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Winds Of The Apocalypse

Page 23

by Novak, Karina

  ”I would rather die than be what I am.” She rasped.

  “Well that can be arranged.” Casey pointed out, not daring to leave the protective embrace of her brother.

  Miss Carla looked at her. “That is rather cruel Casey.”

  “What do you want?” Morgan asked, driving her attention away from his baby sister and back to him.

  “To help you.” Miss Carla said unfazed.

  Morgan snorted. “And why should we believe you?”

  Miss Carla huffed. “No reason really. It’s just that I had many chances to get you or to kill you.” She looked at Casey. ”Especially you but I didn't, I can prove it.”

  She closed her eyes and in a moment her form began to changed, first it transformed into the nurse that helped them unwillingly in the hospital and then into the cop that came to interrogate them.

  Casey gasped; she couldn't believe that she was at some point almost left alone with that creature.

  “Why do you want to help us?” Colin asked as she returned back into the form of Miss Carla.

  “Because you are the only ones that can help me stop the apocalypse. “ She looked down at her hands.

  “Why do you even want to stop them?” Morgan narrowed his eyes.

  Miss Carla looked up at him. “I was human ones.” She confessed.

  “My name was Lisa and my sister was one of the first kids taken into the apocalypse chamber. I joined the apocalypse in the hope of freeing my sister but failed and instead of killing me Utopia decided that I have potential, she turned me into the creature that I am today.”

  She looked sincere but Morgan still couldn't trust her.

  Lisa or whatever her real name was must have felt his discomfort because she turned to him and smiled. “You still don’t believe me.”

  “How many?” Morgan asked lowly. “How many of you were human once?”

  Lisa took in a shaky breath. “Some, most of them are just brain dead soldiers, born from Utopia to serve her. The human ones… They were…They are…Almost all of the family that first summoned her.

  They thought that they will live forever…She just didn't tell them as what.”

  She paused, laughing bitterly to herself. “You might think it is quite poetic really.”

  She looked up at Morgan again. “I can help you become alive again. Jon too.”

  “We can help ourselves!” Morgan stated but Lisa shook her head.

  “Not like this.” She said. “Not with your petty thievery tries or by hoping that any of you will just wake up on your own. You can wait all you want, it just not going to happen.” “Why?” Casey crocked.

  “Because Utopia will not let it happen.” Lisa said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “But there is a way to overcome her dark magic. There is an object, a crystal, made to bring the dead back to life. It's magic more powerful than what she could ever master.”

  Casey bit her lip, suddenly looking a lot more interested in what Lisa had to say to them. “And it will bring my brothers back?” She asked almost letting herself get overly excited. Lisa solemnly nodded.

  “It will.”

  “Well, do you know where it is?” Casey enquired and Lisa shook her head.

  “It is a secret, one that is heavily guarded. All I know is that it is somewhere in this school. Utopia had divided it into three parts to make it impossible to find and put back together. She is terrified of the notion that there is something out there powerful enough to destroy even her strong charms.”

  “Nothing is impossible.” Casey said, overcome with unnatural killing desire.

  Something burned within her, craving revenge and the prospect of getting her hands on something that could kill Utopia had a lit a fire inside of her, burning bright.

  Lisa nodded. “Maybe, but it will be hard to get. Only a handful of Utopias personal guard monsters and the person that summoned us know where it is.”

  “Who summoned you?” Morgan asked, he was eager to know just like the rest of them who it was that made their life go upside down.

  Lisa looked lost. “I don’t know.” She said, shaking her head. “I was never trusted enough to know that.”

  Casey puffed. “Then it’s useless.”

  “No, it’s not.” May took a deep breath and stepped forward.

  Up until then she kept quiet, standing by the window but now, there was something weird about the way she said it, like she actually knew and didn't just try to cheer them up.

  “And why not?” Casey looked at her, something in her already knowing the answer.

  “Because it’s me.” May uttered bluntly after a short breath. “I summoned them.”

  She admitted apologetically, waiting for the meaning of her words to sink in.

  There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at her blankly and then Casey’s face contorted in anger and she began screaming her lungs out, making Morgan almost jump away from her in fear.

  “YOU’RE DEAD!” Casey yelled as she launched at the now frightened girl in a well-aimed attempt to grab at her throat but Morgan had quickly came back to his senses and caught Casey’s arms just in time to prevent her from snapping May's neck.

  He pulled her back, holding his clawing and enraged sister against himself, and that was about all he could do to prevent himself from launching on top of May to kill her himself.

  “Casey!” Morgan screamed, fighting to control his rage blind sister.

  “She killed you!” Casey screamed furious. “She fucking killed you!!! Let me go! I want to REAP HER FUCKING HEAD OFF!” She almost got away from Morgan’s grasp and May screamed in fear as Casey launched again towards her.

  May moved back only to meet the wall as Morgan grabbed Casey’s hands again and made them both fall to the floor, holding his still growling twin there.

  “Casey! Stop! Calm down!”

  “AGGHHHH!” Casey broke loose from Morgan’s grip and jumped to her feet, forcefully grabbing May by the throat and shoving her to the floor.

  “You fucking bitch!” She yelled. “I will bloody kill you!” She roared, choking the life out of the other girl.

  The rest present in the room were rooted to their place in amazement.

  "We need to do something." Toby stepped forward.

  Colin glanced at him in astonishment. "You want to get in the middle of this?" He asked, pointing at the Tasmanian devil that was ones Casey.

  "Colin!" Toby stomped his foot.

  "Alright, alright." Colin mumbled, stepping forward as well.

  “No!” May rasped, clawing at Casey’s hands, desperate to get her off of herself.

  “Listen to me!” May begged as Colin and Toby jumped to assist her, catching Casey’s fighting form by the arms and pulling her away from the choking girl.

  “Please!” She cried out. “Please just listen to me!”

  “Let me go!” Casey screamed, refusing to listen to the annoying blond creature.

  “I had nothing!” May pulled herself to her knees, her body shaking from fear and pain as she cried.

  “I just wanted to belong! And then my father’s boss died and I discovered his secret when we packed his things five years ago…” She cried harder, her voice breaking.

  She gazed up at Morgan. “They promised me everything…” She whimpered.

  ”And I loved you so much…You were so perfect and I wanted you all to myself…

  But when I saw what they did to you…”

  “So it was you…” Morgan said to himself. “You called out my name when I fell…

  You were there that night.”

  May nodded. “I’m so sorry, I never meant for this to happen. They promised me you wouldn't get hurt. Please, you have to believe me.”

  Casey resisted the urge to kick her. She stopped screaming and let her friends' hold her but her skin was still hot and her breath fast.

  'If she will be given the chance she will kill this girl.' She wowed to herself.

  “Casey…Are you
ok now?” Jon asked her as Colin and Toby let go of her arms.

  “You’re not even worth it.” Casey said, spiting the words and then looking away. “Casey…” Morgan whispered.

  “Monsters are more trustworthy than humans it seems!” Casey exclaimed.


  “And you trusted her.” She blamed her twin.

  “You wanted her!” She pointed at the astonished girl on the floor. “Do you still want her Morgan?! Will you die for her?”

  She looked up at her friends. “And to think that you left Jon behind to save this monster! You should have left her to die with the likes of her!”

  “Casey!!” Morgan suddenly screamed in pain, falling to his knees.


  Both Jon and Casey hurriedly ran to their brother. “Morgan! What is it?” Jon demanded, holding his head up from the floor.

  “I…Don’t…” Morgan gasped for air.

  “It's Utopia. She is taking away his soul.” Lisa said bitterly, looking down at the agonized teen in front of her.

  “No! You have to stop her!” Casey screamed, leaning against Morgan’s twisting and shaking body.

  “I can’t.” Lisa whispered. "I don't have that kind of power."

  “No! Morgan….Don’t leave me…” Casey begged, crying as Jon laid his hand on her back, biting his lip to prevent himself from screaming in anger.

  Morgan raised a trembling hand to try and calm Casey but he failed, his hand fell to the ground, his breath going as shallow as it could go.

  “I’m always with you.”

  He managed to whisper before his body shuddered for the last time and with a painted cry he vanished, leaving a cold empty spot in his place.

  Casey kept crying, trembling, and her hands remaining in the same position as they were when she still held Morgan. Jon leaned towards her, pulling her into his arms, gently stroking her back to calm her and himself, there were no words to describe their emotions.

  Casey looked up at Lisa.

  “Bring him back.” She demanded. Lisa shook her head.

  “I can’t. But,” She continued before Casey could say anything else.

  “But we can. Together. If you start trusting me.” Casey looked at Jon who was still holding her, then back at Lisa. “How do we know that it’s not a trap? That you are not playing on our greave?”

  Lisa gave her a faint smile. “You don’t, you just have to trust me.” She repeated.

  “If you want to save your brothers.”

  Casey growled, Lisa played with the right cards to win her over. She would do anything to save her brothers.

  She knew that they had no choice but to listen to Lisa but Casey didn't have to like it. None the less, Casey swore she would do anything to get Morgan back so she agreed; hoping that if it was a trap her death will come quickly while May’s will be as torturous as the pain her actions had caused them.

  "Where do you think Utopia is holding my brother?" Casey asked, taking deep breath and with Jon by her side rising to face Lisa.

  "She won't put him in the chamber with the others. I can tell you that much."

  Lisa tapped her chin, thinking about it for a moment. "She would probably hold him like a trophy. Another one of the prophesy children…So his soul is probably next to his body, in Utopias private chamber."

  "And how are we supposed to get him out of her private chamber if Utopia is there?"

  Casey questioned.

  The whole thing looked now more and more like a trap, worsening by the second.

  "I didn't say that she will be in her chamber when I will sneak some of you guys in there. Don't worry."

  “Yes, not to worry, we are only going like sheep to the slaughter.” Colin snarled.

  "Right, let’s go then." Casey didn't care how reckless she was, nor did she care for the astonished look she had received from Colin.

  The only thing she cared about was getting back both of her brothers and no means were too large for that cause.

  She started walking to the door but Lisa reached for her to stop her.

  "Wait, we can't all go." She said as Casey ripped her hand away from her grip, looking at her own hand as if it was smeared with something incredibly disgusting.

  "I knew it was a trap." Casey glared at Lisa who shook her head, almost in annoyance.

  "No…But even if Utopia is not there we still have Utopias personal guard to deal with and if I lead all of you in there together it will look suspicious. Don’t you think so?"

  "So what do you suggest?" Jon came closer to his sister, taking his twin’s hand.

  "Just two. I will be able to take two of you in without it looking too suspicious."

  Lisa declared.

  “No!” Toby stepped forward. “Guys, it’s too dangerous!”

  “We don’t have a choice Toby.” Casey announced.

  Jon nodded. "She’s right, we don’t. Ok, then I'm going."

  "Me too.” Colin volunteered, walking up to his friends’ side.

  “Does everyone here have a death wish?!” Toby exclaimed but everyone seemed to ignore him.

  "No," Lisa said looking at Jon. “Not you. Casey and Colin are the best for this.”

  Casey looked puzzled, her grip on Jon’s hand unconsciously tightened. "Why?"

  Lisa frowned. "Cuss I will need to pass them as candidates for the chamber of souls, lost children. Jon looks too much like Morgan and they all saw Toby with Din so they will recognize him and May is totally out of the question so it has to be you two."

  She pointed at Casey and Colin as Jon frowned. Her annoying words made sense but he wasn't happy about the outcome.

  Lisa ignored his hard glares and turned to Casey and Colin. "Is it agreed then?”

  The two teens unwillingly nodded. “Good.” Lisa smiled.” Let’s go then."

  She said, opening the bedroom door.

  “Jon…” Casey looked down at her hand and Jon groggily let her palm go, leaning in instead to hug her tightly.

  “If something goes wrong,” He whispered. “Call for me…I will feel you. I will find a way to get you out of there, I promise."

  He whispered softly in Casey’s ear, making sure that no one had heard it but his twin. Casey nodded slowly and then stepped away from her brother.

  Soon after they left, heading for the labyrinth under the mansion, led by what could be their executioner.

  "Now what?" Colin asked ten minutes later when they arrived at the basement and Colin assumed that they had stopped in front of the labyrinth entrance to the tunnels since the wall in front of them was made of pure concrete.

  "Now," Lisa took a deep breath. "Hold on." She closed her eyes and to Colin’s and Casey’s frightened gasped turned back into an apocalypse, cloak and all, her feelers dancing in the air outside her black hood.

  Once she was done with her terrible transformation the new found apocalypse had reached into her black cloak and pulled out a pair of silver long ropes. Colin automatically pulled Casey back and away from the apocalypse, glaring up at her.

  It seemed as though every one of Casey's friends and brothers had had the urge and the instinct to protect the younger teenager as if she was the most delicate and fragile of them all but, to Casey’s opinion, they were seriously underestimating her.

  "Relax." Lisa smiled a terrifying smile that made chills run down both Casey's and Colin's spines.

  "What are the ropes for?!" Colin stepped a little forward, shielding his friend and creating some sort of a human barrier between Lisa and Casey, never leaving her hand.

  "You will pass as my prisoners." Lisa said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do at that point.

  "It is a trap! I knew it!" Casey stated, staring at the ropes, ready to call for Jon but Lisa’s laughter stopped her.

  "What?! Did you actually think that you will walk up to Utopias personal guard and say: 'hey, my brother, one of the boys from The Prophesy is in there right now? Can you please step aside so I
can go in and rescue him'? C'mon!"

  She smirked in her apocalyptic shrieking voice. Her smirking was no better than her smile, also a horribly sigh to see but Colin and Casey didn't really care anymore about it. They exchanged worried looks between them, not one of them knowing how to proceed.

  “What can we do?” Casey whispered as she slowly nodded to Lisa, reaching her hands forward and allowing Lisa to bind the silver ropes to them both as Colin fallowed her example, letting the creature tie their arms behind both of their backs.

  "And now we can go in." Lisa said, leaning forward and pressing the wall in front of them, activating the same mechanism that allowed them to enter the apocalypses base in the winter cellar.

  It seemed that Utopia wasn't the most thoughtful or original creature on the planet.

  The two teens stared into the darkness of the labyrinth for a second before Lisa slightly pushed them forward, leading them into the dark maze.

  "You know…" Colin leaned closer to whisper to Casey. "I really start to think that you were right about this being a trap."

  "Stop it!" Casey whispered back, irritated. "You only make me feel more nervous than I already am!"


  "Bow your heads!" Lisa's voice sounded strained behind them as they approached a green yellow door at the end of another corridor they were walking down and the ugly apocalypses that were guarding it. Casey almost gasped, they were fucking huge!

  Bigger than any of the ones that they had the dubious pleasure to encounter so far.

  "Don't let them see your faces!" Lisa warned the two teens as they were close enough to catch the foul smell that seemed to come from inside Utopias chamber.

  The teens obeyed, shivering at the sound of Lisa's high pitched shriek as she spoke to the other monsters. The two huge apocalypses hissed something back and then the door to the chamber was opened and Lisa had forcefully shoved the teens in, the door slamming shut behind them.

  ”Aggh…” Casey choked, she saw Colin fall to the floor beside her and then she felt one of Lisa’s feelers touch her throat and suddenly she could breathe again.

  “Sorry,” She apologized. “I couldn't do it sooner.” She closed her bug eyes and changed back into a human, reaching for the teen’s arms and then removing their ropes, helping them up to their feet.


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