Toby.

  "I need you two, to discretely,” She emphasized on the word, glancing at Din.

  “Check the school. See if you can find anyone who looks suspicious or talks about anything that sounds off."

  “Like what?” Din questioned.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Casey rolled her eyes. “Maybe something that goes like: I summoned some huge fucking monsters and landed a kid in the hospital with brain damage.”

  Din smirked. “Oh, something like that. No problem, I bet a bunch of people mention that kind of thing regularly.”

  ”Yes, something like that.” Casey sighed and looked at Toby.

  "And please try to keep Din out of as much trouble as you possibly can so you won't get caught."

  Toby nodded as if it was a given.

  Din frowned. "I do not need a baby sitter!"

  Casey smiled. "Yes, you do, Baby Din. Maybe I should get Toby a lich." She added on the off thought.

  “Why you…” Din growled but Toby had already caught him by the shoulder and started dragging him towards the door.

  Casey smiled at Din’s annoyed features and then turned to Colin and Jon.

  "You two will come with me.”

  “Where?” Jon asked seeing that Casey didn't want to go to the place she was planning to visit.

  “To the hospital.” Casey answered, flinching like she had just swallowed a bitter pill.

  “And while I distract my parents with some well-deserved screaming you will check if it is possible to get Morgan's body out of the hospital undetected, and preferably alive."

  Jon smirked and Morgan chuckled.

  "Look at you, all grown up and bossing people around."

  Casey snored and gave him a little smile. "Well, with you and Jon out of order as you said, I got to go into my battle mode."

  Morgan laughed full heartedly. "I didn't know that you had a battle mode.” He presented his right hand fingers and began counting. “I know the crying mode,” He closed one finger. “And the annoying mode,” He closed another. “And the…."

  "Oh! Shut up! I got it already! You know, you should really be thanking me here!

  I am trying to help your sorry ass out of this mess!" Casey snapped and Morgan dropped his hand, pretending to be ashamed but still smiling.

  "Sorry, sorry, my pretty little ass thanks you.” He bowed before Casey and then crossed his arms over his chest.

  “So ok then, while you are all out scouting and hunting what I am supposed to do here? You gave everyone an assignment but me. What? Am I invisible again?"

  Casey bit her lip as she toughed over the dilemma Morgan had presented her. "You…You…" She muttered, trying to think fast enough to respond. “You…”

  "Are coming with you!" Morgan bit her to the answer, glaring at her in a 'Don't argue with me' kind of look.

  Casey groaned, she should have been expecting this. "No, Morgan. You don't have to…"

  Casey tried protesting but it didn't really seem to help her.

  ”I am coming!” Morgan said determinedly.

  “I really rather you wouldn't. “Casey shook her head. “What if mom sees you?”

  “She didn't see Jon!” Morgan pointed at his brother.

  “But she might!” Casey protested. “How are we going to explain this?!”

  Morgan crossed his arms over his chest.

  “So you just expect me to sit here and wait? Again?!”

  “Yes.” Casey nodded.

  “No way.”


  "Not going to happen! It's my body!" Morgan declared, now more annoyed than ever, he was not going to be left behind again.

  "And I don’t want you assholes messing something up with it. I still plan to use it before it has to be returned to sender."

  “You really think that I would let something happen to it?!” Casey questioned, genially offended.

  “No!” Morgan’s tone got higher then he intended. “No…” He repeated quietly.

  “But think about it Casey, what would have you done if you were in my position?”

  Casey opened her mouth to speak but then Morgan’s words hollowed through her. “Fine…” She surrendered. “Fine, but the second you even think that mom can see you get the fuck out of there, you got that?”

  Morgan nodded. “Don’t worry Casey.” Morgan said, getting closer to her and laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

  “Everything will be ok, it has to be. You planed it, right?” Morgan winked at her and Casey gave out a little giggle.

  “Ok…” She agreed. “Ok.” She said, turning to Din and Toby. “I’ll call you the minute we come back from the hospital, don’t raise any suspicion, ok?” She half begged, looking at Toby.

  “You can trust us Casey. C’mon Din.” Toby nodded and then he and Din left the room.

  "Ok, good.” Jon watched the door close behind them. “Casey, how are you planning to get to the hospital?”

  Casey shrugged. “I guess we’ll take a cub or something.”

  “Good.” Jon nodded. “Then I and Morgan are going to meet you in the hospital."

  Jon said to Casey and both Morgan and Casey raised their eyebrows.

  "Aren't you going to come in the cub with us?" She asked, sounding a little disappointed. “No.” Jon shook his head and smiled.

�� She questioned.

  "Mmmm, well, you know, to us ghosts, there is a different way to travel.”

  He looked at Morgan. “I’m going to teach you how to disappear like I did.”

  Morgan grinned widely and Jon turned to Casey who slightly frowned.

  “Just go, we will meet you there, don’t worry." He promised, missing the hurt expression that spread on Casey’s features.

  ”Ok…” Casey said lowly and Morgan looked up at her just in time to catch the disappointed look that said that Casey was felling left out, but he chose not to say anything about it. Morgan knew that Casey felt like she was not part of the brotherhood that Jon and Morgan were now a part of but Morgan promised to himself that he would make it up to Casey as soon as he gets his body back, Casey could wait that long, right?

  And he, he was bound to return to her. After all, in all the stories the good guys always win so why should this be any different?

  “I’ll see you there.” Casey spoke. “Don’t take too long, ok?” Her voice was somewhat bitter and Morgan nodded as Jon laid a hand on his shoulder and then, as Casey turned from them and the door closed after she and Colin had left through it, Morgan glanced at his brother.

  "So how are we supposed to get there?" He questioned, a little unsure about this whole disappearing act thing anymore.

  Jon frowned. "Didn't you see me disappear earlier when I went to the hospital?"

  He asked and Morgan nodded. "Yes, I did see that Houdini but I can’t do that!"

  “Who is Houdini?” Jon frowned and Morgan shook his head.

  “Never mind, some magician, anyway! Not important! I still can’t do that!”

  Jon smiled.

  "I guess I missed quiet a lot of this world’s entertainment growing up.” He said, almost sarcastically.

  “Yes, monsters are not the best educators.” Morgan agreed and Jon smiled.

  “Anyway, with my lack of human knowledge aside, Of course you can do that Morgan. You are a spirit after all, just like me.”


  “No butt’s. You can do it, and you have to learn it anyway in case you ever need it, so don’t give me that ‘I can’t’ boolshit, you just didn't try it yet. Now c'mon, I'll show you how…" Jon offered his right hand to Morgan who looked at it hesitated and then took it unwillingly, a little suspicious at what Jon was about to do to him.

  Jon pulled Morgan closer, making him make a little sound of surprised protest as Jon wrapped his other hand around Morgan's body and pulled him even closer.

  "Now," Jon said, his warm breath inches from Morgan’s cheek.

  "Now I need you to close your eyes and think about the hospital. Think about where it is and about the people in it, think about the sterile walls and the medication smells even if you can…” Jon watched as Morgan closed his eyes and fallowed what he told him. “Now…” Jon continued with the same hypnotic low tone. “Take a deep breath and let yourself go, see us standing in the middle of that white corridor and…”

  And as he spoke Morgan began to feel the world around him moving.

  It was the weirdest and the most unpleasant thing Morgan had ever experienced, worst even then falling down those steps that he now remembered.

  Burning immense pain Morgan had felt his body twist and turn without him even moving. It was like swirling up a hot gashing stream in blazing deep water with his stomach pulled forcefully somewhere billow him and the hot water stream filling up his breathless lungs.

  Morgan felt himself on the verge of screaming, he felt the urge to claw himself out of his own skin but Jon was holding him forcefully, the process of this ghostly transfer had left Morgan disoriented and breathless, and as he felt himself returning to normal a thought accord to him that it was probably a good thing at the moment that he didn't have to breathe anymore.

  ”Oohhh…” Morgan felt the ground appear beneath him, he squeezed his hands around his brother and then pried his eyes open, blinking at the bright light of the hospital hall in search of a familiar face.

  ”Casey…” He immanently saw his twin walking right pass him. “Casey?” Morgan choked but the teen slightly shook her head, ignoring his presence as Morgan lifted his head to the direction Casey was headed in to see his mother as Casey stepped up to her.

  Morgan breathed in.

  He assumed that because teleportation was so new to him, it took them a lot longer to get to the white building than it would have taken Jon on his own, but they arrived about at the same time as Casey and Colin did so there was no harm in their slow travel.

  Except now Morgan had to witness Casey face their mom without him and from the look on her features this was not going to be a pleasant ride.

  ”Casey!” Lilith exclaimed once she saw her approach Morgan's room from up the hallway. She immanently ran towards her, her entire body screaming for her to stop Casey.

  She didn't want Casey to see Morgan at that moment, she knew that as she approached the room, Morgan’s doctors were doing the last check ups on him, a sort of a last chance process to make sure that he was not going to wake anymore and that cutting him off the machines will surreally end his half-life.

  "Casey!" Lilith called out to her a little louder, relived as she turned to her, missing the doctors that had just left Morgan's bedroom, gravely shaking their heads.

  ”What?” Casey asked, making Colin pause beside her, he did see the old white robbed men leaving the bedroom but he didn't say anything in front of Lilith as Casey crossed her arms over her chest and waited to face her mom.

  ”I…” Lilith stopped in her tracks, she did not expect Casey’s tone to be so rough and at that point she frankly did not need this offensive behavior towards her.

  “Casey…Baby…” She tried to turn down her sadness, she knew how upset she was and she did not want to make Casey feel even more horrible but as she closed the distance between them Lilith had suddenly realized that the emotion that she had read on Casey's face wasn't sadness, her eyes did not reflect helplessness but anger. In fact, Lilith swallowed; it was pure hate that was reflecting from Casey's dark brown eyelids. Lilith gulped; she had no idea of what was going on in Casey’s mind.

  "Casey, honey…" She came a little closer. "Is there something wrong?" Casey smirked evilly, making her stop in her place again.

  ‘No!’ Lilith thought. ‘She couldn't have found out so soon!' She wasn't ready for Casey to know Morgan’s real condition yet.

  “Casey…” She tried again. “Is there something wrong?” She asked in a tiny voice and this time she had received back a frightening roaring laughter.

  ”Casey!” Lilith took a step back. “What is wrong with you?!”

  Casey abruptly ceased her laughter as if a button was switched off, her face taking on a grave expression.

  "Wrong mother? There is nothing wrong with me. “She said her tone high and sarcastic, she even frightened herself at that moment but she knew that she had to play this part.

  "Except maybe the fact that you are going to sign Morgan’s execution? Oh, well, let me think…No, I don’t think that there is anything wrong with me besides THAT!"

  She screamed, making her mother gasp in disbelieve.

  ”What…What are you talking about?” Lilith made an effort to remain calm but she felt the color drain from her features.

  “Oh, don’t play stupid with me LILITH.” Casey growled and Lilith stumped her foot.

  “I will not have that kind of talk…”

  “SHUT UP!” Casey roared, making even Colin twitch from her high pitched shouting. “Don’t you dare lie to me again!” Casey threatened and Lilith felt her powers leave her.

  “How…” She gasped. “How did you know about that?”

  Casey shook her head. "That is not important, mother.” She answered as if she was addressing a complete stranger.

  “What is important is that as of now I am giving you a fair warning.”

  “What…Casey…?” She blinked, disoriented but Casey shook he
r head.

  “See it as you may but I will not allow you to unplug him like you are planning to.”

  “I am not planning…”

  Lilith protested but Casey’s hollow stare silenced her, she saw in Casey’s eyes the abyss that took Jon away from her, the abyss that stared back at her every year on his death day when she went there in secret to mourn for his lost.

  “Do as you plan,” Casey continued, ignoring her mother's first teardrops.

  “And you will know what it feels like to have your family torn away from you. I will not lose him like I lost Jon; you will not take him too away from me. Do you understand that?"

  Lilith let out a high short scream at the mention of that long unspoken name and her eyes went wide in shock.

  "Jon…Jon…Who is…" She tried to collect herself as her world was crashed by her young offspring.

  "Don’t even try it!" Casey screamed in fury. “Don’t even try to pretend like you don’t know what I am talking about!” She spat in rage. "I know all about him mother!!! My twin! My brother! My own flesh and blood! You had no fucking right to keep him from us!!”

  “Casey…everyone is watching…” Lilith raised her arms to calm her, looking in embarrassment around at the patients and nurses who were watching their major spat. “Then let them watch!” Casey advanced towards her but Colin grasped her arm to keep her from losing it completely.

  “Did you really think that I and Morgan wouldn't find out about him?!" Casey felt her temper rising, she wasn't in control anymore; this had gone far beyond what she planned to say to her mother.

  "Casey….Please….Calm down…Just listen to me."

  Lilith begged her daughter, now she too didn't care about what others around them might think as she let herself openly cry.

  Casey looked at her coldly, grasping Colin’s hand that held her and searching in it the strength to remain as calm as she could get at that point.

  "How stupid are you to think we won’t feel a part of us missing?” She asked her voice disappointed. “How stupid did we look to you when you decided to lie to us like that?”


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