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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 22

by Novak, Karina

  "Save it.” She said harshly as she looked at Morgan.

  “I’m doing this for you Morgan, not her, so remember that in case she will need another saving."

  Morgan didn't answer but didn't continue their argument.

  He let Casey walk past him and open the door back to their bedroom and then fallowed her outside, stopping immediately at the sight of a happy Colin bouncing on one of the unmade beds with Jon laughing at him and Toby and May nowhere to be seen.

  “What's going on here?" Morgan asked, watching as Jon got up to greet them.

  "Are you ok?" He asked Casey. "That was some pretty intense screaming."

  "Oh…You heard that?" Casey mumbled and Jon nodded.

  "I think the whole floor could hear you. Good thing that no one is here. You sounded pretty upset…"

  "No, I'm fine." Casey looked at Colin who just dropped to the bed, probably tired from his erratic bouncing.

  "But what is going on here?” She asked, looking at her brother.

  "And where are May and Toby?" Morgan added as he looked at the half emptied room.

  “She probably killed Toby and drugged the others." Casey mumbled.

  "Just what I would expect from a double agent."

  "Casey, you promised." Morgan reminded her; afraid that Casey's annoying statements will bring back his pending headache.

  “Fine, fine, and then where is she?" Casey growled.

  "She went to class." Colin said, getting up from the bed and coming closer to the siblings.

  “Class?" Casey looked surprised. "Well, that's not right. We don’t have classes until the investigation about what happened to Morgan is over, Kafka doesn't want big group gatherings, remember?"

  "Yes, Kafka didn't. But Kafka is not in charge anymore." Colin shrugged.

  "What do you mean by that?" Morgan asked with interest.

  "Well, Mrs. Kafka had a heart attack last night, probably from hearing all that shit about the kidnapping and the school board had ordered on her a force retire so my dad told me just now on the phone that they are bringing us some hot new x- supermodel teacher to take her place as the headmaster."

  He smiled. "And she is gathering everyone in the big class downstairs to do the introductions and what not."

  “Oh dear! I do love what you mean!” Morgan smirked.

  “So what are we waiting for?! Let’s go to class! C’mon! C’mon! No time to lose! Let's get to learning!” He smiled excitedly, beckoning his siblings to the door.

  “You’re in a coma;” Casey smirked. “Technically you don’t need to go to class; the teacher won’t even know you are there, not like you will get any credit for showing up.”

  Morgan smirked as well, a fake hurt expression spreading on his face.

  “Just because my body is temporary out of order that doesn’t mean I'm supposed to miss important school material! It's important for my education, dear sister.”

  Casey rolled her eyes, laughing.

  ”You mean you don’t want to miss this important tribute to your sexual education, dear sibling.”

  Morgan thought about it for a second.

  “That too!” Morgan raised his finger dramatically.

  “Now let’s go do some study!” He said, pointing at the door.

  Casey rolled her eyes again at her brother’s foolishness, looking at Jon who stood by her side.

  ”Are you coming too? Morgan is bound to make a fool out of himself, even if he is invisible, should be fun to watch.” Jon shook his head, smiling.

  “No, Casey. I think I'm just going to relax here for a bit, I haven’t had this much activity in over eight years…It’s kind of difficult, even on me.”

  ”Oh…” Casey looked at Morgan, he too seemed pretty concerned.

  “Are you going to be all right?” Morgan asked serious.

  ”Yes. Yes don’t worry, I’ll be as good as …Well, ghost.” Jon laughed to himself.

  ”Go.” He said to Casey. “Enjoy Morgan making a total fool out of himself.

  You can tell me all about it later.” He encouraged Casey who still didn't look convinced and kind of concerned.

  "Ok…” Casey agreed slowly, looking at Morgan who nodded at her and then, glancing at Jon headed for the door. “We will see you later.” Casey murmured, grabbing her diary off the table and following her brother with Colin following them.

  “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Morgan bounced down the hall to the steps.

  “We are going to miss the hotty!” He exclaimed as he practically ran downstairs, nearly tripping over himself in the process.

  Casey honestly could say that she had never in her all too short of a life, ever saw Morgan as excited about a class before as he was now.

  ”We should have a super model teaching all of our classes.” Casey laughed.

  “It will do wonders to his report card.”

  “Nah.” Colin didn't agree as he caught up to Casey.

  “The only thing that having a super model as a teacher will do wonders to be to his pants, provided that we could roll his eyes and tongue back into his perverted little head.”

  Casey laughed, nodding enthusiastically as they got down to the last step and turned to a side corridor, entering the already cramped class room and taking their sits at the back of the class.

  Morgan looked at all people blocking his view to the teachers table, huffed and climbed on top of Casey’s table ,looking expectedly at the door with wide open eyes.

  “God Morgan, you look like you are waiting for the fucking messiah or something, get off my desk.” Casey growled lowly, trying to push her brother off.

  It didn't help though and Morgan remained sited right in front of her, letting Casey have a little view of the classroom and the door that had just opened, revealing a stunning tall creature who Morgan cheerfully whistled to.

  "Education never seemed so good.” Morgan turned half way to whisper to Casey who growled back at him, grabbing Morgan by the shirt and forcefully pulling him down from the desk.

  ”Gyyah!” It was good that no one could hear the poor boy crashing to the floor by Casey’s table.

  “Sit down you pervert!” Casey hissed at her twin as Colin made the greatest effort in his life to try and not to laugh.

  He didn't want to drive any more attention to them; they were the talk of the school already. "Hello class." The stunning creature said as she entered the class and sat gracefully on her table, legs crossed.

  She looked at the students before her, smiling mischievously as the boy population of the classroom; alive or otherwise stared over ,drooling at the sight of her curly bouncy hair, her thin long legs and her way to short power skirt.

  "If you don’t mind,” She said with that sweet no good bearing voice.

  “We will start today's lesson with introductions.” She smiled. “Since I don’t know you and this probably the first time that any of you had seen me I guess it would be fair if I start first. I am Miss Carla." She said, turning momentarily, exposing just for a second her nearly transparent undershirt laundry as she leaned over the table and got a thin black notebook out of her black bag and then turned back, flipping it open and raising her eyes to look back up at the class.

  Something about the way she was watching them with her striking blue eyes had triggered something in Casey's memory.

  It was like she had seen it before but couldn't remember or place her finger on who ever had watched them like that before this Miss Carla.

  She was sure it was human though so she just shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing to worry about and there will be any harm done if she will just remember it later.

  She was wrong.

  The new teacher started reading the students names, looking up every time to see who was there and who wasn't.

  When she got to Din's name Colin quickly said that his friend didn't feel well, saving the gang from an explanation they couldn't provide.

  She didn't read Morgan’s name but she did look at h
is place next to Casey, Casey’s stomach turned, it was as if she was looking right at her brother, seeing him just like the nurse at the hospital did.

  "So," Miss Carla said after she was done reading as she set the black notebook down.

  "I am sure you all heard about the tragic event that happened in our school a few days ago and the horrid events that fallowed in the hospital and on school grounds that brought me here, “She paused, looking up at Casey.

  Morgan growled lowly, squeezing Casey’s hand, suddenly; he didn't like the new teacher as much as he thought he would.

  “And I just wanted to tell you all,” She continued, never taking her eyes off of Casey’s. “That if any one of you want to talk about it or knows anything that will lead the police to solve this mystery…”

  She shifted her gaze to Colin and then to Toby and May who sat the closest to Casey.

  "Then please don’t be afraid to tell me, ok?” She smiled. ”I am here on your side.”


  About forty minutes later, after they had been given the schedule for the next couple of days and the new hours of the examinations Miss Carla had insisted that all students will find the time to see her in the passing week. 'Sort of a one on one chat', she said, to get to know them better.

  After giving those instructions she excused them and the gang got up in unison to leave the classroom, walking out as they ignored the swarm of boys that hurried to schedule their appointments with Miss Carla and the gossiping girls that headed in front of them down the hall.

  "Did you see how she looked at us?” Casey asked with concern as they slowly began to ascend the staircase.

  Colin nodded.

  ”Yes, it was so damn creepy, like she knows what we did or something.”

  Toby shook his head.

  ”Impossible, how can she possibly know that? She is just our new teacher and no sane person will ever think that Casey had kidnapped Morgan, it’s just sounds like a movie script, that what that is.”

  “Movie script or not, I feel like I am on watch, we should be a little more careful.”

  Morgan rolled his eyes. ”And that is something coming from Me.”

  He looked at Casey. ”Hey, didn't you have your diary when we came downstairs? I was sure you grabbed it off the table just as we left.”

  He asked puzzled, knowing Casey never parted with the blue notebook.

  Casey’s eyes widened as she looked down at her hands, blushing as she thought about all the incriminating things she had wrote there.

  "Shit!” Casey exclaimed as she searched through her garments. ”I must have forgotten it in the class. I have to go back for it. “ She looked at Morgan. “Meet me upstairs, in our room, I'm going back to get it.”

  “Do you want us to come with you?” Colin asked.

  “No,” Casey shook her head.

  “What danger could possible expect me with that teacher besides a makeover?” She said bluntly as she turned on her heels and headed back downstairs.

  "Excuse me, Miss Carla, “Casey knocked on the classroom door and then began opening it silently.

  “Sorry, I forgot my…” Casey gasped loudly as she went silent in shock, standing glued to her place, her trembling hand still griping the cold metal handle.

  “Oh god…”

  Chapter fifteen: A pretty trophy.

  "Oh god."

  She whispered and then her mind caught up to her and she loudly screamed in fear, completely terrified at who or what was standing before her, the black brown feelers of the monster already visible through the white creamy human skin.

  'Miss Carla' stood by her desk, her features no longer resembling anything human, the skin hang loose from her crackling bones as she stretched up from the human form, transforming back into what she really was, one of the retched apocalypses.

  There was no mistaking it, her blue fly eyes turned to look at her and Casey screamed again.

  "You're one of them!” Casey yelled.

  ”Casey….” The apocalypse growled, advancing towards her.

  “No!” Casey howled, finally letting go of the handle, she turned and ran, tripping over herself and scrambling up the staircase, all the while, the now transformed creature calling her name.

  Casey didn't stop running until she was back on their floor, banging the door and screaming for help as Morgan rushed to open it for her.

  “Casey!” Morgan caught her as the later collapsed into his arms.

  “Close the door! Close the door!” Casey howled and Jon hurried to slam it shut and lock it. He didn't care what the reason was, if Casey was in this state something bad must have caused it, he wasn't going to ask anything or argue with her until he did as she asked.

  "Casey!” Morgan looked down at his twin, pulling her up to her feet and holding her tightly.

  ”Casey, what happened?” He demanded but it seemed that Casey was still too far gone in her panic to answer.

  “Lock the door! Lock the door! Please!” Casey screamed, panting, almost fighting free out of Morgan’s grasp to do it herself.

  “It’s already locked!” Jon assured her, joining his siblings.

  "I did it myself. Casey! Calm down!” He caught her arms.

  “It’s locked! Now tell us what happened.”

  He said, holding Casey hands until the girl looked up at him, her eyes wide and her lips trembling.

  "Our new teacher…” Casey breathed out, "She's…She’s not human!” She finally managed to whisper.

  ”What?!” Toby started at her. “Then what is she?!” Casey closed her eyes.

  “She is one of the apocalypses!” She cried bitterly.

  ”Oh my god…” Colin sat down on Morgan’s bed, staring at the white door.

  Morgan was about to say something when a loud knock coming from the painted wood took his breath away.

  All heads snapped towards the door as Morgan tightened his grip on Casey.

  Casey in return clangs to Morgan, whimpering as Morgan wrapped his arms around her in a protective way, using his right arm to pull Jon closer. At that moment Morgan didn't want any of his siblings to be away from him.

  “It’s her!” Casey cried out, her whole body shaking. “What are we going to do?!”

  She asked loudly, "Morgan! What are we going to do?!” Casey repeated, sobbing against her brother.

  Jon looked at his speechless brother and then back at his friends.

  “We are going to open the door.” Jon decided, moving away from his twin and making Morgan loose his grip on him.

  ”What?!” Casey howled in a strained groggy voice.

  “Did you fucking lose your mind?!” Colin growled, looking at Jon’s face that was currently clad of all emotion.

  "No…" Jon shook his head. “But I don’t see what other choice we have here.”

  He walked up to the door and stopped just by it as he heard Casey whimper.

  ”Casey.” Jon looked back at her. "It's just one. We can handle one.” He felt his back cover in cold sweat but he had to maintain his composure.

  “Besides, maybe we could use it."

  "Or it will use us!" Casey yelled, surprising everyone by her outburst including herself.

  “It will use us for breakfast, Jon!”

  "Casey, please, I think he is right.” Toby said, getting closer to Jon who was still standing half turned by the door. "Maybe we should talk to it.”

  “You are as insane as he is.” Colin growled, looking at Jon.

  “Don’t let her in.” Casey begged and just in that second came the second knock.

  "Let me in.” They heard the pleasant voice of the pretend Miss Carla.

  "I need to talk to you.” The creature said quietly. “It's important!”

  The creature insisted. “I promise you that you will not get hurt.”

  Jon bit his lip and looked back at his friends.

  "Well?" Casey growled bitterly, patting Morgan’s hand and then stepping away from Morgan and closer to the door.
br />   ”Ok…” She said, voice confident but her insides screaming with horror.

  ”Ok, open it.” She drew in a shaky breath.

  "Are you sure?" Morgan asked her, crossing his arms to stop them from shaking.

  "No." Casey said, taking a few more steps forward. “But…”

  She reached for the key, slowly twisting it in the other direction, “We have no choice and it's only one...”

  The door cracked open and all present in the room automatically moved back with Casey resuming her position back clinging to Morgan.

  The creature pushed the door fully open, revealing their teacher in her human form, standing there, watching them with her blue eyes.

  "Can I come in?" She asked in an almost shy voice.

  "Do we have a choice?" Morgan rasped almost inaudibly.

  "Yes, you do." The apocalypse answered, looking straight at him. "And yes, I can see you." Morgan smirked. "Big surprise there, creature." He said sarcastically.

  “You are the one who put me in this state.”

  “No, not me.” She pointed out, shaking her head.

  “Then the likes of you.” Morgan argued. “It makes no difference to me.”

  The creature smiled sadly, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her.

  This time, no one moved but they were glaring at her, each with his own set of mind of how best to kill her if the need calls for it.

  "You don't have to be afraid of me." She said, as if reading their reaction.

  "Like hell we don’t!" Toby glared at her, his hands bowling into tight whitening fists.

  "In the last couple of days you managed to put Morgan in a coma,” He pointed at the boy standing beside him.

  “Kidnap Din and I’m not even going to mention what you did to Jon eight years ago!"

  "I didn't do that!" Miss Carla declared exaggeratedly, she was eager not to be the object of their hate.

  "It was one of your kind, might as well be you.” Toby agreed with what Morgan had said earlier.

  “You are all the same." Jon suddenly spoke; sounding more angry and sad then he had ever been in their presence since the gang had first met him.

  Miss Carla looked at him with a saddened expression.

  "I’m sorry for what happened to you.” She said her voice sincere but Jon didn't let himself the pleasure of believing her deception.


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