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Finn's Fortune

Page 11

by Kathleen Ball

  She grabbed the rifle they had hung on the wall and made sure it was loaded. She grabbed extra shells and put them in her apron pocket. She widened her eyes as she heard a sound on the roof. Sure enough, a wolf was walking up there. The click, click, click of its feet made her skin crawl. How in the world did it get up there? Why wouldn’t they just leave? Then another scratched relentlessly at the door. She didn’t know which way to turn.

  The moon was full and she could suddenly see a sliver of silver light shining in from a hole a wolf had made by digging at the mud and grass chinking they’d put between the logs. From the hole, she could see that there were at least four of the dangerous beasts out there.

  The one on the roof was now hitting the stove chimney. Ashes poured down onto the fire, sending black soot everywhere. She grabbed more wood and added it to the fire. She hoped Finn was hunkered down somewhere safe. The wolves were frightening, but she’d be able to keep them out.

  She put coffee on; it was going to be a long night. They weren’t inviting more wolf friends with all their howling were they? The one at the window kept slamming against the shutter. Maureen quickly put the other two wood supports across to keep the shutter tight.

  Why were they here? She’d only eaten bread and cheese for supper. She hadn’t cooked any meat. Maybe they could smell her fear. A yawn overtook her, and she blinked her eyes, trying to wake up. No matter how much coffee she drank, she remained exhausted, but she didn’t dare go to sleep. It was nerve-racking with the constant scratching, banging, and howling. At one point, she wanted to cover her ears and scream, but it wouldn’t have helped, and she gritted her teeth instead.

  Now she hoped Finn wasn’t anywhere nearby. He’d be set upon by the wolves for sure if he tried to come home. He wouldn’t be able to take on four wolves.

  A gunshot exploded just outside, and she dove to the floor. Friend or foe? She peeked out the hole in the chinking and saw Justice’s legs head toward the barn. Finn was home. How shored up was the barn? Did he need her to open the door and start shooting?

  She wasn’t that good of a shot. There was no way she’d hit a moving target. Another shot rang out, and a great big whimper followed. Then an eerie silence fell. Maureen put her ear to the door in case she needed to open it quickly for Finn, but she heard nothing.

  It seemed like forever before she heard another shot. Scraping and scratching came from overhead, and the one on the roof fell to the ground, landing with a heavy thump. Thank goodness. That left only one maybe two left. She peeked out the hole again and saw the two wolves scamper off. Her body refused to relax. She needed to see Finn. She needed to touch him and know for certain he was fine.

  Finn sprinted to the cabin and the door flung open. Maureen grabbed him, pulled him inside, and slammed the door shut.

  He put his rifle down and took her into his arms. Her whole body was shaking as she held on tight. What a woman. He’d expected hysterics and tears, but instead she had every firearm ready to go.

  He stroked her back. “We’re all right. I’m so sorry I left you alone.”

  She let go and stared up at him. “Finn, it’s part of pioneering in a new place. I was scared to death, and I was so worried about you. Did you know wolves are extremely strong? They call to one another by howling, and the next thing you know more come. They’re sly too. One was on the roof shaking the chimney. Another kept trying to get in the window. Then another one started digging out the chinking. The worst was the one that kept slamming its body against the door.” She finally took a breath. “What about Contrary? The poor mule.”

  “Contrary was huddled in the corner of her stall shaking but she’s fine.”

  “They are known to be aggressive at times but this is the worst I’ve heard. I’m just glad you’re safe.”

  “What about Vala?”

  Finn shook his head. “I couldn’t find a trace of her. I think she was stolen. She was in a stall. I just don’t know what to think. It didn’t occur to me until I was out in the drifts of snow that the barn door had been open.” He cupped her cheeks in both hands and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. He kissed her for all he was worth then took a step back. “I have to get Justice settled.”

  Maureen nodded. Her eyes looked a bit dazed from his kiss. It made him glow inside and gave him warmth to carry within him while he was outside.

  He brushed Justice down, put a blanket on him, and gave him extra feed. Contrary started pitching a fit. Finn laughed and gave her extra feed too. He’d planned to breed Vala, but now he’d have to change his plan.

  Life was about learning to constantly adapt, it seemed. Holding on to the rope, he made his way back to the cabin. It was a good thing he’d arrived home when he did. The storm was worsening, and he could hardly see the house through the snowy wind. Relieved to finally get to the door, he opened it and stepped inside. Snow fell to the floor as he shrugged out of his outside gear and he happily took the cup of coffee Maureen offered.

  “The storm looks awful, and the sound of it is worse.”

  He shook his head. “It certainly is. I’m glad I tied that rope from the barn to the house. I needed it to get back.”

  She grabbed a blanket she had warming near the fire and placed it on his shoulders. “I’ll start some nice, hot stew for you.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her down into his lap. “How about you keep me warm instead?” Her rosy blush pleased him.

  She buried her face in his chest. “You need to eat.” She wasn’t very insistent.

  “How have you been feeling today?”

  She glanced at him in askance. “Fine, I guess, except for the wolves.”

  “I mean are you sore?”


  He cleared his voice trying to figure out how to ask and still be delicate. “From last night and well, this morning too. Especially the first time, it can leave a woman sore.”

  Her face turned from a rosy red to a dark crimson. “I, um, well. I haven’t noticed so I suppose I’m fine. What about you? Are you…sore?”

  He turned his head away to keep from laughing, but he couldn’t help it. He laughed long and hard. Maureen got up and folded her arms in front of her, watching him with one eyebrow raised, and he still couldn’t stop. When she squared her shoulders, he clamped his mouth shut and forced himself to settle down.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed at you.” He stood and cupped her shoulders in his hands. “You’re so innocent, and I love you for it. Men don’t usually get sore. I guess I’ve never heard anyone ask that of a man before, and that’s why I laughed.”

  She looked at the floor. “There are many things I don’t know, Finn. Will you be laughing at me constantly?”

  He tilted her head up with his finger. “No I won’t. You are everything to me, and I feel so blessed to have found you. I love you with everything in me. I never knew love could be so strong.”

  Tears formed in her eyes. “I love you with my whole heart, Finn. We’ll have a good life as long as we have each other.”

  Finn picked her up and put her on the bed.


  “A ghrá, I just want to show you just how much I love you.”


  From the grassy spot they’d picked for their picnic, Finn could see a good portion of their land. Cattle were grazing on the eastern portion while horses were frolicking in the western pasture. If he squinted, he could see the beginning of his hay growing in the field.

  He’d hired a few men to help him out, and he was able to pay them and send money home to Maureen’s family as soon as one of his most trusted friends had located them. He was one lucky Irishman to have found such a lass as Maureen. There was never a dull moment with her.

  She was so much more than a wife and mother. She was his partner in all things. Not that she’d have it any other way, but she was smart and her input in decisions was always a help. Her horse Vala had found her way home about two weeks after he’d gone to find her. It
was still a mystery where she’d been, but the only conclusion they came to was that someone knew the weather was going to be bad and had borrowed her.

  Even up until the day she went into labor, Maureen worked by his side. She refused to sit and relax. There’d never be another like her.

  He laughed as she grabbed little Patrick and put him back on the blanket, only to have him crawl off it again. He was the very picture of her, red hair and all. It pleased him to have a son to carry on his legacy. The ranch was sustainable, and he imagined many children and grandchildren playing and working. Beare and Forbeare, the Langley motto was still lived by – be patient and endure. He could only hope that his legacy lived on and prospered. He took out his pocket watch and traced the shamrock with his finger. Maureen still wore the piece of Irish lace next to her heart and rejected the idea of a wedding ring. He planned to get her one anyway.

  “Your turn, Daddy,” Maureen said, out of breath.

  Slipping his watch back into his pocket he then leaned over and gave Maureen a kiss on her sweet lips. Patrick gurgled his approval, as Finn scooped him up and settled him in his lap. Patrick stayed, staring at Finn the whole time. The look of wonder Patrick always had made Finn’s heart swell with love and pride.

  Maureen laughed. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  Maureen shook her head. “He’ll sit still for you.”

  “A ghrá, he just likes me better is all.” He gave Maureen one of the grins that usually left her speechless.

  “You know, Maureen, ever since I was a lad I’d searched for my fortune. Finn’s Fortune. Has a good ring to it, doesn’t it? But when I had to escape to America, I thought I’d never have a fortune. I’ve learned many things over the years, but the most important one is fortune doesn’t mean money. I have found my fortune in you and our son. Your love is worth all the money in the world to me. You make me want to be a better man. You brighten my days and the nights are heavenly. You my love are my fortune.”

  The End

  I'm so pleased you chose to read Stetson’s Storm, and it's my sincere hope that you enjoyed the story. I would appreciate if you'd consider posting a review. This can help an author tremendously in obtaining a readership. My many thanks. ~ Kathleen

  More Langley Legacy

  Follow the Langley’s rich family history through the years as told through the wonderful storytelling voices of these six bestselling authors.

  1850 - Finn’s Fortune - Kathleen Ball

  Langley Legacy- 1850

  Running from the British, captivating Finn Langley flees from Ireland to America with a price on his head. Finding treachery the handsome Irishman must travel further to hide. He joins a wagon train and heads for Oregon.

  Maureen McDonald leaves Ireland and travels to America in the hope of sending much needed money back to her family. Upon arrival she had no other choice but to become an indentured servant. In trying to protect her virtue she realizes she must run away and ends up owning land in Oregon.

  Both Finn and Maureen must fight to claim their land, their freedom, and each other. Will they get a chance to build both their amazing love and a lasting legacy- the Langley Legacy?

  Beare and Forebeare

  1875-Patrick’s Proposal -Hildie McQueen


  Langley’s Legacy - 1875

  Patrick's Proposal

  A rash marriage proposal changes their lives forever, but will it keep her from danger or make things worse?

  Emma Davis has no recourse but to run for her life on a stormy night. Seeking shelter in a barn she prays for a reprieve from a life of misery. When the son of a family in good standing helps her, Emma knows he’ll expect something in return. It’s time to run again, but where can she possibly go?

  Patrick Langley’s life has been good but predictable. When a woman needing protection enters his life on a stormy night, little does he realize, just how much things are about to change. She brings equal parts of passion and danger. The first is stronger than any storm.

  A story of trust and new beginnings.

  “ Beare and Forbeare”

  1899 - Donovan’s Deceit - Kathy Shaw Amazon

  Langley Legacy-1899

  Can love grow in a bed of lies?

  After ten years of dodging the law, bounty hunters and Pinkerton agents, the infamous outlaw Donnie Langley wants to go straight. Only he'll have to "die" first.

  In a bizarre twist of fate, Donovan finds his identical twin brother dead. The opportunity for Donovan to live his life as his law-abiding brother surrounded by family is too great to squander.

  But his brother had secrets of his own. Like his impending marriage to the Sheriff's daughter.

  Beare and Forebeare "Be patient and endure"

  1933 - Aiden’s Arrangement - Peggy McKenzie

  Langley’s Legacy - 1933

  Can an arranged marriage between two feuding families create a new beginning and help them survive the catastrophic financial devastation of the Great Depression or will secrets and betrayal doom them all to failure?

  Maura Jackson has heard about the feud between her family and the Langley’s since she could walk. Her papa made certain she knew every despicable detail. She wanted to hate Aidan Langley. She needed to hate him. It was her duty to her family to hate him. But, ever since that hot summer day when she and Aidan caught each other swimming nude, she has had a hard time convincing herself what she feels for Aidan Langley is hate. It feels like so much more. Now, her parents have agreed to a business arrangement with the Langleys. She and Aidan will marry and have a child—the link that will bind the families together. But can she keep her part of this arrangement without losing her heart to the handsome enemy?

  Aidan Langley’s life had been pretty good up to this point. But when financial setbacks threaten to rob his family of everything his parents and the generations before them worked so hard to claim, he was agreeable to do just about anything—even when his parents asked him to marry Maura Jackson, the great niece of the man who accused his dad of ruining him and caused a black mark on his family’s name. Could their union truly unite these two feuding families, or would their animosity toward each other tear them even farther apart? Aidan wasn’t convinced it could work but he would do his duty to his family’s legacy. One thing was for certain, his heart would never belong to Maura Jackson—and as soon as he lived up to his end of the bargain, he would set her free.

  A story of perseverance and discovering love in the last place you expected to find it.

  “ Beare and Forbeare”

  1968 - Heath’s Homecoming - Merry Farmer Amazon

  Langley Legacy - 1968

  Returning Vietnam War vet Heath Langley has a powerful family legacy to live up to. But his experiences in the jungles of Vietnam, including losing his best friend, have left him struggling to find his place in the world. Everything he thought his life would be has changed, and he doesn’t know how to keep up. Only one thing grounds him and keeps him going, the girl he left behind.

  Barbie Rose is determined to be more than her mother’s generation ever dreamed of being. She’s well on her way after Aiden Langley hires her to manage Legacy Ranch. But not everyone likes seeing a woman in charge, and when Heath returns, her heart and her future hang in the balance. Especially since she can see how much healing Heath has to do.

  But what could be the perfect relationship hits a snag when Barbie and Heath find themselves at odds over the horse that their friend Davy left behind after giving the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Can they learn to compromise and find their way forward together, or will the Langley Legacy end with them?

  Beare and Forebeare

  Present - Collin’s Challenge - Sylvia McDaniel Amazon

  The Langley Legacy Present Day

  Can love overcome a generational feud?

  For generations, Collin Langley’s family has owned the largest Appaloosa ranch in New Dawn, Oregon. When a long lost member of the Jacks
on’s lays claim to the land, reigniting the Langley-Jackson feud, he’s more than irritated. When the judge allows her petition to live at the Legacy, he’s furious. Except the red-haired beauty is not only gorgeous, but smart.

  JoLeigh Jackson learns that the ascendant who joined the ancestral land with the Langley’s wasn't the heir apparent. Needing a large piece of property to fulfill her dream of an animal genetics lab, JoLeigh files suit against the despised Langley’s.

  Can JoLeigh and Collin overcome secrets from the past? In the end, will possession of the land matter, or will love lay claim to their hearts.

  “Beare and Forebeare” (be patient and endure)

  About the Author

  Sexy Cowboys and the Women Who Love Them...

  Finalist in the 2012 and 2015 RONE Awards.

  Top Pick, Five Star Series from the Romance Review.

  Kathleen Ball writes contemporary and historical western romance with great emotion and

  memorable characters. Her books are award winners and have appeared on best sellers lists including: Amazon's Best Seller's List, All Romance Ebooks, Bookstrand, Desert Breeze Publishing and Secret Cravings Publishing Best Sellers list. She is the recipient of eight Editor's Choice Awards, and The Readers' Choice Award for Ryelee's Cowboy.

  Winner of the Lear diamond award Best Historical Novel- Cinders' Bride

  There's something about a cowboy

  Other Books by Kathleen

  Lasso Spring’s Series

  Callie’s Heart

  Lone Star Joy

  Stetson’s Storm

  Dawson Ranch Series

  Texas Haven

  Ryelee’s Cowboy

  Cowboy Season Series

  Summer’s Desire

  Autumn’s Hope


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